>Metro: Exodus was a massive flop as an Epic exclusive
>It was Private Division's call to make The Outer Worlds an epic exclusive
>Obsidian is not happy about it
Metro: Exodus was a massive flop as an Epic exclusive
Other urls found in this thread:
>10 hour long story
>only two small planets to explore
>no open world
>no third person camera
>no mods
>no romance options
>LGBTQUAI themes
>Epic store exclusive
Oh well, I was only half interested anyway. Chinsects aren't getting my money.
make fake news doesn"t make them true.
>Obsidian is the good guy getting fucked over I s-swear!
Of fuck off.
>10 hour long story
>no third person camera
>no mods
>no romance options
>LGBTQUAI themes
I'm serious look at the dev interviews they cut everything cause 'work is hard'
No romance is true is the only thing I remember from a video interview
name one thing they cut due to being lazy
obsidian did literally nothing wrong
you seem to know a lot about a game that's not even made yet.
>Playing an Obsidian game at launch
>Not waiting a year for all the patches and DLC to come out
It's a blessing in disguise.
Over an hour of 'no time no budget we hate working'
No it won't be, formerly a year later you'd pick it up on sale. Now it's going to be 'new' so it'll be full price for at least another year after that.
No budget and no time are legit excuses
i would much rather them finish and polish everything in the game than end up with another KOTOR 2
>Obsidian's most polished 2 hour game with no features
Too bad for them. Day 1 pirate.
>2 hours
either provide a source or shut the fuck up
>no open world
Thats a positive, fuck the open world meme
I get why devs use zero sum arguments to justify lazy cash grabs. Why do consumers?
>claims game is short
>provides literally no source
like i said, provide proof of this baseless claim or shut the fuck up :)
Don't worry, I'll foot the bill.
>making good games
Is it 2010?
>Metro: Exodus was a massive flo-
Cope valve drone, you are the MySpace of gaming
Yet overall sales are down
>refuses to release actual numbers
>game in 2013 releases lower than a game in 2019
>game gets a bigger advertising budget than it did in 2013
2.5 times 2 is still pathetic.
Major cope
>It sold 2.5 times
>for the same amount of release time
>comparing it to a game that released 6 years ago with no marketing
>we wont tell you how much that is though
Look how hard they've had to work to make that sound impressive
major shitpost
Literal lie with no evidence to back it up.
Major Tiananmen Square Massacre
Wow, they've just removed a big chunk of potential customers. I wasn't gonna buy any way but, wow.
>Obsidian becomes Epic Exclusive
that's alright, literally everyone of any merit left Obsidian already. It's just untalented SJW interns and Feargus, who from what I can tell is sort of a slimeball. He tried to push a fucking Obsidian-run bitcoin miner "Steam competitor", do you remember that shit?
>with no marketing
pic related
Sawyer is very talented fuck you
tyranny and poe 2 are excellent games
>epic has lied recently
>it cant lie again
Oh jeez I'm glad we got some FIGURES there.
Obsidian like so many great companies, is dead. This is a joke. It sounds like an empty shell with (based on the trailers) really annoying humor. And since the main story is an anti corporatist one (something that used to would've not mean this) it will no doubt have other political bs shoved into it.
Im not buying
2.5 times zero is still zero fagtron
Why doesn't Valve just lower their cut? It's not like they need money to develop games anymore.
Gaben needs to keep adding to his sick knife collection
Why can't they give us an exact number, or hell, even have a system/API that can read the amount of players playing... it
Oh wait
This is tencent trash
hour long story
>>only two small planets to explore
>>no open world
>>no third person camera
>>no mods
>>no romance options
>>LGBTQUAI themes
>>Epic store exclusive
wew lad
It’s SJW trash, anyway.
im not racist but if china along with all the chinese citizens erased along with it tomorrow i wouldn't shed a single tear. fucking chinks
Its because they don't need to
Epic is barely a competitor contrary to what shills want you to believe.
Everyone here is also forgetting that the division 2 sold so well on the Epic store that Ubisoft is making more deals with them in the future
You would start crying as soon as you found out how expensive things would become.
If you want to wipe out the chinese, hope that total manufacturing automation becomes a thing.
You mean Epic paid them too much.
Game is going to be shit because nuObsidian sucks and fanboys haven't picked up on that but:
>no open world
>no romance options
Neither of these things are bad. Not every game needs to be open world and 90% of vidya romances are trash, look at the ones in Deadfire and tell me with a straight face you want more of that.
It literally is lies though
>thing I don't like
>>Metro: Exodus was a massive flop as an Epic exclusive
Citation needed
i dont buy anything made in china
Lmao hate to break it to you but reddit and Yea Forums aren't the entirety of the gaming community. You really think all of these publishers and studios would be doing this if it wasn't viable for them, that there isn't some sort of confirmation that there games will sell fine on their platform?
Winnie the pooh
Front row second from the left certainly does anal.
There's plenty of other shithole countries that can manufacture our fake plastic dog poop or whatever it is China makes.
More like drove more people to Uplay
Ubi is playing epic hard and laughing all the way to the bank
>no open world
>no romance options
Is this how you you get your kicks? Just posting "cope" over and over? Maybe you should take a break and play some video games or something, user, this can't be healthy for you.
it's a pirate's life for me
>thinking shills are rational
you have made a grave mistake
Based lack of features
Why would they be unhappy?
The game looked like shit and would've flopped hard anyway, but now Obsidian gets chinkbucks to stay afloat for a little longer.
>New Vegas is unfinished
>i-it's Bethesda's fault!
>PoE and Tyranny are shit
>i-it's Paradox's fault!
>Outer Worlds is on Epic Store
>i-it's Private Division's fault
It´s the meme from the Sekiro-threads, just slightly changed
Not having an open world isn't a lack of a feature.
