How fucked are they? All these exclusive deals are killing steam in sales now

How fucked are they? All these exclusive deals are killing steam in sales now.

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Halo MCC is going to outsell every epic sotre game ever released

I don't think they're fucked at least not yet

They need to start fighting back that's for sure.

Long term they're fine. Epic's focus is on sucking the cocks of publishers, but long-term having a consumer base that likes using your client is the most important thing. The Fortnite money won't last forever

>All these exclusive deals are killing steam in sales now.
Epic has given out zero sales data for any of their exclusive games so fuck off with this shit

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In the end it doesn't matter to me because I'm a pirate. Valve should have improved Steam leaps and bounds for years but they've been sitting on their laurels for too long. I'm not going to be spending any money on anything being bought out by Epic (in the event that I do want to buy something) because the concept of exclusivity is offensive to me. It doesn't benefit the customer at all. I want more options. Not less.

lmaoing@epic's life
once the fortnite kiddies move onto the next big fad Epic wil eat shit and die. hence why they are desperately trying to kickstart this shitshow as fast as they can to have a leg to fall on once Fortnite goes out of fashion.
this is what you retards don't realise.
Time SWINEy is sweating turds and shitting his pants right now because he knows the timeframe for cash flow is getting shorter and shorter by the day.
TICK TOCK Ching Chong insectoid chink whores.

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>All these exclusive deals are killing steam in sales now.
*citation needed*

Halo is coming out on Steam they are going to make bank

Their always-on client software is what's hurting them. The deals are just a convenient exit.

fuck you white pig

>Valve should have improved Steam leaps and bounds for years
But they have. Controller support is constantly updated (you can plug-n-play with a Switch Pro Controller if you want to), Proton is a pretty big undertaking, and they have a new multiplayer API for devs to use to easily set up dedicated servers for their games. I mean shit what are Valve supposed to keep improving on when they're the best games service there is? The only possible negative could be the idea that there's too many games, but their recommendation algorithm is good enough that you really wouldn't see the trash unless you're actively looking for it

>All these exclusive deals are killing steam in sales now
Yeah, I'm sure Valve cares while swimming in billions.

lmaoing@your life Ching Chen Jackie Chong

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epic is killing itself even harder

>store is fucking shit for indies, no indie who isn't paid is moving over because of the awful feature set mixed with awful process for being added
>AAA devs are just using epic as a stepping stone to see if they need steam, if they dont theyll just go on to use their own service, leaving epic because they don't need them either

it's really funny how fucking dumb of a business move this is from epic
the moment the money stops flowing, no developers will support this

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There's still no option to exclude tags while browsing the all new releases section. You can only grey out certain tags, but you're limited to how many you can grey out. It's critical when you're wading through thousands of games to be able to exclude things because inclusion is not enough. You can do this right now and search for games with the single-player tag. Games with multiplayer show up in the results because publishers mark it down as both.

Probably not that much, however, it might lead to Valve actually starting to give a fuck about things again. Who knows, they might even release a proper game.

So far they still haven't really gotten any major releases other than Metro. Which even as a major release is kinda on the insignificant side.
Though really it also just comes down to them improving the client. People don't want a storefront, they want Facebook for games. They want to buy games so they can show them off to their friends and shit. The community aspect and people not wanting to leave it is the reason why Steam has remained the top dog for so long, and Epic is kinda shooting themselves in the foot by ignoring it.

Folks its 2019, by now We SHOULD have had

>Portal 3
>some other brand new IP plus its direct sequel

but instead you get DOTA with endless skins

thank god Epic is giving valve a butt thumping. valve needs to get back to game making

Tencent won't be able to keep this pace of moneyhatted exclusives and will eventually bury themselves in bad PR.

I couldn't care less.
If both Epic and Steam eat shit and die it will only be good for the consumers.
I hope they both cannibalise each other. That's why I wish Epic good luck.

Valve got lazy. Someone else saw this, and came in and is fucking with them. Story is as old as time.

you're just a fuckin faggot. find another hobby or kys

If Valve's lazy then how incredibly lazy is Epic with how bare-bones their service is?

Gabe is so fat Epic Games had to roll him in flour and look for the wet spot. Motherfucker, if you wanna fuck him you gotta slap his thigh and ride the wave in. Now I'm not saying he's fat, his high school picture was an aerial shot.

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>accidentally quote tweeting battlefield 5 devs

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They will be alright, but all the Developers whose games are exclusives now may get fucked in the long run, since they lost all their fans.
The sad thing about it all is that there are developers who did not have a say where there game is being released because the publisher is sucking Epics dick and now they get all the hate. Another good example to not trust a publisher though and try to stay as Independent as possible. Also, fuck Epic Games, hope their Engine gets steamrolled by Source 2 and Godot (fuck Unity, maybe even worse scumbags than Epic).

There has not yet been a good epic exclusive yet so Steam were fine.

>but all the Developers whose games are exclusives now may get fucked in the long run, since they lost all their fans.

Honestly I hope Julian Gollop gets hit hard for the bullshit he pulled on people who supported his studio and Phoenix Point for two years on Fig backing and preorders

>They will be alright, but all the Developers whose games are exclusives now may get fucked in the long run, since they lost all their fans.
I got my money back for Phoenix Point and will make sure to pirate every Snapshot Games title to the day they go out of business.

That's just kikery on a whole different level. It's sickening.

>I got my money back for Phoenix Point and will make sure to pirate every Snapshot Games title to the day they go out of business.


just pirate it guys

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Honestly I'm gonna keep my preorder, sell the Epic key to fuck over Epic a little out of a sale and then seed the fuck out of Phoenix Point and its updates for months

more like seethe lmao