3 > 1 > 5 >= 4 >>> reboot >= 2

Nerofags need not apply

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Other urls found in this thread:

>1 > 5 >= 4

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Here's the only tier list that really matters:

Butthurt nerofag detected

>Beowulf greater than anything
Sorry, infinite dive kicking is a shitty mechanic. Now, DMC4 Beowulf was pretty kush, but mostly because it copied Gilgy's moveset.



2 is better than DmC but otherwise PERFECT.


5 >= 3 > 1 > shit > 2
Never played Donte's game


>2 is better than DmC

No way man, DMC2 is just awful in every way shape and form. DmC at the very least is an ok action game with a laughably bad story.

2 is still better.

Why do people rate 1 so highly? its decent sure, but gameplay wise 5 and 4 are way better

Because some people aren't mindless combo bots.

why people shit so much on 2?
it had the best Dante design, Lucia a cute, and the story wasn't that bad

4 had more variety, even more than 1 (even if Mallet Island was pretty comfy)

I never played 3, never cared about yung dante

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Same reason as people who still say OoT is the best Zelda.

but muh comboez, muh nero :(((

>I never played 3, never cared about yung dante
You are a a man of taste and great confusion.

>likes 2
>hasn't played the best game in the series just because dante is young in it
Get help.

That's a terrible analogy brother.

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5 > 3 > 1 >>> 4 >>> DmC >>> 2

>equal to 3

DMC4 is the worst good DMC.

at the time, it felt forced to make a prequel and it felt like DmC when it came out

I was wrong of course, now I can see it; but it wasn't my jam
I kinda liked 2 tho, and 4 was pretty cool because it had lot of diverse areas just like 1
I guess 5 feels a lot like 3 and that's why I feel like something's missing, since I never played 3; but it doens't have the same atmosphere that 1 and 4 had

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>muh quality

Also this autist clearly hasn't even played the older games.

Any list that has 1 above any game other 2 is wrong. Take off those nostalgia goggles and see it for the outdated trash that it is.

While it is lacking in gameplay, it does have a certain atmosphere that the other games don't have, especially toward the end of the game. You fucking remember your first encounter with nobodies in DMC1

Nelo angelo > any vergil encounter even for super ultra violet alone fite me

Just go play 3, right now.

>at the time, it felt forced to make a prequel and it felt like DmC when it came out
You fucking what

I'll do that when you realize how trash 5 also is.

I haven't even played 5 yet, but I've tried 1 at least 4 times over the course of a decade and it's never been good.

I'm ok with this.

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This is why ratings on Yea Forums are so dumb. How can you rate something if you weren't even able to play it? You have to appreciate something or play it without bias to understand it, you weren't even able to do that so how would you know how good or bad it is?

>me can't like
>it bad game
That isn't how it works, Timmy.

5 > 4 > 3 > 1 > 2

3 > 5 > 1 = 4 > 2

>5 story

he didn't say that

Dante's beo was shit

He's implying that it's better than 1 or even 4.

2 had no story, Dante's design is overrated, and Lucia was just aping Trish

yes, and?

I was tempted to put it as equal to 1's, as I still like its straightforward story for different reasons, but despite being kinda rushed towards the end, I found myself getting really into it for the first time since like 3. Maybe I'm a little harsh on 4's story though. I haven't played it since SE came out, but the first time I played it when the original came out and then again when SE came out, it just didn't really grab me as much as any of the others.

That's wrong. 4 and especially 1 have a better story.

100% better than 4.

DMC1 didn't have a plot as much as a great B movie horror atmosphere.

Not as good as 3.

5's only problem is that it kind of falls apart at the end - Dante doesn't have that much of a reason to go after Vergil other than HURRRR GRUDGES and then they get trapped in hell for some reason.

I knew it
I fucking new it
Dantefags just can't handle having their little manchild in "their" game exclusively. It hasn't been his game since DMC3 and you fucks just can't handle it. Grow the fuck up or get out of the hobby!


>DMC1 didn't have a plot
Are you retarded or did you just not play the game?

>100% better than 4.
It's funny because this isnt' even remotely true if you look at them without bias.

Yea Forums is so dumb.

Imagine pretending you're a DMC fan and saying something like this.

The future is now old man

Attached: imagine3.png (1280x720, 966K)

DMC1 is more of an action adventure game compared to the rest of the series, which are pure action games

Because it's just a bad game. A really bad game by any standard. 2 was my first DMC game and it put me off from the series for 10 years. I legitimately thought the series was trash because 2 was my only experience with it for a long time.

I don't thnk people even played it honestly.

I beat it, both characters. It is thoroughly boring.

I think 3's story is as good as 5.

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the future is having problems with the syntax?

5 is a good game but anyone who puts him first is a fucking idiot/didn't played the rest

3 >= 5 > 1 >> 4 >>>>>>>>> DmC >> 2

Holy shit I thought it was ghost data. No wonder he was taunting back.

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Gameplay>anything else
I can see the argument for 3, 5, or even 4 being best but 1? Fuck off nostalgia fag.

the story of 2 shouldn't be that low, it was the one of the less convoluted mess in the series.

3 is still the best all around, and the style switcher mod is a great bonus.

>urr durr i'm here talking of a game a didn't played hope no one will notice

>redditor meme poster nerofag thinks 5 has good story
What else is new?

you mean nero angelo

good ranking op, i approve

While I don't agree with OP's ranking of 1 there is a sort of charm in DMC 1 that I can't really place my finger on. Kinda like how Onimusha quite enjoyable to play despite being an action game with tank controllers.

Why are the environments in DMC5 so shit?

If there's a icon next to their name it's real time. If there isn't, it's ghost data

They were busy giving Nero new meme arms and making V a thing that they forgot games are supposed to have different levels.

5 has by far the best gameplay, which makes it the best game.

I blame Nero much more than V. V is at least a cool concept, even if he's easy. Nero is just a shittier Dante with meme arms.


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>OLD GOOD NEW BAD thread again

2008 - Forever

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They are better than 3.

I miss how detailed the puzzle items were in 1, lads.

Were there even any puzzles in 5?

>if you think 4 and 5 are better then 1 it's because you're a Nerofag

I wonder if OP doesn't like Nero guys

They are not.

>Above-ground tower with varied architecture and color palette
>Inside a demon whale
>Below ground tower with varied architecture and color palette (and some bland areas)
>Transformed above-ground tower

>City ruins/sewers/subway/rocky ruins
>Black tree innards
>Light gray tree areas

>all these suckers that bought the game before the special edition comes out

I pirated the game and will pirate bloody palace too because fuck Denuvo cancer

thanks for doing your part, soldier.

