Guess what's probably getting announced as an Epic Games Store exclusive soon...

Guess what's probably getting announced as an Epic Games Store exclusive soon. Boy I sure love all this competition that benefits consumers by being able to buy a game in only one place

Attached: The Outer Worlds.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

For fuck sake obsidian. Busting my balls

its been a thing for consoles forever sadly

>For fuck sake obsidian.

It's probably all on 2K who's publishing

Well i was going to buy this on steam, if its epic only, nope fuck off, i might pirate it.

No steam no buy

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I'm gonna /hero/ in Epic Games HQ tomorrow night. Wish me luck.

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Its on steam still

How can Epic Games bribe giants like 2K Games and Ubisoft?

The director is a literal fag, who cares.

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If it's not on steam it's an instant pirate.
Good job shooting yourself in the foot again Obshition.


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>like 2K Games
No clue
Epic were just useful idiots to them. The entire move was made to convince people to buy on uPlay, not Epic's store. It was just an excuse to be able to move off of Steam and get Epic to give them money as well

Thanks to the Guaranteed Revenue System™ from the Epic Game Store™
I can safely pirate all exclusive games on the Epic Game Store™ without feeling a shred of guild

After Deadfire I don't give two fucks about Obsidian.

Godspeed you crazy bastard


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Obshittian has been making bad moves for a while now. I'm guessing they needed a cash infusion badly and epic seems an easy way to get one.

>steam page says releasing in 2020

I could've sworn it said 2019 before. obsidian pls

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The game is owned by 2K, that's why isn't Microsoft-exclusive.

metro and the division were both on steam.

"The Outer Worlds will be available on Steam one year after launch on other exclusive digital PC platforms."

You know you're doing something wrong with your store when people feel dread when they see a new product in it.

It said 2019 about an hour ago

Reminder that epic games pays them the money they would lose from not being on steam so it's perfectly justified to pirate their game since the devs aren't losing any money

It did.

okay, this is EPIC
literally telling us to go crazy

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The Outer Worlds will be available on Steam one year after launch on other exclusive digital PC platforms.
The Outer Worlds will be available on Steam one year after launch on other exclusive digital PC platforms.
The Outer Worlds will be available on Steam one year after launch on other exclusive digital PC platforms.


Is this going to get to the point where every kickstarter needs to have a disclaimer on whether or not they'll go Epic Exclusive? I can see it already.
>Will this release on Epic first?
>Answer: No the plan is to release it on all platforms
>For one year this game will be exclusive to Epic!

So instead of 70% from $60 they'll get 88% of $0. Thanks for saving me money, I guess.

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it did, this is from february

same thing as other games. market game on much more popular steam -> accept exclusive deal and sell on epic instead.

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>Epic is turning one of the best years in gaming into one of the worst

Fucking Christ

thats a good way to get your game unplayed.
i've gotten a dozen or so AAA games for FREE that i didnt play because they were on some faggot store instead of steam.

then later, they come out on steam and i pay actual money for them.

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>"I-it's fake news! Don't trust the russians from twitter!"

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>literally the only title I was looking forward to
Time to get into console gaming.

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>born just in time to see obsidian die
you gonna apologize to todd, Yea Forums?

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Thank god denuvo doesn't work these days. Easy pirate for me.

Just pirate. Epic already paid for your copy anyway with their revenue guarantees to publishers

ok idk why I got 4 of you nibbas telling me the obvi but the point it is coming to steam eventually

Et tu, Obsidian

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Todd. I know we've been through a lot and I may have ditched you for Pillars of Eternity but...I erect the spine of regret and will go back to ESO. As penance I will gift 3 copies of Skyrim to anyone of your choice. I will also be buying them Fallout 4 as a bonus. Speak now Todd. Who deserves this gift?

Man, what happened to Western gaming? At this rate all of the games I buy this year will be Japanese or indie games.

I haven't pirated a game in literal years but this'll be a day 1 pirate for me.
Fuck Epic and their shitty platform.

Chinks are worse than americans


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i could act outraged but to be honest i pirate all my games anyway

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This is all on Private Division, a subsidiary of 2K

I have several years worth of backlog, ayy lmao

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I'll spread the magnet link and retard-friendly torrent tutorials just for you guys

>also launches on windows store
Just as bad as an exclusive desu

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wew look at top right

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Why hasnt anyone made an article how Epic owner puts muslims in camps and bans anything gay from TV.
Would love to see Epics response on that.
Also dont forget about running people that disagree with you with tanks.

Still get a game, I don't care if I buy it from street stall or from giant supermarket.
Epic boasts Exodus sold 2.5 more than LL on steam, so there is that.

Probably a better deal for Obsidian if Epic fronted them some cash. Their sales would have been shit anyway.

They are using our children to pay to ruin the games we play. does this count as slavery...

isnt windows store only for windows 10?

You idiotos realize obsidian had nothing to do with this decision, right? Just like with Metro Exodus, it's all the publisher's call.


>Any games you pirate that are epic exclusive are paid for by Epic anyway
Thanks Tim

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>not even gog
I wanted to buy this game but i'll just have to pirate it, fuck chinks.

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So yes. It will be exclusive for the first 12 months on those two platforms.

So which shitty store will you be buying it Yea Forums

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Good, it means his decisions aren't influenced by weak minded women

thats even worse than epic tbqh

eventually when the game is no longer relevant and everyone who wanted to play already pirated it


>Just like with Metro Exodus, it's all the publisher's call.
A 4A dev was pissy about people complaining about it and threatened to not release their next game on PC if people boycotted it so they are complicit at the very least.

>obsidian game that isn't just a mod built on it's predecessor
No thanks.

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Of course you won't do jackshit, nigger

>Buying paid exclusives

No thanks I'll just pirate. Thanks Epic for getting me into piracy again for the first time in six goddamn years!

>The Decaying SJW Remnants of Obsidian present Rick and Morty in Borderlands 3

And nothing of value was lost. Makes sense just like metro exodus. They knew it was shit so they took the easy payout rather than bomb in sales.

He pays for it so you don't have to.

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steam, when it comes out like a normal person who can wait

YongYea isn’t going to be happy about this.


