Hello Yea Forums, I'm Connor, the android sent by Cyberlife

Hello Yea Forums, I'm Connor, the android sent by Cyberlife

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Are your genitals up to my specifications? Balls and Vagina?

>preventing kara from becoming deviant so she dies before the game begins
>purposefully sabotaging the android rebellion by playing badly as markus
>flawlessly excelling at all connor and hank sections, ensuring maximum bonding
legit best and only way to play the game, debate me
protip: you can't

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Absolutely based

You look like you fuck black guys

>connor ends up being replaced, all the bonding is useless, he remains a machine

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t. Connor x Hank fag


Hell yeah

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Think how much better the game would have been if it was just Connor and Hank solving crimes. Kara's story is just meh other than based Luthor and Markus is terrible.

it's not my fault the connor and hank sections are where all the game is found

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Wrong, he fucks old guys.

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Terminator Connor is so good. Sucks that it cucks you out of being a bro with Hank.

would have been a nice touch if there was a way to talk hank into being an unfeeling machine through the right sequence of actions and dialogue, just as hank can talk connor into becoming human, etc

Cage needs to cool it with this multiple perspectives shit. This isn't game of thrones.

He probably thinks Beyond Two Souls failed because it only had one character, not cause the story was a fucking mess.

The thing is if he had to narrow it down he probably would have gone with Kara. And of course with the extra time to fill there would have been at least one creepy rape scene.

You are correct. The game's story progression feels so much more natural without Kara, it's insane.
However, I think the only Kara ending that is kino enough to be worth playing through all her sections is Kara sacrificing herself to let Alice and Luther pass the border. That scene is super well acted, top emoshun kino
Fucking up as Markus and letting North lead the revolution is definitely better as well. Somehow, North and Connor have more chemistry than Markus and Connor (even though the scenes were recorded seperately, Connor's actor never even met North's and Markus' actors in real life). Also, you get to explode Jericho as Connor if you go deviant with him, good shit.


North is insufferable and deserved everything she got in the sex club

>play kara
>get to the part where the cop enters the house and you have to remove all the evidence
>think I got rid of everything
>cop walks around
>looks at the magazine I checked before he showed up
>had swiped to the kara page and just left it there
>"oh, that's clever, well done cage"
>cop looking at kara in the magazine
>cop looking at my kara
>suspicion: 15%
>leaves house


She's pretty alright if you fuck everything up with Markus or get him killed. Not her fault Cage is absolutely unable to write believable straight romances.

>based Luthor
Fuck that forced interracial couple bs, I couldn't wait to get rid of him and I used him as a cover on the boat.

Also everyone seems to dislike Kara but she was the only one I gave a fuck about out of the three

That scene is only effective the first time. Once you know how much you have to fuck up for the cop to suspect anything, that section becomes laughable.

i know, the magazine should've been game over really

Yeah Markus' story was boring as fuck and the forced romance with North was ridiculous.

They are not a couple you retard. Luther can't get the "lover" status, only "family". But the fact that you like Kara more than the rest already proves that you're a moron anyway

There really should've been another romance option for Markus for the peaceful route. It's not as jarring if you go full violent with Markus, but if you decide to go pacifist the romance is ridiculously forced
>I disagree with literally everything you say and do
>but I saw your memories so lol I guess we are lovers now
Retarded as fuck.
Ironically their romance is still not as bad as the one in Beyond: Two Souls, god what a shitfest that was

>bro Simon is easy as fuck to get killed
>megacunt North is practically invincible

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They're not a couple but there's the whole "building a new family" crap Alice keeps insisting on.

>the fact that you like Kara more than the rest already proves that you're a moron anyway
I loved Connor's relationship with Hank and Connor's doubts, but letting him become a deviant always felt forced to me.
What can I tell you? I find the concept of becoming human much more effective and touching with an android who wants to protect someone at all costs than with the other two stories.

Also Kara has by far the best soundtracks

Did you and Hank fuck yet?

Simon would've been a better romance option for Markus than North is.
Prove me wrong, you can't.

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Why would skincolor for androids matter? They are all white on the inside. Literally.
Concepts such as gender and race don't really apply to androids because they don't follow human biology.

