

Attached: what.jpg (595x381, 71K)

To be fair, those aren't really games.

what does "crappy" even mean? who decides what is crappy and why

Heavy Rain has more endings and choices than Walking Dead and Wolf Among Us - crap Yea Forums considers good

Yes, they are.


based chinese owned spyware

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Yea Forums decides it

I do. I’m the ebin games ceo

Movie games are great compared to steam asset dump trash and pixelbarf


Now they need Japanese games and they'll be set

>No japanese game in epic store

The "People's Republic of China" is neither the peoples, nor a republic, nor Chinese

why is far cry primal being sold on it then?

Steam has DMC5, RE2 Remake, Monster Hunter World, and Halo MCC. Epic has second rate indie games, fortnite and PS4 movies.

It *only* accepts crappy games. The worst kind made by horrid modern AAA developers who are scared to death of user scores.

And they know the games are terrible, obviously. It's the whole reason epic store exists as it does. It's meant to protect the poor millionaire developers from toxic peasant users and our opinions.

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Too bad for Tim.

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>Indie devs and games media complain about Valve's curation deciding who is and isn't successful
>Now they complain that a lack of curation is killing vidya because there's competition and games need to stand out better

>meanwhile Steam has Fahrenheit which is the only quantic game worth a damn

I already have tons of movies on my pc. I don't need ones that are 50+ gb.

Almost like the emotional impact and writing is more important than DUDE CHOICES LMAO.

>doesn't know what a republic is


>he doesn't download 80+gb 4K blurays

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Fuck off zee

>Caring that much about the writing and MUH CLEMENTINE than actually interesting gameplay and choices.

Telltale is dead - Quantic is not

Mongoloids aren't human. They're insects.

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>Shaun loudly
>Shaun softly
>Shaun sarcastically
>[Shaun him]
wow what great choices.

Crappy Games as in fucking Rape Day user.

What interesting gameplay?


Epic won't accept crappy games but they will accept crappy movies

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>Our store will have less games, says Tim Sweeney
So why in the absolute fuck do people consider this to be a good thing?

to actually be fair, Detroit Become Human was pretty good.

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Crappy games doesn't exclude crappy movies


Quality filters are important otherwise you get shit like pro-pedo games like loli fucker 9000

Anyone who is a consumer and supports Epic Store is a literal cuck.

>won't accept crappy games
>accepts Dangerous Driving
oh no no no

Loli Fucker 9000 is a masterpiece and barely even porn.


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Videogames with gameplay by the looks of it.

What gameplay?

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That one's outdated, now they own 48% of epic

>"i have never played the game, but it's cool to hate David Cage on Yea Forums so i must do what my hipster overlords tell me"
That's you, user.

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Thank you President Xi!

Are you implying tencent having 40% is worse than it being a Californian company

Thanks you stupid chinks

i did beat all of them on youtube/twitchlong time ago

Games that insult the Great Leader Winnie The Pooh-Ping-Pong?

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>played the game

To be fair, Epic Shills were right about Ebin Games Launcher benefiting the PC audience. Those interested in Sony games can now finally pirate them, kek.

Sony niggers are losing all their exclusives so it's nonstop shitposting lately. Literally no one on PC cares about Epic other than it's an annoying inconvenience to download the new store.
Also no one actually cares about your exclusives, we didn't say PS4 has no games for no reason.

Thank you Emperor Xi!

Tell me, user. Would you consider point and click adventure games, playable games?

>heavy rain
>interesting gameplay

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Pick ONE. These aren't games. They are visual novels with really bad stories.

I enjoy that I can get the exclusives while cucking Epic with pirating the games.

What did Steam do for us? Least tryhard Epic sucks Publisher dick to stay relevant.

Fuck you "m-muh b-botnet" faggots, just pirate it.

Well there is gameplay in those, so yes. Why do you ask?

You know what I meant.

RIP user.
>Stop spamming irrelevant foreign language gibberish

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>you get shit like pro-pedo games like loli fucker 9000
And? As long as someone buys it, it shows that there was demand for it. Why's it a bad thing that he got to buy it?

>Yes, they are.
Explain how.

There is indeed gameplay in Detroit become human. Sections where you move your character, solve puzzles and interact with people and objects all by tapping buttons on your controller, and soon enough pointing and clicking on your mouse.

Heavy Rain is a great "bad game" to play. I don't know why, but it just entertains me even though I know it's pretty shit.

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>back before they existed and people wanted them to exist, we called them interactive movies, but not as an insult
>now people who like them insist they be called vidya because interactive movie is too much of an insult
I mean, I've never played them so maybe they aren't interactive movies, but since people label shit based on "muh feels" instead of what is sensible, I guess I will never know the truth.

I'd play a game set during the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests or a game where Taiwan is a country and Tibet is free. Semen demon not related.

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Shovelware is a huge industry, especially with indie shit. Having to wade through shovelware to find quality titles actually hurts the sales of quality titles. Hidden gems get to be just gems when you don't have to wade. If you want to buy shovelware, it will still exist for you to buy elsewhere.

That is why it is a good thing. It isn't like your buying options have somehow been limited. It just means you have to search for the things people don't want.


How does that work?

They're also accepting Outer Worlds, so the "won't accept crappy games" comment didn't age well in the slightest.

single most perfect template.

If you’re Gabe, a good game is one that did the bare minimum and paid their good boy points to him. That’s how Steam became a utopia of pc gaming.

Keep giving gabe your money v. China bad. Gabr good

Thanks, Pooh Bear!

What's the appeal of David Cage's failed film projects anyway?

If you see little chinese children at your door, don't open it.

>Having to wade through shovelware to find quality titles
What the fuck do you people do? Browse the all releases tab?
This is a strawman, literally nobody ever fucking does this

To see how fucking stupid David Cage thinks his """"deep"""" stories are. There's a stupid Simon Says kung fu fight in the air with a Mayan man in Indigo Prophecy and you wake up a mummy to open a door before he fucks off to sleep in Omikron. Detroit is bad but it's more boring which is kind of disappointing. If David Cage wasn't working on it, it'd probably be a way better game cause there are some good things to say about the game

>work 12 hours a day for the last 4 months straight
>finally have time to buy a new game
>have no idea what has came out since you've been too busy with work
>I know, I just press a magic button and it brings me straight to the type of games I would enjoy without having to wade through shit
Is this how you seriously think it works user? Seriously?

Yeah, it's called looking up opinions. No one browses through stores for picking games, you clown.

Yes that's the recommendations system, Steam has plenty of it.

this is a pretty absurd statement

If Epic store is the reason for us getting new ports it's good for at least something.

I wanted ports of games though.

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What would happen if Yea Forums opened its own game store?

>Yeah, it's called looking up opinions
Yeah, no thanks... If I wanted shitty opinions from normalfags I'd go read some official reviews like a good goyim.

>recommendations system is useful

Fuck what has become of this site... Quality here will improve so much if they would just go ahead and ban all cell phone posters...

it's unironically worse

Yeah, it is.
But relying purely on in-store recommendations is silly to begin with, if you care about new stuff coming out then you should be reading news and shitposting on Yea Forums.

It already did. You just don't know about it because it carries 0 games because every game is shit and not worth playing. It also wouldn't degrade itself to the point of carrying merchandise either so there is no filler crap for you to recognize it as a store. Its that one building in your town filled with transexual crackheads. Just go right on in and say you are part of Yea Forums and they will give you the type of customer service you deserve.