Bravo Epic

Bravo Epic

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Other urls found in this thread:

>windows store
even worse

>other platforms
lmao gabin got dab on real bad in that post

based, fuck steam

>pay 5 bucks a year later for a fully patched RPG
>pirate at launch for free

which will it be, Yea Forums?

little of both. pirate it to spite epic, then buy it on steam when I can. because fuck epic, fuck epic launcher, and fuck tencent.


Shut up Sony cuck.

I was never going to buy this rick and morty game anyways

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>available on Windows store at launch as well
So... the exclusivity deals these devs are making with Epic is to strictly cockblock Steam users more so than to give the Epic store unique content not available anywhere else.

What the fuck is the point, then? It's not an exclusive if it's available on multiple storefronts. What do Obsidian, as a business, have to gain by not selling on Steam? How much money did Epic bribe them with? It has to be in the tens of millions, if not higher. If it wasn't, there's no chance in hell it'd actually balance out the amount of revenue that they'd make by just selling on Steam as well as the other platforms, 30% cut or not.

Don't let the shills see this they will swarm

>mfw we all organize to only purchase it on windows store to tell epic to fuck off

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ding ding ding

how is that an exclusive exactly

looks like ill be pirating

>epic is a healthy competitor by paying off devs to not sell thier games on Steam only

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Other platforms will be available 24 hours later when crack drops

So should I filter the word epic what do you guys think?

It's never used in anything other than a shitpost. Take that as you will.

Fortnite is the great statan


Does MS not have publishing rights to Obsidian or is only for their projects after?

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>gaben cucked in favor of epic gay store AND windows store
He will never recover

Steam is losing all these games and what does Valve do? Nothing whatsoever, how pathetic.

>playing games at launch
kys subhumans

The epic spammer makes 80 percent of the ops with the word. He also deliberately avoids using it frequently so you’ll also need image hashes.

>obsidian game
yeah i'm sure all 12 people excited for this are in shock right now

game looked dogshit anyway

havent seen a good game be epic exclusive yet.

Are you retarded? Of course they are doing it to kill steam.

Nobody thinks they will make more on Epic but this is the time to finally kill steam and make them lower their rates. Big publishers are leaving steam on mass already. Soon they will have nothing but indie and japanese shit.

Take a blow now so steam dies even faster, they would all win if steam lowers their rate and people get used to multiple stores instead of screaming like autists because something isn't on their favorite store.

A couple things here. Obsidian is not self publishing Outer Worlds, Private Division/Take Two is publishing it. You can thank them for Epic over Steam.

Microsoft bought Obsidian after this publishing deal was already in place and have said they're being hands off with all previously established contracts, which is why Hellblade just came out on Switch. I assume they didn't love the idea of a studio they now own having an Epic exclusive, so they must have told Epic to fuck off and allow a Windows Store release as well, since it sounds like these Epic deals have only been being worked out recently.

>nd people get used to multiple stores
Going to end with every publisher having their own shitty launcher, isn't it.

>Big publishers are leaving steam on mass already

We're merely talking about a year of exclusivity and that tactic won't last forever, and that's a typical practice we've seen many times. Consoles have been having this pissing contest forever, and I see no indication that consumers move in droves to the other platform (quite the opposite in this case, there's far too many people voicing their resentment over Epic, which can't be all that good for PR), let alone for it to be enough to kill the competition.

That actually explains a ton. Still beyond frustrating, but it makes sense.

>turned myself into an epic exclusive, morty. i'm epic rick!

Only projects after Outer Worlds

Thanks gents

If it ain't on Steam its exclusive. Other stores are irrelevant.

What is your problem with epic?


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Fuck that. I will buy nothing but japanese shit and indies.

I'm a whole YEAR later?
Fucking why? If this released on all clients - hell if it even released on Steam a month later - i'd be fine with it but FUCK OFF it'll be everywhere a year later.

Dudes gone completely nuts today. Jannies have been deleting the excess, but he’ll hit 3 digits of new threads today, Maybe a 5 digit post count at this rate

Pirate it of course, I will have less remorse from that cause I know dev already got paid by epic

how can nv fags defend obsidian now

it will be on windows store at launch as well

and windows store has a 30% cut just like steam, which means this a purely "fuck steam" move and not a "pro developers" move like they try to spin it

I hope they get sued for trying to build a monopoly

Why are games allowed to advertise for free on steam, then pull this exclusivity shit before launch?

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It's the best choice they could make. Everyone have Windows Store already installed, so they don't risk low sales if Epic Store bomb.

i was actually looking foward to not buying this game
maybe ill try it out now that its on the store that causes so much butthurt

No one buys shit from the windows store you retard

To be fair they really need the money

Conflicted on this one honestly , i like the studio and the majority of players never buy their games

With this they alteast made a profit

>To be fair they really need the money
They got bought by microsoft


epic is essentially paying them to not put it on steam itself. thats pretty crazy

wow I actually have an incentive to pirate games again holy shit

>what is Nintendo in the 1980s

Hell, it was even worse back then because Nintendo wasn't paying people for the privilege, they were outright demanding it as part of the terms of release.

not him but
>Owned by tencent (imagine EA but even worse hailing from China)
>console tier exclusivity bullshit where they are literally going to pay devs for exclusivity rights
>literal spyware in their launcher that reads other files on your PC specifically your steam folders which is supposed to be 100% private between the user and steam

not even once. I honestly dont want the Chinese anywhere near my video game experience. it only ever changes for the worst time after time fucking hate that country and their worthless culture

>>literal spyware in their launcher that reads other files on your PC specifically your steam folders which is supposed to be 100% private between the user and steam
Is that legal?

would it matter?

you gonna sue a company in china?

