Are Erdrickfags gonna get dabbed on by Toby?
Oh no
Cuphead on switch isn't a far reach to make, that's how they get you retards that fall for this every time.
Cuphead is a broad pick, it's been rumored to come to switch for the last few months. Now if they had said "Zelda x Necrodancer" I would've believed it.
Oh no no no no no!
Predicting Cuphead for the Switch is an extremely safe guess to make, even more so when you consider how buddy buddy Nintendo's been with Microsoft recently.
>2 indie reps
Fucking hilarious
>Heihachi being saved for the last reveal
For what purpose? He’s literally the lamest reveal if this leak was true.
Cuphoad on the Switch has been rumored for a month now.
on the off chance this guy's not shit he is this is best timeline
Remember Corrin?
It's another fucking episode of
>all the DLC characters are fucking third party.
That's how you spot a falsefag.
Also no way in fucking hell Nintendo is going to allow an indie shit to be playable in smash. At most they'll be relegated to a jpeg.
Cuphead was a guess safe as fuck for today given all the Microsoft shit going around.
Try harder, retard.
>direct had a fucking Zelda x Necrodancer crossover
>but he posts Cuphead, which has been rumored to be ported to the Switch for a long time
Why out of all Microsoft characters would they even put Cuphead in Smash. It was literally just a flavor of the month that nobody actually talks about. Unlike Minecraft and Halo.
To be fair, Cuphead is a game I'd expect to see in a normal direct. Not a showcase.
Whilst, yeah, Cuphead on Switch isn't as big of a stretch as this guy would have liked, i really can't imagine Platinum having Bayo 3, Astral Chain AND Nier Automata port being developed at the same time.
it's technically an indie, if Ori was ready to go on Switch, it would be shown there too despite being a Microsoft owned game.
Yeah but so is Undertale. And that was shown in a normal direct TWICE.
>Bayo 3
>Astral Chain
>a fucking port
You mean slimechads
Not a single DQ fan wants Roto
because Nindie directs are reserved for conventions like PAX. Undertale and Deltrarune were both ready to go at the time of their announcements and there wasn't any convention happening at those times
It's still three fucking games on the go, for one console, at once for a small company, who are already working on another game for Square Enix.
Still though. Why does Undertale get special treatment?
That's where the C-team comes in
who the fuck is Frisk?
"But 'tis strange:
And oftentimes, to win us to our harm,
The instruments of darkness tell us truths,
Win us with honest trifles, to betray's
In deepest consequence."
- Banquo, Act I Scene III Macbeth, William Shakespeare
because they were ready to go at the time... indies do get shown in regular directs, you act like Nindie showcases happen all the time, but in reality they're maybe once or twice a year.
Sold a billion copies and was insanely popular for a time?
there have been rumours of microsoft games coming to switch for months now
The main protagonist of Undertale.
It's not like Undertale is the only indie game that's been showed off in a regular Direct.
Japan was really into it and Nintendo really cares about their Japanese audience. It being insanely popular for an indie helps alot too.