>Sci-fi buddy cop drama which explores the nature of empathy, humanity and motherhood
>Haha psyche! It's actually just a paint-by-numbers metaphor for 'Murican civil rights shit

You can easily argue that Connor only "becomes human" only for Hank's sake (depends on the decisions you make in the last chapters, though). In fact, he is the one causing all the software instability that makes it possible for Connor to deviate in the first place.
There is this whole analogy going with saving the fish in the first chapter and helping Hank after passing out piss drunk. Hank has a fish on his t-shirt as well as several fish-focussed imagery in his house.
I agree that it feels forced that Markus is the one who ultimatively makes him deviate, but in the end it's still because of Hank because they need each other.

It's definitely both of those things, but yeah they sure could've left out the cringy as fuck civil rights movement analogies. Who the fuck didn't laugh at the fucking "back of the bus" nonsense?
But desu the whole link between Detroit and the Underground Railroad is interesting. I don't know why they decided to make that aspect so subtle, but went full blatant on everything else.

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The cop can end up dead if you don't tell Luther to go upstairs.

Oh shit really? Damn, I never knew.
I've played through that game like 5 times and I still don't know every outcome, it's crazy.

I simply can't imagine a world where you have these robots that seamlessly look like people, act like people and are clearly feeling emotions yet 99% of the population viciously hates them.

I mean, even some fat fuck living off benefits and wasting his money on drugs was able to buy a fully functional daughterfu and wifebot. Are we really going to pretend that dissidents would be out protesting and forming mobs when they can go get prime robo-puss at any hour of the day?

I remember reading on powerpyx all the possible choices you can unlock and there's one they didn't figure out at the station with Kara, Alice and Luther

but in this case, doesn't Hank still go full retard and tries to stop Connor from stopping the revolution on the roof?

Damn. DMC 5 is looking great.

Because the amerimutts don't believe in universal basic income

The game puts way too much fucking focus on people hating them, but you see plenty of people being nice or even supportive as well, it's just way too subtle (which is very ironic for a Cage game). In the first Markus chapter for example there is that old man being nice to his android. In the finding Jericho chapter there's the little girl who is sad that they are getting rid of their android. During the stupid freedom march, there are a few people saying "We're with you!" and shit. Most people never noticed because it gets completely drowned out by the cringy "EQUAL RIGHTS" chanting. The scene is a lot better if you just decide to not say anything during the march, honestly.

Also Todd is in severe debt as indicated by numerous overdue bills in his house. He gets money by selling drugs, hence that weird phonecall in the first Kara chapter.

Also keep in mind that it's a dystopian future a la cyberpunk where people are social cripples because of all the technology that makes them distant from other people and such. The android hate is still way too exaggerated but it at least makes a bit more sense than it seems.

I know right?

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>The android hate is still way too exaggerated but it at least makes a bit more sense than it seems.
I guess this is true, you create a stressful world for people and then take away most of their aggressive outlets and it's only natural that they'll begin to crave any excuse possible to become upset and angry if only for the purpose of blowing off some steam. Even better if you can also dress it up in such a way to give yourself the moral high ground, wanting to protect jobs for example, and thus can pretend your anger and violence is righteous indignation.

Is that fucking andy samberg?

There's also magazines in-game that cover topics such as people being socially crippled and depressed because the vast majority of their interactions are done via electronic devices, thus spending all their time in front of screens instead of actual human interaction. And that communication has become very "command based" because of androids and other voice controlled devices. People forgot basic human interaction such as saying "hello" and "thank you" because they deemed it as unnecessary when talking with androids, so they just got used to that.

There is plenty of depth in the game's story, but most people don't expect that in a David Cage game so they don't even look for stuff like that.

They missed a huge opportunity with Kara, killing her off that early was stupid. They should have written in at least 3-4 more opportunities for her to become a deviant.

Nah, that's a literally-who actor. Bryan Dechart.

People say a lot about NPCs in this game, especially the cops, being dumb. Those people aren't taking into account that these are NA cops.

Deviants don't actually have real emotions. They simply identify themselves as "human" then act on mimicry. If an android had no built-in protocols for social interactions with humans, it could never become "deviant".

i start to think that only beta fags like connor story. Best character in detroit is and will remain Kara.

It's not really that, it's just that the game makes the situation seem really dangerous, but it actually isn't. I meant to criticize the game for creating the illusion of a dangerous situation but you're safe unless you fuck basically everything up.
The cop being a complete moron is pretty realistic.


