So was it a good game or not?
So was it a good game or not?
Fuck you.
Pic related is most people on this matter. It's overlooked and underrated due to the fact that Sticker Star came before which is a damn shame.
Would you consider it on par with the first three games?
only meleefags hate colour splash, it's a perfectly fine game
Not him but I think it's the 2nd best after Paper Mario 64.
A passable grade, but what I wouldn't give for some akin to the first two. No more damn gimmicks, just raw RPG with partners.
Yeah, it alright.
Ok gameplay
God-Tier writing
Man, I wish Super Paper Mario had TTYD's gameplay. It'd easily be the best one.
It totally nailed the story/writing/characters part but choked when it came to the actual gameplay and enjoyability.
Literally Sticker Star 2 don't know why idiots say its anything close to the first two in quality. Even the writing is still "WE'RE PAPER" over and over again.
>God-Tier writing
No kidding, Taro Kudo's writing is beyond anything that came before in the series. In a series where everything tends to be hamfisted and literal he pulls off some really subtle stuff that he never gets credit for. Foreshadowing what happens in the final battle in a joke and reveals aspects of the plot indirectly before their actual reveal through very careful choice of character's words.
He's by far the best writer the series ever had
Never played it, but I heard it's better than *pukes* Sticker Star
Though to be fair, never played SS either. Can you blame me though? Nintendo and Intelligent Systems making literally whats as "sequels", which couldn't even begin to comprehend how to hold a candle to the glorious, the regal Paper Mario and PM: TTyD? (SPM is okay as a stand-alone Mario spin-off RPG but as a Paper Mario it just doesn't belong with the two greats)
It was ok.
It’s good on it’s own way and shouldn’t be compared with the previous entries as they are different to each other
What is this weeb shit you're comparing to Paper Mario?
not at all
better than expected =/= good
It was worse than Sticker Star.
Hell no!
Not a bad game by any means, but it fails miserably as a Paper Mario
It's ironic how they started injecting this series with gimmicks to make it more novel when being a fairly standard RPG but with Mario was the novelty and the gimmicks just make them more generic for a Nintendo game.
I liked the part where bowser started amassing a nuclear arsenal and fucking nuked a foreign continent.
Honestly user, ranking them all is hard to do. With the exception of TTYD they're all different. So I'll just give you my thoughts and you can go from there. Color Splash has the most amazing writing of the series, and is oozing charm eveywhere. Huey's an enjoyable partner, there's tons of small interactions, secrets and text you can miss all over the game. All the enemies even have dialogue in battle, some even being context specific like pic related. You're in a late game area, super powerful and he's all alone. It also has probably the last passionate manual (even if its digital) you'll ever see in a game in this age. As for gameplay, overworld exploration is like the first 2 games, pretty solid, the battle system is hard to comment on but personally I enjoy it. In TTYD nothing is threatening at all, especially if you know how to superguard. In CS due to the nature of enemy amounts are varying cards you have there's at least a CHANCE of common enemies being able to fuck you up. I find a lot of the mid and late game battles to be the best because they take full advantage of how the system works making you think more about the cards you need to use and what order to use them in. My only issues with the game are very minor, which mostly don't matter unless you're going for 100%. First, some areas have different exits, so you have to play through it twice but you also get stronger every chapter to the point first strikes instantly KO the enemies of those areas so you could also just wait and it'll take you 2-3 minutes at most later on. Second, Rock Paper Wizards shouldn't have been done 8 times. I think the game keeps everything interesting all the way through, with lots of variety. There wasn't a single area I disliked which every other Paper Mario game before it had multiple for me. Overall I'd say if you aren't blinded into thinking Paper Mario should be nothing but 64/TTYD styled then this game is worth experiencing.
>Overall I'd say if you aren't blinded into thinking Paper Mario should be nothing but 64/TTYD styled then this game is worth experiencing.
My favorite game was Super Paper Mario. I'll give this game a shot.
A lot of aspects of CS is very good and enjoyable, but the combat is so bad, it will most likely overshadow your enjoyment.
I wouldn't call it bad, but I don't want to play it again any time soon. I got the game a few years back and still haven't beaten it. It has some good jokes and the humor is a little different from older games, but still good. My main issue with it is the sticker star stigma I just can't separate it from. I want to look at this as its own thing, but all I see is the game that helped ruin Paper Mario.
It holds up on its own. For anyone who grew up with the earlier titles it's not going to be as fun.
Same thing happened with M&L. Good thing the based remakes are saving the series.
SSS was an alright remake. It didn't outright replace the original and it stands on its own. There were a few things I didn't agree with which isn't a huge deal, however I will say that they completely ruined the bros. moves. There wasn't much of a reason to change them and now battles last longer than they need to as a result. I feel as though using the circles rather than the button prompts was a poor decision. I'm hoping that BiS is going to be a more fun experience.
The BiS REMAKE- is what I meant to say.
>Its another "anyone who dislikes color splash has to be someone who has not played it" post
I personally felt that SSS DX overall was better. They fixed Fawful's boss music, added some cool continuity stuff with BIS, and in general I think it looked better, like, Bowser didn't look like a downie anymore. Also I liked the new music more, but I understand most seem to disagree with me.
BIS DX is absolutely better than the original. The carrot minigame is fixed, mic shenanigans are gone, added a new gauntlet for Giant Bowser fights, added completely new battle themes for Dark Star and Dark Fawful, and Bowser Jr.'s Journey has some of the best writing in the series.
>Den-O being Super Paper Mario
You gotta explain your logic here considering TTYD is talked about ad nauseum while SPM isn't. Same deal with Hibiki as Paper Mario. Kabuto I can kind of get for TTYD because it's a popular series but then I don't get how you can compare Mario to Tendou and the story as a mess. Kiva as Sticker Star is the only thing that makes sense and even then that doesn't exactly work because Kiva was alright until the second half while Sticker Star was a mess the whole way through.