Most Overrated/Underrated Games on Yea Forums

Post what you think are the most underrated and most overrated video games on Yea Forums.

1. Note that you should only consider what Yea Forums thinks of the games you're choosing, not what the general public thinks.

2. "Underrated" and "overrated" do not imply "good" and "bad", respectively. It is even possible for an overrated game to be better than an underrated game.

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what is this reverse contrarianism

seething sòydessyfag cant cope that his bingbing wahoo game is a complete and utter vacuous farce

more and more people by the day are coming to the realization that it was an empty and mindless collectathon with no replay value

imagine coping this hard
saged and redpilled

what the fuck is this post, is this what Yea Forums has become?

it's no masterpiece

Is it opposite day again?


this board is still shit, so no. It's not

Ever considered that maybe it's Yea Forums that has shit taste?

Underrated Action games:
Overrated Action games:
DMC shit

what you like
What I like

You have to be 18 to be here, kiddo

Underrated: Grandia
Overrated: Final Fantasy ix

Legend of Zelda BOTW

Any 3D Legend of Zelda game.
They're held to a lower because muh nostalgia gives bonus points to critics.

Agreed, especially OoT. There are lots of people who think that's the best game ever created.

Underrated: Final Fantasy 13
Overrated: Silent Hill 2

Attached: ff13.jpg (220x273, 18K)

Odyssey fucking sucks. I dont get why people like games where you jump around with no story in it whatsoever it's the equivalent of walking similators except here you're doing a shitty gameplayloop.

Not only that, but the difficulty is severely lacking.

Can you fit anymore buzzwords in this post? I'm not yet convinced you're a Yea Forums poster at all.

Mario 64 made each of its moons feel like a worthwhile objective.

Odyssey throws so many filler moons at you, and then gives you only two or three objective moons per world.

underrated: Alpha Protocol
overrated: Mass Effect 2

based, skyrim is underrated as fuck. hope we get a remaster next gen

>Legend of Zelda BOTW

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was that not what I was implying?

Skyrim is objectively a terrible game. It's even greatly inferior to other games in its own franchise.

Fallout New Vegas

Black Ops 4

Underrated: Mario Kart 8
Overrated: Sonic and sega all stars racing

100% based post

Overrated - slay the spire
Underrated - suikoden 4

Underrated :
Zelda Skyward Sword
Overrated :
Zelda Breath of the Wild

>on Yea Forums

BOTW is overrated by critics and underrated here

No. You're acting like "true" Yea Forums disagrees with my opinion.

Praising skyward sword is the one gaming opinion that actually makes me angry.

How on Earth can you believe that Skyrim is underrated? Fucking everybody was talking about that boring ass game when it first came out like ten years ago, and there's a million ports.

>Being angry at opinions

Because I'm talking about Yea Forums's opinion on Skyrim.

Overrated-Dark Souls

underrated: octopath

overrated: xenoblade 2

>Underrated: Any multiplayer game which isn't a milsim or smash

Creation of /vg/ caused it but the amount of excuses to shut down any multiplayer game on Yea Forums is disgusting.

>Overrated: Mario Odyssey

It's a really boring 3D Mario and putting the platforming second sucks

Original RE2 gets so many bonus points here thanks to nostalgia and leonfags. The base game plays itself outside of a couple of segments. I'm pretty sure the nostalgia comes from young kids playing the most accessible least horror focused classic RE entry

Persona 3

Persona 4

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I think Octopath gets what it deserves really; the game is very enjoyable when you get into its wavelength, but the ammount of systemic flaws it has are very evident.

for me it's the opposite

>he doesn't
Zoomers can suck my nads
>sm64 "moons"
>repeatedly leaving and entering the stage is a good thing
Fuck nu-Yea Forums


What is this new buzzword?

Odyssey is great. Yes it's too easy, but this is really a problem with the Mario series as a whole in 3D. The only time 3D Mario was hard was Champion's Road and certain level in Sunshine (which were difficult due to the fucking awful level design/controls and not any real challenge).

Even Champion's Road was easy if you were using tanooki suits/peach/rosalina

People have been saying this for at least 15 years now.

It's not an exactly new word to easily say the following: if you play the game "as it is intended to be played", meaning exploring the stuff as you go along, playing with group formations and steadily leveling up all members, you get a much better experience than just skipping secondary missions and using only a group while ignoring the others.

Maybe not listing it as underrated, but I remember Clive Barker's Jericho to be at the very least interesting, yet I never see it discussed.
Was it just bad and my memory is blocking that out?

It was pretty much critically panned when it came out, and I didn't find much interest in it given that it was another brown shooter in years with way too many of those. Monsters looked cool, but not enough.

I'm glad to see smaller games like Skyrim get the credit they deserve, but part of me resents that a wider audience will embrace what has been a private treasure for so long

based and redpilled


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