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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck that

I can't wait to give activision my money for classic wow.

I can't wait to play WoW with all my favorite e-celebs.

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Imagine being such a virgin that you can't decide what are you going to play and require some meme numbers to decide your fate instead of acting like a Chad and playing whatever the fuck you want

Human Paladin Prot or Retri please.

Lets see just for the keks, wont follow it anywya

rolling fuck the spam filter

Frost gnome mage. That's actually a pretty good roll for PvE.


I wish mods would ban these paid shills

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I fucking hate how excited I am about this release. I haven't felt 'hype' since I was a god damn teenager. I just wish they'd give us a proper release date, I keep feeling the temptation to launch in to a private server to tide me over.

Fuck these zoomer conformists. Rolling.

It's obvious that Blizzard is paying to be able to freely shill their shit here.
Always spammed WoW/Overwatch/HotS(not much now after it died) threads all the time.

>people talking about video games on a board about video games
The audacity.


Go back to r eddit, you totalitarian dumbass.


Rollan for it

OP here. I think it's just fun to talk about classic.

I'm not sure if I want to play seeing as that Netherwing TBC has quenched my thirst for relatively complete implementation of 1-60 world content a bit (RP events and other such details work substantially better than other private servers), but supposing I will, it's going to be a feral druid.

Hopefully there'll be a dedicated /vg/ thread after they announce a release date. But there's no point acting like these threads are an exception after you've had people on Yea Forums circlejerking who'll be the next character to be advertised in Smash for YEARS now, aswell as the countless console war threads in the catalog 24/7. Just because people have a positive view on a game doesn't make them a shill

Hey what's up guys, tips here.


Retbros where you at

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not to be a troll but one thing to consider is that despite what people on the server will say, when classic launches (or even a beta), the server will likely empty out pretty hard/fast of NA/Euro players. I know it's TBC but there's a healthy overlap between those and vanilla players, and the lure of a stable server without potential corruption, working anti-cheat, etc etc goes a long long long way.
So even if you're having a ton of fun, which I don't doubt, it may have a ticking expiration date no matter what. If you get to the point where you're spending a ton of time farming heroics, getting attuned, and all that, it may be something to keep in mind.
Vanlla private servers, and to a lesser extent tbc servers, will become a waste land of primarily russian and chinese players practically overnight. Classic would have to REALLY REALLY screw up for this to not be the case.

>implying I'll play this
rolling anyway


>It's obvious that Blizzard is paying to be able to freely shill their shit here.
Tell me where I can sign up for the paycheck then, because so far I've been doing it for free.
Right here my negro!

blunder of the century

I'm rolling enhance and totem twisting and no one can stop me

didn't play vanilla
didn't hit 60 until tbc pre-patch
was 13 during vanilla
didn't hit 60 until tbc, is a proven liar regarding his vanilla experience, routinely confuses nost mechanics for retail vanilla mechanics, rages about 1.5 AV when he literally never experienced it
didn't play vanilla, is wrathbaby
didn't play vanilla until pservers (tho admits it)

Can someone explain to me why anyone takes anything these dudes say seriously? At least about classic, maybe they have good advice on energy drinks or something.



>1.12 av
>dire maul not on release

How will Blizzard fuck up classic more?

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Its good that dire maul isnt on release

rolling for fun

can't wait to play wow again, with all my friends and join a country based guild and learn to people to know.

I have no idea who any of these people are. I havent played WoW since cata and just wanna go back to comfy leveling in the barrens with the bros for one last time
You do realize that it would mean long as fuck queues and waiting everywhere if they didnt do that right? And that would mean a lot of pissed oldfags who'd cry or abandon it

Dwarf priest or undead mage hype

i've never played wow


I'm only playing there for leveling content, the one thing Blizzard's classic servers would be worthwhile for. Besides, even if I was playing seriously, that wouldn't involve finding a permanent "home" but grabbing server firsts of interest and then quitting.

>makes hour long videos that go into autistic number-crunching detail about the most mundane aspects of the game like fucking bags
>also makes videos about lore and class/race/faction fantasy
is Melderon the most based Vanilla jewtuber?

All of these are positive with sharding potentially raping the game if it extends further than the starting zones. BfA launch was a laggy piece of shit and I can only imagine what Classic will be like with everyone concentrated in 8 zones with mob tagging, it'll be fine once people can hide in dungeons but until that point I hope it's sharded

If you can spot guerrilla marketing the I got bad news for you.

>1.12 av
based retail cuck who never experienced pre nerfed av
sounds just like classic.

>want to play the big tank and protect all my bros in vanilla
>really, REALLY dont want to play warrior again

fuck me why was warrior the only viable alternative in vanilla

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Are you so dumb you cant spot a paid shill?

Eh, maybe after Shadowbringers, if it's not dead by then.

Lets go Enh Shammy

>doesn’t know the level of drops in DM outclass loads of previous content

Yup found the wrath baby.

With DM at launch you pretty much skip a whole tier of 60 progression, invalidating lots of content.

based esl poster

Ferals are optimal(*) as raid's #2-3 tank

*) or, at least, there's a serious argument going for them. min/max "viability" in vanilla is a bit silly anyway because it comes down to speedrunning rather than progression raiding

based retard

You COULD go feral tank, but that requires a very specific set of items and you can’t do it well enough until you can get the hammer of bestial wrath. Dungeons though you might have an easier time since they could aoe tank slightly better.

i gotta go human paladin as a main and either a mage or warlock for an alt

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Launching with 1.12 AV is positive because it's pointless for Blizzard to state that they're launching the game in 1.12 but then cherry pick what's actually 'vanilla' based on previous patches. I hope they change AV based on people's feedback after launch but since AV isn't even going to be playable at release I don't want them wasting development time and potentially delaying the game because people want the worst battleground to be even longer.