5>3>4>1>reboot>mobile phone port of 4> 2


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The mobile port of 4 was actually shockingly legit, it even had a Nero boss fight.

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It only has gameplay as far as character mechanics, it doesnt have balanced enemy design or very good bosses

You see DMC games are usually excelent, DMC2 is a decent game but REALLY BAD compared to the other DMC games,its your average ps2 era game desu

DONT PEOPLE SEE THAT OR WHAT, sorry im relaxing now but it makes my blood boil seeing that game praised as the holy grail of DMC when it isnt even near

Just got home. Is Reuben still safe from controversy?

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1 > DmC: DE > 3 > 4 > 5

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oh and to >>No.455252483 Akira and Ryo from Devilman, willl bring dmc to nipponland so capcom can say it coming home plus the colours from mission 2... just imagine what they could do with the whole dlc pack/game as that and can give an origin to satan, the true demon king

3 > Reboot > 5 > 1 > 4 > 2

If a Nero player were to use Ragtime Breakage on a level where you can see other players but can't go to where they are, would time slow down for the other player as well?

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storywise id go 3 = 1 = 5 (they are all exellent, not perfect but really good imo) > 4 > 2 >>>>>>>>> donte

>tfw just learned that 4's nero ex color is THIS
Dad would've been proud

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He's still tweeting crazy shit and literally no one cared outside of one thread of those retards in resetera and one or two trash sites that wanted clickbait bucks. No one important picked up the story or gives a shit. Morrison's VA might be done though, even though they lied about him doing blackface.

>5 >= 4
kys nigger

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So is there a recommended build to be able to play at 4k hdr 60fps? The cutscenes look far too good.

Everyone says 2 is shit, should I bother playing it? Just finished 1.


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Decent modern CPU, and maybe a GTX1060. The game really isn't that demanding.

5's story writing is on par with 3's but 3 has better structure thus putting it above


V is gay
So Vergil is a repressed gay
And that's ok. Dante will pick out a good bf for him. Chicks love to see that shit. Dante will be rolling in pussy. Win/win.

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Ignore that, I skimmed over the 4k part. Even then you'd probably get good performance with those parts unless you wanted to max it out.


Power Rangers hires people who can do IRL stunt work so they're useful for the mocapping.

>still playing the contrarians after 6 months
wow anons i don't know what to say

even if you don't like Little V just listen to both versions back to back
how can you even prefer what we got?

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What kind of degeneracy is that, Dante? First Mom's amulet, and now THIS?

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5 > 3 > 1 > 4 > 2
Nostalgiafags need not apply, especially 1fags. Mallet Island being pretty does not make it the best.

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Even discounting the fact that you're retarded and posting a fan chop up for Subhuman, Little V's instrumentals are the most bland boring trash and the dude couldn't sing well if his balls were on the line.
Unironically worse than the original Subhuman

>Reading Before the Nightmare
>Redgrave is pretty much Not-London
>Dante, Trish and Lady dont live in Redgrave, and actually need to fly there by helicopter (provided by morrison), so its safe to assume they still live in the UK.
>V "chickens out" from the tree (we see it in-game in the first dante mission), go back to the helicopter, then flies to Fortuna (Not-Vatican in Not-Italy)
>By helicopter
>He flies there and comes back with Nero in 2.5 hours
I know its such a small detail, but it gets to me.

In the original game, Dante was meant to live in the USA, and there is nothing wrong with it. He could been born in London, moved to the USA for a new life, traveled all over the world (2 takes place in Not-South America), then Morrison flies him into Redgrave for 5.
V could have called Nero earlier.
Why retcom the story of the series in a way that makes no sense?

So less mechanics and complexity makes a game good?

feel free to listen to the full version, i'll wait

The mirage arenas don't get enough love

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I don't like either of them, go away redditard.

I think the guy has talent, but I can't stand his vocals. I'd still put his version over the original trash version of Subhuman, but not the newer one.

>DLC expansion about Dante and Vergil in Hell involves them going through all nine layers to get to the bottom and kill Mundus permanently for old time's sake
>Vergil guides Dante because he's been in Hell enough as is
>Story is primarily a character drama about Dante and Vergil's relationship (duh)
>Dedicated coop campaign, level design is focused more around setpieces and shit going off the rails completely with LDK levels of enemies
>First five levels are wacky woohoo pizza man antics but near the back third Hell starts getting noticeably more fucked up and they start getting pretty sick/mildly disgusted of it
>each boss can be loosely based off what their original circle in Divine Comedy represented; the embodiment of Qliphoth, Satan and Mundus are the last three bosses
>Hardest difficulty is called Divine Tragedy

I don't even give a shit if there's a DMC6 if the inevitable Hell DLC is even half as good as it sounds in my head

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Endless demon anus hallways are very fashionable.

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Best taste goes to you, lad. Though I can't pick one over the other when it comes to DMC5 and DMC3, I love them both.


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Are helicopters cheap in the DMCverse or something? I thought V only mugged a few people to hire Dante.
How can he afford so many trips and hiring the DMC crew?

>get nightmare first
>still take no damage against cavalier
V has some matrix dodging

Fucking hell, I'd buy

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I find it a bit too underwhelming.
At this point, Dante and Vergil are walking gods, and Mundus is at his weakest.
I understand Vergil going "You know, we wont live forever. We should end what our father started so none of our descendants ever get target by mundus", then they go and finish him off, but i dont really imagine it being a big spectacle.

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That's probably why it would be a little DLC.

Dante probably works for pennies.Thats why he is so poor

For every IT HAS BEGUN pasta posted Capcom converted 0.5% of the games environments to the tree.

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>1 is better than anything

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No dude. No.

Nero is a summon swordlet

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At the very least its better than 2 and DmC


what does he mean by this?

Nerofag reporting

1 > 4 > 5 > 3 > DmC > 2

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Nero has summoned claws though

Soon Nerofags will be legion. We're coming for you, bitch.





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>SFM with 5 models have started to emerge
>Lucia doesn't appear
>No porn of the mocha queen & Lady going at it

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>4 > 5
>4 > 3

Not even fucking close

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Legit, and they can do this.

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Was it just to fit in with Donte because Vino or Vergin work a lot better.

This. There's a limit to how contrarian you can be.

He has swords too, he shoots them when you use red queen in DT mode, he also summons a sword that looks like Yamato in one of his DT special moves

Is 5500 the cutoff point for S-ranks in SoS? Cause I just got 5497 and I'd like to know how pissed off I should be.

do not bet troubled user
by the time Lucia shows up the SFM models technique will be perfected

Vergin is best.

5k for DH
5.5k for SoS
5k for DMD

What an awful ranking.

Isn't it still 5k?