The devs want everyone to play it. Private divisions just wants maximum profits
>some nobody makes something up for views
qt slav girl
What was the lie about? First I'm hearing about this.
It is viable for them because Epic is paying them out the ass so they can be their bitch for the year.
to be fair 18 months is an insanely short development time
Do you gwt your kicks by deluding yourself into thinking the world is lying to you cause they arent on your platform of choice?
I'm just going to mail $60 to Obsidian after I pirate it.
>>New Vegas is unfinished
>>i-it's Bethesda's fault!
It unironically was though
they only got about a year to make an open world game
Not really, I'm just not a gullible retard who believes anything some literal who on the internet says. Show me the source, that's all that matters.
fine Illplay along
I find that incredibly hard to believe. In the off chance it's true though, chances are those products still consist of Chinese built components.
>not being open world is a lack of feature
It's properly hub based, what's wrong with that? Yea Forums seems to hate a lot of games that are open world for no reason except botw.
This, people let Obsidian off with far too much. Plus they are barely the same company that made NV, most of those people left and got replaced by the fags who made trash like PoE and Tyranny.
Sawyer is a fucking no fun allowed cuck obsessed with balance in single player games.
Epic promises 500k units (or more) sold and if they aren't epic pays the difference. Why the fuck wouldn't any publisher take that deal?
>never even played POE or Tyranny and just reposts Yea Forums memes
He kind of makes a point you know??? Gamers are just entitled
>it sold 2.5 times more!
2.5 times what? why won't they post an actual sales number?
Not him but I played them, they sucked user.
That really isn't enough for The Outer Worlds, PoE sold more than double that.
what is this game? i just saw a gameplay video on youtube looks like complete below-average fallout look alike ripoff? looks like ass with 2008 graphics why should i care
Don't forget that alpha protocol was Sega's fault and Kotor II was Lucas Arts' fault
Seriously, every time its not obsidians fault, its the publisher. Theres a pattern here
it's literally free money and they know you fucks are going to buy it anyway
Your right, I can't refute it, consumers are just peasants, they should be grateful they got anything.
>no Brandi Love or Lisa Ann
>liking used up plastic hags
How dare people have standards and choose to spend money how they like. Fucking savages, all of them.
I could have sworn I read somewhere that Sega actually offered them more time, but they refused, though maybe I'm mixing that up with bioware and andromeda. Pretty likely since modern Obsidian is barely any different to Bioware these days.
Said the retard trying to write this game off as a flop with no data
But where's the data?
Oh noooooo I have to download a couple hundred megabyte launcher that runs games just as well as steam nooooooooo the agony us gamers deserve better!!!!!
So many people just like to shit on Obsidian since it became trendy and a meme but have clearly never played any of their games. SAD
who's gonna be the cuck that gets 96
>normalfags actually giving a shit about Last Light at release
>compared to the amount of marketing and shilling Exodus received
>not to mention how much the gaming market has grown the last 6 years
You think normalfags had heard about Metro before exodus? How many people were expecting Last Light to be a GOTY contender like they were with Exodus?
If the actual sales figures were impressive they would have just released them instead of being misleading to make it sound better. You can probably assume that metro Epic sales haven't even surpassed 1 million yet because even that would sound better than "2.5 times the last game for the same amount of time".
DMC5 sold 3 million on steam in its first weekend just for comparison
Epic lied about the launcher prowling through all of your files.
Then people proved it did.
They responded with a "oops lol"
Which is entirely unsurprising to me considering how close they are with Tencent, and pretty much every product that shit out is 50% spyware.
Is this just the Sekiro shitpost repurposed?
Obsidian is only the dev, much like with metro, the decision making is on the publisher's side.
Nigger when there's daily backlog threads on Yea Forums why the fuck should anyone go out of their way to make their lives less convenient? I already have more games than I can play. Missing out on a few games I probably wont even play anyway isn't that big a thing.
To be fair they did get kind of cucked with KOTOR, but Avellone outright said it was also on them for not cutting even more shit.
>When looking back at Knights of the Old Republic II in a 2013 interview, Avellone said that because of LucasArts forcing Obsidian to finish the game in a short time frame of 14 to 16 months, the game ended up being in an "unfinished" state. However, Avellone said that Obsidian was at fault for this due to not cutting out enough things; he noted that all minigames should have been removed, and also said that there were too many in-engine cutscenes.
>Obsidian's co-founder, Feargus Urquhart, said that the game was originally going to be released in 2005, but it was later moved up to December 2004 after E3; according to him, Obsidian had to choose between "get[ting] in trouble or get[ting] it done". Due to this, several cuts had to be made; one of the most major was the droid planet M4-78, which was entirely removed from the game after the 2004 E3 event when the team realized that they wouldn't be able to fit it into the schedule. M4-78's designer, Kevin Saunders, explained that he moved assets from that planet to Nar Shaddaa's yacht level in order to complete it on time, which was prior also likely to be cut from the game.
Ive played
>Kotor II
>Alpha protocol
>Fallout NV
All were unfinished. They were good, but they were still unfinished and buggy. And everytime the blame for this is layed at the publisher's feet rather than obsidian themselves
oh baby
Why does Sawyer hate romances so much? Did someone touch him when he was a kid?
>DMC5 sold 3 million on steam in its first weekend just for comparison
Source on that?
It's also releasing on the Microsoft store, so it's not even an Epic exclusive. I wonder how long the chinks are willing to keep funding this, Fortnite will die eventually.
>unfinished buggy piece of shit great games
welcome to obsidian lol
Epic would be gloating about it if it were true.
Romances in video games are universally shit.
If you actually crunch the numbers, it's a very fancy way of obfuscating the fact that Exodus hasn't even broken 250 thousand copies. It's a complete and utter flop, but they don't want anybody to know just how much the Epic Games store being associated with a potential GOTY tanked it.