>cherry pick what's actually 'vanilla' based on previous patches.
>classic has shading

Rolling one for my horde homies.


spam filter can bob on a knob

Come on troll shaman

I can't wait to play a female human priest and become my guild's cumdump


Gonna roll as an Arcane mage and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

very nice... the chad human ret paladin

If I get trips none of you buy the game.

Not even sure if I'm ganna play classic

going sword and board paladin, going to fuck up horde left and right while being unkillable myself. planning on r7, minimum, before hitting level 60 while still being ahead of the leveling pack.
if you disagree with me then you're wrong.
if you think horde is better than alliance then you're wrong.
if you think shamans are better than paladins then you're wrong.
if you think you stand a chance against me then you're wrong.
if you think I won't fuck your girl and your mom at the same time then you're wrong.

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Chances are if I go druid I'll just be forced to healslut



31/0/20 build?

>Retardbros where you at
based me



rollan but won't play my class most likely

Maybe, I dunno I might just try my own thing out and respec if that isn't working. It's not like getting gold is hard even in vanilla if you aren't retarded.

I'm not going to do whatever I get here unless it's already what I was going to roll, but fuck it. Why not?

>tfw assmongloid will play on a pvp server
Which faction will he play?

Sausage rollin

can someone clear something up for me? I played nost back in 2015 and Im pretty sure they used 1.12 AV. I remember there being an elite guy that spawns in the middle 2? hours into a match, you needed to kill him for a quest. Was this Korrak the Bloodrager? Because patch notes say he left av before patch 1.12 so im confused.

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Weird, I literally rolled what my very first character was. That's pretty crazy.

Time to roll baby


Korrak was the guy guarding a neutral graveyard in the middle of the map, I think he's there from the start of the match. The things that spawned are the ice lord for the horde and the big tree guy for the alliance.


I can spot an assmad fag too retarded to just ignore threads he doesn’t like, and who thinks shill is a silver bullet for getting rid of them.
Hollow knight threads trained me for that.

oh yeah, because padre's trousers totally make me want to not get strikers mark, rare drop patterns, CHT, thunderfury, or any tier gear.

shut up you fucking moron, you're a parrot with no idea what "powerspike" it gives you. hint: its hardly anything.

I'm going to level, do dungeons and raid as a Paladin tank and I'm sticking to it.

Discuss how much of a bad idea this is

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those guys were spawned to fight for the factions, the guy Im thinking of was neutral and spawned after a certain amount of time. Both sides fought over him because of the quest I think.

Always offer to tank for 5man dungeons
Don't fucking level prot

>resto shaman
Where exactly am I on the desireability scale for healers? Like am I going to be turned away for not being a priest or will people actively seek out shaman helaers gor raids/5 mans/premades

go ahead, it's not like your decisions will impact me or anyone with a brain in the slightest.

Rolling. Im thinking of going night elf druid

Will you find 39 people willing to sacrifice their enjoyment of the game just so you can jerk off while pretending to protect the light or whatever?

I think Im going to do the same, wont raid prot though. I want to start a noob guild where I run people through dungeons.

>"There is no way people could have enthusiasm in something I personally don't like, they must be paid performers... it's the only logical explanation!"

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You get a slot for being a shaman
protip: don't fucking level as resto

For raids it'll be rough, but for literally anything else it's a good idea because there's always a huge demand for 5-man tanks.
You're second only to Priests in terms of raw healing and you provide totems + jesus beams; Resto Shaman are highly sought after.

What's a good rotation for a prot warrior? What about a good talent build? I'm planning on playing one.

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go back

Madseasonshow is the best vanilla toober. quality videos mixed with personal experience. lots of soul and very COMFY

>rotation for a prot warrior
>good talent build
>planning on playing one
just don't. clearly you're not willing to put forth any effort.

I want to tank all dungeons all the way to 60 to get a good grasp on the mechanics

Agreed, just want to see what people think and if maybe someone has some pointers.
Currently messing around with the talent calculator to have a clear talent path to 60

Sounds like I'm gonna need to try harder than the rest then, fine by me.

That actually sounds fun I might do the same, but desu managing a guild is too autistic for me. Maybe I'll meet people along the way willing to keep me on.

Thanks I'll keep it in mind. Do you have any pointers for talents while leveling?
I was thinking just going full Prot tree until 40 and then branching, but other suggest rushing consecration which I think is the pussy way.

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You'll be close to first priority in melee groups, nobody turns down healers since they're usually the most sought after role. All healers are desirable, only resto druids in 5 mans are sketchy due to the ressurection issues.

What makes you say that? I'm very willing to put effort in becoming a tank at level 60

it's a very based and very redpilled idea. you will be difficult to kill in world pvp and you will be able to solo group content. I suggest a holy/prot hybrid for raiding so you can aoe offtank raid trash (fire imps in MC, suppression room in BWL) while still being able to heal during bosses, and still being able to heal or tank level 60 dungeons. Your guild will love your dedication and gumption, and you will be rewarded with aoe-capable loot (free force reactive disk, essence of pure flame, thunderfury, etc) while still getting loot for healing. you will be able to easily and effectively aoe farm mobs in the wild and also lashers in dire maul.

Well of course you dont level as resto what am I going to do heal myself while searing totem kills them? Dont even need talents/gear to really heal until your gunning for your preraid BiS

By all means feel free to tank dungeons while levelling, I prefer Paladin/Druid tanks to warriors in dungeons. Just don't think you'll be raiding as one.