6k for DMD* my bad

Well then. Off to scream into a pillow.

Evidently not.

>people complaining about the boss in mission 7 DMD
Did you play with or without a partner?

5 confirms its nelo


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>reboot over 2
>5 over 4
Nah you're a cunt and should promptly kill yourself

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So does V have a special taunt by defeating BP with V?

You have shit taste

4 doesn't have cute nico and nero, automatically inferior.

Yes, his cane permanently turns into a lightsaber.

What form of KINO is this?!

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kill yourself shit taste nigger

5 > 3 > 1 = 4 > > > 2

How the FUCK do you s rank mission 20 on SoS

This fucking judgement cut spam keeps hitting me

I can't believe Spardante is fucking dead

>activate DT in mission 20
>this starts playing

>alright, grandson, your father told me you don't want to have children yet. Come, let's have a talk

Attached: 20190321104129_1.jpg (2560x1440, 447K)

Try using Table Hopper.

Learn to into Table Hopper

>DMC 5 Nero
Have you seen his facial contour when he's in a game over screen?

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Opinion discarded.


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Nero has summoned daggers that go flying when he shoots blue rose while in DT

>Finish SoS
>Vergil is raping me
>D rank
>do it again today
>never got hit
>buster every airplane move

what the fuck

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> DT on mission 20
> this starts playing

That's just you being sly & saying never.

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you don't deserve this game

Don't reply to that user, he's a fujo who unironically thinks sad anime boy is more "chad" than a male model.

Sleeping is how your brain deals with the information from the day. Not a meme, look up a neurological study on sleep affects skill development. Also, its literally impossible to learn while tired/sleepy

His face model looks kinda like Finn Jones so how the hell did Nero get so chad?

That's fine but when I dodge all hisbshit I'm not attacking so my fuckig style meter drops. It seems like I either have a choice of dodging and losing style or goi ng all in, getting some style, and then losing it to a judgement cut while I'm in the air

Isn't this just how Japan is? Men over there have this idea that the more like a little boy you look the more masculine you are. Only homosexuals want to be strongjawed muscular folk. The woman dont agree though and thats why they're losing pop.

homie just dont die, getting s rank is hilariously easy

Yes, ridiculously so.

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I hate how Nero's DT doesn't actually increase his own damage, just adds the summoned claws/daggers, which means his DT doesn't affect breakers AT ALL

I got a question, would V be better if he had just one summon, you take control of that summon, and it's your job to make sure enemies don't get near V? Kind of like a more crazy escort mission type character

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I wonder what Lucia is doing right about now

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why is he so perfect lads

Okay, consider the following scenario:
>Sparda wakes up from the 30 year slumber he needs to take every millennium to restore a bit of his dwindling powers and finds the world in the current state post 5. How does he reacts?

todd howard knew this years ago for oblivion

but no its true, as a somehwat musical person if i cant play something properly ill be able to the next day

sleep is fucking weird, scary shit honestly when you think that we still dont know all about it

Nero and Vergil look Germanic. Dante looks Italian, proof he's adopted?

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You know lads, I've just returned from 1-4 replay ride and it's fucking uncanny how Nero sometimes behaves and looks like his dad, unironically. Some lines, the face is similar as fuck to DMC3 Verg, muh power, the attitude. The autism is indeed strong in this blood.

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He inherited his good looks from his dad

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he immediately goes to whoop Vergil's ass since he knows he's responsible

>3 copies of devil may cry 5 please, steam version, no denovu thank you.


3 > 4 > 5 > DmC > 1 > 2

Scolds the boomer bros and dotes over Nero

I hate both but DmC Special Edition at least was somewhat playable. 2 bores me to tears.

>4 above 5
>DmC above 1
how can one man be so wrong?

What's the name of the Vergil face model?

It was way easier as Dante


Busy being irrelevant.

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3 = 5 > 4 >= 1 > DmC >= 2

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"Seems I missed the demon king event. Must not be a dick who won shit isn't that bad"
"Eva? You haven't aged a day"
"You there white haired boy spar with me."
"Ah yes you are definitely the seed of my seed"
"Where are those two brats at anyway"

It took me 3 hours to kill voltaic knight on DMD because I wanted to do it in style.
Got the easiest RNG on my kill and it looked like the boss was way easier. Despite that I still messed up combos and that made me really sad.

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Dude, are you retarded? They're Turks. You've seen their father.

These fact made all the people denying he was Vergil's son all the more frustrating.

What's the difference between 4 and 4SE ? Only played 4

I dont know why, but i want Sparda to be a "hip and chill" and oblivious father.
>Dante open their hearts and tell everything they been through over the last 30 years
>"Oh, my bad"

4SE is the later version that isn't as toaster-friendly but includes Vergil, Lady, and Trish as playable characters alongside Dante and Nero.

Adam is so hot

>will never s rank voltaic knight, always get caught up with just clashing the whole time
its worth it

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more characters to play the same unfinished game with


is V's "natural" hair color black or white? Is nightmare the black hair on V running off (like how the tatoos are gryphon and shadow) or is it anime power up hair change?

Not him but it was pretty barebones let's be honest.


we see in the cutscene that he's born with white hair, nightmare is the black pigment

3 > 5 > 4 > Dmc > 1 > 2
Oh yeah I forgot the story and repeat parts of 4
1 is just a different kind of game man.

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I imagine he'll be extremely butthurt that Vergil indirectly broke Rebellion.

Nothing he has is natural because he has a magic body.

Maxim Nazarov

Dude, stop.

Not really into Vergil's model. Doesn't help that the face scanning added in 50 pounds.

>Vergil, Lady, and Trish
Is it worth getting for those ?

The way the new Bringer works in this game makes me think it will be much more fleshed out in a future game, so Nero will have 4 "weapons" to use, RQ, BR, Breakers and the Bringer

These threads(my favorite thing>your favorite thing) are made by stupid fucking niggers who can't think of anything original even for a shitpost. Shame on you for participating in this.

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desu I love 3 and played it immediately before 5 released and I don't get why someone would consider 3 the superior game when 5 is an improvement on every meaningful aspect
sure the story is disjointed and could be more focused but it's still well written, often genuinely funny and has some god tier characterisation

This stinks of a divide and conquer tranny thread

What the hell were their excuses once the third son possibility was ruled out?

Vergil is crazy strong when you git gud as him and fun to play as, worth getting just for him
Trish and Lady are meh

hopefully 5 dlc will give Vergil his own campaign

White. Big boi lives in his hair

yeah those thinly veiled shitposting threads are pretty frequent

>Beowulf top pick
>Ifrit third

What le fuck?

>Don't bother with PS+ so can't play with anyone
Shit sucks bros

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I haven't played 5 yet, and I'm not sure if I'll bother trying it. DMC1 is the only game in the series I ever revisit.

