What do yo want to see in the sequel for the almighty PS5?

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more Yea Forums butthurt

Bloodborne 2

So wait a minute. I have to pay new console for the sequel?

Gay sex mini games like the hetero sex mini games in the old series but gay.

More weapons!


Wider FOV during combat
Option to skip walky talky scenes on repeat playthroughs
Make the RPG bullshit more meaningful
60FPS without having to buy an "upgrade" console

almost like that happens a lot when games like Gravity Rush 2, Metroid Prime 3, Uncharted 4, Sly Cooper 4, Metro Exodus, Nier Automata, Dark Souls 3, and the like take long enough to develop and use new technologies that they can't come out for the platforms their series originally released on because those platforms were no longer relevant.

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>What do you want to see in the sequel
the adoption papers

Walky talky scenes are glorified loading screens. Expect less with better hardware. Not that GoW had that many past the intro.

More gameplay, less walk and talk simulator, no annoying sidekick.

1) I want the brat dead. I spent the whole game waiting for that and he didn't die. The most enjoyable moment was when he was dying and Kratos went after the Blades of Chaos.
2) Better and bigger bosses. Can we have fights like in the other games? Fighting human sized bosses is boring.
3) Sex.
4) More references to Kratos' past. I thought he was going to confess everything but he didn't tell his son that he literally destroyed a corner of the world.
5) More and different enemies.

semen haha

Female lead character.

better puzzles, puzzles were largly shit in gow 3/4. They were mostly glorified time trials, lets get some like gow1/2

this too

Asgard and the other realms.
We got cock teased being unable to go there.

I didn't like the combat it was too hard, maybe a way to skip the bosses and bigger fights.

More brutal takedowns of toxic masculinity

PS5 is coming out in less than 20 months and this game will come out at least in 2022 so, obviously.

A good game that's not boring

More bosses.
More enemy types.
Either fewer RPG-lite elements, or go all out and make it less tacked on.
Depending on how they handle it, possibly more weapons.
Zoom out the camera just slightly more during combat.
That's basically it. Pretty good game.

Now that they hired Matthewmatosis the game is ruined

When has anyone ever been butthurt about it?

>When has anyone ever been butthurt about it?
When it got a 94/100, when it was universally praised even here, and even more when it won GOTY

>GoW combat designer really liked DMC5
lets just hope the fucker tooks some good notes

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A return to form and actual gameplay like the original trilogy.

Some muscial notes from the original trilogy. They completely wasted the Blades of Chaos reveal by not including a track from the old games. Music has such an emotional impact on scenes, and GoW has always had pretty phenomenal and very fitting soundtracks, so it seemed like an obvious opportunity to cash in on some nostalgia

When were people pissed about that?
Hell, more people were pissed when Joker's Smash reveal stole the Award's show from GoW.

I have never seen someone shitpost about this game, even when it won GOTY the attention was on the Joker DLC

good gameplay

>I have never seen someone shitpost about this game

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He's not wrong, shitposting in regards to this game was very rare and in the events it did happen it was always directed at Nintendo like the Soi edit.
At best you would get criticisms from GoW fans and people saying how it's way too different.