>Like am I going to be turned away for not being a priest

Man, stop paying so much attention to these threads. Half the people have no fucking clue what they're talking about and I assume that's where you got that stupid idea from.

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Its a horrible idea and you will fail, so don't.

There's no real rotation, just priority.
Use Heroic Strike as your primary threat generator, Battle/Demo shout to grab a bunch of targets at once in a sloppy pull, tab+Sunder Armor when you need to secure threat on multiple targets very quickly, and use Shield Block whenever it's off cooldown if you're taking a lot of damage and/or have lots of excess rage. Try to curb your reliance on Taunt/Challenging Shout so that they're always available when you need them most (when people pull aggro and you don't have much rage, for instance), and stance dancing into Battle Stance for a Thunder Clap is useful while fighting a really heavy hitter.

Yeah you might be, probably not in any serious capacity though. Unironically go for it though, enjoy yourself man.

Better get started now, I've been doing warrior tech research for weeks. And thats after getting one to 60 on private servers, it never ends.

i am going to play a paladin :)

I'm still going to play whatever I want, this is just for fun

Feral bears like a very specific type of itemization, yes. However, that doesn't mean they're particularly hard to gear up when you're allowed to work specifically to get said items. Some strong items like Mark of Tyranny (quest reward) or Warden Staff (BoE) are very accessible and at T1 gear levels bears actually are more durable AND do more threat than warriors (even against boss level mobs that can crush, never mind lvl

Maybe rush Consecration and put the rest in Ret, don't bother with Prot while leveling.


No you won't be lol I swear paladins are a special kind of retarded. Holy is borderline OP, you have all these blessings, including salvation which straight up allows more dps, and illumination, so you have almost no mana problems. And you STILL want to tank and dps, my God am I glad I'm horde so I don't have to deal with you fucking retards.

>was 13 during vanilla
Nigga I was 7-9 during vanilla and still played it, loved it, and am looking forward to Classic

I can't wait to help save activision and blizzard by giving them money for classic

Come on light

You're gonna be stuck with totem twisters, lbolt chuckers and memetanks instead on the Horde.

>DM outclass loads of previous content
Deadmines is like 17-22 you retard lmfao

I hate all those people but staysafe has actual vanilla cred. He has an original epic mount, before they were updated. Also Hes like 25 so he was a bit younger.

can't wait to camp at high level flight master's

this roll shit doesnt work for classic wow because its just a huge investment. none of you faggots will stick with your roll combination

LMAO what a retard i bet he plays retail


>hint: its hardly anything.

It's enough for it to be moved back, and rightfully so you dumb cocksucker. Dire Maul AND world bosses would have been a fucking joke.

Let's go boys

I probably wont be playing on global but still rolin

>totem twisters
Is a bug
Lmfao every shaman knows they're healing. Meanwhile every classic thread you have delusional RETardins, nice try. Enjoy your nelf priests too btw.

Yeah but he also associates with /vg/ trannies so he's a faggot.

>Sounds like I'm gonna need to try harder than the rest then, fine by me.
It's not about trying harder. The game literally isn't made for paladins to tank raids. Your threat and migitation come from being crit, which you itemize against or you'll die. You go OOM so fast you can't maintain threat. There's little to no tanking paladin gear. If you can find 39 people willing to put up with a vastlry inferior tank (the most important role) for "fun" then more power to you, but I don't think it's going to happen.

Will nublizz purge everything like this? Also, how many people will get banned from typing something in chat that was perfectly acceptable in vanilla WoW? Will they just disable chat in the barrens? I just don't see how they can ban people for saying "gg ez" in overwatch and not do the same in this.

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Nothing is going to stop me from playing an undead Shadow Priest

fuck u nigger im rolling shaman

Rolling? I'm probably going to get something awful for PvE, like enhancement shaman

I've never played WoW before, is classic for me?

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Totem twisting actually worked back then and stems from an intentional mechanic.

let's-a go

If The Blackrock Slicer is a thing that quest may be changed

b-but it's not v-viabool
the greatest guilds will not take you!

Every few threads theres one delusional retard that thinks hes going to be an enh shaman with nightfall but thats about it. Part of it is that shaman healers are pretty fun to play since we have a million little utilities in addition to our healing so its not a braindead healbot spec

Ahem, ahem:

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Every thread your ass post the same anime images and ask the same stupid question.
How about you try eating a .45

Still? So did esfand, another reason I'm horde and proud.

its much slower paced and less flashy then modern wow. Leveling is slower and harder in a sense, and it doesn't hold your and and throw free gear at you constantly. Its much more immersive though.

It'll piss me off if she change it to not offend nu-wow SJW babbies


I care not! I will dominate in pvp

this is the first time I have ever posted in one of these threads or used that image when posting in said thread
also eating a .45 what? caliber bullet? that wouldn't be very tasty user.

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Shills disagree with you, but there's no way any person with a modicum of self respect would want to support Blizzard this day and age. The deleterious trends set by theri games are finally fading to obscurity and people would rather get fucked in the ass a second time and pay a monthly fee for a game they played more than a decade ago. Boggles the mind.

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it's not and you know it.
Eat that .45 stop playing dumb you attention whore.



What is some dumb shit you did as a kid in Vanilla? I used to think agi gear made you run faster and I'd take the longest flight paths I had to look at the zones I couldn't level in as I flew past.

