Steam, Oh Steam

8 years later, history repeats itself

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Literally the game that forced me to install steam. Fuck steam

>stuck on dialup
bitch are you for real?

>shitting on steam
you should be shitting on all DRM in general

And they're 100% right, too.
In fact, this is why I'm glad this shit with the Epic Launcher is happening. If you stood idle while people were forced to install Steam to play certain games, then you can stand idle when it happens to you too, faggot. There's no reason why Steam should be accepted and anything else not.

Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose.

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They are right
I never got steam, all this shit-flinging over which cock to suck is hilarious to me

>heavily integrate game with steamworks and workshop
>why do you need steam wtf!!!!!!

based and freedompilled

Didn't know Civ V was steam exclusive, only got into that years later after every bit of content was out
Now Fallout: New Vegas, that's the one that pissed me off

This. Burn it all down.

Basado. I have nothing against steam but it's a purchase. A developer gets money and I get a product.

>zoomers doesn't even know what is like to not be tied down to corporations spyware and defend steam instead

Fuck this new gen of cucks.

hes not shitting on anything nigger go back to /pol/

Yeah. I dont understand all these people defending steam. Epic games is evil, but so is steam

Valve drones deserve this

It's possible for one thing to be worse than another thing even if they're both bad.

No Idea why you people let yourself be married to a launcher. If its not available standalone its for pirating.

>8 years later, history repeats itself
Yup and like always the grip gets tighter and tighter with every leap. Just think about the client that'll usurp Epic if it actually gets traction.
>No unregulated user groups
>No reviews
>No refunds
>No imported avatars
>Games are rentals
Steam has issues and we're stuck with it, I see no point and worsening the situation by switching to Epic.

>Steam has issues and we're stuck with it
Stopped reading right here. Nice try, Steam cuck, but I ain't stuck with shit. Hope Epic kicks your shit in.

Whatever you say Zoom Zoom.

>Someone spent hours looking through ancient internet files to prove some point by referencing something that happened almost 10 years ago
Why waste your time on this lmao in defence of some store or against another.

>Stopped after reading the majority of the post
Okay, thanks for sharing sport.

>B-b-but I have a 7000 game library and 540 steam bucks, y-y-you can't do this to me
hahahahahahaha, suffer

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gamers are hypocrites and whiny little shits

>Trojan for recording the amount of hours you play a game

>B-b-but I have a 7000 game library and 540 steam bucks, y-y-you can't do this to me
I mean I'll just pirate what ever is exclusive to Epic that I actually want to play, which isn't much. Client has like what, 30 games? Ouch.

Also, not a fan of Half life, keep reaching little guy.

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to shitpost


I love how Epic let The Outer Worlds launch on Microsoft's launcher as well. Honestly, if they let it launch on GOG too and the deal was exclusively "Fuck steam", they'd be my personal heroes.

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Same guy.


>Someone spent hours looking through ancient internet files
Doubt they spent that long, steam's bullshit wasn't popular with anyone until zoomers started growing up on it. Basically any snapshot of mid to late 00s mustard discussion will have people shitting on it for being invasive third party cancer

taking a 30% cut of every game sale is pure greed
hardly unexpected from a company run by a corpulent glutton

you know how many times I've been called a Chinese shill for expressing this exact sentiment? Surprised you aren't getting hate yet.

You tried

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Slow photoshop.

Valve cucks are desperate. They don't like the idea of the system they invested so much time and money in losing value.

>history repeats itself
Of course it doesn't, Gaben didn't bribe and force publishers to release their games on his platform, they were free to sell their games wherever they wanted, even without steam.

Nice persecution complex, sweetie

Gaben incentivized developers to do it and didn't mind it at all when it happened. This reckoning has been a long time coming.

>People don't like the idea of losing access to their game libraries
Damn, dude big brain right here. Yeah I wonder why Steam users aren't jumping shit and letting their games go to waste. Crazy stuff.

Nice sunk cost fallacy, brainlet. Maybe you shouldn't have wasted money on that DRM service like a cuck. You act like a cuck, you get treated like a cuck.

>kill physical games market, force steam (the only digital distributor) to be the only way to profit off pc games
This is known as a "catch 22", steambrony

difference being:
epic is paying companies to use exclusively their DRM platform

steam provided a service/drm platform that devs would choose to use of their own volition with no incentives other than their distribution and had to pay valve to do so.

