Reminder to have positive thoughts while playing vidya

Reminder to have positive thoughts while playing vidya.

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That's me on the upper right

Op is right, it's just a game Yea Forums.

I may be paralyzed from the waist down if my conditions get worse but thank god Sekiro comes out tomorrow.

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>ugly people are all evil

But the problem with having positive thoughts is that all good things and happy feelings come to an end and if you're not prepared, the sadness will hit you like a truck.

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I hope everything works out for you user. If nothing else, I hope you can lead a life that makes you happy. I'm looking forward to Sekiro too.

Mindless optimists have virtually no intelligence
>be retarded
Astounding advice OP.

Hope you get better, user. Story please?

It's true though

t. ugly people

>>ugly people are all evil

All I see are two ugly motherfuckers

Being able to feel your negative emotions is an important part of a balanced mental state. If you guard against all your negative emotioms, you will miss out on the positive ones as well. Life has ups and downs, and it's okay to experience them.

Don’t be so bitter, the image is asking you to take the stick out of your ass and try to look on the bright side of things for once

Don't keep working after a back injury. Allow your body time to heal.


>user has the attention span of a baby and didn't even bother to read the bottom paragraph

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>smile like a spastic for no reason perpetually.
"If you kill your enemies, they win" is truly the best mentality going forward.

Come back!!

this picture is unironically the ultimate redpill.

Top is ugly and stinky, probably a harmless dirty neet.

Bottom is ugly and creepy, probably an assassin or pedophile maybe both.

Fuck 2
Marry 5
Kill 4

5 can't have bad thoughts so I don't have to be loyal

Gif? It's a static image, user.

attractive people are all around better in every way. people who are beautiful tend to get all of the other good genes too like intelligence, strength and charisma

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>tfw ugly

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>tfw not ugly but manlet and small penor
>tfw no face

I mean, you might be perfectly lovely but people still won't want to fuck/be with you so you're still in the exact same position as the uggo above.

Yeah because positive thoughts will make my ugly face better.

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>a person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly
t. ugly and in denial

Unironically, objectively, they will. At least, they will make a you a lot less repulsive. And you should take any chance you can get.

Does your wienie still work? :/

>That evil asshole who looks ultra chad but with some tints of malice in his face at all times


roald dahl was an officer and intelligence officer during WW2, not really a moron

plenty of people do good in ugly ways

what's her name?

sociopathy is a trait of superior humans yes. Empathy is for slaves not for masters

>sociopathy is gud :))))

Oh no, you're retarded.

Not really, you'll be loved and have friends, you just wont get fucked.

Don't need your dick for vidya, user. Hope you make it through, regardless of the results.

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Roald Dahl wasn't some pussy Canadian you fuck.

Comparing a WW2 fighter pilot to Trudeau just makes you look like a mongoloid.

What kind of positive thoughts would a person have while playing a game like this?

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>just stay positive brah
Why don't you just mind your own business?

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Senko. She's getting an anime next month.

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roald dahl hated jews and regrets fighting for the wrong side in ww2. Is he /ourguy/?

thanks. I'd watch the anime but these thing always get me sad.

What the fuck is your obsession with Roald Dahl?
No one mentioned him dumbass, hop off his skeleton dick.

>No one mentioned him
He's literally the OP.

It's the other way around dummy. Evil people are ugly.

Ugh disgusting. Just another attempt to justify lookism. No, being ugly doesn't mean you are a bad person.
It is very common to perceive the personality of people who look good as better just because they look better, but it's just lookism.
Stop this toxic shit. And the worst part is most people believe this is true.

This is bullshit. You can't see if someone is a good person on their eyes. It's just a bullshit trick used in literature that doesn't actually exist in real life.
The eyes are still a part of the look, and if someone has """"dead eyes"""", it's not because they are evil. It may be how they look, or they may have autism, or possibly other mental issues. This is supportive of ableism.
People need to stop these awful ideas.

you can be ugly and still look nice and act decent.


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>thinking happy thoughts are the same thing as positive thoughts
not gonna make it

Senko is to make you happi, user

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Charisma, as a part of positive feedback; yes. Strength: yes/no, but attractive guys tend to be considered attractive because they work out.
Int is actually a dump stat in many cases, as the popularity and positive feedback tends to make people lazy.