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>comfy pet that keeps you safe
The choice is obvious

it wont be the same

I'm gonna level a fire mage to enjoy big dick crits and PoM pyros after 40 before I'm cucked to frost for end game. Just can't decide between undead or troll

jesus christ so much wrong and yet one or two things right in this post that I cant tell what level of bait it is

PvP UD PvE Troll

>the greatest guilds will not take you!
So, they run through new content releases with 0 wipes as opposed to simply clearing them in timely manner without too much trouble, or finish farm raids in 30 minutes after preparation that took longer than any time savings achieved?

There's no real progression raiding to be done in modern vanilla, the ranking of guilds is kinda meaningless.

anything but warrior

I leveled a troll arms warrior and the only thing I ever looked for in a weapon was highest DPS, stats didn't matter and top end damage didn't exist to me, only "how much damage can I do in a second?" I also took long flight paths like you and didn't tab out then like I do now

>not pretending to be a frost mage and do minimal damage in mc
>when people ask for your spec, you link a fake one

classic is gay play dark age of camelot

yeah nah, the gains from BRD are 10x what you get from DM because DM primarily benefits healers, and you can make up the mp/5 you get from there by chugging major pots you fucking faggot eat a dick you cocksucking mongoloid

but the interface is scary

Is it free or are they still going to charge a subscription for it like regular WoW?

Troll. And you stay fire until the day you set foot in MC if that makes you feel better

I wonder how far I could actually get with that, since my gear will only show int, SP, and hit/crit. Then after raids I throw on +fire gear and do PvP

no u

Okey stop dots

It will be included with the normal wow subscription. so 15/month


>Playing resto shaman
>Check my preraid BiS for replacements
>Mana battery is fucking irreplaceable, everything else is just green +healing boe

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when into phase 2, nuke it down as hard as possible, you want to get it down as fast as possible

fuck you

Rolling Stones.

This is my plan for when it comes out. Hopefully I can get in right away to pick up these names. Order is of which I will get to 60 first to last.

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Sunder Armor is your highest TPS rage dump but Heroic Strike is more threat per rage and contributes actual dps. Battle/Demo shout don't do that much threat but it's enough to keep a few targets off the healer long enough to tab auto/sunder each of them. What else did you take issue with?

>getting six characters to 60 in classic

>because DM primarily benefits healers

Literally every class gets a bananas trinket on top of all the stupidly good shit like Tarnished Elven Ring. No amount of crying would make Dire Maul at launch a good idea, suck a dick.


For The Alliance!

>not getting all classes to 60

how are you going to hit rank 7 before 60, staying ahead of the pack, when the ranking system wont be in place at launch?
if you mean rank 3 then sure thing.
and if you mean "fuck up horde" to mean "fuck up melee that sit on me" then yeah, pretty likely. But you'll be dumpstered by any wizard or anyone else that can kite you.
Even if bgs were in at launch, you'd simply be ignored.

Not him, but getting just 2 or 3 characters to 60 is reasonable, right?

rollan Mc dolan

i cant wait any longer

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people will want to try to kill prenerf c'thun for sure.



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yes, especially if its a hunter or lock

I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be much of an obstacle at all.

Then again, content will probably be in its most nerfed state anyway.


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rolling for gnome beast master shaman

hoping for night elf druid

uh you're saying you use HS as your primary threat generator, not a rage dump, say you should use SB when "you have lots of excess rage", and advise using TC.

Shamans are wanted. Your main role in 40mans is raid healing, emphasis on melee. You are desired for your totems and chain heal is brokenly op a far as raid healing goes.
5mans will take anyone that can heal and you'll be fine. Even if there's already a healer, the warrior and any other melee in there is going to want you for your totems. Shaman is not hard to get groups.
You do not level as resto.
full resto shamans are not a thing very often in bgs, especially not premades. Most shamans that are healing in bgs go a variation of 30/0/21 - it can depend but definitely 21 in resto. This can also be an amazing solo wpvp spec PLUS depending on guild progression can raid heal with a change of gear. Again, need to stress, it's uncommon to put a ton of pts in resto to heal bgs. You want to stay alive and purge/shock/totems/heal, not healbot. In bgs you're a pure support with the ability to nuke. Throw out wf for your warrior friends, ground important casts, drop tremors, purge the shit out of people, etc.
And like the other dude said, don't pay attention to zoomers here who are parroting shitty info they read on some meme discord.

Getting ONE to 60 is reasonable. Then again I'm rolling a warrior so thats gonna take all my time.

>Comfy Lupos good boi that mauls rogues to shreds even though you are perma stunlocked.


I'm planning on a druid main and a lock (or mage) alt. That shouldn't be too bad if I'm literally a NEET this summer, right?

they see me rollin

Pretty good bet lupos will be post nerf, but we'll see.


Ohh boy

The odds of this lmao

>original epic mount
One of the albino mounts or something?

it's not possible to get female for 4 of the classes

Torn between
Undead lock/priest
Troll mage
Fnelf rogue

I have a good feeling there will be no pet normalization due to the fact that blizzard even corrected the PServer players on what actual vanilla was like during the demo.

Why wouldn't you use your highest threat per rage move as your primary threat generator? Shield Block costs rage and the reduced damage taken reduces your rage generated as well, so you don't wanna be using it unless you have a comfortable amount already. If you're taking a lot of damage and need the blocks, then you're probably also generating a ton of rage. Revenge is nice, but not enough to warrant shield blocking for its sake alone. Tclap isn't really that useful outside of a select few 5-man bosses, but getting into the habit of stance dancing is important.

Rolling for female troll warrior...

the average 60 is like 7-8 days playtime I think, definitely possible. Locks and mages are easy levelers too.