I think it's even more irrational, because nobody is actually losing anything. they feel personally attacked because a company they don't work at and doesn't care about them has another competitor.

also to add, this faggot in the OP is about 7 years too late to be bitching about this. Remember WON? because I do. Nobody was happy about Steam when it released, and it was fucking broken garbage ass-shit for a LONG long time when it was new. That's why we had to use shit like xfire for friends because Steam Friends was literally never online.

I think there's some rational behind it, because theoretically, Epic succeeding and growing very large while continuing to snatch exclusives like this could mean that Steam users who casually rested on their laurels and saved up on their retarded trading cards and TF2 hats and CS:GO knives or whatever are now shit out of luck. It's in their best interests to try to convince as many people as possible that the Epic Launcher is gonna devour your soul and you shouldn't switch over. We'll see how it pans out.

My nigga. As soon as steam started infesting every game. I decided to just pirate everything or play mmos.

>Nice sunk cost fallacy
Exactly, it's time to change.
I bought games on Steam, Steam is too rooted in PC, but we can prevent Epic from being a thing.
Which is going to be pretty easy due to how Epic is pretty much paying people to bring games to their platform and how the share cut they get is too low.
And the fact that they have yet to attract big names, which they probably won't because big names have their own launchers.

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>need to log in every time
>rigamarole, who use words like that?
>choose multiplayer in COH instead of skirmish and wonder why people are join him (why did he even create an account to begin with?)
I am afraid to ask what happens when he use GOG

>Nobody was happy about Steam when it released

fuck I wanted to say but because the service actually provided something that was at the time new and unique, it was adopted en masse and now it's what it is today for better or worse.

And they didn't even have to do underhanded shit like spend Chinas money to pay for exclusivity deals.

Anyone who is pro Epic store is a Chinese shill. Period.

>People don't like the idea of losing access to their game libraries
should have thought of that before you bought half-life 2 with valve's bloatware shoved in.

You dumb nigger, DRM free copies of games can exist alongside steam copies, but if epic takes over as the majority player (and god forbid takes all of steams market share) every fucking game will be the epic version, because epic games forces you to have an exclusivity contract for their platform. That would also kill any remaining decent retailers like GOG, and you want this because "lol fuck steam hehehe". You are willing to murder your own hobby just to feel superior to an anonymous idiot on an imageboard. You are such a retarded monkey.

>with no incentives
Bethesda games were exclusively on steam when the client was shit and people hated it
CA games were exclusively on steam when the client was shit and people hated it

You honestly think there were no incentives?

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Because this form of competition doesn't bring any advantages to users.
What do I get out of exclusivity wars?

If something happens that I do not benefit from, I will always oppose it.
You do not get to make changes without giving me something in return.

>Exactly, it's time to change.
Alright, sounds goo-
>Steam is too rooted in PC
Nope, this is still you and your sunk cost fallacy, still you holding for dear life to the shit you wasted hundreds of dollars on. I have no devotion to Steam and can only hope it suffers dearly.

yeah, maybe. I hope they all learn an important lesson about "investments" in bullshit digital commodities.

It's not sunk cost.
I'm just realistic.
How do you push Steam out of this?
You can't.
But you can keep Epic out because they have no foothold.
Anyone who deals in exclusivites deserves their ruin.
This is why i'm glad streaming services will instantly murder consoles.

Steam played the same game and incentivized developers to have their products exclusively on Steam. They're now getting their just desserts. Who do you think you're fooling?

This concerns me inmensely. I lived what, 20 years without steam? Pirating everything and never really bothering with it, just got it some years ago to play online with some friends, but I never got why anyone would want their games linked to an specific program/launcher. Even this was already an issue back then, I remember games from the same company using some kind of 3rd party program to manage your shit, it always bothered me.
Sure the whole Epic shitshow is bad because of Chinese spyware, but I'm sure Steam is not free of guilt either, the can't be that perfect.

>Bethesda games were exclusively on steam when the client was shit

what in the FUCK are you talking about?
By the time other companies games were being added to steam they had improved the client vastly. The first of which was a small free indie game called Codename: Gordon. It was still ages after that when other games started showing up. I remember some Source engine game called SIN or whatever that looked cool as shit.

anyways Bethesda games weren't even exclusive to it. man what the FUCK are you talking about. Fucking idiot brazilian.