She had some big tiddies
post em

>would it matter
Chinese companies arnt immune to the law outside of China
I mean they arrested that one Chinese CEO.

>Steam is now the "least of all evils" option

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And Canadians let her go next day because China said 'there would be consequences'.
Chinks are evil.

Forcing me to defend fucking steam of all things is what I hate most about epic.

Stop shitposting. Since Epic went the bad way you've had plenty opportunities to ask this to anyone on Yea Forums. You can fool one user but you can't fool me, i know you just like the butthurt caused by this question. Now be a man, stop hiding behind that mask and reveal yourself Sweeney.

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>Other platforms

The complete disrespect

How long until Steam puts a stop to these shitty bait and switch tactics?

If they're going with the Epic Store then they have no place to advertise on Steam since that's shady and anti-consumer as fuck

Contracts are so autistic they literally don't allow the use of certain specific words like "Steam".

This is what they meant when they said "We don't need gamers anymore". They get paid enough by Epic for exclusivity that they don't even need any game sales.
Fucking hilarious they think they can do business like this.


>Devs are getting paid by Epic to release their crap on Epic store only
So, now I can just download their shit without feeling any remorse since they already got paid?

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Are you surprised by this?
Did people already forget that Micro$oft bought Obsidian months ago?

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man after my heart. fuck fortnight and fuck epic games.

Release Half-Life 3

I'm just getting it for my Bone. You faggot """""master racers"""" keep bit and arguing like children.

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>literally payiing them to cut out steam
Gaben has to move his fucking ass finally. Just a simpole "if you put it on our store you have to release it at the same time as on other stores" would solve this shit.

>windows store is okay because epic knows the 3 people that buy shit there don't matter
just pirate this trash niggers


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I can wait, I got a huge backlog anyway

its available on windows store but no steam meaning that epic paid to keep the game off steam?


Steamfags are unironically worse than Smash rosterfags and Anal vore Son.yggers.

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Or they could've just released it on Steam at launch alongside those other platforms and not risk fucking shit at all. Makes no sense why Steam release is having a full year's delay unless Epic really is paying people off for shit.

Sure. If he wants to accelerate developer flight from Steam..

The only thing about this shit that actually frustrates me is how Valve is fine with getting cucked and used as free advertising and forums. Fucking take down the store and community pages that do this and punish the devs that do these bait and switches, stop letting them have it both ways you Campo Santo numales.

>pirate at launch for free
>pirate patches as they come out for free too

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They're getting brownie points from us and leddit now, though

God i hope Valve HQ gets attacked by a muslim terrorist attack.

Always wait a year and get it for $5

>give greedy chinks money or dont
golly gee whiz what a tough decision

Technically you need to pay up front to have your game on Steam

steam needs a competitor one way or another. they have been sitting at the top comfortably for far too long.

>MFW 0 fucks given either way because 0 day pirate XD

the ends do not justify the means when the only company providing competition is doing it by undercutting an industry standard (30% cut) and literally bribing people with tencent bux

imagine living in a small town with only a walmart and wanting a viable alternative, so target comes alone and steals bread and milk from walmart so you have to shop at target to get either of those things but you have to continue shopping at walmart to get deli meat and cheese

epic's approach to providing """competition""" does nothing but divide the products that people desire into two separate markets so both companies get to flourish financially simultaneously while the customer suffers.

I'll take the pirate bay version 2 days after release.

Thank you Epic, for generously donating to Obsidian on my behalf! Your generosity is most appreciated!

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user, you know just as well as I do that Steam will put out the game at full release price one year after. No decent sales above 15% until 2 years after release.

>what does valve do

Continue to rake in cash hand over fist on a daily basis.

Nothing but shitposting. You are the scum of this site. Don't reply

Why are there so many epic store threads recently? They seem to be getting more frequent too with the same tired arguments and apologists.

Because they're made by the same small group of people

Because it's the hot topic right now and new games are constantly coming out as being hosted by Epic

hmm...almost like someone was. idk the word. forcing it down our throats?

Im glad i no longer have to worry about buying these anymore

This. It feels good to purate without that feeling.

Very observant user!

Good lad.

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Cope harder Steamutt.

Never used Windows Store. Redpill me on why I shouldn't.

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Go ahead. It's just woefully unpopular in sales.

It's pretty much the only marketplace functionally worse than Epic Games Store.

>then buy it on steam

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How is having a better deal for developers in terms of profits a bad thing?
bribing them into exclusivity is bullshit, but I don't see why everyone has to follow valve's precedent of taking 30%

Lol who the fuck boasts about putting their games on the windows store

The actions they've been taking don't bode well for the future. It isn't the fact that they HAVE exclusives, it's the fact that they aren't funding these games, they're holding them hostage by bribing some developers fortnite money. The fact that they didn't block the Windows store from getting the game but did block steam was the minute you should've realized the developer-friendly act they've been hiding behind is horseshit.

Isn't 30% industry standard for consoles as well.

Today Epic got exclusivity rights to their store for Outer Worlds. Outer Worlds is a highly anticipated upcoming RPG from Obisidian. Its official trailer on youtube gathered over 9M views.

And its already been a hot issue several times over with other games.

big fucking hassle if you wanna install on a second drive, and if you do drm will magically one day deny you to open that app or game just cause its on a second drive

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>How is having a better deal for developers in terms of profits a bad thing?
it isn't, but like you said, bribing devs/publishers into exclusivity is bullshit
30% is basically an industry standard (as points out) so epic games is only undermining steam by doing what they're doing, and they're doing it in the most dishonest way possible that just screws over consumers

Companies owned by Microshit.

steamkeks are you ok?

Did Obsidian advertise in the past it would be available on Steam/GoG and then break theif promise? Fuck Epic and tencent, but this is literally the only thing that matters in regards to hating Obsidian.