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>has never played either game
>still butthurt over DmC

how any sane person could rate 1 above 3 is beyond me


Fujos got mad at the idea of Vergil fucking icky vaginas

Why is Nero talking like Nidhogg

Alright, I'll consider getting it or pirating it, thanks user

3>=5>1>4>DmC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Only sensible opinion

>dmc 5 fags are so delusional that they think being forced to tertiary shit like novels to truly get into the story of the game is somehow acceptable.
I bet you think Miller was a good addition too faggot

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>one page out of 200 + pages

what? I've never read any non-game material in the franchise and the story was perfectly followable and made sense

Adam and Karlo are both Brits. Maxim is Russian.

but he was talking about Lucia who's a DMC2 character retard
but what would you know, you're clearly just here to shitpost

Very much appreciated, user. I have now more references for drawing Vergil

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.....what does that change about how they look though? many Brits can look med, just like many slavs can look germanic lol

I honestly don't get why people like Lucia. Her design is good, but DmCish as fuck, and that's all.

Is V's face model also British?

DmC: DE is a good game and I enjoyed playing it quite a lot

Please tell me you'll draw naked vergil user.

does loading a checkpoint from the pause menu count as a death? don't want to fuck my ranks up any more than i already have.

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He's Irish.

Nope, you're wrong faggot.

5>3>1>4>FUCK YOU>2

I'm not a Luciafag but I can see her appeal
>cute accent
>chocolate skin
>decent backstory
>angelic motifs and a DT that looks like credo

Godspeed drawfag

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5 with all future content>3SE=5 with no content>4SE>1=DmC The Legend of Que Te Jodan>regular DmC>dogshit>2

DmC is equal to, maybe even better than, the first game if only because of El Donte making it a million times better to play through

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It counts as a continue

I don't remember anyone ever mentioning her before 5 came around either.

spicy yet respectable opinion

Stagger him, plant three Overture's on him, Breakage DT Buster, repeat.

Dante is ___!

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>then they get trapped in hell for some reason.

>3 above 5
3 has shit like unbearable gimmick bosses, some abhorrent enemies, shitty platforming, stupid puzzles that needlessly draw out the mission length, and a chunk of backtracking because they clearly ran out of budget in the second half

>trying to get a better rank in Dante v Vergil
>figure selecting checkpoint won't hurt my score since it just starts at the beginning of the fight anyway and I get to skip all the fucking loading
was not a good feel

>cute accent
Her VA is godawful.

But can you do dis?!

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Look again nigga

>Gimmick bosses
Huh? The only one I can think of that I'd call a gimmick is the fucking flying centipede bullshit

dang i need to experiment with ragtime more

post more!

not as fun to play as maxed out Nero

My point stands. Patty and black trench coat man exist. Now fuck off twat


Reboot doesn't belong.

5 makes you play as V and every level is a hallway

I'm surprised I haven't seen more meme combo videos of people doing stupid shit with Ragtime set to Sweet Dreams or Time in a Bottle

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>Doesn't help that the face scanning added in 50 pounds.

How can someone be so blind.

Why the fuck are there so many loading screens

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Great idea, but I think it would be better suited for a full game.

that one plus leviathan heart, doppelganger and goddamn fucking arkham are enough to sour the game for me, and thank fucking god jester was only ever optional

plus you get some pure mediocrity like beowulf or geyron, lady isn't any fun to fight either

I don't know about that one

This is correct, congrats you don’t have shit taste

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Yes please !

Of course, his model has such beautiful inspiring photos. God, I love the male physique so much.

Thank you, user.

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DMC5 makes reference to like every canon piece of DMC media including novels and all past games you mong, it's fan service, but the central plot only needs you to play precious games to know what's going on

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I think it's because every single menu has some in-engine renders going on in the background

He's gonna ne so disappointed to what his sons have done. He's a strict father but remorseful that he left them in the first place

Shut the fuck up retard

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ah, XV-kun
I should have known

>his fucking lips
based user, can't fucking wait

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next time don't fall for the console meme, pal

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Vergil should get a boyfriend and make Nero exceedingly uncomfortable.


I never really participate myself but its atleast tolerable here than outside Yea Forums. Seeing them on youtube comments on the other hand...

I never played 1 or El Donte's game but I agree otherwise

5 is a direct downgrade in artstyle, music and story. Even the bosses are disappointing compared to 3.

how is her design similar at all to the trashy urban punk fashion aesthetic DmC tried to go for?

I get that he's supposed to be more classically handsome compared to Nero's who's prettier and Dante's who's more rugged but it doesn't work for me.

>Expected a hugs full Nero stand to drop and start fucking up Vergil in a cutscene
>Vergil gets pushed back and he says "interesting" in a cutscene
>That's it
Fuck me man. I wanted some crazy cutscene to end the game. Urizen 3 was also a disappointment. At least Mundus made a pocket dimension and summoned all sorts of bullshit.

I do

>playing vergil in 4 for the first time

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Weren't you ultrabanned already, faggot?

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Nostalgiafag harder, you'll convince nobody but hey at least we know how desperate you are to cling to your childhood.

you may have a point in terms of story but the rest are just straight up lies, especially in regards to the bosses




Woops I meant wrong.

Honestly I think Nero is easier to play than Vergil. Everyone's on about how OP he is which is fine I just think Nero's exceed was way better

So is DMC6 going to have a "Nero turns evil" storyline? Isn't it pretty much confirmed at this point? Throughout the entire fucking game he's bitching about "muh strength to protect them" and literally broods and cries for an entire month because he got called dead weight. He's literally so mad at that one comment from Dante that he grows his arm back through the power of sheer butthurt.


Did you reply to the wrong post?

Is nero's taunt a reference to something as well?

3 has no shitty bosses. Also, the camera during mission 15 is grating in an already stupid mission.

doubtful, Itsuno likes his characters too much to make them evil
see Vergil

You will realize this when your fake reddit hype dies out and then (You) will be the contrarian.
It was the same when 4 got released and it will be the same with 5.
3 will forever be king.

>3 has no shitty bosses

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you probably meant 5 bro

>so fucking overly sensitive he calls Dante dead weight a whole month after Dante called him that
The best part is Dante probably forgot he called Nero dead weight by that point.

>3 has no shitty bosses


>literally no arguments other than OLD GAME GOOD NEW GAME BAD
just admit 3 has been surpassed and come have fun with the rest of us

Doubtful, he didn't go down Vergil's path because he still had his found family. Taking that away wouldn't accomplish much.

has no shitty bosses

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>>literally no arguments other than NEW GAME GOOD OLD GAME BAD
Just admit 5 has been a disappointment and come have fun with the rest of us.