12 month epic store exclusive, so i guess im pirating it then buying it on steam when its cheap if i really like it.

>pirating the games when they have denuvo
lmap good luck kid

Epic is quite literally bringing the worst aspect of console gaming to pc, pirate their games and never buy, it's almost a duty at this point

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Steam, why the fuck would I download a bitcoin miner just to play games?

plus few more months so it will be on sale

Can somebody name ONE good game Obisidian has made since Fallout 1?

>epic still doing these exclusivity deals despite the fact that it just makes people angry at this point
>even after people discovered their app spies on you like a motherfucker and is less efficient than steam
are they crazy?

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Oh you mean like how Steam has worked for years?

Peak cringe.

Thank you for doing it for video games and not political idelogoy

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woe someone who can think. I like you

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Oh shit, didn't realize it was back up.

New Vegas
Alpha Protocol

Also, Fallout 1 wasn't made by Obsidian, retard.

This. Pirate all Epic Store games. They won't lose any money.

wait does this mean that they're not getting the "guaranteed sales" clause?

>wait one week

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It's why I still haven't bought State of Decay 2.

Why do they keep delaying games a year?

>obsidian made fallout 1

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>by being able to buy a game in only one place
Didn't seem to bother steamfags

are you blind

Steam has never bought exclusivity to the best of my knowledge

>they deleted it

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Theya re just going to pay "content creators" and "influencers" to play the game and get the majority to buy it anyway.

Why are pc faggots such pathetic losers?

"Waah wahh it's not on my Gaben DRM store wahh I'm going to pirate it now"

The same people who mock consoles for being tied to one platform are unironically tying themselves to one platform.

What devs did Valve pay off to release only on Steam and nowhere else?

No they definitely still are. There's zero reason to make this move to Epic's store exclusively without it. It's 'don't release it on Steam' money, not 'only for Epic' money'

I'll be curious to see how successful it is. I suspect they planned on this but expect to ride through it for a few years until the bulk of the market grudgingly accepts it.


>and Ubisoft?
Tencent also has stock in Ubishit.


>The same people who mock consoles for being tied to one platform are unironically tying themselves to one platform.
>when it's Epic tying games to one platform
Nice try but I saw better.

>They actually did

What fucking cunts. Everyone was calling them out too


lmao ratio'd

Imagine being this dumb.

I'm fine with it, with Epic bribing devs like Quantico Dream to put their "games" on PC, maybe now Sony niggers can admit that they're shit and that Detroit has mediocre visuals.
Plus I can just pirate them all since the devs already got paid.

don't miss

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So long as fortnite remains culturally relevant they're not going anywhere and will do this more and more, Atleast this isn't like game streaming where exclusives on that will be unpiratable, that's when I stop buying new games.

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Did Microsoft know about this at all

Another dev was saying how it was like watching their baby be killed in the crib


Sorry Tim Pingping, I'm happy with multiple possibilities. Your shitshow just isn't one of them.

This is great, now I can just pirate it without remorse. Thank you based Epic and Obsidian.

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Fuck, Ancestors too? I was looking forward to that. Fuck em both, I've got a backlog. And to think I was willing to be a day one purchaser again.


Why would Obsidian lie?

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>yfw you're an EpiChad and not a Valve cuck

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Also all future Ubishit games are also available only on their Utrash and Epic game trash stores.

Piracy it is

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Fallout 2

And nothing of value was lost.

Free Tibet

>playing new games past 2012

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Thank god the indie and AA space isn't totally shit.

Imagine being excited by anything nuobsidian makes. imagine being excited for this game after they released the details about it

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Guess it's Xbox One X for me

>buying it

No thanks, Epic Games will be paying for it on my behalf.

Anno though....

I just fucking won't buy it all. I don't want any part in this dumbfuck shit fling contest between Epic and their Pooh king, and Gaben's 6th chin. Can't be used as a tactic against another company if I just don't participate in it at all. They can take their console war shit and fuck right off.

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I take it all back, Epic Store are heroes taking the Ubisoft burden on themselves.

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Timed exclusivity in order to get a fat check from Epic.

>retard can't pirate without infecting his pc

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>also on microsoft store

no need to use tencent for this one fellas


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By that time there will be enough backlog of games plus indie games made by people who actually care about consumers to keep me going for a life time, hey fucking dwarf fortress might be feature complete by then and kenshi will be modded to hell and back that's enough for me

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>demand steam alternatives
>steam alternatives exist
>demand steam release

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between ebin store and windows 10 id choose the former

>The same people who mock consoles for being tied to one platform are unironically tying themselves to one platform.
Are you just pretending to be retarded? People are complaining exactly because Epic is paying them to tie it to an exclusive platform.

you think epic wont grab any meaningfull game?

you can always choose meth

dumb satania poster

>steam alternative is spyware

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I don't even care about Outer Worlds but now I'm just gonna pirate it out of spite. Obsidian's never getting another dime out of me.


...State of Decay 2 is out?

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>steam alternative is worse in pretty much every way

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steam is spyware
>Epic Games indirectly addressed the controversy over its exclusivity deals by sharing details on the launch of Deep Silver's Metro Exodus -- the marketplace's first AAA exclusive. The post-apocalyptic shooter sold more than 2.5 times as many copies in its opening weeks on the Epic Games Store as the Metro: Last Light did when it launched on Steam.

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>Having to download a program is as bad as having to buy a console
Ok nigger.

That's a good point actually.

they havent grabbed dd2 or hollow knight 2 yet

Obsidian deserves it for going against my game studio

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Not everyone is retarded enough to fall into a pit of no sales for a few yellow dollars.

>quotes in a greentext


No it's not

Yeah then GOG happened and Yea Forums loves it, are you going to ignore that chink shill?


>single player games
>worth hopping between clients and stores
fuck that, I'd rather just torrent than have a million clients to sign into for my games.

>hottest rpg in 2019 is epic store exclusive

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>The post-apocalyptic shooter sold more than 2.5 times as many copies in its opening weeks on the Epic Games Store as the Metro: Last Light did when it launched on Steam.
>Valve drones ask for sales numbers
>Epic provides them
Bet that's not what they were hoping for is it?

