Blocks your Stadia

>blocks your Stadia

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I’ll just switch to a different ISP and they’ll lose business.

Capitalism wins again.

Blocks your Google STD*

>stream a 4k game
>data cap maxed out in a single day
thanks comcast

>no fiber installed in my neighborhood
>only options are basically Comcast or AT&T

>just move to a place with more than one ISP bro

Comcast has a monopoly on your area, crony capitalism wins again!

*makes a deal with google to exempt their traffic from data caps*

>having a data cap

Only poor rural and nigger urban areas don't have more than 1 isp.

>not realizing that data-caps at least unintentionally prevent you from becoming a complete bugman.

>data caps
Haven't been a thing in first world countries since the mid 2000s. Only exception is mobile data but if you use your phone plan as your main way of accessing the internet you deserve the shit you get.

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>making deals with anyone
Lol. Comcast already killed Google Fiber.

bullshit. no data cap, job and everything. fucking clowns on the internet i swear

Last time I checked, US of A is a first world country.

>No healthcare
>56% white
>data caps and slow as fuck internet
>No public transport
By what metric?

Good job billy, you got the joke.

>first world
I don't think so.

>healthcare doesn't exist in the US
Do yuropoors actually believe this?

>everyone comes to the US to learn how to be doctors
>everyone with real sickness comes to the US to be healed
>no healthcare

It exists in the US, but having no healthcare actually feels better. I'm lucky I have free state healthcare, but I can't say the same for others. Imagine having your health tied to your work lmao or having exuberant fees just to visit. Copays BTW LUL

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>la criaturaland
>first world

Good luck next time Pedro Xiao Johnson Oliveira.

Imagine having to depend on the government for anything.

Imagine relying on your ISP for internet. Imagine relying on money.
Just live off the fat of the land.

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I love this meme

>Dis nigga thinks his government just magics his healthcare into existence

>The I better tip my server 20%
>Taxes are the devil!

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keep going
>100bln religious industry
>~10bln science budget
>congressmen quoting the bible as an argument for/against smth

like ur cops?

A Maiden's Heart Is Full to Bursting
Itou Ei

Oh right, switch to competitor who offers DLS/satellite with 1/10th of speed/bandwidth.


Actually most of the cities/states have ISP monopoly and bigger ISPs do not compete with each other due to forced monopoly regulations.

Like public infrastructure and development, law enforcement, libraries, parks?