What's this phenomenon called?

What's this phenomenon called?

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..? i dont get it

It's called having a fucking job you degenerates.

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Bro ive filmed a porno on that set.

bing bing wahoo syndrome

damn that's a big switch

so this is what happens when they put chemicals in the water that turn the frickin frogs gay

I didn't know the Switch was so small it could fit in Manlytears' room like that.

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That's being called a seething snoygger.

homosexuality I think

Late stage capitalism

>why are people happier than me and enjoying life!!!!!!!!!

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that's ok if that's a kids room tho

>house owner
>most likely has a 30 year mortgage like a cuck he will never pay off

Why do Americans do this?

I had all that once. Now I’m 35 living in an apartment, never see my kids, work 3 jobs and have cancer. Don’t trust women.

It's called a terrible shitpost and autistic replies. Kill yourselves. All of you.

well the image implies he doesn't you dumb nigger

it's called severe burgers

Onions in the veins


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All me btw

>and have cancer
I laughed at this part.


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S*y overdose

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it's called being a REAL man

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TotalBiscuit? I thought you died?

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I wanna titty fuck him desu

>credit score of 750 without 10+ years of valuable credit history
Someone doesn't know how credit works... You can be a trust fund baby at the age of 21 and you still wouldn't have a 750...

He's right though?

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Someone's angry. Did you not get any tendies today or something?

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I think it's cute!

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>Made in Abyss
sick pos

high concentrate soi aka most Yea Forums users

>severe burgers
This is the only correct answer.
But at least that guy enjoys his life and has autism unlike the rest of you who just have autism


Get a credit card in your name young and have mom and dad pay it off, your credit will still improve.

These posts are cringe:

What's a tendies?

thanks for telling me you fucking autist

i achieved 750 after like 5 years.


what why what did i say

I had a credit score of 810 at 21 because I had been making credit card payments and had no debt at all for 4 years.

Now why would you go and lie on the internet, user?

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>lol look at my credit penis guys.
>It's soooo big.
>Comparing it to anonymous guys on the internet makes me feel like a man.

sounds like horseshit I'm 27 never missed a payment CC for 9 years and still haven't crossed 800

>All that clutter and senseless materialism
Most likely trying to emulate being happy to be honest. I doubt half of the shit he has in there sparks joy.

I'm not lying. I got a car and my debt went up compared to income and I immediately went down to like 720.

When I was 21 I had 10,000 in the bank, a credit card with an 18,000 dollar limit, and no debt of any kind.

>never missed a payment

That's not the only way credit score is determined.

must have been because of your savings.

Giving up

Underage cosigned credit cards do not build credit user. Lie out the ass as much as you want but I know how credit scores work and unless you had a legal job at the age of 11, then you didn't have a high tier credit score at the age of 21. Maybe you checked a non-legit credit company like credit karma and got tricked?

>4 years
You do realize that credit age is an actual part of the equation? As in, less than 9 years AVERAGE and you are GUARANTEED to have a lower score than that. No ifs ands or buts.