Why aren't you helping germany win ww2 through this submarine sim Yea Forums?
Why aren't you helping germany win ww2 through this submarine sim Yea Forums?
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>1,058 uboats entered into service
>793 lost
>75% casualty rate
Fucking Nazi shits
*Laughs in Hedgehog*
my empire of dirt starts playing
Because I'm playing a far more immersive submarine sim, user.
While you're paddling around in the water, I killed Hitler and piles of his henchmen. You're welcome.
manlier than you will ever be, söyböy
>absolutely pathetic statistics
Show me what a "man" you are user and put a bullet in your fucking skull
>my empire of bait starts playing
Fucking this. Wh*tes sit the fuck down
>new aquanox game is radio silent
we need more underwater games
>A battle to the very end has high casualty rates
Wow, inconceivable.
and they had negligible results on the outcome of the war. Should have stayed in port like the first German caused world war
What? German subs had a huge impact
> let's humanize ACTUAL Nazis!
Did someone order an air cremation for the Aryan nation?
did they?
I could never get the hang of firing torpedoes in Silent Hunter 3, I would always either miss or glance the fucking thing off their hull.
>hurr durr they lost so nothing they did matters
>Culling off all the old and slow steamers had a significant effect on the war
I dont really understand you. It's pretty much universally accepted across the world that German subs changed the face of ww2
for 3 months then were absolutely shit raped and played no significant tactical or strategic part in the war.
>In his memoirs, published in 1949, Winston Churchill confessed: 'The only thing that ever really frightened me during the war was the U-boat peril.'
Kill yourself imbecile
Why are you so insistent on jerking off to the side that lost?
notice how feeble the krauts that his little cuck-boots were the only thing that came closed to phasing an allied leader.
Falaise pocket best day of my life. could smell the burning untersmensch burning from 5000ft up
I'm not kek, but German u-boats were cool. Deal with it
because I can only play with myself in silent hunter
Stress and satisfaction of survival make vidya scenarios like this interesting in the first place, unless you're playing it as wish fulfilment power fantasy of course.
Kinda like Hearts of Iron as Germany being interesting only if you allow AI Allies and Soviets cheat like hell.
Oh, now I get it. It's a mentally unstable tranny getting triggered about different opinions.
Me on the left
No amount of submarine dickery would've sufficed to change Germany's fate in WW2
In fact the whole of tge Kriegsmarine should've been shitcanned because subs are a meme and Germany couldn't compete in the surface with the Royal Navy even if they had 20 years to build up, the gap was just too big
That said ww2 subs are the coolest.
The Allies had to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to counter the U-boats (around ten times more than what the Germans spent on their subs) and shipping shortages caused in part by submarine attacks continuously frustrated Allied efforts to begin an early invasion of France and conduct landings in the Mediterranean. It may have been impossible to overcome the preponderance of Allied production and naval strength with a single weapons platform, but it was also infeasible to simply let them move about the seas completely uncontested, and U-boats were an effective way of creating asymmetric costs up until the end of the war when a couple of new elektroboots were demanding the attention of hundreds of Allied aircraft and ships.
Not him, but don't shit on it. It's pretty fucking enjoyable. VR may be a meme, but this and Lone Echo are pretty fucking great.
>Ha! the uboats made you build an even larger navy than you already had!
>Lol took you 30 boats to hunt one sub!
its more a question of there being no more subs left for the sub hunting vessels to focus their attention on
If you consider how Germany was outnumbered it's a fair strategy.
I think we're finally ready to discuss the game bros
im not done shitposting yet
The holocaust didn’t happen
I was joking, it looks good. I just don't have VR yet