>DMC5 sold 3 million on steam in its first weekend just for comparison
LOL no, 3 million counting PS4 and Xbox
>Deadfire poster isn't here
Huh, I expected him to have shown up by now and start posting the rick and morty screenshots or is entire folder of deadfire images.
Don't worry devs still get money if you pirate, pirate away
this dude looks like a child molester
>game becomes epic exclusive
>backlash ensues
>it wasn't our fault, IT'S THE PUBLISHER'S FAULT
this is starting to get repetitive
i made an entire poe2 thread the other day and it got up to about 150 posts and he never showed up
i think he might have finally given up
Don't forget Neverwinter Nights 2 being Atari's fault.
A rational explanation is that some aspect of Obsidian's structure or management prevents them from forming healthy relationships with publishers. There are other mid-tier devs who've published third-party games of similar scale without gaping technical flaws so I doubt it's fundamental to the publishing structure. Maybe their management consistently underestimates the amount of time they need to make games and so doesn't get them the time they need in their contracts. Maybe the time they get on their contracts is tightly controlled but they consistently overexpand past a reasonable project scope. Maybe their contract negotiation process involves waving their dicks around whenever they get bored. Point is that it's apparent that a major aspect is consistently due to Obsidian's own management.
>no open world
>no romance options
How are those a bad thing though?
Fuck open world and fuck romance.
>Yes EGS, please fuck my ass so hard until it's bleeding. C-can I play your games now? You want more ass f-fucking? Y-yeah sure
Retard. You create the game for consumer first not to please the shareholder first. You don't get any cent if you don't appeal to consumer.
This. I was probably going to pick it up as a peripheral interest, but there’s zero chance of me playing it now.
Ah yes. Well done, Obsidian... HOWEVER...
So, I enjoyed 2033 despite how janky it was, never bothered with Last Light but as far as I know the most important thing from that is Artyom got a waifu who is his CO's daughter, is Exodus actually a good game normalfags just didn't care about or did it flop for good reason?
>epic pays a huge lump sum of cash to the developers
>known that this payment is regardless of sales and can even covered missing sales
>epic literally paying for me to pirate the game
>pirating games no longer hurts developers as all revenue is gained from Epic
Did Epic just save my wallet?
Is this really beneficial in long run? Do they have enough fortnite money to sustain a business model like this? I feel like after they stop trying to develop their store into being relevant they'll cut this guaranteed revenue thing
The division sold well, on Uplay.
That was the whole plan, only clueless retards who didn't read past the first line bought it on Epic store.
Even cutting the minigames wouldn't have done much since I only remember two: Pazaak and that one race. Now if they were goddamn retards and wasted good development time on completely overhauling that shitty little racing minigame then it was for sure a terrible decision. Pazaak, hell, all that required was copypasting bioware's code and then modding it a little so the starting player will vary (that was obsidian's upgrade, wasn't it? actually making the first player alternate)
Look at what they are doing in football, just hope that XI Pooh retires soon.
i guess Fallout 1/2 were shit as well
Last I saw he moved onto MK11 and constantly going on about how MK9 chicks looked hotter, shilling his futa on male MK9 fanfic and arguing trannies aren't gay to fuck. I recall he also had a issue with Witcher 3 and MK10, so he's properly shitposting on Cyberpunk and 11.
>DMC5 sold 3 million
>inb4 this site is run by jewish gaben clones
Sounds pretty... epic.
You buy Ubisoft games on uplay then use the uplay points to get discounts on other games. Why the fuck would you use Epic?
Hiring a bunch of semi retired guys who'd have otherwise spent their playing for second division teams?
I think I recall Avellone when he was talking about Obsidian on the Codex he was saying how Fearqus is a brainlet who would act like a cunt with the publisher.
That would neatly explain the entire history of the company but I'm not inclined to make that sort of sweeping generalization without more detail.
They didn't even try to hide it.
A game doesn't need to be open world for the sake of being open world. 1/2's open world complimented the setting and gameplay, if Outer Worlds was also open world it would just be large empty environments with the occasional thing to shoot at and random shit to collect, like RDR2 or BotW.
people seem to be overlooking the fact that it's going to release on the windows store too
it's a retard move but at least it's not a full exclusive like the other shit epic has been grabbing
>It's just another launcher
Everything that is wrong with Steam is worse with Epic. You're still paying the same amount of money for less features and more Chinese spyware just so publishers can make some more Shekels? What do consumers get out of this?
Instead of trying to offer a better service to compete with steam they just pay companies for exclusivity deals. People welcome Epic even though its more cancerous than steam in everyway.
>Devil May Cry 5 sold more than 3 million game copies on Steam alone in its debut weekend. This means that after accounting for sales on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the game is likely nearing 4 million copies sold.
Wanna bet most of them do some PR job, one or two does writing and maybe an artist or two.
Good thing I didn't install this shit
Buying tons of western clubs up and shitting all over football, but mostly the clubs they own because of their shitty government pay structure and incompetent businessmen.
A-Anyone? Just want to know if Exodus is actually a good game that got ignored or if it was shit.
Im a brainlet so spoonfeed me here.
Is it scanning everything on the PC?
He knows that the retards he works with can't get them right.
For your proof see Pillars 2.
Lmao fuck off Skyrim baby
>every article screenshotted ever with a EPIC GOOD STEAM BAD headline was by the same guy
>look up his Twitter
>first tweet is shilling Epic Games Store
Sawyer is one of those retards though.
Because it's nearly impossible to do it well in vidya unless it is a central focus and he wants to focus on more interesting things.
Russians and Arabs have been buying clubs for years, what difference do chinks make (I don't watch divegrass)?
Its literally a contrarian design choice to leave it out.
Well, he knows himself well then.