This isn't wow retail man, you won't be gearing six characters simultaneously. I mean you definitely want to have a bank alt, preferably at level 5 so they can disenchant shit. You can even level it to 35 so they can craft mooncloth and do transmutations.

>So did esfand
Esfand got catfished by some micless anime girl avatar in discord so yes, "still". If I recall correctly they were pretending to be someone he met at blizzcon.
There's even a nude selfie floating around. I wish I was making this up.

Idk which patch but at the beginning epic mounts were just standard mount recolors, then they got a visual update.


if i dont get night elf i quit

As if anything you find in the entirety of vanilla would be better than Thunderfury or tier gear.
Dire Maul was released as a catch up mechanic for people behind the raid curve, but it doesn't work if it's released when there's nothing to catch up to.


rolling for warlock

I heard, so did Alex lmfao jesus. I'd love to see that esfand nude but I ahve yet to find it.

I used that fire stone as a Warlock for a while, and still tried to make it work at 60

im ready

I can't wait to form raid groups to gank zoomers and e-celebs.

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it's not pet normalization, lupos shadow damage was changed in uh.. i forget which patch. And since they're going with progressive content but not progressive itemization, at least so far from what little they've said, it's a good bet the 1.12 lupos would be what hunters get.
However this is pure speculation so grain of salt, blah blah.
Just from a quick google, 1.9 was when lupos got shadow and his run speed nerfed, and 2.03 was pet attack spd normalization.
So based on that i'd be going for brokentooth, which would be the choice if you weren't doing the shadow damage lupos thing. But again who fucking knows how it will work

>Shills disagree with you, but there's no way any person with a modicum of self respect would want to support Blizzard this day and age.

Agreed, its why these threads are filled with shills.

rerolling, I don't wanna decide

Haven't played since Cata, I remembered leveling was slow but thought part of that was because I was a bit slow as a 12 year old or so

I really dislike memestreamers but it just baffles me how anyone can be this stupid.

That does, cause I guess I can stay fire while gearing up and /rude anyone who cries about using fire in BRD

your highest threat per rage move is revenge or shield slam, not even close to HS.

you know nothing of tanking, stop giving "advice".

You literally do not have a taunt. Not to mention shield wall and all that shit. No one will ever accept you as a raid tank.

Since the game is supposedly running on a new engine, what's the status on addons? Will I be able to use old ones or do I have to wait for modders to come out with versions that are compatible with classic

god save me from this torment

The latter.
If there's a beta, most of them would happen then.


i have never played world of war craft because i dont like mmos, but ill take this and dive head first into it

Just cast frostbolt when your hitting the stuff that has fire resist. You arent locked to fireball and only fireball

The API is based on retail for sure.
The vanilla API has a lot of loopholes, even movement wasn't protected until 1.6 or something.

sorry but I'm going to play a based orc rogue

Roll it


guess im a basic bitch then

So no reason to be excited for WoW Classic. Subscriptions to play an MMO are fucking cancer.

av will be ruined further by retailfags complaining about long games

What was the best Rogue spec in classic

give me paladin

You won't have Shield Slam until at least 40, and that's if you leveled Prot (don't ever do that). You might not even be tanking dungeons with 31 Prot at 60, so you won't have access to that move at all. Revenge is nice and you should absolutely use it whenever it's up, but you can't always count on it being there. Heroic Strike is far more consistently available.

They can fuck off to retail then.

i know is human rogue, don't lie to me

>paying for old vidya

please gimme a warlock

Male dwarf protection warrior GET

dwarf MALE hunter using GUNS

>shield slam
do you level prot to tank 5-mans?

keeps the cheaters, bots and Asians away

he's asking for advice for a prot warrior and didn't specify leveling..aka, he's playing one at 60.

you can always count on revenge being up.
heroic strike costs the 15 rage untalented to use, plus it also negates any rage you would have generated from that white swing.

the base increase on your threat generated from your HS would be 145, and you fucking LOSE rage from not having a white swing. it's a fucking garbage threat gen tool that should only be used in cases where you have extreme amounts of rage.

>male nelf feral druid

could be worse. i really like the old nelf cat form anyway, and i'd enjoy being able to tank group quests and maybe 5 mans

imp sap for the 10% chance to get fucked over trying to CC

humie shadow priesto get!


fck elf



roley poley keep on rolling


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denying reality is so much easier than having taste isn't it user



Rerolling if it's a much better RP combination, otherwise I'll stick to my first roll.

Lets hope I get something fun


Stay in retail

It's time

I'm trying to figure out how different classes do at 60 but on RetroWoW everyone is a tryhard fag in the arena with Naxx and AQ gear who group up with the other poopsockers and nuke down anyone who is obviously new in dungeon blues, and I'm not trying to grind forever to get all that tier 3 shit

Yeah fuck that im not playing a male human prot pally



not the worst way to roll i suppose


>implying I'd play shitty classic

The game only got better over the years. Combat and pvp is superior and more balanced now. Enjoy being 1 shot by enhance shamans again lel, nice pvp

As for the other MMO aspects of wow, it has always been pure shit. You think you have a community because people spend more time leveling outside, lel, what a joke. Learn to expect real social features from MMOs

I always felt jealous of Preists and Hunters for their class epics (Bow and staff) but I leveled both to 70/80 in later expansions and didn’t enjoy their play style.

Priest is basically wand to 60 right? Is hunter fun in vanilla?

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I used to play EQ1 in 99, a much better MMO than wow. Wow classic was already the beginning of raping the shit out of the MMORPG concept and turning into a bland level up grind fest with no RPG components

You people are casuals for liking wow in the first place, its an abortion to the MMO genre from day 1

Reminder that with BE being gone all the normies and girl gamers that play pretty races will be limited to playing alliance. Also paladin players who for some reason think they're people.
Be smart, pick the Horde.

