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>implying I don't pirate all my single player games and buy them a year or two later on sale just for the convenience of having all the games I like easily playable together on Steam

I feel like I am losing my affection for this hobby. I should be enraged over the outerworld instead of indifferent.

Maybe because it's a 300MB download and all launchers are pretty much the same shit? I'd rather just download all my games from CDs instead of dealing with Steam/Uplay/Origin/Epic Games Store but that's not gonna happen any more. The first three I listed forced people to download their clients to get at the games they wanted (Half Life, Rainbow Six Siege, Mass Effect) and then people got used to using them.

God I feel the same way... I don't like this

I wish Nintendo makes a DRM-free ROM store for Microsoft Windows and Mac.

the issue with steam was that every fucking PC game became exclusive to it with no alternatives. At least now a good portion of modern stuff releases on GoG too

meh, i am not going to make 20 different accounts on different platforms so i can play their exclusive games. I am just going to stick to steam + gog.

That's about the best monkey paw wish you could possibly hope to get.

Good. NuObsidian is fucking trash

It's no skin off my back. I'll just pirate it like I did with Exodus. Shame, though, cause I would've bought it if they weren't practicing such shitty moneygrabbing tactics. I haven't pirated games in years but I guess Epic is putting that back in business.

I'm not gonna lie, I was gonna pirate it anyway. I've stopped buying games at launch years ago. The bugs just aren't worth the full price.

Who cares? I never even heard about The Outer Worlds until today. Just pirate it whatever it is.

You people are fucking crazy.

I would care if it wasn't for the fact that modern obsidian has a poor track record.

Exclusivity ruined console gaming and is still a plague to this day within the community. Do not stand for it in PC gaming too, do not support this bull shit attempt at trying to divide and cut the PC gaming community like they already have done with consoles


Are you living under a rock?

No, competitive gamer. Don't care about snoozefest obsidian games.

Fuck... this makes sense.
Over the years I just simply find myself just not giving a shit every time a publisher or a dev makes shitty anti consumer decisions. I used to get angry and make angry posts about it everywhere I could but now? I just dont care.
I used to make long posts when stupid shit was done in Wow, at a certain point I just stopped playing, stopped buying games. I replay the same old games I used to as a kid or just watch Netflix instead.
Sometimes looking at my computer makes me bored instantly and rather go do something else.

Stopped reading your post, you still care and just typed a bunch of bullshit.

wow, can i has your autograph and your ssn?

nah. get owned though.

There's supposed to be a drawback OP. Where's the downside?

I just dont care enough to get enraged about the exclusivity.
Yeah, it may be a small download but I just dont care enough to even do that.
I guess I care about what I know and already like anything new is just meh

What people are exited over outer worlds now ?

>Classic shooter series finally gets a ton of PC love after being ignored for 12 years
>NuObsidian garbage shifting to the Epic Store
Worth the monkey paw wish tbqhwyf

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Granted, but it won't run if you have any of the following types of files on your computer:

worth it.
We are going home, bros.

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Lmao this.


but outer worlds is gonna suck


>Wish Halo on Steam
>It's still fucking Halo 2 Vista

Yeah, but it's not tied to Vista or GFWL so it won't shit bricks when you change OS.

Reminder - be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

Attached: CnC.jpg (1403x297, 85K)

How does this look in the anniversary graphics?

Ok cool. What seems to be the problem?


Too much brown. Bring OG gulch back

holy fucking kek

It's genuinely a superior design beyond the brownness. Same vehicle freedom but you're not insta-dead if you're on foot thanks to the additions of more rocks to the sides of the map as well as the bunkers.

Why do you think I care what happens with The Outer Worlds?

I hate its Scifi aesthetic too much to even imagine it'll be good. Seriously how do you think up a game set in space and then proceed to not base it around futuristic sleek tech or even giant robots but instead pursue some Cavern explorer in space image. Get fucking real.

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What does it even matter, it's a fucking Obsidian game. It's going to need a year of patching at least before it becomes playable.

None desu

Outer worlds is single player. Why the fuck would anyone buy it?

Stop being a depressing fag that makes me want to play video games less.

Post file shares i made one for OP

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