Stadia may look cool at teh first glance. No need for hardware etc. Normies will love it. But you know what happens when there is no big barrier to get into specific media. Media becomes for the masses. What happened to movies now? 90% is all garbage with high production value for the looks and nothing deep or "with soul" behind it. Marvel movies do not even have a good product (look at cgi quality) Now games have certain people that willing to invest into them money and time. They appreciate games. I am not talking about fortnite. I talk about games like RE2,RDR,God of War etc. Also some platforms and game publishers are not completely censored by sjw views. But what will happen if google will control a platform where games being distributed? We will get censorship. We will get shity low afford games for masses with "hahah lol pretty graphics I can play with friends shit". Some games I am sure will get pulled out because of some scandal in the media. Imagine actor from dmcv that accused of racism will cause dmcv being pulled from the platform. It is google remember right? What happened to youtube? They never do things like that at the beginning. Like a YouTube, Stadia maybe a good fair platform with few cool exclusive titles to draw attention. But then when people will get hooked on it. Shit will start happening. Same happened to Netflix. First years are good. They make good shows. They try. Then its just shity propaganda and censorship. This is important guys. Games may go into shit like movies did. Not all games of cours. We will have couple good games per year If we are lucky. But I see Stadia is a bad thing.
Stadia is a great danger for games industry
Format your fucking posts, fag.
Cmon man. Don't get too picky
>Media becomes for the masses
allready happened
>Now games have certain people that willing to invest into them money and time. They appreciate games.
no, they dont. most players today rather appreciate the attention, and devs/publsiher the money over the love for their product
>But what will happen if google will control a platform where games being distributed? We will get censorship.
ok, step1: stop supporting SNOY since they are the one resurrecting the censorship madness that stoped years ago
first of all, stadia wont work.
noone can sell me on the fact that the ping will be endureable, neither that can run the games stable on 8k60fps.
theres propably also to much possible lack in data security.
but they are not the one ruining industry, if an ything they might save it a bit with stuff like Couch Co-op,
forgott something to add:
since games can be played cheaper via streaming it can force other companys to reduce their overpriced shit.
>first of all, stadia wont work.
that's all that needs to be said. I mean, just look around. No one is excited and talking happily about Stadia. No one is looking forward to it. It's post after post, thread after thread, of people saying they're not interested and it will never work.
i'd actually look forward to it, since i can clearly see atleast some positive aspects
but ye, its just that it wont work, so why bother.
Yea Forums isn't the only website on the internet, user.
>needs 25 Mb/s
at least in yurop this is not feasible in student homes which are often pre WW2 buildings where 10 Mb/s would be nice to have before needing to share it with 4 others
If you want to be a game journalist just go be a fucking game journalist. Nobody is taking the ten seconds it'll take to read your shit.
Nobody else is either you shitstain, except to make fun of it.
Incorrect. There are latinos hyping it.
lol I did
>We will get shity low afford games for masses with "hahah lol pretty graphics I can play with friends shit".
It needs 15 Mbps for 720p .
Google shills are turd world pajeets, what did you expect?
I don't think Google STD will be a danger, it'll be an afterthought.
>run up to climb on the pillar
>stands for 2 seconds
Since everyone is shitting on it he will be just a footnote like the pippin
Already decided not to give a cent to Goog. Anyone who does this is a faggot and should jump off a bridge.
Someone tell me what bullshit they did here to get these delay numbers
Stream play is shit. It will fail, but Google will still run it for 3+ years after that.
>there are google pajeets on this very board
>on this very thread
Pretty sure that's just AC's shit controls
Sorry zoomer but what you are describing is what already happened to industry. You think a remaster of a 15 year old game is originality? gta cowboy number two ? father of war reboot?
This industry have been falling for years and this is just next step.
>first of all, stadia wont work.
Said the technical expert of Yea Forums.
>Marvel movies do not even have a good product
>looks at Spider Verse
oh yeah we need this well known plebbit spacing
holy fuck that input lag though
Can't wait for Stadia Yea Forums bingo cards to come up.
You pajeets need to catch up
In my country every youtuber says its REVOLUTION
dont have to be a tech expert to see that jumping 2 seconds after pressing x on a direct conection is to much ping.
imagine the person thats conecting is not google themselve with allmost direct and fiber connection, but just your casual user.
imagine millions of people trying to connect at the same time.
imagine theres not enough server capacity for millions of players.
>your stadia is currently in queue, wait for atleast 30k people to quint b efore you can enter.
even the framedrops were visible in the presentation, and im not talking about some meme 60 to 58 drops. it looked more like under 30 fps to me
this fucking hurt