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it's like a double greentext

I don't believe you, you won't do shit. But if yes, please yell "subscribe to pewdiepie" before you KYS

Reminder that EPIC has a guaranteed revenue thing going on
so pirate away

lmao. thinking i'm buying this on steam when it comes out a year later.
i'm buying it on gog a year later, pirating it when it comes out. fuck this exclusivity bullshit.

>alernatives (plural)
>its just epic only allowing you to buy it through their shit store
>implying you couldnt buy steam cd keys on 3rd party sites

But wait it gets better:
>Epic Games revealed the store's user base has grown to more than 85 million PC players.
Has there ever been a more BTFO group than Valve drones right now?

Don't people realize you've only got one launch? This is the same shit I saw with Early Access when that was starting out, devs thinking they could release a shitty product and people would notice or care when it finally got to 1.0

Nobody likes Epic's game store, it's horribly anti-consumer. It's disingenuous to say everyone hates it and nobody uses it but I can't think of any reason the average layperson would make it their primary portal to play video games. This game and every other Epic exclusive is going to sell like shit compared to if it had releases on places like gog or especially steam. Obviously Epic pays them a lot for that exclusivity deal but I really don't think it's worth it at the end of the day for larger devs/publishers since it'll hurt sales in the long run between people forgetting the game existed whenever it finally hits a platform they use and people spitefully refusing to buy it because of the exclusivity deal in the first place.

Now you HAVE to give your info to chinks like the good little bitch boy you are.

it's honestly one of the best things EPIC did for us
using zoomer fortnite money to sustain all these games for me

IIRC that was the book author, not a dev.

oh no tes6

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This. I wasn't going to buy another one of Bioware's shit heaps but now I can act self-righteous about it.

yeah, it's gonna be a bethesda launcher exclusive

>2.5 times as many copies in its opening weeks

You seem to not be mentioned that this number includes Steam sales, as well as the fact that Metro: Last Light launched in 2013 when PC gaming was overall a lot smaller than it is right now. Strange how they aren't actually providing any hard numbers on the sales

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gog was established by selling old games before being viable alternative to steam. epic needs to play hard ball to succeed.

Ubisoft and Epic have swapped top employees quite a few times. All their executives probably are probably golfing buddies.

People wanted BETTER alternatives, not Li Wang spyware

I wonder how many of those accounts are old UT ones that don't get used anymore like mine.

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And wehre are the numbers? 2.5 times probably include all the sales they had trough steam as well who didn't refunded it.

thats what i thought also what are the odds they fluffed the numbers just so they could do damage control

>It's 'don't release it on Steam' money, not 'only for Epic' money'
I can't wait for a GOG and Humble Bundle release.

It will get better. Great People's Republic of China wasn't built in a day.

Epic literally promised to "support the devs" for us if we pirate. Epic said they will pay the devs even if we all pirate their games.

definitely pirating this

this is honestly so fucking disappointing; I've been excited for this game and defended it on here since it was released and now they pull this bullshit

I can't even defend the game anymore, I'm just fucking disappointed

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Uh what? Like an ipad or something?

Does it mean the next XCOM is also going to be EGS exclusive?

I'd have to imagine this was inked before the metro announcement because if they did this after that especially with a game from Obsidian who gets massive support from the pc community they arw retarded

It's apparently mediocre, but I'm okay with a slightly polished version of more of the same. But I'm not buying it on a locked platform like Windows Store, and pirating it looks like more hassle than its worth when I've already got a large backlog. Would've been a great game for modding, oh well.

>expecting honesty from shills
im sorry to disappoint user...

Valve can take Epic to court over Epic using the Steam Friends list and storing that data without permission from the end user or Valve themselves. Please provide a source that Valve is doing the exact same thing or some equivalent as Epic.

The best part about this is since it's on the epic games store you arent actually harming anyone by pirating, but you would've if it was on steam. Based chinks looking out for every member of the colony

Obsidian a bunch of snakes. They put up a steam page and everything. Fuck it, I only pirated hentai games until this point but there's a first time for everything.

Fortnite on itunes.

>the commies in china will pay for my torrenting

Just gonna pirate everything I'm interested that lands on chink store

Literally paid to keep it OFF Steam.

You weren't supposed to point that out...

I'm having a serious boomer moment now isn't itunes for music?

I hope not
Hopefully R*ddit doesn't go out and buy this game in droves because "think of the developer :^(" so that the publisher tells Ebin to fuck off next time

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>bankrupt china through piracy and intellectual property theft

id laff

And they all play fortnite dumbass and do nothing else.

>see it's not exclusive it's also on a platform nobody uses
maybe they should release it on the fucking zeebo too.

We're gonna be okay bros.

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Guess I'm pirating it.

>Bringing you console wars to PC

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Guess I'm pirating it and getting it on Steam 2 years later for 2-3 bucks.

Considering the fuck up of PP I am not sure.

EVERY Unreal Engine 4 game will be released on Epic store.

I`ve been telling you Outer Worlds will be Epic for week, you laugthed.

get that console trash out of here i wish this was a chink exclusive

>epic store
so the game does not exist

>unreal tournament died for this

Fucking hell, 2K. There was no modding support planned for release anyways and Obsidian RPGs don't play well enough combat wise for no KB+M controls to be a dealbreaker so I'll just pick it up on console.

will it be a
exclusive? hahahaha surely you FAITHFUL and LAW abiding CUSTOMERS will just OBEY the "law" right?

dont be a hypocrite you would have pirated anyways. i would.

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You better fucking stream it dude.

>85 million users
>No mention of active users
Noice, Epic's got tons of Chinese Fortnite bots.

Don't be sad, Obsidian is shit anyway.

youtube, i dont play games

>josh sawyer has tweets on his twitter dumping on tim sweeney being one of the 500 richest people in america and still paying his employees like ass, literally even less than activison's ceo while putting up this facade of "4 da developers"
>A game he's working on now be the straw that breaks the camel's back and gets a lot of core players to begrudgingly download and stick around

Obsidian is owned by Microsoft, user, so that's just not happening. It's not their call.

What game is this? Looks like a diablo clone

Steam drones are cancer. Good thing Steam is getting killed.