IMO it's a pretty significant downgrade from 2033/LL. The open world is fucking boring (one area in particular is what I'd consider work rather than enjoyment) and the areas that are more tuned suffer from the day/night cycle as it's almost impossible to stealth during daylight, and the game forces stealth on you if want the ending where the MC doesn't die and take two other people with him. Weapons aren't as interesting, and the gear system is all over the place. For example, you get ammo+ as one of the first upgrades, and you can only choose one item per slot. Near the end of the game you get a medkit/gasmask+ which is almost completely useless as you can craft both of those on the fly while ammo can only be crafted at certain areas.
Just pirate it my man. If you haven't played LL I'd highly recommend it instead though, especially some of the DLC.
>people install this shit
>hell, people are willingly shilling this shit
That is crazy. Tim Weeny even admitted the client reads files it shouldn't, but claims it's "an accident".
Just a more incompetent version of the same problem, luckily Arabs stay out of games and Russians stick to jank.
>no chinkshills replied to this webm
Read your shitty tabloid article retard, their source in the article says
>Devil May Cry 5will PROBABLY sell more than three million units in its own opening weekend.
there is no official number from Capcom
Apparently the whole Sega thing with Alpha Protocol was that the game played like Mass Effect in the first place. Sega didn't like it because they thought the gunplay wasn't good and wanted them to tack on a more RPG like system. They did. It went back to Sega. Sega was happy and offered them more time but they were just done with the project after Sega told them to revamp the whole combat system and the game was in a finished state. Game comes out. Reviewers despise the combat. Obsidian shrugs shoulders and goes to work on Dungeon Siege 3.
South Park was probably their most complete game that only got delayed because THQ went down. They didn't trust Ubisoft but it shipped feature complete and everything on the design spec met without cuts because Ubisoft didn't fuck around with them and tell them to start adding or cutting features (Though mostly because they had Stone and Parker as a bit of a barrier and even under THQ they got minimal corporate interference).
Most of Obsidian's chip on their shoulder is being told they are wrong and being super passive aggressive about it. That's how they lost the original Stormwinds project (Even though as Avellone was saying, Microsoft's requests were totally reasonable and MS were willing to spend more money and add more resources to the project. The leads were happy with it but Fergus was being a stubborn idiot and let the project go instead of just taking Microsoft's resources). It's always been the problem that they were just stubborn about it. Which makes it so funny/weird they sold themselves to Microsoft and now have all the resources they want.
>Metro: Exodus was a massive flop as an Epic exclusive
Its scanning your steam folders for no explainable reason
>It says probably
no it doesnt?
Because he knows only Yea Forumsirgins and trannie scare about vidya romances.
You only have to scroll through any deadfire thread to realize all the talk is about the game having more gay options than hetero ones when most consist of a dozen lines in a 100+ hours rpg
Literally no one that matters care.
The fact that they're willing to disclose exact numbers for Subnautica (which is a free game) but only give a vague estimate for Metro.
I just hope Sawyer can work on another big project, he was really good with NV, I sadly feel like Cain and Boyarsky will leave after this.
>PoE and Tyranny are shit
Those were great, what's wrong with you?
PoE2 was pretty shit tho
>if you pirate Epic buy the game on your behalf
What the fuck, how much money do zoomers spend of Fortnite?
This dude just looks like a fuck. Jesus Christ.
>Source: Dude trust me.
It's actually impossible for a game to flop on the epic store because the publisher receives so much money for their exclusivity deal that they don't even need to sell the game.
Even more reason to pass on Obsidian.
Metro:Exodus was going to be a flop regardless. The Open World Chore games are dead and have been dead since The Witcher 3. People are bored of it. They should have stuck to what they were doing. The first two games were great because you had no idea what to expect.
he never played them obviously, just like 99% of posters giving opinions
what exactly is the point of the thread? I'm not following. to get e-points for not buying something you never wete going to? or are we laughing at epic for fucking over the devs? it all seems to be taking pride in what we arent doing instead of what they are. I dont follow. is it to fit in? prove "superior taste?" its just a shitposting ball pit isnt it
>Alex Scokel
I remember Deadfirefags hyping this guy because he did some Vampire the Masquerade shit or something, or maybe I'm wrong.
All of mommy's credit card.
>both developer and end user win
>only party losing anything is epic
seems like the best case scenario to me.
It's Tencent, who run dozens of chinese market f2p games that contain a level of jewery that would be outrageous in a civilised country.
If it sold well it'd Epic would be screaming it from the heavens. Instead they released a statement with no money put into using sales from a game that had to be remade instead of the sales of the remake, along with not specifying whether or not it included sales off of Epic.
Um, Sweeny dear, if the game sells poorly it damages the brand and future business opportunities for both the developers and the publishers, diminishing prosperity xx
RDR2 was an open world chore game though.
Its mostly based off of assuming it did
the reasoning behind it is that Epic refuses to give us the proper numbers
>and the game forces stealth on you if want the ending where the MC doesn't die and take two other people with him
Fuck that, I hate those games like dishonored that give you a bad end for killing faggots who are trying to fucking kill you.
This. If you think Exodus sold more than Last Light or both of the Redux titles, they wouldn't be braggadocios? They would be waving around like a 18 inch cock at a singles bar.
Drama Lama about some shit SJW gaym by some shit SJW company on some shit SJW board
>metro flopped
No it didn't. Those ecelebs you got there are literally taking out of their asses.
Every article on the matter says clearly - 2.5x the sales of LL in the same period. Also, it already outsold lifetime sales of 2033.
It's not like it gained sales from EGS - the game itself was much more promoted compared to borderline niche LL, but it didn't lose them either.
PoE2 was great though, I can't imagine liking Tyranny and PoE1 and not liking 2.
>Article says sales are 2.5 times better
>Claims sales are down
Yea Forums why do you suck at math?