>What do I get out of exclusivity wars?
Depends on how Valve reacts to retain customers. They didn't have a return policy until Origin showed up and offered one.

We aren't having to purchase separate consoles here like Nintendo and MS and Sony. They're all free launchers. The ideal is GOG, but whatever. Different stores is the reality of market economics.

Steam was shit, it's gotten better. I'm invested in it now for better or worse. Why would I want to start over again with a new company who thusfar hasn't shown the same moral backbone? Why would I want to split my games library? Why would I want to start in a new community when I'm invested in this one that does the same thing, only with much more support? Why would I want to give up all the features Steam has gained over the years for a new store that seems against adding the things I've come to rely on?

It's fucking 20 years too early for streaming dude, a ton of places don't have the infrastructure and ISPs aren't going to just let you use that much bandwidth without getting their fingers DEEP in your wallets.

that's literally every digital game store on the market except for epic exclusive game store
dumb shill

30% is nothing compared to the old norm of retail dipshit

>How do you push Steam out of this?
by pirating any pc game that doesn't have a legit physical release instead of renting a license from steam.

>Nice sunk cost fallacy
You're using this wrong.
If you could not continue to play the games at this moment, it'd be a sunk cost. Right now all those games continue to be their own benefit.

But you're cheering over the wrong thing you absolute fool. If GOG or a DRM free service started to usurp steam it would be great, but you're literally cheering for a worse option because it hurts the option that is less bad that you have now! You are actively cheering on the people who will hurt you MORE and make MORE games have shitty exclusive DRM because hey, these other guys have been doing it a long time so fuck them! Why are you excited to have a client that has MORE DRM, MORE exclusivity, LESS features, while also spying for the fucking chinese government?

>They didn't have a return policy until Origin showed up and offered one.
no, actually they got it because the EU said it was illegal for them to sell games without it.

oh, and:
>This is why i'm glad streaming services will instantly murder consoles.
utterly delusional. streaming games is a non-starter until someone finds a way to defy the laws of physics.

>Why would I want to start over again with a new company who thusfar hasn't shown the same moral backbone?

this literally isn't the point

the only thing you should be caring about is that Epic is throwing Chinese money at companies to give them no choice but to use their platform. Shareholders would never let anybody get away with turning down wads of cash like that, period. They really have no choice but to accept once propositioned. And do you really want fucking Tencent controlling our gaming market?

Steam frees up publishers and devs so they don't have to provide their own servers that will have worse speeds and downtimes, plus payment etc. It's a valuable infrastructure that people used because of that inherent value. Then there's workshop, steamworks etc. If there was another digital storefront at the time with the tools they were using Steam for, they probably would have used both. Epic buying exclusives is a completely different thing and their store offers nothing of value to consumers or devs, meaning they have to pay them off to get it over Steam.

I'll beat the fuck out of all Steam users

>I'm invested in it now for better or worse
Yeah, and that's the problem. Steam has you by the balls, so of course you're gonna fight tooth and nail to keep it as successful as possible. You and Valve are in the same shit ship together. The problem is that you fell into their scheme to begin with. Why should I be any more angry at people for getting the Epic Launcher and playing over there? They're falling for the same scheme as you did years ago and they don't have the same sunk cost fallacy excuse that you do. And ten years from now some new worse launcher will come up and it will be the exact same situation and if the Epic Launcher is somehow successful by that point, then they're gonna be the ones to desperately try to keep control.

The obvious solution is to stop falling for these shit launchers. All of them. No exceptions.

>Why would I want to start over
Start over what? Another launcher doesn't erase your Steam account.
>Why would I want to split my games library?
And I wanted to play Sonic on my Nintendo. All these toys are brought to you by market competition, and sometimes different companies charge for their products in different ways.

The answer to all you "whys" are totally obvious.

steambros... i put so much money into my account...

If your reason for avoiding Epic Launcher isn't because Chinese money then you're an NPC brainlet who thinks having to run another program is the real problem.

Because it means Steam cucks suffer and hopefully means Steam suffers enough that both the Epic Launcher and Steam and any other launcher of their kind isn't the popular near-pseudo-monopoly in a bright hopeful future.

THIS. steam cucks are hypocrites. serves them right.

