Enter the Gungeon if it was bad. Once again I get proven how contrarian you retards are...

Enter the Gungeon if it was bad. Once again I get proven how contrarian you retards are, claiming this shit product is the best roguelite is beyond retarded

Attached: 5A7F579F-ACFC-4703-90F8-2C9178283A01.jpg (220x220, 14K)

What's bad about it?

Yea Forums in general has chronically terrible taste. I play the opposite of what they suggest and it works out well.

Enter the Gungeon was so shit I don't see how this could possibly be worse

Gungeon is alright now thanks to the AG&D patch, but NT is miles better even without mods.

>supporting Rami Ismail's game


nuclear throne isn't even in top 10 roguelikes for me.

I should fucking hope not.
It's in your top 10 Rogue-lites.

Post your list

they're not even remotely similar though
low IQ sapes just make the comparison because they both have guns, when gungeon is closer to isaac but you never see the nt/isaac comparison

For once I agree with OP
Only thing it has going is it's faster

So we're just being "lol totally contrarian and ironic!" in this thread? Okay.

Fallout New Vegas is also a fucking shitacular game while we're at it.

What's wrong with this game? Other than being limited to 30 fps and 4:3, which has been fixed with mods

>not even remotely similar
Nigga do you even know the definition of the word

Nothing. The dev stepped into the Epic vs Steam shit, and motherfuckers are trying to get as much millage out of it as possible.

He has also been defending AAA anti-consumer practices literally kissing EA's ass, called consoles "microtransactions", and is just a shit human, but go on about your Epic vs Steam war.

binding of isaac
dead cells
slay the spire
rogue legacy
risk of rain
wizard of legend
crypt of the necrodancer

only the first three are in order. streets of rogue looks fun too but I refuse to play ea games.

they're not, NT is about as much of a roguelite as metal slug

Really wish FTL was on Switch.

Attached: back_to_the_lab_again.png (190x265, 5K)

same, I'd love to be able to play it on the go. I was hoping they'd do it sometime since they released into the breach on switch.

Nice, don't agree that Dead Cells and Wizard of Legend should be on there though. I still have trouble understanding why that game gets so much praise it's so repetitive and bland. Gungeon, Isaac, FTL and Darkest Dungeon are by far the best. Can't wait for the Zelda crypt of the necrodancer, i never seemed to get into the first one because it's so rogueLIKE. Try out Immortal Redneck if you haven't it's pretty fjn

wait it's not?
I thought it was for some reason, I guess because into the breach is already.
rogue legacy is terrible, and I'm not too hot over slay the spire either. Darkest dungeon should probably be on there, in spite of its RNG being beyond bullshit at times.

>developer gives his likewarm take on epic vs steam
>now this game that had good, comfy threads can’t happen anymore
I fucking hate all of you.

Listen I didn't even know about the dev I just remember a roguelite thread from a few months ago praising this game over Gungeon. It looks ugly as fuck, as awful music, enemies, guns are boring, mutations are just lame and random, the bosses can be stuck in corners it's stuck in 4:3, the bullet hell aspect is completely lost because of the shitty placement of randomly generated walls and basically just made me go: hmmm i'm just going to play gungeon instead

>enter the bullet spongeon

Attached: C'mon now.gif (320x193, 1.79M)

M-Mommy please make the game easier the bullets die in 3 hits

git gud lmao

As if I'd bother playing this glacier slow slog. It's somehow even slower than early game Isaac. I watched some gameplay and my disinterest was immediate.

>Not a single fucking Roguelike

Is this bait?