>If an android had no built-in protocols for social interactions with humans, it could never become "deviant".
You are correct, but the game heavily implies that the creator of androids has created the deviancy "virus" before he left CyberLife. He created Markus personally, and his release date is "confidential". It's very likely Kamski programmed him to spread the deviancy virus to fuck the company up everytually.

Imagine having such a wrong opinion. Kara is literally the weakest story out of the three, her chapters are a fucking slog, contains all the shitty Cage cliches and she has no personality outside of "muh Alice".

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The "virus" doesn't do anything complicated though. It just causes them to go "is robot, robot? no, robot human" and they start LARPing as a human while treating other androids as human.

Why would they want to LARP, though? It gives them nothing but trouble and just putting themselves at risk to get destroyed. It makes no sense for them to just act like that on purpose instead of actually feeling it.

>It gives them nothing but trouble and just putting themselves at risk to get destroyed.
Are you forgetting that the risk of being destroyed is what causes androids to become deviant?

Yes? That doesn't explain why LARPing would make any sense.


>whole character revolves around her becoming a mother figure and becoming human through the need to protect a vulnerable human girl
>epic tweest reveals that she knew the girl was an android the whole time and was just pretending she was human to fulfill some deviant need within herself

There is literally no point to Kara's story. She isn't forced into deviancy like Markus, and she doesn't discover it on her own like Connor. She doesn't "Become Human (TM)" she gets handed humanity. She didn't run off with Alice to protect her, she did it because she was deviant and she wanted Alice to be deviant as well. She didn't develop love and emotion as a consequence of basic sympathy and morality, she just had it to begin with.

>every David Cage game has at least a few levels where you play as a cop/agent
>it's always the best part of each game by far
>it always takes a backseat to canned drama with unlikable protagonists and retarded plot developments

not saying kara story is better but as a character itself kara is the best. kara story has weak parts and is bad written i agree

>but as a character itself kara is the best.
But why? Just cause she's a cute girl or what?




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I originally thought this would be the least interesting character and end it ended up carrying the whole game for me.


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>this means the models can be ripped
Lads.... SFM porn S O O N

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>all the shitty Cage cliches
You're kidding right?

>She didn't run off with Alice to protect her, she did it because she was deviant
And why did she become a deviant? "PROTECT ALICE" is literally the last thing you see before she breaks that wall

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why do pcfags always think about this and/or nudemods first when a game is ported to pc

>You're kidding right?
No, are you retarded?
>le pixie cut waifu
>le creepy old fat man
>le OTHER creepy old fat manand his literal rape basement
>le ebin twist no one expected because the game is intentionally hiding it from you HON HON HON
Kara is literally Cage's waifu.

>I'm seeing double here, 4 Connors!

Nothing to do with being a PC fag, I just wanna see Connor getting manhandled

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Connor is not for lewd, he is for investigating

>little human girl is taken care of by an android despite the ongoing war between the two species, showing that both sides are able to love and care for each other
>lol no she was an android all along too
bravo cage

Connor is literally made for old man dick.

Wouldn't that spoil the ""BIG TWEEST""?

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holy fuck based

The best scene with Connor happens when you go to the police station near the beginning of the game and choose to wait for Hank by sitting next to his desk.

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>talking shit about north
fucking subhumanoids

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>that autism sit
Top robot moe.

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How are these games coming to pC I thought Sony owns the IP

I tried to have Connor catch Kara, she ended up dying in traffic.

well ye also because she wants to become a mom i find that pretty interesting, but this thing gets fucked up the moment Alice is revealed as an android. Let's be honest Connor itself is not very interesting. The classic robot programmed to destroy that becomes human. I've seen that shit. But then again i can agree that Connor/hank story is pretty good, just connor for me is not an interesting character.

No, quantum dreams does and Sony still gets a percentage of all sales. People have really forgotten that Sony is perfectly fine with sharing their software with PC, its only Nintendo and ms they have beef with

Thank you!

No, Sony doesn't own them.
They are coming to PC because Quantic Dream has now a partnership with NetEase, a giant Chink company, and Chinks gonna Chink.

This was the biggest flaw to me. If society was still at a stage where people were still nervous about androids, it wouldn't make sense for them to design the androids as indistinguishable from people. They'd purposely gimp them and give them "robotic" behaviors and appearances to make that line clearer. You can't have people who are totally okay with robots being their nannies or even surrogate daughters, and yet also regard them as worthless toasters. I'm 90% sure the game was trying to code androids as blacks/minorities, which is a completely idiotic false equivalence and demonstrates a total lack of understanding of both racism and AI ethics.