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Is there anything worse than insufferable EQ, DAOC fags strutting around like they saw the second coming of Christ and everyone else never played their favourite games.

I never played WoW but I have a craving to play a Pally with hammers, is it any good? Also rollan

I agree,
While it won't help as far as playing with a ton of people, you could try two other options.
>running your own server
you can google elysium repack, should be instructions.
or even easier:
>kronos ptr
you can make an account and generate any items for yourself, level yourself up, etc. Obviously not perfect but it would give you at least a little idea - 100% unsure if anyone else is on there to group with and i kind of doubt it, but it can be used to test solo stuff out (trying out a tier set bonus, shit like that)

obviously retrowow is an option but i get the impression you dont want to spend a lot of time on something that for you is purely testing shit out

You're going to raid holy and like it. You'll also like the dress you'll have to wear while doing it.

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precisely what a zoomer would say

Which stronger, a Warrior with a Paladin healing and buffing it or a Warrior with a Shaman healing and buffing it?

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what is windfury

Wand to 40 then respec 31 Shadow. Hunter is tons of fun from level 10 onward.

I'm gonna play gnome mage and you won't stop me.

You forgot to mention your sweaty ass, user.

Depends. They are both great.
Comparing in a vacuum, the paladin/warrior combo are more difficult to take down, while the shaman is relatively easy to blow up if you need to.

dont kid yourself they'll just go back go femtrolls

That's in a PvP setting though. What about in PvE?

>Anything but shitting thunders as ele shaman

Dont forget to thank your healers guys

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rolling dwarf

reminder fuck blizz and fuck activison


>Tank I will not go by your ridiculous pace
Oh good, another healer thats pissing herself over pulling 3 mobs at once. Pop a potion you bunch of whiny cunts

Undead have always been normie honey, don't count on it.

>I will not go by your ridiculous pace
if you need more than 20% of your mana per pull, you're garbage. I'm pulling till you get that low.

Lets do this!

Is it possible to heal or tank in low level dungeon even if you are not specced into the tank/heal tree

Even if it's stratholme or blackrock?

you can tank anything up into BWL in 5/31/15.


If you're a warrior you should always have a sword and board handy because you can still tank whether arms or fury leveling up. Warriors under 60 who say "lol can't tank i'm dps" get the rope and blacklist

Yes, you can tank any 5-man with any class that can use a shield or turn into a bear at any level as long as you have the gear for it.

We're going home boys

Sure, why not.

So when the fuck is it actually coming out? I want a nostalgia trip to my 12-year old days again.

Gear matters way more than spec in pre-60 content.

>tank slow down
and what the fuck are you going to do if he doesn't?

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human rogue mother fucker

roll please

thought int was superior to spell power

rolling, hope for ud

what will it be


>s-s-slow down please

Im going to cry really hard and stomp my feet while everyone talks about downranking whatever the frickfrack that means


male troll protection warrior : 0 )

The only classic content creator you should watch is based madseasonshow.


yikes. TBC is where it's at. Or WotLK with the Ulduar patch.


Rolling for male tauren druid
>it's not possible to roll that
Fix your randomizer, you dumb faggot

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Which one of these cucks will play on a pvp server?

Gonna gank these fuckers with ud rogue or dwarf rogue.

literally all the edgy kids roll undead

Gimme dat sauce famm

For an Alliance Rogue... Humans have +5 Sword Skill? Isn't this pretty much useless? And Perception? 3 Minute CD for Stealth Detection? How often will that even be useful?

NIght Elves have 1% Dodge Increase? Isn't that really good? And Shadowmeld is useless? Wisp Spirit Movement Speed seems pretty good?

Then Gnomes just have Escape Artist and Dwarves just have Stoneform?

So is Dwarf really the best for racials on Alliance?

Orc's Stun resist seems best overall, though.

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please let me remake my resto druid

you better not give me something shit you niggers

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Rolling for Jesus

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How rude

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Kill yourself, belftard

Dwarf is best rogue


>+5 Sword Skill? Isn't this pretty much useless?
It's literally the best racial on alliance are you fucking high? Also the rep bonus is OP as fuck. Perception is kinda meh but can be clutch in pvp and hey at least it reveals the guards in deadmines.




A little bit of Pizzacat in my life
A little bit of Lynris by my side
A little bit of Vjera is all I need

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For alliance human is the best for pve swords spec ofc, perception is pretty shit for pvp for the most part. Gnome + Dwarf are the best choices for pvp

>Combat and pvp is superior and more balanced now.
I agree if we were still in Legion, but BFA while maybe balanced is just unfun in a lot of specs now, at least I enjoy playing classes in Classic.

Then again I play demo lock and it is the most fun it has ever been in BFA save maybe ToT MoP but I prefer summoning an army than become a demon myself.

Letsy go

Little bit of Veronas what I see

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Not sure. Asmon would 100% go pve.
Of them, if you had to choose, Alex would provide by far the most bang/buck as far as farming rage quits. And he'd have the least amount of orbiters to protect him by far.
He'll go horde 100% on an EST server.

Situational, but i would say shaman comes out on top.

I’m gay


LGBT lets get this bread

am i gimping my dps if i go dwarf
man i normally hate min maxing but you guys make it seem like you have to or else you're an outcast

I only take what Soda says seriously when it comes to vanilla wow.
Most will play on PvP but Asmon as of now said he will not because he wants to focus on content and being constantly ganked bc him being a streamer would get in the way of that.