Not a thinker, a doer. Truly a man among men. Kami-sama bless.

ugly people have terrible personality because they get treated like shit for being ugly, not the opposite

you didn't even read the fucking thing and you had the gall to spout shit...

it does the opposite to me

It's just about a basic rules of behaving correctly in public and not be a detestable cunt that kills the ambiance anywhere it goes.

what is a nojya

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From what I gather it has something to do with her having a Kansai dialect.
Feel free to correct me though

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Pic related from a senko-approved draw thread after it was dumped in an LOL


Where's Bin Laden!?

How do i change the fact my face emanates hatred? I cant just force myself to think happy thoughts


force yourself to smile
even if it's fake, it will become real

nice people aren't ugly

My default facial expression is a smile and I'm still miserable as shit.

Emotions and inner thoughts are not the fucking Force. You don't end up looking like an aborted fetus if you roll Sith in real life. This has no basis in reality or science.

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If the OP was even slightly true, every AAA Hollywood actor would be the nicest guy/girl on the planet.

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Well, enlight us, boyo

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Yeah because I look so damn attractive right. Let's face it, when even I'm fit and have trouble getting a girlfriend and only faggots come up to me you know you're one ugly bitch. Just fucking kill me. My chin is shit, my eyes are low, and all I have is my gym membership and games.

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Michael Jackson turned into an abomination while he was molesting kids, so there is a basis for the theory.

The Force is female, so only women do.

The funny thing is that Dahl had no lack of ugly thoughts, given his works. His most famous work, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is basically him shitting on different groups he hated. I find it funny he also would like to lecture others about having good thoughts.

just think about things that make you happy, no matter if it's things other people would consider "happy" or not. think about some edgy joke you read on /pol/ if that's your sort of stuff

Rol Dahl is worse than mung dahl

Nah user, you got nice masculine features. Piercing eyes, nice jawline. Girls like confidence which you seem to be lacking. Just beelieve in yourself.

t. faggot

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I never saw an ugly person smile. Because they are all bitter inside and they probably have all the fucking reasons to be. Happy people are not the one spitted on the face by the rest of the world, sometimes you got a lot of bad toughts because your life is shit and is difficult to "keep it positive"

He wrote and drew the pictures in OP's image...

but would you a sophie dahl though?

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just think positive and it'll change your bone structure bruh

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>t. Never had a wheel-chair bound retard compliment their shirt because "holy fuck it's motherfucking blue my goddamn favorite color what the fuck I love this guy"

I've never met an attractive leftist. They're all repulsive because they're filled with spite and resentment on the inside.

Beautiful people have less reasons to be mean and have evil vengeful thoughts though.

Tell that to this guy.

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He was attractive, but nobody was his friend and still called him a weirdo until he got arrested of course


Just transition.

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So are the effects of ugly thoughts permanent, so if you looked good and got ugly because of ugly thoughts, then changed your way of thinking so you have good thoughts, would you become good looking again, or be the same as a originally ugly person who had positive thoughts?

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but positive thoughts got him the girl in the end, and the love of everyone at his school

you legit look like justin timberlake dude

No, when you think good thoughts and are happy and nice, your body language reflects that and everyone sees you as prettier than you are.

I can't even form bad thoughts let alone good ones, I'm as dumb as a rock lmao

Im really trying op, being a competitve tryhard is difficult but I do try to take it easy and just have fun

That's the face of the devil! you can't lie to me!

super happy fun good time vidya game music

Nice cope.

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>tfw this is me

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Is there a service that lets you rent carrier pidgeons ? I really want to try this now.

I'm playing factorio, of course I'm positive. Game is fucking great.

>retards itt cherrypicking a moral from a children's book

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why is she wearing a giant bow tie as a shirt?

That's gay. Nice compliment faggot

>I'm fit and have trouble getting a girlfriend and only faggots come up to me you know you're one ugly bitch.

You must have something going on, I got turned down by traps so fucking much I decided to try crossdressers. No bueno either.

And yet they typically are, because they get away with it easily

>attractive guys tend to be considered attractive because they work out.
Yeah no /fit/tard.
It's FACE.

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Wow I can't believe I just turned into a more beautiful person thanks to the power of positive thoughts induced by my favourite video game song, thank you user!

Who's this, Big Mom?

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Women only give a shit about FACE, HEIGHT, and STATUS. If you don't have any of the three, you're fucked as a male.