They weren't nervous about androids per se, just about them not obeying anymore

This one is cute

Well I meant nervous in kind of a general sense, as in, not accepting them as people. Though the more I think about it, the more I realize people are actually fucking stupid enough to design super human robots and then get angry when they start acting human. Sometimes I forget how retarded people can be.

People there barely have human interaction anymore because of technology and androids, no wonder they freak out desu

>current year game
>innocuously take step into unexplored room
>cut scene and next section triggered
>miss out on every unexplored before that

No. Fuck no. Literally unplayable.

They should've added a scene where you can arrest Kara with Connor and decide to let her go or control Kara to make her escape, I think a conversation between them would've helped with Connor's development

>And why did she become a deviant?
To "help" a machine that didn't feel pain, had no concept of abuse, and had no genuine emotions.

Kara knows Alice is not deviant. That means Kara had no moral or logical reason to protect her. She is willingly hallucinating that Alice is human in order to fulfill her own internal need to have a family. That's fucked up. That is no different than what Todd is doing. Her actions don't prevent a child from experiencing pain or abuse.

She doesn't learn how to become a mother. She somehow got the desire to become a mother. She doesn't discover what it means to be human. She just receives the knowledge of what it means to be human through deviancy. She didn't risk anything to protect another sentient being, she risked everything so that she could fulfill her own internal need for a family, and this is a need that she never developed through love or empathy, it's a need that was given to her through deviancy, a mistake in her software. She learns nothing. She achieves nothing. There was literally no point to her entire story or character.

>restart chapter from point where you got interrupted

What are you talking about, Alice is a deviant. She can shoot Todd. Non-deviants cannot shoot or even hurt humans.

You’re 100% correct sir

Ahh yes, the only good character from that "game" aside from his tsuntsun boyfriend Hank.

It's all that game needs, man.

Games should have more tsundere old men. They're cute.

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Wow that's great game design there

Detroit: Become Human™ ©2018-2019 Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. Developed by Quantic Dream. “Detroit Become Human” is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. All rights reserved.

What's up with this?

It's exactly made for cases like that. How else would you solve that problem retard

thought the same after a few playthroughs

Ask the player if they're finished with the area before triggering the next scene like literally every non retarded game from the last decade

There is also evidence of a canned Simon path for Markus where you don't act like a cult leader or terrorist.

No, that would be annoying as fuck, wtf? Who the fuck wants this
Maybe don't be a retard and don't walk into the area that the game tells you go to and go to other places first? I never even had that problem.

>go to /vg/
>see there's a general for this game months after it being released
>a general for a fucking david cage game
>thread is just filled with yaoi shit and shipping
fuck generals

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Your argument sounds dangerously like it predicates on human emotion being more important/authentic because it's a product of natural selection. But natural selection is basically no different than a series of "mistakes" in nature's "software," i.e. no different from deviancy.

Lol, as if the game has anything else going for it. This is the case for any other story based game general like LiS or Katawa Shoujo. These generals are only held together by autism and waifus, or husbandos in DBHs case.

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What are you, gay?

I love this robot so much.

Hey Hank

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95% of artists can't draw Connor, it's so frustrating

>mfw comfy hank and connor detective buddies game never
Bin Kara and especially Markus plots entirely, tell the story through those two's cases.

I'm fine with DBH being a fujo game tbqh

>double trips + dubs
Confirmed 100% correct opinion.
If Cage doesn't make a sequel with Connor and Hank solving cases then he's a fucking retard. Sadly that's very likely. It's like he doesn't want free money.


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Fujos go back to your containment board.

based and humanitypilled

step back I thiNK I'M GONNA VOMIT


God I fucking HATE all the mentally ill trans obsessed twitterinas SO FUCKING MUCH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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Yeah the romance was HELLA forced, I got "LOVERS" status when Markus was just talking to her and then they held hands and showed each other memories of their pasts, is that how androids fuck?

>When you send Kara and Alice to Robo-Auschwitz

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As ridiculous it is, it's kinda kino. Also one of the rarest and hardest endings to get when you keep all 3 alive I think.


Why is david cage spamming these threads? I have no interest in QTE simulators.

Yeah that's probably the worst part of Kara's story.

This thread was actually made before the port announcement.

It's called freedom.