What are you going to do when WoW Classic launches? Recreate your first character and first experiences?

What are you going to do when WoW Classic launches? Recreate your first character and first experiences?

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Maybe, I'm open for anything really depending on friends jumping into the game or not.

>Recreate main orc warlock for the theme and pvp/solo strength, more chance if going alone.
>Druid is also a possibility if going alone, they are at their fun-peak while leveling.
>Go alliance Pally/druid if friends join and want to roll those races.
>Go warrior if friends somehow pick my first 2 options.

I will never touch a priest though.

>Recreate your first character and first experiences?
Why the fuck would I want to do what I already did years ago? I'm going to try new things.

>try new things
>in a recreation of Vanilla WoW 1.0

I mean new to me, I didn't do everything in vanilla when it was relevant because I was a dumb kid.

>1.12 AV

literally who gives a shit anymore?

I'll probably recreate my nelf druid, and level an alt.
Not sure if I should alt mage or warlock though

I mained rogue and had a warrior on a different server, now I'm going to main warrior and probably level a mage or a warlock alt.

Not play because I've never touched the game to this day.

Tauren warrior, never played before

>Not play because I've never touched the game

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>its real

welp dropped

I'm going to erp and fuck futa night elves all day everyday

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>Pre-nerf WOTF
>Pre-nerf Frostshock
>Pre-nerf Windfury Weapon
Horde babs can't compete in retail so they have to go back to when they had every advantage lmao

Man I remember warlocks being fucking insane pvpwise in vanilla and Cataclysm, what the fuck happened afterwards? Playing an Affliction Warlock during Legion made me quit.

laugh at any retard playing this abortion

Negative resistances should be put back.

>want to go back to classic
>realize it'll take me 2 months just to hit level cap

Yeah, nah.

Granted I'd be all over it if I was a NEET, but playing vanilla while trying to have a life outside of your job is near impossible.

keep on my life without wasting a second even if its free

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people whined, blizzard caved

>trying to have a life
Why would you ever want to do something other than sleep > job > videogames > sleep?

>2 months
stop wanking between each npc you kill

Any complaint about 1.12 AV needs to be accompanied by an image of sub history showing a sub history starting at or before sep 2005 combined with a link to your level 60 character (hit 60 prior to oct 2005) on warcraftrealms.

> we removed all uniqueness from AV and turned it into the borefest that was Isle of Conquest
extremely big yikes

I never played WoW classic back in the day. Still goin priest human though. Really hopin I can rope in a friend or two to play though.

who gives a fuck about this shitty nostclone

But that's a positive. Prime MMO experience is had during the leveling culture. It's only in nuWoW where getting to level cap is a nuisance only kept in the game in order to sell boosts.

You'd think Blizzard would start earlier to copy all the proper experience that happened but no. It won't happen. Remember kids:
>Alterac Valley 1.12 confirmed. No plans for that sweet, sweet AV 1.0 on the side
>Classes, while refined, won't be as fun as they were
>NO giant as fuck pet, that was removed because people bitches for mailboxes
>SHARDING CONFIRMED, fucking up both control pet and far sight
>Will also fuck up pulling bosses all the way to towns
>Events like Eastern Plagueland being evaded might be skipped
>No zandalari plague
You may as well play Project Ascension for a vanilla like experience with a new twist.

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>oh no i cant hit max level in a week and wont have any heirlooms how will i ever survive

holy shit the absolute state of retailbabies


What's so bad about 1.12 AV? I get that it doesn't last days as it used to but it's not like AV is the whole damn game.

Hows Retri pala in pvp ?

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Make a human male, get naked and fart on everyone in stormwind , horde rulez

>Recreate your first character and first experiences
No because Im not an ADHD riddled little bastard anymore. Im going to roll something besides hunter and spend time playing the game instead of staring at all the cool level 60 gear thats on the AH or wandering all over the world trying to figure out where a level 40 character is supposed to level.

It's just a shit rush bg and this will be the only bg you play to get honor if they don't fix the wall jumps you can end one AV in 5-10 min if done right.

It wouldn't even last days if it was 1.0. Nobody has the patience for that anymore. It's like the people who think ST or BRD groups will spend hours getting lost.