Steamcucks and Nuobsid aside, as a consumer this is bad practice and should alarm you. Epic is more or less bull lining their way towards grabbing a large market place share via some very aggressive maneuvers. However it's paired with very anti-consumer practices and shady software that puts you at risk. It should make you worried that a company who has had multiple privacy breaches where customer info was directly exposed is offering little to no fixes while trying to force you into using their product.

Ideally, we the consumer would get an option to choose and the superior product would win. But Epic knows that Steam has a large user base that is complacent, so they decided to smash and grab as the only way to make themselves a competitor.

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I imagine balanceman is probably seething at this decision if that really is the case.

© 2019, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Epic, Epic Games, the Epic Games logo, Fortnite, the Fortnite logo, Unreal, Unreal Engine, the Unreal Engine logo, Unreal Tournament, and the Unreal Tournament logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. Other brands or product names are the trademarks of their respective owners. Non-US transactions through Epic Games International, S.à r.l.

You know. I've bought every single Obsidian game that's ever come out. Every expansion. Every piece of DLC. I've even funded their games and expansions as a high tier backer. I have never once before, for any reason, not even bugs and crashes, neglected to pick up an Obsidian product.

Their decision to become an exclusive to the Epic store, to be on the Epic store at all, says they care more about Developers, Publishers and large corporations, than they care about the people that have been buying their products since the beginning, before they were even Obsidian. Every Troika game. Every Black Isle game. Every single one.

I was there, happy to help out.

And now to just make a little extra money they're willing to go with one of the most anti-consumer stores on the market. They sided with the store outright screwing consumers over. All in the name of taking less of a cut, they pass the pricetag onto consumers through various means including that, up to, 12% price increase for people using certain payment methods, so Epic and Publishers/Developers don't have to pay the processing fees themselves.

There's a damn good reason Steam and other stores take as much as 30%, and it's a hell of a lot less than the 50-70% stores used to take.

So they can go with the Epic store. But I am not simply refusing to buy the Outer Worlds. I am refusing to buy every game that is on the Epic store, be it an exclusive, or not. I will never again touch a game from ANY developer, at ANY point, that has chosen to come out on the Epic store - until the day I die. It doesn't even matter if further games refuse to come out on the Epic store.

My good opinion, once lost, is lost forever.

Good riddance.

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It already happened dummy. It got announced like ten minutes after the OP was made. Also The Outer Worlds is published by Private Division which had a contract in place before Microsoft bought Obsidian. Microsoft has no say in anything related to The Outer Worlds

To be honest, I don't really care that much.
I never cared about Sony and Nintendo exclusivities, I will not care for this.
Also, AAA games nowadays are shit.

Sawyerino is working with Microsoft, not Cain.

PC has exclusives as well.
>downloading Leauge of Legends of my Xbox One at the moment.
b-but games like League wouldn't work on consoles... Yes they would.
>downloading S.T.A.L.K.E.R on my Xbox One X give me a second.

Remember Anons, Epic already paid the devs for you :^)

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>as a consumer
You don't matter

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>pclets shitpost and stir up console war bullshit for so long
>theyre now having a fucking console war with themselves

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Well they don't need our money then. No reason to support them. Pirate away.

>buying it
they treat me like cattle? fuck them. arrrgg

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I wonder if the money of any actual sales actually goes to Epic's pocket.

Freedom of choice, is what you want.
Freedom from choice, is what you get.

To be fair, most c*nsumers are sheep

am i retarded or does that picture makes no sense?,doesn't matter how many developers you got if no one is buying your games

Is it actually exclusive or the game is just ALSO going to the Epic store? It doesn't say exclusivity anywhere.

The game being available on all stores would be a pretty good thing. I love the idea of Epic taking away 3 times less money from game development, but I also think they are retards for still forcing this exclusivity business model, even after the immense backlash.

Just sell games cheaper, like with Metro, but without the surrounding shitstorm. Epic can literally sell games for 50$ instead of 60$ and the devs would still get more money than if they sold their games on Steam.

Not like money means a lot to Obsidian now that MS is behind them, but if all the game studios that I still think could use the money would put their games on all stores I would rather buy them on epic store.

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Game doesn't even look that good, it's just being hyped by youtuber retards.

i was always bothered by the fact that steam takes 33%
they have earned way to much for shitty service and have been on top for way to long.
call me a shill but i want more of my money to go to the game creators and not to some shitty middleman.

>Good thing Steam is getting killed.
and every other storefront with it.
nice job epic chinks. real great "competition" you got there.

>chink pawn says the state will dictate the market, not consumers
imagine my shock

Identifying yourself as a consumer is the greatest triumph of the system.

Steam drones ARE console faggots. No sensible person has steam even installed.

Well there's a bunch of Epic links at the bottom of the game page. It also says:
>© 2019, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Epic, Epic Games, the Epic Games logo, Fortnite, the Fortnite logo, Unreal, Unreal Engine, the Unreal Engine logo, Unreal Tournament, and the Unreal Tournament logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. Other brands or product names are the trademarks of their respective owners. Non-US transactions through Epic Games International, S.à r.l.

>freedom of choice
>its only one choice

Is there a way to ditch the middleman?

It's exclusive for a year, as is Control and some other games that just got announced as timed exclusives.

The Division 2, in the same timeframe as the Division 1, has sold 20% the amount of units . . . being on the Epic Store, and not Steam.

Metro Exodus hasn't sold particularly well either. It doesn't matter for devs or publishers, Epic's already paid them what they might have lost. But epic's not making Valve's 30% cut off these middling sales either. Let's see how this train wreck goes.

more like PCfags being exposed for being literal autists

these are free apps. You don't have to choose between buying one platform for 300-400$ or the other, or subscribing to one or the other, they are just different icons you click on

>© 2018 Obsidian Entertainment, Inc. Obsidian Entertainment and the Obsidian Entertainment logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Obsidian Entertainment, Inc. The Outer Worlds and The Outer Worlds logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Obsidian Entertainment, Inc. Private Division and the Private Division logo are trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other marks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

Such a good little sheep

I m with u bro

jokes on you im using steam on my e-reader to play HL3

anyone have that webm of epic launcher reading your steam stuff?