>I just hope Sawyer can work on another big project
I don't after PoE. Pallegina is fucking awful and is balance autism is annoying as shit.
If it sells poorly the sales figures are secret.
POE1 with the white march is unironically good.
Tyranny is nothing but pure shit.
They are counting steam pre-orders lmao.
His character, Veronica in NV I think, wasn't that great, but the general project came together very well in such a short time.
Cain and Boyarsky mentioned to Game Informer that they plan to stay for longer than they expected they would now they feel a lot more confident in having their ideas backed up. Sawyer in particular mentioned he came back specifically because of the talks he had with Microsoft about what he can get funded as well. They are hiring up a lot at the minute for the next project which might be Sawyers so he might be getting a big project going again.
I absolutely think it sole more than Last Light, that game had zero marketing, was in development hell for a bit and didn't gather the niche audience that 2033 did. I highly doubt it sold more than Redux though, notably because Epic didn't specify that it outsold Redux when everywhere the sells the game calls it "Light LightRedux"
You guys care too much about sales and whose right and whose wrong, I just play Vidya for fun
Go click on the link where it says 3 million, it goes here as their source
Damn, that's really big. No wonder devs are publishing there now. I don't blame them, it seems like a very good business decision, 30% from gabe is way too much of a big cut when they do 0 advertising. I mean, where all this money going to? Certainly isn't fucking steam.
>Epic exclusive
>also available on Windows 10 store
It sold 50000 copies on Epic Games.
What an absolute fucking joke the Epic Chink Store is.
Don't give a shit. Maybe they should do something about it then.
88% of 0 is still less than 60% of 60
Fallout 1/2 can hardly be considered 'Open World' under the common understanding of what that means. Sure, you can technically go to any point on the world map and enjoy endless fields of nothing but it's really only just there so you can have your random encounters between each major hub area in the game.
Why does Josh Sawyer hate love? Is he a white nationalist incel?
And unbanned, why would the janny do that over a roll?
This is just more reason to not buy it. Obsidians been dead for years
>Totally sold well guys, ignore our careful worded use of Last Light
>No actual numbers
>Numbers from other devs come out when they are happy with their sales
Makes me think
and by 60% I meant 70%
He didn't do Veronica, that was Eric Fenstermaker, who also did Boone and Eder in PoE. iirc the only companion Sawyer did was Arcade, and he was the one in charge of honest hearts while Avellone did the other 3 dlcs, which is why Honest Hearts is the least connected to the overarching plot about Ulysses. Plus he isn't the same guy who was the project lead for NV.
Thanks user, you put the final nail in for me.
how will they ever recover
The main story in PoE2 was really boring to me. It didn't grab me the same way PoE's story did. I liked the sailing, but overall I just couldn't get into the world. Factions were interesting, but they felt kind secondary to the world as opposed to being a part of it.
I just never felt as interested in PoE2's story compared to PoE. I felt the same way with Divinity Original Sin 2, but I really enjoyed Div2's combat/mechanics.
>better than this other thing!
This is where lost revenue comes in. If you decided to drive your ice cream truck to a neighborhood full of senior citizens instead of where there are a bunch of kids you might still sell enough ice cream to put some dollars in your pocket but did you sell as much as you could have? No. All the while you pissed off a bunch of your loyal fat kids because granny offered you a gummer as a tip.
>posts some random complete edition that came out years later
>they do 0 advertising
why do indies always try to pull the "my game only failed because steam isn't making it visible enough" card?
I'm wondering about something now, do sony/nintendo take cuts from sales too? I always thought it was a one time fee
This basically means all future 2K games will be Epic Store exclusives. Rip Borderlands 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, Xcom 3 and Civilization 7.
Pillars and Tyranny should have done that for you. Obsidian has been dead since they let go of most of their staff so they didn't get bought out by Zenimax.
>There's a timeline where Obsidian took their offer and continued to make Fallout games
Arcade was pretty good, Avellone's DLCs would have been masterpiece tier if he wrapped it up better, I think Sawyer is still plenty capable, he just lost a lot of the good people that were around him.
I guess I pirate it then, and this won't even do any harm to developer because chankoro already paid for all non-sold copies.
By the way, don't forget that Taiwan is real China.
It's not even a complete edition, they used specific wording of "Last Light on steam"
Seems to me you're the one trying to cope, you chinese spy.
It was hope user and memories of better times that held me on.
Because the s-o-y has rotted their brains.
>posts some random complete edition that came out years later
That'd be the Redux version, the one that sold like 2.5m on PC. Epic is comparing Last Light, the one you're linking to, to Exodus.
I wonder if they are going to try and charge us $60 in a year when it launches on steam.
>>There's a timeline where Obsidian took their offer and continued to make Fallout games
>there's a timeline where Obsidian saved Fallout 4
Fuck Feargus
Does Steam even have high prices? I thought it was known for being a good deal?
>no open world
Besides we already knew that since day 1.
At least post redux sales
Don't worry, some brave retard will soon respond how this article is fake, and some random e-celeb dramaqueen on youtube figured it all out.
They've slowly been decreasing sale prices through out the year's thanks to feminism
I don't know about that, Pillars was pretty disappointing imo and Pallegina sucked. I was never that big of a fan of Arcade either, he suffers from the same problem as Daniel in HH in that no matter what he's not happy in the end. Plus why hang out with that fag when you got ya boi Raul and ED-E?
wrong, they said "last light"
not redux.
Besides, you got both redux games for free if you owned 2033 or last light
Steam has much better prices than normal marketplaces, and then there are other legitimate key sellers that are even cheaper. I got DMC5 Deluxe new for $40.
>literally, and i mean quite literally 0 quality control
>why is my game that keeps being buried into 1000 virus porn exes upload not selling?