>Warlock for pvp
>In classic

Bruh... Didn't you know classic was World of Roguecraft?

Don't bother, most of people who complain never played old AV. It's just the usual shitposter that kept posting >sharding and >loot sharing.

1.12 AV is fine and way more balanced.

>the only bg you play to get honor

If you're at all serious about PvP you'll be part of a pre-made

I was never a fan of the 10+ hour games, but reducing it to "rush Relief Hut" is extreme

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>Alterac Valley 1.12 confirmed. No plans for that sweet, sweet AV 1.0 on the side
It was garbage.
>Classes, while refined, won't be as fun as they were
What fun stuff was removed, exactly? Swirly ball?
>SHARDING CONFIRMED, fucking up both control pet and far sight
Man you'll really need that far sight in durotar during the first few weeks. Everything ruined.
>Will also fuck up pulling bosses all the way to towns
>No zandalari plague
The only people who want these are people who are jealous about not having experienced them. These things only have value because they were essentially one time events, they were something completely unexpected, something out of the ordinary. There is no fun to be had by redoing them. "But I wanna do it too" says Timmy, and kazzak gets kited to stormwind for the 10th time not disappearing until GM intervention or until the server resets.
>Events like Eastern Plagueland being evaded might be skipped
I have no idea what you're talking about here. Scourge invasion? It wasn't specific to epl though. Might get implemented, but I wouldn't miss it even if it wasn't. Never cared for it.

probably playing tauren shaman because I miss the old totems

Probably gonna make an undead first to relive those comfy starting area times.
Then make a human mage or something because I never really played alliance.

What made vanilla wow so magical was that everything was new and there was very little information. They will never be able to recreate vanilla wow. Everything has been discovered and theorycrafted to death

I forget that nu-wow has addons that makes you able to queue av as pre-made. God I hope that 99% of the nu-wow addons don't work in classic otherwise everything will be aids. Remender when you acutally had to invite people in your group or raid in AV because battleground did not make a raid group at the start? Good times being with the best people of the server in one group in getting all the honor.

>Scourge Invasion
It's on the Agenda.

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Its what i did and since i didnt play a private server, itll be nice to see stuff that has been permanently changed since Dumbass the Dragon fucked everything up world wise.

>1.12 AV is fine and way more balanced.
It's only more balanced for horde retards who didn't know how to avoid npcs in our base, as usual their endless crying is what impacts game design the hardest and it's sad to see that Blizzard continues to cater to their whining in Classic.

Gonna recreate my older brothers character, Human warrior with white hair and a beard and use the name he used.
I wanted to play a warrior over a paladin anyway.

I remember he quit playing because he did the whole whirlwind axe quest to the last part, summoned the mob and then it was instantly kill stolen by a 60 horde warlock.
My brother died 10 years ago when he was 16 and I was 11
I miss you bro

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Horrible. Also no one will take a ret pally in 5 mans or raids. Learned that the hard way.

>Classic AV will literally just be current AV only without reinforcements

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ret paladin is god awful in vanilla.
if you must play paladin go prot or holy.


Do you think Blizzard will eventually evolve the classic servers into TBC ones?

>paladins get crusader strike
>high warlord gear being sold for honor

those were fun times

Don't even bother with prot unless you're trying to AOE grind. Literally the only thing it's good for.

Full ret build is a mistake for anything except PvP, and even if you go ret for PvP it's more of a hybrid build where you pick up reckoning in the prot tree. Be ready to respec a lot when you want to do PvE.

Honestly BC was a huge improvement. Every spec became viable and it was awesome.

Too bad they killed pvp.

TBC without flying mounts would be pure, unadultered kino. Flying mounts were the biggest thing that killed world PvP. Everything else, TBC got right.

>Going to spend the first 9 months of classic with wonky swing speeds and bosses that drop a green wand 25% of the time and nothing else

I would stop playing right there, I enjoyed it a lot at the time but for everything good it did, it also irrevocably fucked the game with a lot of stuff and was the first step to the current iteration of WoW.

Fuck blood elves so much.

Gotta go undead but will probably try something other than a mage. Raided with a mage throughout vanilla up until 4 horseman and think I want to try something fresh. Possibly a rogue to ruin some lives.