>Its not exclusive if i also buy it on the company store
Who knew pirates were right all along. Its not stealing if i jsut make a copy

Nevermind, I'm actually retarded.


thats how freedom works in communism

Arrr Matey.

Anyone have the screencaps from the AMA where he stopped engaging with any question that wasn't an Epic Suckoff after everyone reminded him how he bitched about Microsoft doing the same as well as how Epic has a terrible rating via the same sources he uses to assure customers that they can trust Epic?

uE4 is more important than Fortnite. Outer Worlds is on Epic store since it uses UE4

I'm suprised Take-Two actually let them control the IP.

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It's like AMD vs Intel and PlayStation vs Xbox had a retarded baby.

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But ATOM RPG is on Steam

REMINDER: Epic acquires its exclusives through a 'minimum guaranteed sales' deal. This means that if they do not sell the agreed upon amount that Epic will make up the difference.
In other words you can pirate Epic exclusives and the devs still get the money.

>Metro Exodus hasn't sold particularly well either

its also getting pirated to hell and back

>Games press keep treating Epic like it's some sort of goddamn underdog against big bad Steam
>Epic, the company that produces Unreal Engine and owns fucking Fortnite

I'll never not be mad about this bullshit

I understand being pissed off at the decision but I refuse to believe you're retarded enough to think that this was anything other than 2K's decision.

>free spyware is a good thing!

>it isn't an exclusive it's also launching on a store no one ever uses

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The tittle is clickbait, he is saying Epic store is trying to appease developers because "Is good enough for consumers"
Which is even more bullshit because he literally have to pay them to use his shitty ass excuse of a store

It doesn't matter to me anymore. I wash my hands of them, of it all. Let it burn itself to the ground, and salt the earth that nothing may grow again. Treat not upon this dead and poisoned land.

gaming press has hated valve ever since they said they allowed naughty stuff on steam

>Metro Exodus hasn't sold particularly well either.
Do you have a single fact to back that up? I'd assume it didn't do too well but Epic says otherwise but their statement is vague.

Isn't Obsidian on Microsoft hands now though?

Not like this satania poster...

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That's comforting to know.

nothing more pleasant happening in recent times as seeing Steam drones seethe and cry bitter tears

Was Microsoft Store spared from the deal because Microsoft owns Obsidian now?

The game is pre-Microsoft acquisition.

Really makes you wonder why publishers have totally forgotten the fact that 15 years ago there were still tons of PC games released on... Windows. Not Steam or Origin or Uplay running in Windows, just Windows. You put in a disc and install the game. And at no point is some fat middleman skimming a percentage off the top. These publishers are just insisting on giving away free money even though DRM has never in any way prevented piracy.

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>still defending Obshitian
Why do you enjoy being cucked?

no, it's still being funded and published by Private Division regardless of the Microsoft acquisition

>Epic says otherwise but their statement is vague.
colour me surprised

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Every single epic exclusive is coming to Steam eventually. They're all one-year timed deals

Using Steamworks middleware it's more convenient than using Gamespy or RakNet or else.
A pity, because now RakNet is pretty much public domain and could provide DRM-free multiplayer.

Face it Yea Forums. It's over. Chinks won.

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Apparently it sold better than last light. Which doesnt mean much considering that Metro games especially the older ones were niche as fuck

>windows 10 store

Okay eh er sorry let heh Hehe haha
I'm so sorry, just, heh ahem, just Hahaha Ha hAh HAhaaaa AHah AaAhaha
oh dear, this is just AHHHhaa cute AH fucking adorable ahablahaha bwaAAHAHAHA

let me hah im sorry let me rephrase HAHAH

I can't.

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>Do you have a single fact to back that up?
>Epic statement is vague.

I need to save that Tiananmen Square pasta. I keep forgetting to do so.

Oh, I won't get outer worlds then.


It's really funny that Epic is exclusively adding games I never would have played in the first place. Your faggotry won't effect me, China, and if it does I'll just pirate it. Strongarming people into using your shit anti-consumer client =/= competition.

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>the windows store guys but not steam
hahahaha being in the PR department must be a nightamre

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Why does a singleplayer game need anything like that?

They also don't specify where those sales occurred, so a hell of a lot of them could have been from Steam itself

They only stated so in their GDC keynote but didn't give any hard figures. However they didn't differentiate between customers who went through the Epic store, and customers who had originally preordered via Steam. Apparently Exodus sold 50% more than Last Light in physical retail in the UK but that's about all we got

Well at least they get their money out of it

>i was always bothered by the fact that steam takes 33%
Yeah I'm sure you were always so bothered that you didn't even know it's actually 30%.

Well I suppose you're free to be as retarded as you please, user. You're probably better off not blindly buying every Obsidian release, anyway.
Outer Worlds was in development prior to the acquisition and was already being published by 2K so they still hold all the publishing rights.
I'm only defending them here because they likely had little to no input in this decision. Frankly, I think their more recent games have been pretty lackluster and not worth a purchase and I was only interested in this due to Cain and Boyarski leading the projects.

>Outer World on Epic Store
>No drm
Friendly reminder that NO game on the epic store has drm. Its a completely drm free platform. Steam has built in drm. Friendly reminder that if you are not on team Epic+GOG you are a giant faggot.

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Except Epic also exclusively controls the sales of the product, and their regional pricing and discounts are nonexistent.

im fucking crying why is this so funny? am i retard? hjahaha

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>cain and boyarski broing it up, playing fallout and talking about their old games
>loads of trivia from their old games
>brings up their new game, and how it has their kind of humor in it, how they look forward to people playing it
how can i not buy this game
i am going to buy something from the microsoft store for the first time

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My sentiment. I haven't pirated a game in 3 years since I was in college and had 0 money. But its the pirate life for me now

woah wtf isn't this like false advertising?

This is false. Steam DRM is completely optional

Well, it doesn't. They just do it to screw you.

If they allow me to download games within the browser, I'm in.

pirate it.

In those days margins were smaller for devs since you had to go through a publisher with the cost of producing and transporting the physical copies

just pirate it dude


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>steam alternative manages to only take 12-15% of the cut by passing processing fees onto consumers using certain payment methods which can inflate game prices as much as 12% beyond what the game's store page lists.
Epic can also use any user content based on Epic Store Games, without permission, and may even profit from it. In their user agreement, if Epic should suffer legal action when using user content, the user is responsible for paying Epic's legal fees.