> Humans have +5 Sword Skill? Isn't this pretty much useless? And Perception? 3 Minute CD for Stealth Detection? How often will that even be useful?

Humans are the most OP race.

>Sword spec.
More wep.skill means less chance to miss, less chance to get glancing blows as melee (hits that do less damage against creeps higher your level)
More skill = More Aggro as a tank, More DPS as a Damage Dealer.
Effectively cuts down your grinding by a great deal of time. and vanilla has a lot of rep grinding the first big one being hydraxian waterlords for those quintessences in MC.
PVP Gear is also rep tied.
Rep will lower your repair costs too at exalted, as well as your mount and skill training. saves moeny.
Probably the most "balanced" one its just a clutch in PVP, still useful despite its cooldown.
>Spirit Racial
Good bonus for priests and nothing else really.

what are you smoking bro.

you're literally losing out on tops 5% dps. it's nothing.



human = dorf > gnome > nelf for overall rogueing

>you guys make it seem like you have to or else you're an outcast
Are you going to be a worldclass raider?

No? Then min maxing does not really matter play what you will enjoy, skill will overpower min maxing anyways

not at all you just go daggers as dwarf
eventhough they start with the lowest base agi, stoneform removes a couple debuffs in AQ at least

Roll nig

>Good bonus for priests
Although would you not be a dwarf priest for fear ward anyways?

Kappa poggers

Here we go

Let's go.


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I said good.
Not Excellent.
Dorf Priest is and will forever be the top tier priest race.

-ht elf

It is definitely paid. The meme used in the OP is for single-player games that people replay a lot. No actual WoW player would do this and play the character past level 10. It's trying to bring in new customers.

Good job missing the point you retarded donkey, why don't you do everyone around you a favor and slit your own throat.

Is human the best Mage race? I want to play a hunter but I want to use a pet that matches my race and not fucking brokentooth so thats a no for me, Rogue I also want to but since shadowmeld cant be used in combat in classic my fun idea is off the table, would prob be a human rogue.

Huh? What are those sounds, you ask?
Why, those are the sounds of my sweaty ass fighting the boss, of course! Which reminds me, you need to put on that dress and get to healing it!
Huh? You don’t want to? You want to hit the boss too? Well, TOO BAD! Raid leader says you gotta heal, or else it’s a gkick! Sorry bro, maybe next time you’ll roll a DPS class if you wanna DPS!

>tfw don’t actually care about what role I’m doing but people going “don’t roll this you’ll be forced to heal” is making me wanna go hard bear/cat/moonkin just to spite them and so insufferable faggots will avoid playing with me.

Gnome is considered the best due to escape artist and int boost. However, i can't stand playing a gnome and armor looks awful on them so I'll go human mage.

stfu and press w, you slut

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Man why are the ugliest races the best in vanilla wow

If you aren't going to join the TOP guilds in the game most guilds will take on anything that breaths and PUGs exist
Just play the game

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Gimmie the molk, josh.

meh, rolling

I can't wait to play it for a few days then realise this shit should be left in the past

>If you aren't going to join the TOP guilds in the game most guilds will take on anything that breaths

Lemme know how that Paladin tanking with no taunt works out for ya

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I want a mini-arc in Konosuba where Darkness becomes a healer instead of a tank and gets bullied to heal correctly since she would like that as well.

>being this autistic

you will never be a chad, its just not who (You) are

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literally same reason im rolling my human lock

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Is lock even fun in classic?

I've already played a gnome desto lock, this sucks

>joke race that has no place in the game looks terrible
who would`ve thought

>most guilds will take on anything that breaths
And most guilds won't even kill Lucifron, lol

>PUGs picking memespecs


Do you like to hit things with huge crits?

People back in classic did tank as paladins and they didn't shoot for the tip top
Why are you cunts so insufferable where if anyone doesn't roll a orc warrior or human warrior you all sit here all day and just green text bomb people
I bet hard cash you won't be top anything but some retard sitting around in Org/SW sucking off some other dude in the bar.

It's not 100% of the time, but a lot of the ultra neet min-max dudes are super fucking obnoxious to deal with and in a large guild the annoying people get benched or kicked. No one wants to listen to some piece of shit lisping in voice chat about what is and isn't optimal and sharing their wisdom from 7 years of private servers. Even if they're correct in some areas of the game, its annoying and people dont like to be endlessly bitched at.
It's a cliche but player > everything else. People want to play with bros, not whining fag babies.
If you're in a position where your only option is to play with neets obsessed with downing rag in the 2nd week, then i'd question what you're doing with your life but that's an entirely separate issue.
Raiding is a means to get gear to shit on the opposite faction in wpvp. Treating it as anything else is a sign of pure cancer.

>race that has no place in the game
Hey, they exist in WC2, so some gnome NPC could't be that bad.

dead on arrival

so did goblins yet horde had no playable goblins in vanilla.

please give horde please give horde

That's my point.


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Cant I just do that as a mage?

Is AoE grinding as a mage a fun alternative to leveling or will it be way too crowded to even consider leveling this way?

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you're very flexible with your pets and have many tools that save you a fuckton of frustation (portals, soulstones, cheap and quick leveling). it's true that many times you feel like a discount mage but imo big dick shadowbolt crits make up for it

It only works in "empty" servers.

>Didn't shoot for the tip top

You are literally unable to raid as a Paladin tank due to how many bosses require taunting for mechanics. This isn't an opinion, this is a fact. Druids are only in a marginally better spot because they were used to off tank one (1) AQ 40 boss adds.

But please, keep telling me how I'm oppressing you by telling you the truth.