Vergil is evil. He is a weebasaurus.

Are you motivated yet?

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She was heavily mentioned when MGR came out. People compared Mistral to her, especially here and gamefaqs

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I can't even recall any boss from 5 that's not the lightning nelo angelo or vergil. That's how shitty and unmemorable they all were.


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5 > 3 > 1 > Donte's game > 2

You know it to be true.

>leviathan heart
all shitty ranging from 'bad' to 'god fucking awful'
meanwhile 5's bosses are consistently great apart from gilgamesh which still doesn't even come close to dmc3 level boss shittiness

>3 has no shitty bosses

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You need to work harder on your bait

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Heart of Leviathan
and I personally didn't like chasing Lady around the library

3 >= 5 > 1 >>>> 4 >>>>>>>>> 2

>Leviathan's shitty bowels
>not shit

It was a solid 8.5/10 because of these slogs and no Sparda boss

3, 5, 1

this is official,check my digits

leviathan heart and doppelganger are too simple for me to really give a shit

5=3 > 4 > 1 > DmC > 2
Both 5 and 3 have different problems but 3 is just as good as 5 for letting you play Dante for 20 missions. That alone makes me adore it.
V is a fucking waste.

only one I can give you
>>leviathan heart
nothing wrong with it
again, nothing wrong, git gud
are you really having trouble with this? c'mon son
It's a nice little battle and it doesn't overstay its welcome
What are you smoking? it's great
Can't say the same for DMC5 geryon

>Lucia and Mistral
Good to know I'm not the only one.

I played every game on release. I know what DMC3 Vanilla on PS2 was like. Here's my ranking:

5 > 3 > 1 > 4 > DmC > 2

For all the praise 3 gets, it only has 4 good bosses: A&R, Beowulf, and Vergil 2+3. 5's average boss fight is a lot better than 3's, and 5's Vergil is way more competent as a boss than 3's third encounter.

3's enemies are either too passive or are really annoying (Fallen, Chess pieces, Dullahan etc). 5 ducks these problems and the only truly annoying enemy (Fury) is actually a pretty good skill test

I think 3 had better music but thats it.

>I-it's b-bait
DmC5 apologists are retarded

>top tier
3, 1, 5

>comfy tier

>why does this shit have such a nice music

>only playable with Mexican donte mod

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Que te jodan!

it's humanly impossible to have such bad taste
and yet you dare to talk shit about 5's bosses, ridiculous

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The jokes during the DmC MGR threads were amazing. People were stating that MGR was doing everything right with what’s wrong with DmC and DMC2, which I agree with. When the sombrero hat started, this board flipped hard. That’s how mexican Dante got made when NT released a video on how to say fuck you in 5 languages

I like his face, but dunno if it because of the engine or the later touches after scanning the model, but I find weird that he's looking way younger than Dante.

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>tfw beating Vergil with JUST royal guard+balrog on SoS
christ it feels so fucking good
>perfect royal guard ez attacks like summon swords
>get massive DT and Style in the process
>pop DT on harder to guard attacks
>get ever more massive DT and Style in the process
>punishing him Balrog's satisfying punches+DT damage
>royal releasing to cheese through everything on the third phase

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You'd have to be the biggest contrarian faggot to say that 5's gameplay isn't the best in the series. Things like story, gameplay, artstyle etc I can take or leave, but 5 absolutely shits on the rest in terms of where it really counts.

I'd rather get lost in the Qlipoth stages than have to back to the office just some shitty puzzle that's not as good as RE's

You could always explain it away as Mundus aids keeping him physically younger than Dante

> itsuno claims Devil May Cry 5 will make players cry
something went wrong

It’s been corfirmed via their Sydney meeting that the story for V changed twice.

That's an improvement, since the last time we saw him he literally blew up.

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I hope that becomes canon. Can you imagine the bants of Vergil looking younger than his son?


desu I was pretty close when Nero got his DT and when we got that Dante and Vergil in hell scene

>muh first dmc gaem is purfect no flaws 10/10
Fuck off redditor larper, I was here before "le curaaahzy combos xDD I love NERO

>...of laughter
Jokes aside, it got a bit of my manly tears.

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Why do I feel like most of the people that refuse to actually admit DMC3 had shortcomings played through the game once, about 6 years after it dropped, and feels the need to suck it's cock to fit in.
DMC3 was good but if you're going to ignore the fact that most of the shit in it was awful to reply and your only comeback is "Gitgud", it's obvious to anyone with brain cells to rub together you're a fucking moron.

I had a big ass smile on my face for the entirety of M20 and most of M19 so I'm good either way

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what do you think all that
was for? it obviously wasn't for gitting gud

Original guy here, it was more quips and shit and shit that was cool and not forced (nevan and dr faust respectively)

During their Sydney meet & greet, they stated through a panel that they had plans for Mundus to return with a female V. Pic related. When that fell through, they intended V to be Gilver, confirmed by Matt & Itsuno. But they felt the story was getting over complicated so they scrapped Gilver and his many sheets of concept art, for the V you know today

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Not play the POWER, but also MOTIVATION and CONCENTRATION.

>so desparate he can only resort to strawmanning and buzzwords
c'mon, I've seen much better shitposting than that

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Feels bad man.

>When that fell through
What was the big issue there?


>most of the shit in it was awful
That's an incredibly blatant exaggeration made for the sole purpose of making DMC5 look better because you're still in the honeymoon phase
>5 Vergil with all of his slow, easily reactable moves
>way more competent

it's pretty obvious most people who wank over 3 or 1 like they're perfect are just bandwagoners

Because you're the retard zoomer who hasn't played it more than once.
I played the fuck out of it everyday and it was my favourite PS2 game, kill yourself 5 redditor.

It's not even gitgud problem like these retards keep spouting. The bosses are just boring especially station garbage like Leviathan and gimmicks that way too easy to figure out like Doppelganger

The story wasn't even written yet.
Itsuno confirmed ages back that V's design and concept was the very first thing they roughed out

>still no argument
>can only respost the same stale memes from reddit
5 apologists everyone

I actually cried during the Faust dance scene. It got me without any warning. I laughed so fucking hard

Defend common enemies like they aren't absolute forgettable trash, and most of the bosses being absolute garbage because you actually believe Vergil 3 carries the entire game.
The most delusional type of fags in history right here.