Whatever Metro actually sold, I feel like the loss to Outer Worlds' sales will be proportionally more significant because of the relative differences in demographic. Post-apocalyptic shooters are big with general audiences; I think the fact that Borderlands, the Bethesda Fallouts, and now Far Cry can sell millions of copies independently proves that. I might be generalizing but I think broad audiences tend to care less about what launcher they have to use or who's publishing what; they just play the game they want and then they move on. There are more dedicated niche areas of the broader post-apocalyptic shooter fanbase (i.e STALKER) but I think they're a minority.
Outer Worlds, on the other hand, leans closer to the more specific demographic of RPG fans, as it bills itself as "by the original creators of Fallout" among other things. And the thing about hardline RPG fans, in my experience, is that they care way more about their experience and that they tend to be much more technically competent. Spend five minutes on a forum for one of these games and I think you'll see what I mean; people sink hundreds of hours into these games and so they're much more skeptical about the potential time investment when they encounter anything unfamiliar. Your standard RPG nerd is much more likely to have some sort of issue with Epic, and is also much more likely to pirate the game if they still want to play the game despite it.
Bottom line, I think the Outer Worlds is going to be hurt much more in sales than Metro was.
Why? Epic isn't saying Exodus sold more than Last Light Redux, they're saying it sold more than Last Light. It's technically correct, just intellectually dishonest.
kek, this.
Another Resident Homo 2 fail.
They're saying that Exodus outsold Last Light for the same amount of time. So Exodus' first 5 weeks were 2.5 times better than Last Light's. So it hasn't even outsold Last Light yet. It gets even funnier when you realize that they compared it to Last Light and not the redux because Last Light sales figures have never been published and makes it almost impossible to make an estimate.
>Obsidian getting fucked over by publishers
What else is new
Steam takes 30% which is half of what a brick and mortar store takes. This was considered an insanely good deal over a decade ago when they started but people have had it good so long they want more
Steam sales became mediocre 4 or 5 years ago.
I think they mean Steam's cut of the profit.
Can you show where Epic said it sold more than Last Light Redux? According to the image they put out, it only sold more than Last Light which peaked at around 50k.
What CG set before you get nuked
>i-it's the quality control! my game is buried under shit! there are too many bad games, valve help me!
Advertise your own game instead of expecting Valve to do it for you.
Sorry only feminists can know
no they are still good you just own everything youve wanted
>which is half of what a brick and mortar store takes.
These offer a actual physical place for your product
Also xbox and PlayStation offer 30%
>Why don't pc gamers do like me?
>I enjoy bending over and spreading wide for companies
>and I will pay for the opportunity to do so
LL redux is free if you own LL OG so........
Oh well then, epic is paying for my copy? How nice of them.
First valve drones say they deserve the 30% cut because of the "exposure" and steam is "great advertising platform", then they say publishers should advertise their own game better.
Good indie games sell well on Steam, bad or mediocre ones don't. Indie devs are just using excuses to explain why their games aren't more popular.
>makes it almost impossible to make an estimate.
I'd say you can make a reasonable estimate given most games get most of their sales within the first few weeks and that LL released and stopped being sold before Steamspy couldn't rip info off of Steam.
But it's pretty fucking obvious Exodus didn't sell well on PC.
I made Arcade happy in some endings, no homo.
Publishers are who accept these bribes, they get to recoup their investment and whatever comes is a bonus, then the devs are left to deal with the PR nightmare.This or games that are really shitty and the devs are desperate to save themselves, like Phoenix Point.
So? Last Light sold roughly 50k and according to Epic Exodus sold roughly 150k.
Now do Steam and Origin
>that picture
As much as I hate using memes as arguments, I can't refute how much that infographic absolutely disgusts me.
No, they are statistically worse. Valve rolled out some kike scheme done by their (((economists))) about sales devaluing games and started instructing publishers on percentages some time ago, look it up.
Physical retail did 30% when Valve launched Steam.
Now they reduce that 30% when the games sales reach certain points.
Doing this. I want the devs to get money, not the fucking chinks running EGS.
It's not about entitlement, you dipshits literally are marketing against competition.
You want steam to have a monopoly? Why not argue against Battle.net and Origin too while you're at it.
Wait wait wait. So SO FAR it has sold 2,5x the amount of copies last light sold on DAY ONE ONLY on steam?
Fucking LMAOing at Epic's life rn. Absolutely SHAMEFUR DISPRAY.
>hey deserve the 30% cut because of the "exposure" and steam is "great advertising platform"
where did i say this? all i said that indies shouldn't blame "steam advertising" for their games failing. if you want people to know about your game shill it yourself.
So buying last light getting sold for $3 years later and being bundled in humble bundles doesn't mean LL Redux sold well, its a free graphics mod its "sales" numbers dont matter
man, if exodus sold millions they would be bragging about it like no tomorrow
just like they bragged about the total downloads of subnautica and slime rancher
but instead they say "it sold x2.5 more than LL on steam at LAUNCH" what the fuck does that even mean? they're trying to be vague as hard as they can, and you're gullible enough to believe it
don't even bother replying with insults, i don't even buy games, just wanted to point out how absolute moron you are
They are adding Nvidia bonus code into the sale.
>They/Them, She/Her, He/Him
Why did Xim/Xir mean by this?
>bethesda game on sale a few years ago
>$2.50 or $5.00
>bethesda game on sale now
>$5.00 or $10.00
>steam sales are as good as ever you're just imagining it
>Epic Games launcher has 85 million users
>tfw 5% of your customers actually get your free game
Move over boys, you won't be licking Gaben's chicken nugget flavored asshole for much longer.
They stopped being really good with the removal of flash sales and daily deals after refunds were introduced.
gonna need more of bottom row second from left
Why hasn't anyone pointed out Outer Worlds is launching on the Windows store as well? That's perfectly fine these days for games, its not like its GFWL or some bullshit.