I mean HUGE crits. Fucking blast some dungeon trash for 75% of its health because rng decided it was your turn to win

I like gnomes but they have a downside that's rarely mentioned. Because they're so short, they often have to swim through patches of water that other races could simply walk through. And of course swimming is significantly slower than walking. For example, in the Wetlands, gnomes have to swim across all the little channels and rivulets that cover that zone. It slows you down a noticeable amount.

In wpvp it's actually kinda significant, especially because you can sometimes get dismounted in shallow waters that won't dismount other characters.. Your ability to escape from or chase down other characters is meaningfully impacted.



yes but likely crowded. We dont know server sizes yet.
If you're ahead of everyone then you'd be fine, but aoe grinding spots are a popular place to murder oom mages.
I'd consider it in spurts, there are some spots that are too good to pass up IF you have the opportunity. And again need to focus on the fact that we dont have enough info yet how servers will operate. Just know that any spot you are aware of, most other mages are as well, and depending on your lifestyle an autism-battle may not be the best choice.

i can never resist these fucking images


did resto druid in vanilla and nostalrius, ignore the retards saying bear tanks cant work, its just people that main feral are usually fullblown fucktarded. you can do most things as feral, but raiding wise youll be resto.


That does sound fun, bit I prefer a more calculative experience since I mostly play PvP anyways. If I want a guaranteed crit one shot I will just Arcane Power +Presences of mind + Pyroblast

Not that im shitting on warlocks or anything, I can see where they would be more fun with their flavor of utility, I just prefer mage from what I have seen and played on lights hope


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>I'm oppressing you
You cringy goldshire faggots are the worst
Please post all those top guild invites you are already invited to
Oh wait you're a nobody sperging out on Yea Forums that people can't pick class combos and must be meta

This isnt going to end well

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This doesn't help the fact that I am already so indecisive you know?

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I wish it were here now

Sauce me up

Dot dot fear dot ---> SHADOWBOLT CRIIIIIIIIT or shadowburn or conflag or whatever is onhand for your burst damage
You dont have guaranteed crit, just huge crits. Your experience in pvp is based on how well you can kite and react to being jumped.



[The Nicker]

Didn't read thread, rollan

Yeah my point is I would rather have more control over my crits even if at the cost of them being a bit weaker.

medusa has a nice cock

>Cringy Goldshire faggots

Keep projecting, friend. Paladin tanks are LITERALLY unable to raid. Even in fucking Molten Core there are too many bosses with threat drops to be able to tank without a taunt, let alone actual raids.

I'm not trying to insult you, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, I'm just telling you the truth. In raids, Warriors only. You could probably do some 5 mans, but even shit like UBRS, you'll get hit with a threat drop and the beast will run around dabbing on your healers while you do nothing because no taunt.

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hey guys, while cleaning out my garage I found this 17 year old crossword puzzle that was in the local newspaper. I also have the newspaper from the week after which has the answer key. yep, this 17 year old solved crossword puzzle will surely be a challenge for me as I consult the answer key. but, to guarantee a perfect clear, I will physically train myself as if training for a triathlon, and mentally train myself by intensely studying a wildly varying array of topics with a hired tutor, all while I ingest nootropics such as Alphabrain and Shroomtech to give myself that sharp mental edge required for this seemingly-impossible crossword puzzle that I, just to clarify, have the answer key to. I even wrote this computer program to sound an alarm and notify me of the actions I need to take while filling out this crossword puzzle. yep, I need to be 1000% in my peak form - min/maxed, if you will - to fill out this already solved crossword puzzle. and before you ask - yes, I will insult and look down upon everyone who didn't go through the same motions as me while filling out this crossword puzzle while consulting the answer key.

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>Race of your choice

But ele fucking sucks in Classic...

What possibly could go wrong?

>trying out Light's Hope on Northdale
>starting zones so crowded with players getting any quests done is a struggle and a pain in the ass
Classic launch is gonna be nightmare

>actual child upset because he can’t play his special yellow boy the way he wants to


>In raids, Warriors only
and ferals.

God damn I need some games to play while we wait for a release date. I really don't want to join a private server and risk getting invested prior to release but I really want to play vanilla again. What are you guys using to pass the time?

Reminder to play Horde, we are free of pal*dins.

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Perhaps, but definitely not in the more difficult top end raids. Could probably do BWL. I think I remember a really special edge case with Druids tanking Nefarian during the class call because they had so much dodge and the healers were overgeared.

>Rep will lower your repair costs too at exalted, as well as your mount and skill training. saves moeny.

I'm almost certain you only get a 10% discount at Honored and another one when you hit rank 3 in PvP. Further rep has no bearing on prices, although you cannot buy the race's epic mount without Exalted.

>playing the losers faction in a 15yo solved game
Alliance is better at PvE and PvP, you shoeless loser.

You need rep with the specific factions for certain gear. I remember farming AV for a long ass time to get the rep needed to buy Lobo. They aren't amazing but they're decent early epics.

I always played Horde and gonna play it again when Classic releases (it's gonna be beautiful now that we are free of BE), but I couldn't withstand the hype, so I got on a private server and went alliance, to avoid the barrens burnout that would most likely hit me if I had to level several Horde characters in quick succession. Made a human pally - a character I will certainly never play on Classic and it's pretty fun so far. Outside of one quest where I had to murder an innocent pig for some jealous farmer, a true paladin would probably reject that foul request.

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Pretty sure it's 10% at honored and another 10% at exalted.

Isn't that why they had to nerf the goblin racial a while back? Because they were getting Sandstone drakes and shit for 20% cheaper.