>if epic takes over as the majority player (and god forbid takes all of steams market share) every fucking game will be the epic version, because epic games forces you to have an exclusivity contract for their platform
You forget that physical fags already lived this with steam, you'd buy a boxed copy of a game and it'd actually require steam redemption i.e. you've just bought a placeholder for a digital copy on a client you went out your way to not use
Steam set the trend for this shit, fuck it and everyone who gives it a pass while moaning about other clients doing the same

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>>No unregulated user groups
>>No reviews
>>No refunds
>>No imported avatars
>>Games are rentals
so steam circa 2004


the difference being between registering a cd key on a platform like Steam or a platform like their own servers? oh that's right that Steam would provide digital download should you lose your CDs and likely last a lot fucking longer than their servers ever would have.

A valuable service. See how it became so prominent now?

>itunes is so great its the future I love my collection of $.99 shovelware pop songs!

>steam is so great I love my collection of indie shovelware!

Jesus Christ, bros. The panorama of the industry is fucking scary. I might have to stop playing video games in less than two tens if these trends stick. What the fuck happened?

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Why the fuck did people "sign" their own posts back in the day?
Fucking retarded, I can see your name right there dumbass.

>he still plays videogames
>not just shitposting about them like a normal person

Why would I want to buy another shelf to put my games on when the first one is just fine with it's sturdy compartments and nice shiny glass windows and grooves that fit the games I have? Now I have to walk across the room to this other shelf because some dipshit paid off game makers to make the cases not fit on my old shelf and only on their new, rickity piece of shit shelf that has greasy windows on it that obscure my view of the games? Fuck that. Fuck the guy who did that. Fuck you for supporting that guy.

fuck off zoomer, 90s gamefaqs is based

If not Steam it would have been something else, and chances are, something far worse

No publically traded AAA dev will ever release a brand new game without some form of protection.

>Indie Shovelware
You did not use Steam in 2007.

You're beyond naive. Epic is literally paying devs to make games with money they get from Tencent, so to imagine that it would take some of steams market share and somehow make the DRM free market share bigger is delusional.
I'm not giving steam a pass you illiterate retard, I said the epic games store was WORSE and if it got a hold of the market share it would kill actually good companies like GOG. To spell it out for you in clear simple words since you can't understand basic diction: GOG GOOD. STEAM BAD. EPIC WORSE. NO LIKE STEAM BECAUSE STEAM BAD. NO LIKE EPIC MORE BECAUSE EPIC WORSE. CONFUSED THAT PEOPLE HAPPY THAT EPIC MIGHT TAKE PLACE OF STEAM.

If the consumers weren't cucks and stood by their rights, neither Steam nor any other launcher of its kind would have gained a stronghold.

i don't like it mostly for convenience i never had any physical copies of games and i don't want to go download another to get my games its the same thing with steam and epic i don't wanna install 2 clients for my different gamse

So you'd rather live in a timeline where every single publisher has their own launcher? Because that's what would have happened

He was right to avoid Civ V on release. It only became good after the DLC.

but you can play games on Steam while being offline though.

If nothing else, Steam drones finally get their come-uppance for shackling the industry with their shit service. Now you get to see what it was like to have better options taken away from you by brainless consumers falling for bad marketing memes. Doesn't feel so nice, does it?


I really don't get PC gaming, ever since i built my rig the last thing on my mind was "paying" for games.

What sort of cuck would do that? Pirating on PC is the easiest shit in the world.

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Nope. What would have happened if consumers weren't cucks and didn't buy anything that required a launcher is that there would be no launchers whatsoever because they'd all fail miserably, and the people that provided the games with no DRM actually got money, simple as that.

See, I was right in my first post.
>You are willing to murder your own hobby just to feel superior to an anonymous idiot on an imageboard. You are such a retarded monkey.

Yeah, and the 10 year old kid that doesn't have Steam and only owns Epic Launcher cause of Fortnite is gonna be mighty happy about the convenience later down the line. You're getting fucked over just like how Steam users fucked over physical buyers back in the day.

GoG's a nonplayer at this point, they're not losing games from this because the vast majority of devs don't want a DRM-free release of their game floating about it

My hobby ain't being murdered, though. I know that you're panicking over your shit DRM service losing a lot of value, but you're not gonna fool me with your slippery slope bullshit.

and PC releases would begin to dry up as more and more publishers focus on consoles, because no group of shareholders will ever agree to releasing a product without piracy protection.