>It sold 2.5 times
>comparing it to a game that released 6 years ago with no marketing
>we wont tell you how much that is though
Pretty wacky
People fell for that bait?Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
>Sold a million copies!
>For 10 US cents each to Chinese drones
Mmm success
Is this true? If so, will it release at the same time as on Epic or as on Steam?
It's launching on Epic and Windows Store. I believe it's exclusive to those two platforms for the first year, then it will go to Steam/probably GoG.
ubi stopped shilling out to thri party programs to install their games, their primary source for all their games now is uplay regardless of whether or not you are on steam or epic.
That'd be taking the piss
Any source for this?
UWP is worse than anything GFWL offered barring paid online, fuck outta here shill.
care to explain why
and what are the sales figures for Steam? 3x? 4x? 8x?
oh wait they fucked over fans so many didn't purchase it
What a bunch of faggots. They're so obviously trying to keep Steam out of the picture.
Its not on steam retard
>throw money at devs to get exclusivity
>have to pay them more for each sale quota they don't reach
doesn't seem like a long-lasting business plan
my friend, you are dumb as fuck
Seeing as Epic was so kind as to pay for my copy, I'll be happy to grab it off my pt when it comes out.
it's not, they're trying to grab as much of the market as they can from steam as quickly as possibly by throwing money around. if fortnite slows down or dies off before the epic store is self-sufficient they're boned.
I think they have enough V-Buck money to last almost forever anyways. Long term plans and stuff.
>I think the Outer Worlds is going to be hurt much more in sales than Metro was.
If you also consider how Obsidian's games never really sell a ton regardless of quality, you're probably right.
>they're boned
Doubt it. Chinese will throw a shitload of money at Epic to continue being faggots.
They received a 1+ billion dollar investment late 2018 and also have Unreal Engine as their primary product. They can keep buying exclusives for years.
>"With its new Universal Windows Platform (UWP) initiative, Microsoft has built a closed platform-within-a-platform into Windows 10, as the first apparent step towards locking down the consumer PC ecosystem," said Sweeney. "Microsoft has launched new PC Windows features exclusively in UWP and is effectively telling developers you can use these Windows features only if you submit to the control of our locked-down UWP ecosystem."
>"The specific problem here is that Microsoft's shiny new 'Universal Windows Platform' is locked down, and by default it’s impossible to download UWP apps from the websites of publishers and developers, to install them, update them, and conduct commerce in them outside of the Windows Store," said Sweeney. "It's true that if you dig far enough into Microsoft's settings-burying UI, you can find a way to install these apps by enabling 'side-loading.' But in turning this off by default, Microsoft is unfairly disadvantaging the competition."
>"Microsoft has launched new PC Windows features exclusively in UWP and is effectively telling developers you can use these Windows features only if you submit to the control of our locked-down UWP ecosystem. They’re curtailing users' freedom to install full-featured PC software and subverting the rights of developers and publishers to maintain a direct relationship with their customers."
gib access
Considering Epic owns and makes money from Unreal Engine they probably won't go out of business due to bleeding money but if Epic Store doesn't work EG will probably just give up on the storefront.
Of course they'll put those numbers when the physical cases came with Epic keys instead of the Steam keys.
We'll see if Epic was a good deal with Outer Worlds
>the Founder and CEO of Epic thinks UWP is bad
holy penis what a scoop!
I was alive and with a functioning brain when steam first appeared. Most people like you, and others, were fuming fuming about how shitty it is. Now here you are, you retarded mongoloids, defending it to the death.
protip: same thing will happen with epic store and the zoomers that are coming from behind and there's nothing you can do about it, incel.
This. Give it 6 months and it will be normalized.
Sweeney is a faggot, but he's right about UWP spelling the end of Windows.
>Most people like you, and others, were fuming fuming about how shitty it is
That was over a decade ago brainlet. I wasnt aware Epic was competing with 2004 Steam.
>functioning brain
You are severely overestimating yourself.
if you presented even a shred of evidence to back up the first, third, and fifth one you'd be okay
as a console pleb who can't afford a gaming PC yet, having too many choices for game launchers seems like such a good problem to have
>something was shitty
>now its less shitty
>we should somehow still be mad at it, and use an even shitter platform
>"hurr *drools on self* that will show them!"
After Pillars of Eternity 2 I would rather them not try to make romance options ever again. Better for them to put their talents somewhere else, whatever they may be.
avellone said that was a completely acceptable amount of time for what they originally planned. they then started adding more and more shit during development. and it was the time obsidian requested anyway. it wasn't something put on them by bethesda.
retarded zoomer, don't use steam then, use epic exclusively if you like it that much
and leave this board, go to reddit or epic forums
As long as you only have to choose one.
Just for reference Gaben has called windows 8 and up a catastrophe which is why he's investing so much into the Linux platform.
>epic forums
>still pretending it's about having to install a launcher
>obsidian calls for a 1 year delay
>epuc exclusivity deal is ONLY one year
>a functioning brain
You clearly don't considering that your Chinese
Did they get the Steam sales number from their datamines?
>Tries to call out some user as stupid.
>Can't spell.
Where's the option to wait for the exclusivity to pass and then buy it?
RIP Outer Worlds. It's done. It's dead in the water. Congratulations Obsidian&MS. FUCK YOU BOTH AND ESPECIALLY YOU EPIC GAMES
>Thought Yea Forums was just being its normal, negative self
>It really is an hour of excuses
>LGBTQUAI themes
You're precious New Vegas had it too.
New Vegas wasn't obnoxiously gay.
Difference is that its not completely obvious that Arcade is gay
Outer Worlds will likely have one of the characters screeching that they are gay.
wtf I love epic now. Thanks for buying my game!
