Thoughts on your next Smash DLC character?
Thoughts on your next Smash DLC character?
No one cares about your stupid nigger puppet you fucking neckbeard
>character who represents Nintendo and Square coming together doesn't make it in
>character who represents Square and Nintendo splitting apart does make it in
It's all a fucking popularity contest.
Just have PTSD from when this faggot was the only thing you would see on the board before incineroar came and cucked you
I don't pick zoomer characters, so I will go with 30 years old Erdrick.
I do want Geno, but it's not happening.
Banjo, however...
I'd say that it's expected in the way that it usually is in terms of popularity.
oh, you're talking about geno instead to erdrick!
>But he represents something!
Geno is a nobody.
Heavy is pretty based
Like I said: popularity contest.
That's not Tom.
>Ryu Hayabusa
>Phoenix Wright
Find a flaw.
Scout would be better
>phoenix wright over an RE character
I think yokai watch has a big chance to get in
If it has to be characters from upcoming switch games then I guess it will be:
2. Erdrick to promote DQXIS
The third character has to be announced at e3 I think Steve will be the microsoft rep.
4th. These are guesses, but I think undertale might get in smash. Very popular and deltarune will be coming to the switch.
5th. The last character will probably be from Yokai watch. The series is popular in Japan, but not here àlla DQ.
All these characters have upcoming games and were popular in the past 2 years
Erdrick also has NES bias and Sakurai bias on his side.
If it was a pop contest Geno would be in, his whole problem is he has nothing else.
>Erdrick to promote DQXIS
>being this retarded
>NES bias
No one under 25 gives a flying fuck about that console, hooray for it saving NA’s console market but no one cares about it’s games when everything after it has only gotten better
Soldier is better option.
>literally a boo with a crown
based retard. still better than the other 2 meme picks, tho
to simultaneously dab on heavybros and people who want to have fun
Smash is not made by people under 25, which is why it has an NES bias to start with.
Or could it be that Geno is a fucking overrated piece of shit that lingers by attaching itself to the Mario franchise popularity while Cloud is the fucking face of Final Fantasy franchise which is the flagship franchise of SE.
Swap out Lip for...anything, really. We're not getting a first party retro character as DLC, and I say this as a Lipfag who was hoping for a miracle at release.
And swap Phoenix for Amaterasu.
>Luminary gets the Erdrick title at the end of the game
Just give me Waluigi, not a literal who from a game more than 20 years ago who has made one cameo since.