Hoarding exclusives, even pre-orders from other stores, and replacing those keys with epic store keys ensuring there is no actual choice, even for those that pre-ordered physical copies and keys.




This is not a Steam alternative. GOG is a Steam alternative. Even Uplay and Origin are Steam alternatives. The Epic store is anti-consumer trash and a casual read through their user agreement reveals some of the most slimy shit you've ever seen. Every store has shit in their contracts, but the Epic store takes the fucking cake, shits on it, and makes you pay for it before rubbing your face in it.

Arent obsidian games usually bug riddled at release? Thx for beta testing i guess xD

>Implying I was going to buy this game
Looks like No Man's Sky meets Borderlands with speech checks

>Steam has built in drm
Stop lying Epic shill. There are DRM-free games on Steam that you can launch from their game files without Steam open

Playstation Store.

you are free to obey, user

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So I can register an Epic account with temporary email, buy a DRM free game, then remove Epic Games store and add a Steam shortcut for the game I just bought and never open my Epic account again?

Can't you just walk to the store and buy it?

It's fine to pirate even if you like the dev in this case

Steam lets devs who sell on their service to generate as many keys as they want to sell elsewhere which Steam gets no cut on. 33% is far less than physical release which includes retail, shipping, storage, and manufacturing.


gg epic, however

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>Jump over to leddit
>Reading all the autistic pcbros crying
Entertaining as fuck, thank you based Epic.

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>dare to complain about it in the forums
>devs ban you

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The Steam drones butthurt is of such Epic proportions that it could only be rivaled if next Final Fantasy is released on Xbox only,

You don't need physical copies now. Publishers (or even just developers without publishers) could directly sell copy downloads from their websites and there would be no third party platform skimming off the top.

Once you've got a game installed, you never have to open the launcher again unless you want to update the game.

>Epic can also use any user content based on Epic Store Games, without permission, and may even profit from it. In their user agreement, if Epic should suffer legal action when using user content, the user is responsible for paying Epic's legal fees.

wow im getting chinese legal deja-vu

that's the deal with phoenix point at least.

Yet exodus had denuvo

This is why I wish developers had their own "donate" page or whatever so I could just give them the entire game's worth of money without any middlemen and then just pirate the damn thing in peace.

This is not a problem at all for a patient gamer
I haven't played a singleplayer game on launch for almost 7 years now

wtf I love Epic now?

was it really that simple to overthrow steam all this time? just make a store and convince few publishers?
wow. maybe we will get HL3 sooner than 5 years. thanks epic?

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"No money for sell outs"

Forbidden topic. :3c

>Epic Store-only on Win7
Not even worth a pirate.

>he think Valve will get back at making game
when they finish working on the brain chip maybe

Exclusives are great. Games like Bayonetta 2 wouldn't have existed if it weren't for Nintendo funding the development.

>tweet about how your games is now on epic, but carefully leave out some information
>loads of abuse start coming in
>wait a little
>then delete the tweet with all the abuse because "you left out the information about the console editions", so you have an excuse to make a fresh tweet without all the abuse
clever girl, but it won't help

Fitgirl's store

None, I lost all faith in Obsidian after Pillars of Eternity and this is just another excuse to not buy this shit.

path of exile friend

Anyone can make a new store. Devs can sell the games on own webpages for 0% cut.

Epic is possible because of:
1) Fortnite
2) more importanly, Unreal Engine 4.

Where every damn new game thats not in shitty Unity is in UE4, the choice which platform to use is obvious, when using it makes using UE4 free

Expecting Granblue Versus on Epic Store

>EPIC literally pays for my chicken tendies because I sell stuff in their Unreal Marketplace
>EPIC made an incredible engine with tons of support and practically gave it away for free boosting the indie dev scene by fucktons

>EPIC shits up PC gaming with exclusives

I want to say it's a brief strategy to establish a store that was made 9 years too late, but that 40% owned by Tencent makes me believe otherwise.

Really a shame. In a lot of ways, EPIC felt like the new Valve. Maybe I was just an idiot.

Game looks fun I'm going to buy on the epic store. Keep seething about chinks though.

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Epic is already paying for your copy, so you can get your free copy at your pirate site of choice.

we all learn at some point,i intitally used it to help work on their "open" unreal tournament,then fornite and the epic store happened and they pulled the plug on a series i played since the first unreal

Can't wait for the next interview, they are going to be as pissed off as most of the customers.

>steam banned in China
A single reason why Epic would win

>buying single-player games
Day 1 pirate it is just like I did with Metro.

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reminder that obshitian is already dead

I don't know how new you are but a lot of "seething" is just anons doing pic related. No, you're not doing the same thing.

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>In their user agreement, if Epic should suffer legal action when using user content, the user is responsible for paying Epic's legal fees.
This is only possible in burgerland.

There's no way the PR department will allow that. The best you can expect is a telling silence when they're inevitably asked about the decision.

Epic store is also banned in chinklands.

Shit game why bother

I am sure is pretty possible in China too

not if you know the legal system

Epic is owned by Tencent, which, in turn is pretty much ran by Chinese Goverment.

Steam is trying to expand to China atm, but it`ll end badly - with gov just banning it under some pretence. Mentioning "steam game" is already censored on chinese social media. Gabe is doomed


>>a terrible storefront is winning because of cheaper prices then the better alternative
This is nothing to cheer about you stupid retard.
Stop replying to yourself nigger.

>Steam is trying to expand to China atm

Steam already sells in China, and Epic doesn't

Same. I won't forgive them for pulling the plug on Unreal Tournament, and by relation the series that put them on the map. Taking it a step further by swindling money from kids, and using it to spit in the face of the PC consumer base that saved them from destruction is salt in the wound at this point.

I won't be buying it though.

tod has put a curse upon obsidian. its only a matter of time before obsidian goes bankrupt.

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We really should just seal off China from the rest of the world. We'd be better off without those damn bugmen.

Boyarsky is going to assume direct control, or more likely just quit after release.