>The most delusional type of fags in history right here.
That'd be 5 apologists who think their modern trash zoomer shit is good, let alone better than the best game of the 00s

They didn’t know how to implement female V with a Mundus familiar. They loved the design, but got lost in how to implement it gameplay wise. That’s when they moved on to Gilver

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even if someone spelt out every flaw in dmc3 like the bad bosses and enemies, shitty platforming, stupid puzzles and backtracking you'd just ignore them or claim they're merits
kys wannabe boomer

>femdust=gilver>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>vergil's homosexuality
god damn it

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Nah they enlightened more about that actually. Bingo wrote up a story about Gilver as V, which is why Gilver is the name of V in the games coding. But when Bingo and Itsuno said it was getting too overcomplicated, they scrapped it and went back to the drawing board

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I was talking more about the Mundus/Female V part.
At that point it was just a basic concept compared to Gilver

Probably couldn't make the story "click".
Its easy saying "i want mundus, and vergil, and they are girls, and giant robots...", But making it work out isnt that easy.

Those arent the only rewrites in the game. Final urizen looks suspiciously like Balrog, and Balrog was the first devil arm they worked on, so maybe 3-4 years ago urizen was meant to be balrog.
Also nero probably only unlocked gerbera after Artemis originally, but things changed somewhere along production.

>even if someone spelt out every flaw in dmc5 like the bad bosses and enemies, shitty hallways, stupid story and retarded music you'd just ignore them or claim they're merits
>kys wannabe boomer

Nigga, Vergil 2 is more reactable than 5 with the pause before every killer bee and summoned swords even on Vergil 3 are scarce in the vanilla normal unlike 5 where you get that shit right off the bat

Repeating what he said isn't an argument

Gilver was a dumb concept and the novel is even more dumb. I also hate the fact that people are saying it's canon just because they were going to borrow the idea of Gilver from the novel. Did Itsuno even say it was canon? Fuck that shit, the novel was ass.

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How Kyrie ould react to his father in law looking younger than her boyfriend?

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Pretty much. We were going to get more, which is why the novels tie to the game, but plans fell through. I wish they went with it. “V” even had the bandages at one point once they scrapped the Gilver storyline
Oh yeah I agree. It’s crazy how the concept ideas had a lot of thought into them, only to be removed.

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Advice pls
Is it worth shelling out $15 to upgrade 5 to the deluxe edition or is everything in it just bullshit

(Acording to some user) Itsuno did day V and Nico would have some sort of connection, and Gilver killed Nell, so it checks out

I wonder if that's also why he could summon Griffin and so on.

Maxim's photo's are the most lewd. We appreciate it you, Drawfag.

Learn reading comprehension you retard

Probably happy that Nero as a family.

>Did Itsuno even say it was canon? Fuck that shit, the novel was ass.
Yeah him & Matt conformed both of the novels are canon. Neil Goldstein is even mentioned in the game and the novel artist did work for the series

guys why dont dante and vergil look similar at all

What you did isn't clever or an argument.

after about 30 hours, i've decided i don't like 5. those infuriating V missions are the fucking worst thing to ever happen to the series. you just have to stand still and mash every button until you win with an SS rank. it's a waste of a time, with awful gameplay, and it wastes too many missions.

Reminder that the game is still 20% off on fanatical.

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Only because you got BTFO

I was joking around but
>>one page out of 200 + pages
She has a whole chapter dedicated to herself & is actual in a good chunk of Dante's 2nd chapter. Again I was joking around, but at least make a good comeback point.

>taking itsuno bantz seriously
He also told us to upgrade V, and his finishers would get more brutal

Before the Nightmare and material within the game itself suggests that the novel is canon, but how the Gilver stuff went down is still unsure as it'd needed to be retconned.
Some people have theorised that Gilver was a clone created by Mundus but there's no hard evidence

People aren’t saying it’s canon because they borrowed ideas from it, it’s outright canon in the game from the character mentions and events.

Wasn't even me, nignog, original guy was smarter than me and dropped it.

delet this dmc5 is perfect and le best in teh curaahzy combo series xddd

It seems that way because Nelo Angelo never once had any interaction with Griffon.

If you want a DEEP LORE autism reason, Mundus corruption demon aids kept him physically younger than Dante.
If you want a meta reason, it's probably because the capture of Dan's face doesn't mesh well with Cowie's model

Is Vergil upset because he thought Dante was his dad?

1 better than anithing other than 2 what????

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>W-W-Wasn't even m-me
Epic backpedalling you fucking bitch, grow some balls



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>his finishers would get more brutal
that was always a mistranslation. Idiots just ran with it

>V starts stabbing ants
>The final main game finisher is the cool stab on goliath heart
>Then there is V on Vergil finisher for BP

The alt style announcers are cool; old battle music is good because subhuman sucks, but most battles near the end have unique tracks anyway; only good EX colors are Nero and Nico; deluxe devil breakers are shit except GP01; cav R only has 1 new move, but loses all superarmor


shit didn't age that well

i'm saying no
you can just mod cool stuff into the game
the only good DLC devil arm is GP01 and the other 2 are slot wasters, can't use DLC stuff on Bloody Palace anyway

So VDust was almost canon?

>3 THAT low

I still don't get it.

I wish they just went with their original plan. Modern Resident Evil is a mess because their ideas constantly get scrapped because of the writer throwing a bitch fit, which is why we have so many inconsistencies and organizations as it is.

>bad bosses and enemies
literally untrue, 5 is a huge improvement over 3 in that respect and you cannot convince anyone who's played both games otherwise
>shitty hallways
you do realise that DMC 1 and 3 were also just series of narrow pathways except they fooled you into thinking they're an open structure via backtracking to obtain key items? 5 dropped that pretense and it's better for it, linearity is absolutely desirable in a pure action game
and I bet you haven't even been able to find most blue orbs and hidden missions, there are actually a lot of things to explore

He is so handsome, I am so glad they took him as a model for Vergil.

Was gilver meant to be vergil from the first novel?


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While i agree V is a bit weird, you seem to be implying you cant get SSS by mashing random shit as long as you arent getting hit.
As long as you know how to dodge with dante, you can get SSS by randomly pressing R2 and changing the timings in your attacks. Even since 3 for that matter

Pretty much. Then they moved on to Gilver. Gilver then got scrapped when Itsuno and Bingo felt it was too complicated, and then they moved onto V. I can post the vid if you’d like?

"oh hi mark"

3 > 5 > 1 > 4 > reboot i guess > 2

>you have to stand still
you're either talking out of your ass or you've only played on human difficulty

3SE with style switcher mod> 4SE=5>DmCDe>1>2.
5 isn't perfect until it has Vergil and bloody palace, at least. Also being forced to play as V is just as bad as the backtracking in 4, imo. Basically there are only like 7 or 8 missions as dante and nero each in a playthrough, thats pretty low.

Correct. He was supposed to be that exact Gilver from the novel.