>Steam is bad so I hope this thing that's even worse takes over

Uh-uh, right, I forgot, Steam are the saviors of PC gaming.
Right, well, in that case, I'm sure you won't mind Epic Games also being the saviors of PC gaming when they manage to get a bunch more console exclusives on their platform. They'll have their own revisionist drones sucking their cock just like you're doing to Valve.

But it exists, as do DRM free copies of lots of games that are both on and off steam. The issue is that if Epic takes hold, the only reason anyone would release off of epic is to make a political statement about the stats of DRM, since they would be giving up both an install base as well as free money. This will only harm the industry if it is allowed to flourish, a steam competitor needs to be better than steam to move the industry forward in a positive way, not worse. This won't force steam to change in any good way, we might just be looking at console wars exclusivity bullshit brought to PC.
I am being hyperbolic you nigger. Do you know how language works? Do you understand simplistic literary devices that any 12 year old can comprehend? Videogames aren't literally going to get stabbed by a knife. They aren't literally going to die. They are just going to keep getting worse and worse if you idiots keep up your useless vendettas.I don't like steam like I don't like my landlord making me pay 1000$ rent, but if I realized that my landlord might be replaced with a guy charging me 2000$, I would sure as hell get on my landlords side for that fucking fight.

Even if I hate his guts.

Good thread

this but unironically

Are you trying to imply Steamworks is worse than SecuROM or StarForce

I want a DRM-free world as much as the next guy but it's a necessary evil in the world of copyright protection and anyone who thinks that a platform with lax security is financially viable only has to look at the dreamcast to see how "successful" they are

This is literally a bunch of boomers being scared of new technology.

And the cycle will repeat itself

>being scared of new technology
What exactly about this is new? It's the same concept as steam just worse in every way for the consumer.

I meant the thread in the OP.

games and devs going epic exclusive = guilt free pirate for the rest of my life

>retards who don't read the dates and think the thread is from 2019

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I've always hated steam ever since they started forcing it on every PC game. Giving up physical copies was one of the most retarded things PC gamers ever did. I have no love for Epic, but it still feels good seeing valve and all their brainwashed drones sweat from this. I myself will continue to pirate games on PC. Only an absolute retard pays for digital games.

>epic is paying companies to use exclusively their DRM platform
Yes, by giving them more revenue from each sale

>Only an absolute retard pays for digital games.
And that's why almost every game has steam or DRM, because even a physical release is just digital on a piece of plastic, and most people don't care about the plastic.

Everyone thinks having physical games is better than having them tied to an account/service until they get fucking burgled by jamal.

More like good ammo to repost just in case this thread dies and steam drones start acting hypocritical again

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fucking based chad

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It wasn't always like this though. Physical PC games used to actually install from the disc. Everyone bending over for steam was what lead to worthless physical copies that were just steam downloads. I used to actually buy PC games. These days, it's all piracy for me. I'm not giving them a cent for a digital copy.
Stop living near the ghetto.

>A game with steam workshop integration requires steam but can be bought on any store
>Games that were available for preorder on other stores but where suddenly bought for 1 year with no benefit to consumer
And dont forget th dev that literally betrayed their Kickstarter backers by changing their gog release to be a year later

Yes physical PC games used to install from the disc. Then the internet happened, and those files you got from the disc you could find on the internet easy. So people uploaded them, because why go to the store and pay money when you can get all the relevant parts of the videogame (the actual videogame) when you can get them from home for free. So DRM was invented, which used to be CD-keys you would get, but those were easily cracked. So then online DRM came along, and that was the advent of steams online marketplace. Steam as a service makes perfect sense, but it could definitely be better, like a single validation upon install, not forcing you to have steam open in the background except when playing online, better anticheat (though that would also require steam to gather more info from your computer so it's a mixed bag). Really if you want to blame anything blame the internet for making physical releases outdated. Same thing happened to music and movies.

My family actually got burgled by jamal and all he took was a camcorder and half a loaf of bread

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post #24 gets close to the realization I made years ago:

I pay taxes, a portion of my earned income to fund the government, who, in turn, do nothing to expand my consumer rights and let us get treated as chattel by producers.
This is why I took the pirate pill, because these goods aren't worth paying taxes on.

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