Steam "tries" to sell in China. Yeah, good luck with that when you are competing litterally against chinese gov

Epic's fortnite money has to run out at some point... right?

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Even if it does, they have fucking Tencent money. That would never run out.

Fortnite is growing.

Also, Epic are makers of Unreal Engine, which probably brings them even more, given 1/4 of PC games is made in it, and if taken adjustment for relevant genres and filter out indie shit, than probably much more even

When Fortnite dries up people will be moving on and looking for something else to play, which Epic intends to catch on the Epic Store.

Also Epic makes UE4 which is used by a shittonne of games, so I wouldn't count on the money running out.

30 million is like small village in China, dude..

The point is that they're already in China.
They don't have to "try", they already have a presence there.

user, about 900 million chinks are fucking farmers.

not him but you get a gimped version in china without VPN
>30 million of a gweilo company versus the supposed 80 million of a government tied company

>small village
>about 2% of the total population
Yeah ok.

the point is Epic=Tencent

theres just over 500 millions with internet IDs playing Tencent games regularly, not counting other services

>Gabedrones acting like they have the moral high ground when shit talking Epic
>In the same sentence they announce they'll be pirating the game
So damn delusional.

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There is nothing morally wrong from pirating the game since Epic is already paying obsidian.

>Implying I'm not 100% okay to pirate since Epic bought my copy
Thanks Epic for paying the dev for me

>thinking EPIC is in China
>instead of China is in EPIC

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>pirate a game
>see steam-rip
bleah.... not even pirating Steam games, since don't want the retarded spyware it comes with

Obsidian clearly don't want or need consumers, as they've sided with an anti-consumer store. Why would consumers buy their stuff now? The only logical thing to do is pirate Obsidian's games from now on.

Anti-consumer practices should be met with anti-developer practices.

What do you care? Their sales are "Insured" under Epic. Pirating doesn't hurt devs one bit.

Based Epic. The new face of Piracy.

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Why would Microsoft let EPIC buy exclusivity when they have their own shitty storefront?


Hey now let's be fair, this is probably all on Private Division who's publishing the game

Steam drones are not consumers. They are cancer. Cancer shell be not catered to, but eradicated.

Even if Outer World bombs (which it will note), one has to commend bravery of Obsidian to challenge the evil Behemoth, as their contribution will make it fall sooner and once and forever free all devs from its greed and tirrany

Supporting Epic is morally wrong and they already paid Obsidian for my copy.

you're retarded spyware :^)

The game is distributed by Take-Two.
Also, the only reason it's avaible on Microsoft Store in addition to Epic is precisely because of Microsoft's ownership of Obsidian.
Kinda like why People Can Fly and Electronic Arts' Bulletstorm used Games for Windows Live.

The alternative is Microsoft paying Epic anyway since the game uses UE4. So what choice is smarter - pay Epic or get paid by Epic?


Since the devs have already been bribed and paid they are objectively correct in stating that there is nothing morally wrong with pirating Epic games.
The devs don't suffer so it's a moot point.

Dammit, why are Take-Two such assholes. First GTA now this.

How will Steam respond?

Developers are using Steam to advertise their games, only to pull out within a month or weeks in advance with little notice.

Obsidian won't be the last, there's going to be a few more.


If I'm that desperate than Windows Store

This. It's not the developers to blame. It's big business video games.

>What do you care?
Hypocrisy annoys me. I pirate games because I like free shit, its the same reason everyone pirates games. Fags trying to moralize theft are just retarded. These people unironically believe they are saving/helping the industry when they pirate a game.

It cant. If steam tries to police companies and people publishing their games on it after buying in/approval, it`ll cause amazing shitstorm and contribute to it ruin even more. Steam positions itself as storefront and gets paid for service.

As buggy as it was, Alpha Protocol

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>its the same reason everyone pirates games.

Depends how much they're paying. The license for UE4 is like 5% royalties after the first $3,000, per quarter. For that kind of trade-off I'd expect a pretty penny for exclusivity on top. I think it's just down to Microsoft not putting as much stock in their own store ever taking off, and mostly using it to cater to Xbox users.

By continuing not to care. That's the hardest truth about this. People claim that this is happening out of Valve's Complacency, and apathy. Valve continuing to do nothing outside of passive aggressive remarks on these game pages is only proving them right.

>it`ll cause amazing shitstorm
Using Steam to advertise your games and then forcibly move to Epic and stonewall Steam is an even bigger shitstorm.

>why do people keep pirating our games i dont understand don't they want time delayed exclusives and bloatware clogging up their pc wtf?

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They PAID to advertise their games on Steam.

>I pirate games
>trying to moralize theft
Yeah, for some reason I don't believe you. No one who pirates games thinks it's theft, BECAUSE IT'S FUCKING NOT.

>Developers are using Steam to advertise their games, only to pull out within a month or weeks in advance with little notice.
Absolutely hilarious, love it. Fuck Valve. They need to respond by improving their shitty looking store, releasing some fucking games and dropping their take from their jewish 30%

do they even need to care? this isnt some straw breaking the camels back its a few games getting payed to stay on a second rate storefront for a year who will then predictably return to steam to milk more cash

I have no intention of pirating anything. I'm just not becoming a dancing monkey for the kind of terrible people who hate hunny loving bears that pay you to cry about it.

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>dropping their take from their jewish 30%

So GOG is a bunch of megajews too then?

Imagine price of cards.

>Satania poster

they are when they are upfront about their cut and costs

For eleventh time, GOG reduced their cut. That's why they can't afford to do the Fair Pricing Package anymore.

Considering majority of AAA games either
1) already sold on exclusive launchers liek Bethesda/Blizzard/origin
2) Most of good games that arent above (since big publishers like Ubisoft/EA hold good graphic engines for themselves and dont distribute them) are in UE and all UE games will be on Epic store

So in a year or two all you`ll see on Steam is shitty indie Unity games

Source me on what they actually reduced their cut to. The only thing I remember is that they had to lay off staff because they expanded too quickly and were also worried about the movement towards a lower cut hurting them negatively in the future

The slavs at CDPR would be legendary if they made Cyberpunk exclusive to Steam and GOG.