>During their Sydney meet & greet, they stated through a panel that they had plans for Mundus to return with a female V

citation needed

That design is ugly as fuck btw.

I don't know, it's a fantastic game, I just liked the others even more. It's not even supposed to be "low". Just wouldn't want to put the others lower either. It's a close call with all of those I feel, other than 1 and 2 which are pretty firm at the last two spots for me

Funny how people just completely ignore the fact Style switching just completely ass shatters 3 from a gameplay standpoint and the fact that 5 was able to pull off a Vergil boss fight with all the tools you're given absolutely cock smashes 3 since Vergil turns into a fucking joke with the style switch mod in place.
I don't give a fuck about the arbitrary "exploration" that no one bothers with after the first play or the interior design of the buildings, it's a fucking action game, it should PLAY WELL, I don't give a shit about anything else if it isn't abysmally bad.
And "abysmally bad" doesn't mean "I didn't like/understand this element", no one nitpicks this hard unless they've got something to prove.

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Looks like Emily Blunt

Seething luciafag

Not him, and I dont actually know much about Gilver, but i think that originally it was meant to be vergil, and Vergil back then was just a complete murderous asshole (as gilver) for no reason.
Then itsuno changed it for 5, Gilver was not real vergil, just a clone, similar to trish

i didn't say you have to stand still, i said just standing still and watching tv while you mash buttons will always result in victory, and they knew this too, which is why his missions are so piss easy and you basically hit S rank combos in 4 hits.

From the Sydney Meet & Greet. I was in attendance there but they stated no cameras, but this person didn’t give a fuck

5 bosses are utter shit besides lightning nelo and vergil, you literally can't defend this shit.
Meanwhile almost every single boss from 3 is memorable and fun.

>they fooled you into thinking they're an open structure via backtracking
What the actual fuck is this kind of argument?
Are you implying that everyone got "fooled" into thinking the games had level design or something retarded? holy shit, I've read some stupid replies from 5 babies but this takes the fucking cake, the mental gymnastics that you faggots do when someone says something bad about your first curahzy game xd is beyond comprehension.

t. zoomer who got into DMC with 5 and thinks he's hot shit doing basic combos with nero

The Gilver plotline was that he got kidnapped by Mundus back when Eva was killed which leads in to the events of the novel and then Nelo Angelo.
Then it got retconned by 3 (with Kamiya's approval) and now it's semi back in canon

>Meanwhile almost every single boss from 3 is memorable and fun.
Whatever you say, gramps

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he was explicitly talking about style switching you retard

Amazing argument, thanks for your input on style switching absolutely murdering DMC3, brainlet.

That doesn't say anything about Mundus/female V.


>let's make a brand new chararacter!

Thanks for this evidence that V is a brand new character and not Vergil.

Hmm guess that wouldn't really work with wanting to show Vergil's humane side. Gilver was pretty much a ruthless killer.

You can style switch in 3 too you double retard.

as expected, you have nothing to offer other than ignoring 3's flaws and throwing insults
dmc3 and 1 made you feel like you have this big open castle/tower to explore at your will but were actually linear as fuck with some artificial lenghteners like backtracking and puzzles

>V was meant to be mundus
>V was meant to be Gilver
>V never was planned to be Sparda
I really liked the Sparda theory. Something along the lines of him returned for one last big job, but his current body was so weak he could only give information for dante and send his former soldiers to fight for him

I'm not. If I was I wouldn't be telling you to have brought up the fact that she'll mostly be known in the book for being nwf'd by Dante & that you could've used that as an insult. I wouldn't actually scream about book relevancy if I wasn't looking for (you)'s. It's Yea Forums, it happens.

Where do you think the V IS SPARDA'S FORGOTTEN THIRD SON!!!! fags are at now?
Did they commit seppuku out of shame?

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I know it's heresy but honestly the series didn't truly click for me till DMC4. DMC3 is still fairly limited with picking the style at the start, only having one character to play (at launch), some weapons were ass and you never used them, enemies were annoyingly hard to stagger for uncomfortably long, and while I want to say I like a challenge, DMD mode just felt like a kick in the balls, it wasn't even fun, you were just busy dodging all day carefully weighing when to get a hit in or two before doing more dodging. No idea why it's this huge fan favorite. I blame the splash it made at launch, I don't think it's because it's the greatest game compared to it's newer "competitors" from it's own series

They were talking about Female V in the panel but told everyone beforehand no cameras. This person only started recording because their question got answered about their fav Capcom games. Matt & Itsuno mentioned mundus was at one point planned but got scrapped with the female V Design

Updated tweet about it and what Matt said

Original tweet

Overall, it was a mess because the story kept changing

I was feeling emotional after Nero's phone call with Kyrie before the final fight when the vocal music started


Vergil would have looked like a saint compared to him.

as expected, you have nothing to offer other than ignoring 3's flaws and throwing insults
But that's literally what every single one of you 5 apologists have been doing so far, with meme images and all.

>artificial lenghteners like backtracking and puzzles
You mean like the tree nichhog key thingy from 5? c'mon son, stop pretending that 5 is some sort of perfect godsend, it's quite tiring.

>doppelganger: hit light sources around the room, jump to avoid getting hit
>gigapede: stand on the boss and flail around like a retard to deal damage, can reflect orbs
>heart of leviathan: jump constantly to hit hearts, deal with trash mobs, grind them down so you can hit the heart a little and repeat until dead
>geryon: run around the stage slowly and deal with annoying missiles until you get to it so you can hopefully smash its head with the right timing and get 3 seconds to hurt it, if you don't have fun getting fucked by spikes; when it goes in the middle do the same thing but jump to avoid some moves
>arkham: literally just the brainlet version of bosses that allow you to attack freely like Malphas, just do whatever the fuck you want and jump/back off occasionally until the arbitrary retreat phase and spam Kalina Ann until it comes back, repeat until you win
>Vergil 1: snorefest, fun on first playthrough and good mood setter but basically just a braindead version of the next two fights

Yeah dude I was having a blast

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my problem with 4 was that even though Dante was given style switching he just felt incredibly neutered compared to his 3 self and wasn't anywhere as impactful as Nero, probably because he was rushed into the game

5dante on the other hand is the absolute peak and negates 3dante completely since styles are stronger than ever, and the game (particularly boss encounters) is designed around the player utilising multiple styles

That doesn't say anything about "female V" being Mundus either.

Yeah. What could of happened is Gilver was a clone of Vergil, and Urizen was the actual Vergil. But I can see how this plot gets overcomplicated with that. Man they really just wrote themselves into a corner to bring back Vergil either way.

DMC3 defenders will never ever ever acknowledge 3 and 3SE being different entities because then they'd have to defend paying double the price, or, god forbid, reveal they're actually underaged bandwagon scum that bought the SE a decade later at 5$.