>its not completely obvious that Arcade is gay
It is obvious for someone else though
do these characters have backgrounds? i actually just use them as cannon fodder to kill the strong mobs in the early game, i only care about Boone.
maybe if China was erased all the jobs that were shipped off to China would come back.
the dumbest move they could have made with the game. now they wont get free bug fixes mods and all the other things steam community can do
I seriously beat the game several times without even talking to her. She doesn't stand out.
But I will say that she and her girlfriend in Dead Money weren't obnoxiously gay. They had decent writers so they felt natural and real. In something like Bioware you have hack writers throwing token characters around left and right. Its so blatantly forced that it highlights the already shitty writing.
>i only care about Boone.
They don't actually give a shit. It will sell way more on PS4 and xbone then on PC anyways. PC folks just pirate shit
Does anybody have the picture of that one absolutely atrocious edgy donut steel OC werewolf/orc whatever character from Pillars of Eternity?
Like I'm going to trust a chink to tell me what 'fake news' is
>Caring about the human characters.
>Not just picking EDE or Rex.
You are just that retarded /pol/ zoomer that is screeching about Tim Cain being married to a man while ignoring he’s been openly gay since the early 90’s aren’t you
Or Raul
consider how many famous inventors, actors, artists, politicians, etc were gay
stop acting like being gay invalidates someone's work you mung
What the fuck are you talking about?
>famous inventors, actors, artists, politicians, etc were gay
Name them
Am I blind, or did FO4 not have any gay characters? They forced all the romance options to be bi so your character choice mattered even less, but I don't recall seeing a single gay couple anywhere. You'd think there would be a token one somewhere given the company.
they figured the player would be enough.
> manchild molester
ie steam users
Bisexual characters = player has more options = less replays = more hours on single playthrough = another statistic for bethesda to boast about
strictly gay/straight characters are finished. A thing of the past.
>Metro: Exodus was a massive flop as an Epic exclusive
I was going to pirate this anyways. I don't trust nu-obsidian to make a good game in current year
>but now Obsidian gets chinkbucks to stay afloat for a little longer.
user, Take 2 gets the chinkbucks. Obsidian doesn't need it.
Obsidian is owned by Microsoft has nothing to gain from this deal but negative PR. I bet you they are fucking pissed by this.
>not wanting to give China all your data
what are you guys gay?
No one is defending Steam, just attacking Epic, you dipshit shill.
But it was, dumb roach shill.
If fortnite zoomers are suppose to buy games in ebin store, why the need for exclusives? Don't they have more than a hundred million potential buyers?
It's highly likely that the vast majority of people who use Epic's launcher to play Fortnite will only ever use it to play Fortnite. They don't see it as a store, they see it as "the Fortnite launcher", and need to be incentivized to spend money on things that aren't Fortnite.
Epic is power hungry and wants to make a monopoly which is why they buy exclusives so more people will come
But they did?
Only with vague estimates. Compared to how they're willing to disclose exact numbers for Subnautica (a free game). Epic would waving Exodus' sales like a big cock and balls in a cat house if it sold desirably to expectations.
Trannysidion btfo
Isn't obsidian owned by Microsoft and they are the ones dictating where it releases?
Resident Evil 2 remake sold tons of copies. What are you talking about?
Why are Japanese devs the only ones not bending over for Epic?
They are.
Steam doesn't troll your hard drive for things that aren't steam related. Origin did, but after a big data privacy scandal it only does it's own content as well.
The scary part is the epic launcher datamines your steam data EXPLICITLY without utilizing the proper API and are genuinely accessing more information about your steam account than they should be.
How bad is the Windows 10 store, since Outer Worlds will be on there too? Literally never even touched it
Just wait a year for Outer Worlds to get on Steam
best part is that once Outer Worlds gets back on Steam it will be a lower price and the bugs will be fixed. You could also just pirate if you want to try it out now
Yar har fiddledeedee.
You are the perfect example to a stupid consumer who falls for marketing ploys.
It's like you didn't even read the article.
The only thing that would make me support Epic is if they started funding games exclusively for PC because consolefags are even worse than chinks.
Will all that shit be gone if I uninstall the epic launcher? I downloaded it like 3 months ago to try fortnite and see if it was good (it was not) and never touched it since. I downloaded one of their free games as well.
>Exodus sold about 50000 copies
I think Unreal Engine is pretty good and cool
The program will be gone but they've already go (and probably resold) your data and odds are there's some sort of rootkit on your system now. Run malware bytes and hope for the best. Never trust anything connected to China.
How fun is E3 going to be with all the epic exclusive announcements?
It's not a bad engine, just tied to a really shitty company and not really worth the license
Not that user, but basically in the same situation. How do you guys rate Webroot? I've heard some mixed views.
pro tip from someone that works in software, never trust anything from China, the whole software industry there is basically a data aggregation scheme
Not tried it, malwarebytes works ok for me, not heard anything bad about webroot tho
Thanks user, i'll be on the lookout for those chinks from now on.
>people are excited for an Obsidian game again
>immediately throw it all away
loving every laugh desu
What game is this again?
How bad is the microsoft store these days? I wanna support the devs at launch but fuck the chink store.
here's a specific game
>Epic exclusive
lol fucking DROPPED
>Can't spell.
>You clearly don't considering that your Chinese
He used the wrong "you're", otherwise literally everything was spelled correctly.
You're the stupid one here, bud.
>made by Monomi Park
>Founded in 2014 in sunny San Mateo, California
go fuck yourself
chinksoft does it again
>people circlejerking about how bethesda is bad (even thought they put 1000 hours in skyrim)
>praising obsidian even though most people have only played new vegas for like 2 hours
>calling it the second coming of rpgs
>their hopes now crushed by epic.
but their name is Monomi Park. It's japanese. Dont trust jewgle