>buying games

Give them to your most hated enemies, supplicant.
If they already possess the sacred text, then you must find one you loathe almost equally.
Do this, and your penance shall be complete.

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>giving steam 30% share
fuck off drone, but from GOG

>In the past, we were able to cover these extra costs from our cut and still turn a small profit. Unfortunately, this is not the case anymore. With an increasing share paid to developers, ///our cut gets smaller///. However, we look at it, at the end of the day we are a store and need to make sure we sell games without a loss.

>thinking that the japanese would ever let their games be sold on some chink shit
Based Japs saving gaming.

lol if i wanted to buy it i'd pirate it. game looks like its gonna be shit anyway. this ain't obsidian of old.

pretty much. with sjw overtones, too, i bet.

Steam should mark all the developers who used their platform to falsely advertise their games.

When they come crawling back they need to make sure to put the game on a fire sale, like 80-90% off.

Can't wait when Granblue Versus is announced to be Epic exclusive, just as was predicted with Outer World

thats not a majority thats a few and depends on your definition of triple A
secondly nice shifting goalposts but we were talking about valve and epic not Bethesda or origin and your subjective opinion of "good games"
>all UE will be on the epic store
and others as well including steam unless your trying to suggest that theres no UE games on steam?

nice talk anyways chang

>Has to reduce cut
>Has to cut features because of that
And we all just believe Epic when they say they can operate a fully-featured store on 12%?

>epic store

Just pirate the game they don't need your money anyway since epic got their back

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They are selling at a loss like console companies to encourage business.

>including steam
You steam drones dont understand what "competition" means despite always rambling around about it. The reason games will not be on Steam, because there is zero reason to reduce your revenue on placing them on platform that steals 1/3 of it. The games will be on platforms that are financially viable, and others will be btfo. And if Steam will not change its greed it`ll be btfo first.

Japan doesn't like change, now that they got used to steam they won't change easily

If you're "operating at a loss" on even selling your games you're going to have to increase your take eventually. Console sales take a loss because software and online sales more than makes up for it

The devs clearly do not neeed money from sales to stay in business anymore so why should I give them money at all?

>Granblue Versus

I'm guessing they'll go the Witcher 3 route ie GOG, Steam and Origin.

>siding with chinks

Then they will pay Epic for use of UE4. Yep, keep believing that, just like with Outer Worlds. Companies are run to make money.

this gog is alright too

user why are you implying devs/publishers moved over due to the revenue split and not because Epic paid out fat sacks of guaranteed cash to them? That's a disingenuous argument you're making

>Japanese jews working with the Chinky jews

maybe its a woman named robert, bro

That's predatory pricing

based epic

nice job dodging the question yet again,why do you try so hard to avoid giving a direct answer?

yes im sure the companies would hate getting no money versus some money,you clearly dont understand the word compeition if you assume it can only be on one storefront

Japanese anime already succumbed to Chinese overlords, Chinese market overtaking in size Japanese itself. Same with video/mobile games. You are delusional you know what Japanese devs think - they think money, which is why majority of marketing is done in China atm.

For developers not consumers.

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>theres no UE games on steam?
Big daddy Epic shill Sweeny thinks there's only Valve games on steam, why would his little shills know any better.

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I really don't think Chinese streaming services are super relevant, I would like to think Japan can model their own streaming services in Japan though since physical is dying.

this but unironically.
you don't even have to feel bad for pirating epic store exclusive games. as Epic has secured their financing anyway.
the phoenix point ceo said it himself that even if they had to refund every single backer who made this game even possible in the first place because no publisher wanted to touch it, Epic paid them so much for the exclusivity deal that they can continue to develop games for the next 10 years.

it is literally ok to pirate Epic Games exclusive titles as their devs are being compensated by Epic Games and the Chinese government.

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>i never thought id fight side by side with a weeb
>how about a smug anime poster?

>no money
Imagine being that much of a Steam drone. The only way games will be on different platforms is when in epic it costs 60, in steam 78, in gog say 65.

There is no point in releaseing game in multiple storefronts with same price, if the conditions offered by them are not equal. And steam losing its marketing attractiong and de facto monopoly, means devs mean absolutely nothing by not releasing game there atm. Players want games, and buying a game is one google search away always.

If Cyberpunk 2077 will be released just on GOG, it will not lose a single perscent of "potential revenue" by not being released on Steam, since every damn monkey will buy it

But youd buy it if it was only on Steam though. You're a hypocrite.


I am bit out of it and groggy. but doesn't Tencent also have stake in Bungie now? Like they are the ones that gave $100million dollars to bungie to help them get out of their $160 million contract with activision

>How to give Consoles all your exclusives: by rabid PC Steamfags

Its funny how everyone was stroking this games dick, until it stopped coming to Steam and now suddenly the game is shit.

It's almost like... offering things your competitor doesn't is apart of competition

"Piracy is a service problem" - Gabe Newell.

Beyond and Detroit are also 1y exclusive?

We've gone full circle.

post your face when you realize how buttblasted plebbit and valve drones are going to be

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what is that?

kys epicdrone

good one user

2k are quadrilionares, they could eat epic alive, they could sue Epic for Fortnite being a rip off of Civ and win.

so umm why can't they just release it on steam and epic store simultaneously? why pay for timed exclusivity? surely people will but it from epic if the client is good and devs get more money

lick my sweaty balls pcbro and then kys

Attached: giphy (50).gif (500x200, 500K)

Excellent, thanks China

They're assuming consumers are total manbabies who have no dignity and will buy things because they want the new hot game regardless of how hard they get shafted and they're right

>Everyone is going back to piracy because of this paid exclusives stuff

Looks like he was right

>all this games gonna be on steam next year
so 2020 is already confirmed to be one heck of a year

>it isn't just shit, it's diarrhea too

lol ok,where did i say i was a steam user? oh right the part when you started moving goalposts and making shit up,you even failed to notice there are already games on multiple storefronts with a similar price so your already wrong on that front

2)that was such a mind numbingly stupid point to make i feel bad for you and your handler,more storefronts means more customers which means more income regardless of what cut the storefronts it appears i need to hold your hand so you understand?

3)really not even 0.01 percent revenue loss? reaaaally? if you believe that you are more full of shit then i thought