It was always a joke.

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Doesn't even make sense because I think Itsuno confirmed years ago that Sparda only ever had two sons killing the "Nero is the third Sparda sibling" theory.

>some weapons were ass and you never used them
Opinion discarded

That was the dumbest theory that ever spawned, and I love how they try to pretend it never happened.

>Thanks for this evidence that V is a brand new character and not Vergil.

Vergilautists/fujos forever BTFO!

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>Counting mods
>When the mod itself turns the game into a fucking joke because they never intended for you to be able to do so.
Keep going nostalgiatard, it's hilarious how much you're ruining the credibility of your own side.

Not him, but did you read the tweet? And look at the background. That’s Mundus right there.

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>I can't git gud at boss fights and blame the game
Okay dude, maybe we can mod the game for tips between loading screens and nero hooks so you can come close and press the I win buster button

>not him


All it says is "female V". Nothing about Mundus.

>Here's a more direct close up of "What if V was a Female?" #DMC5 #DevilMayCry5

The shadow in the background is Mundus. That’s how he appeared in DMC1 and 3.

"Git gud" for awful boss design
God you're like a broken record dude.

>SE a decade later
SE was on the PS2 and it was what most people bought you retarded zoomer

>complain about some of the mediocre bosses and why they're boring
>you're just bad LOOOOOL

Nice ad hominem you fucking moron

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I'm so glad we got the V we have now. Haters can stay mad that he's popular and well-received.

>m-muh ugly waiifuuu concept art

Stay cucked.


Vergil! Daddy! He's the best!

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lmao the shitty bosses in dmc3 are universally braindead easy, literally nobody in this thread is complaining about their difficulty you schizo

Make up your mind faggot.

Show us your DMD run with S rank and timestamp

Yeah and Crimson Cloud means V is Mundus too. Aren't you Mundusfags tired of getting btfo? Let it go already.

That's not ad hominem you single digit IQ brainlet

But I’m not a Mundusfag. I’m stating that’s exactly how Mundus appears in DMC1 and 3 dude. Clear as day in the background.

You are genuinely retarded.

2 is underrated.

Show us your DMD run with S rank and timestamp or else you're a shitter

Whooooosh right over his tiny brain.
So you managed to be omnipotent and bought 3SE because you knew it'd release because you're a time traveler?


>modding style switching into a game that's balanced around having one style equipped is the same as having a game designed around using multiple styles
don't stop posting my man, this is entertaining

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You’re the same user who swore up and down the novel canon.

Look how easy it is for this retard to start flailing in nostalgiatard rage.

That's literally what you said you double retard.

And there it is. The expected "git gud" argument that doesn't hold substance. Those bosses are terrible not because they're hard heck they're so easy that they can be cheesed out with strategy in DMD. They're pattern are too predictable, no variety, they either stand around and be passive or just do the predictable desperation sperg out if you hit hard enough

>not ad hominem

Choose one dipshit

>i was only pretending
You sound pretty buttmad, luciafag.

Nah I wouldn’t say that. 2 had a lot of bad things, but the music was pretty decent.

1 REALLY did not age well. I played it recently in anticipation of 5. The bosses are repeated adnausium and aren't designed to be fun to fight, you have a fairly common enemy who can only be hurt with guns, you have weapons just flat out inferior to other weapons, no options, and characters who are all as good as blank slates. Dante himself is a case of good flandarization where he just happened to have a couple 1 liners but overall wasn't a fun character.

Nice reading comprehension, moron

Go home, boomie, it's Nero time now.
I can imagine you in your chair pants shitting in rage as your 70 year old mother yells from the next room for you to keep it down.

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imho it wasn't that bad. the soundtrack was slightly above decent too.

You don't need to be a time traveller to buy a PS2 game, are you retarded or something?

Hey reddit can you please explain this reading comprehension meme to me? Where did it start?

I always loved Arius theme, and Infested Choppers theme

>modding style switching into a game that's balanced around having one style equipped is the same as having a game designed around using multiple styles
You're right, it's not the same, it's even better because Dante is not nerfed as fuck and he can actually do cool shit.

>more lack of reading comprehension


Did he get ultrabanned?

So you bought SE 9 months after buying 3?
Are you so stupid you can't understand that releasing a game with a tiny bit of extra content for 60$ 9 months after the original release is fucking retarded? Or did you genuinely not play the games at the time you retarded zoomer fuckstick?

Says the 5 baby who can't stop replying to someone not blindly calling his shit game the second coming of christ

git gud or die faggot

I think people complain too much about V. You play as him for like 4 missions and even though its worse than the other two guys, its interesting enough gameplay that its not too bad for only a few mission.

Got it, it's just an autism thing.

Hey underage, can you explain why you're not in school right now? You should really start working on your reading skills.

that's why 5dante is the best, the styles are buffed and each has utility
4dante is shit tho

5 is better than 3, objectively from a gameplay standpoint.
You'll never be 15 again, you failed at life.
Kill yourself.

Because time zones exists you dumb american nigger. You didn't study that yet, right?

>Telling someone to get better is an insult
Okay brainlet

How is that worse than selling in-game stuff through microtransactions like 5?
Seriously you faggots are beyond comprehension, defending shit like this is just mental illness

>5 is better than 3, objectively from a gameplay standpoint.
Too bad it will never be better at story, level design, theme variation, bosses and music.
Keep seething 5cuck

>he's a filthy third worlder
I expected no less, to be honest

>passive aggressive response is an insult

Yeah how long did it take you to figure that out you fucking retard

It's worse because you're paying 60 extra dollars for the same game + vergil
Whereas V only wants you to pay piecemeal for anything you might want.
Because you don't have to pay ANOTHER 60$ for 2$ worth of red orbs, or pay any money at all, since you can buy/download future content without buying the game all over again.
Get dunked, you're the loser of the day.

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I actually like the story but it could have some of it's pieces thought out better. Apparently urizen was supposed to be balrog too. Maybe mundus was really the big boss in this game but they changed it last minute.

You wish faggot, but I literally come from a place that puts murica to shame. Stupid maggot devoid of destiny, you should finish that hamburger right there and clean your sweat under your fatty tits before replying to a supreme lord like me.

I can vividly imagine this guy screaming into his monitor, unaware his childhood is long gone and the only thing keeping him from getting a job in his 30's is his overprotective mother.

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>get all hyped after getting the special edition for christmas
>"sweet I'll finally get to play as vergil!"
>get a massive erection during that intro cutscene
>mfw they just pasted him into Dante's missions
and then when you get to mission 7 you don't even get to a Dante boss fight

what a fucking blunder that was

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