>WoW Cuckold paypiggies will hand out their shekels for this
based businessmen

I'm going to create a tauren druid and go hard on the RP

Fuck, 1.12 was when alliance steamed rolled every match due to the removal of NPC's, because the map geography was so heavily favoured to the Alliance

Why the fuck, $10 they don't actually have any data/mirrors from before 1.12

Yo man Ret wasn't viable until Wrath when it was heavily tuned and actually fun and tough

Don't touch ret

I didn't think it was that bad in TBC because getting a flying mount was pretty damn hard for most of the playerbase. You had to be a pretty devoted player to get them and most of the playerbase was still comprised of unorganised casuals.

I liked TBC, to an extent

It saddens me that WoW always had to have a new theme park experience that was mostly isolated to that expansion. I just wanted them to expand Azeroth, instead of hitting the reset button every 2 years.

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Anyone who isn't rolling a warrior, why?

Warriors were insanely OP in vanilla, and fun as fuck to play

Everyone saying hunter is forgetting how ridic difficult they were, and how anyone that got inside your deadzone (which was huge) was going to fuck your shit up blindfolded.

Rogues were a nightmare I'd much rather forget

Nah, remember that there were two kinds of flying mounts; the slow ones and the super fast ones. The super fast ones were 5,000G, which was a ton of money, but the slow ones were only 800 or so, so most people had one.

t. poopsocked TBC for 4 years straight or something in his teenage years

undead rouge of course

Enjoy dying to everyone in 1v1. Enjoy being massively gear dependent. Enjoy competing for loot with 7 other warriors and rogues.

I pay so that I don’t have to spend time among the riff raff. We are your betters. Remember that.

Leveling a warrior or a rogue is a massive pain, if you don't have someone supplying you with new BoE's every 2-3 levels or running you through SM till your eyes bleed you're going to have a bad time. Granted, if you get someone to boost you through the level 30 axe quest you're an unstoppable killing machine well into 40+

The classes only become fun once you're in raid gear, at least for me. Running around in green / blue gear and swinging your +5 ice barbed spear isn't fun.

>>Classes, while refined, won't be as fun as they were
pure speculation >Anyone who isn't rolling a warrior, why?
>Warriors were insanely OP in vanilla, and fun as fuck to play
Don't bait them, user.

The slow flying mounts were the only ones they ever should have implemented because there was a tradeoff to flying, as the crow flies they were much, much slower than traveling on an epic mount. Even with friends following paths I remember them beating me to destinations if I used my flying mount and flew in a straight line.

The problem with fast flying mounts is that once implemented and given enough time and resources for everyone to obtain, other mounts just don't matter anymore.

I would much prefer it if flying mounts remained slow, or only sped up after flying for at least a few minutes, and if they'd given players ANY sort of drawback to just dive-bombing off your mount because once everyone has fast flying mounts world PvP goes to shit because 20 people can appear out of the draw distance and be on you in a matter of seconds.
Some sort of mechanic that makes you a tradeoff for using a flying mount would go a LONG way.

Or just remove flying mounts completely and just add free flight points to areas that you needed them to reach.

>vanilla paladin

sub-healers in plate
bad tank
bad dps
takes forever to level because you only auto-attack

There's n oreason at all to level a paladin, except to troll people in duels because of "muh 7 health bars"

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They are by far the best healers in pvp, and a must have for raids for their buffs and utility (tho those could be provided by ret and prot, but those two suck so hard they aren't viable for 90% of raid content)

>Dwarf Holy Paladin

Is there any single entity harder to kill in all of Vanilla WoW?

Druid if running away counts.

>*rogue opens on u while ur not in bear form*
>*enemy warrior shifts into zerker stance and intercepts at u*
psshh...nothin personnel

Human male Warrior maining mining and engineering, hope I find a Night Elf priest gf into herbalism and alchemy desu

How to fix druid tanks: make barkskin usable in bear form. That's all.
How to fix paladin tanks: axe the whole thing

Change the paladin talents to not rely on being crit, give them mana when they get healed and give them a taunt. Druid is fine they just have no gear.

They could just create some extra t3 sets to fix shit. They already use tokens so it wouldn't make a big difference in the drops regard, and it would actually give feral/balance druid, ret pallies, etc an actual set.