*updates steam store page*

*updates steam store page*

Attached: 1529612418123.png (1352x1016, 982K)

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Give it a week :)

but these lies about the game today are insane

even if i believed you why would i be mad about saving $60 by waiting a couple of days

get out of here denuvo shill who thinks it can protect sales for a whole week

Fake store.steampowered.com/app/814380/Sekiro_Shadows_Die_Twice/

Watch the stupid cucks fall for it anyway

i wouldve probably purchased the game if it had denuvo, god bless activision

consolekids are getting DESPERATE, and Soulsfags are about to get eternally btfo

slow day?

It could have been real and that would have been a problem so I'm not sure who you think you're calling cucks here

>cracked within 1-3 days of launch
oh no no no how will i sleep at night lmao

are you for real expecting this game to NOT have denuvo anti-tamper?

Attached: 1553031894631.png (439x588, 404K)

i dont really care either way it looks like a huge disappointment. but i'll get the crack, probably

>sells 4 million units on PC alone
>denuvo2 comes out
>PC gamers are forever cucked and must become stadiarace

wouldve had it on the page if it did
btw other activision games also dont have denuvo

Do you think that this would change anything?
It will still get cracked within a week

it's not consolekids
it's PC only dark souls fanboys who shitpost this game
they shitposted bloodborne and nioh the same way

Dark Souls 3 didn't have it. And it would've been on the page if it did by now. Stupid fucking faggot.

retarded weeb

Streaming is the future of consoles, not PC.

>wouldve had it on the page if it did

nope, there's plenty of games that never disclosed denuvo or only did after a week. non disclosure is just as illegal as piracy (especially since there's data going from your pc to aws and other third parties outside steam) but no one gives a shit

>t. sony󠛡gger

retard, read

>-20 FPS
oh nononono

>posts a game that removed denuvo

Only dumb consoleplebs are retarded enough to fall for the vidya streaming meme.

it's not their fault people will pay for things that they don't know everything about in advance

if it's a problem, the idea is to not buy it until you do know

Pretty much this.

Why spend $100,000 just to have your game cracked in a week, and piss off tons of players who will boycott your game for having Denuvo?

Companies are abandoning Denuvo.

use your 1 remaining brain cell and google "denuvo abzu"

>comparing an indieshit game to a AAA activision published game
>ignoring that DS3 didn't have it

Why are 99% of animeposters on this board retarded?

>being so new he wasn't here for the psnow bloodborne threads where PC sheep were bragging about getting 140MS of input lag

It's fake you demented fucking cuckold.

based retards
steam version still has denuvo, it was never updated on steam
only gog version is denuvoless

Attached: 1545906139816.png (785x139, 24K)

i seriously wonder why companies keep denouvo long after a game has been cracked
is it because of a contract or something?

ahahahahahahahaha when are you going to get a new game

damage control lmao

Holy shit, are you repeating someone else's flawed argument? Are you literally a sheep?
Go buy ABZU on steam and see if it uses denuvo lol.

Name an exclusive of another platform that comes even close.

Is this guerilla marketing?

Yes, now go buy the game, its even on sale.

reandomized filename you reseterafaggot
>Go buy ABZU on steam and see if it uses denuvo lol.
yes, 123mb exe with denuvo imprint

"protect sales" is the most bullshit argument ever.
It is pointless to have a protection that don't last at least months.
People who want to pirate will wait anyway, nobody is like "oh shit i want to play now, not next week, better pay full price then"


I can name exclusives on the same platform that are much better games.

>quoting my post twice
>paranoid faggot 'randomizing' his filenames
>expecting me to believe any of that shit
kill yourself lol

fake and gay, OP is a butthurt buycuck

Attached: file.png (317x321, 27K)

No, OP is a consolenigger still mad Sekiro runs at 15FPS on his shitbox.

He says naming nothing.

Because animeposter and retarded mean the same
And for some reason it's always underage girls trash

As in Rising Storm 2 ... ? Lol no

Do it

games are broken as fuck and incomplete at launch anyway, even for free it seems more reasonable to wait a while

shame pirate copies are often outdated, one of the reasons I end up buying games is for updates

Valve chink shills have been flooding the board ther last few months. Epic has been making valve desperate.

DMC 5 was cracked on release, faggot.
Played it without paying a single cent on release day.

Reminder that piratefags STILL don't have Handball 17

back to your shithole, you piratenigger

Attached: 1550243972360.png (853x264, 33K)

Still don't have what?

Wow the ps4 sucks more than i thought lol.
still, here's some games infinitely better than victorian souls:
Everybody’s Golf
God of War
GT Sport
Ratchet & Clank
Tetris Effect
WipEout Omega Collection

Fake, it doesn't say that on the store page.

Why would you post something like that? How embarrassing.

gr8 b8 m8

DMC5 still isn't cracked you retard, a DRM-free version was leaked, that's not called a crack, there's no DRM to even crack.

and if you want future updates (like bloody palace), will need an actual crack to have the newer versions work

i'm laughing so fucking hard lol
what is this font size?
are you on a phone?
are you on a laptop from 2003?
maybe if you stopped wasting your money on toys you'd be able to afford a decent monitor

It's not like it won't get cracked.
Denuvo fucking sucks, and every single big release gets cracked.

denuvoshills still out there? i despise piracy but this is beyond retarded. 3 days and its cracked

Yeah I'm not saying it won't. Although motivation may be lower given it's already fully playable with the leak. Updates tend to get cracked pretty slow in general

Meanwhile I'll be playing the best sports game ever ;)

It's fake

it doesnt have denuvo

>playing sports games

Attached: never miss.jpg (708x708, 41K)

if this was true i would actually feel bad for actual buyers.
it has been documented that denuvo ruins performance

I find it very difficult to believe that the expectation that a crack will take at least a week to come out won't drive some people into buying the game out of impatience.

This is the kind of shitposting I don't understand. These people must be getting pennies on their bank accounts for this.

all right then, glad to see denuvoshills killed themselves and now its all shitposting and (you) farming

I did it for free though

According to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denuvo#List_of_games_using_Denuvo

143 games use/used Denuvo

26 have not been cracked
88 are cracked
29 were cracked and Denuvo was removed
3 Denuvo was removed without getting cracked

Ignoring the 3 that got Denuvo removed that makes 117 cracked games out of 143 or 82% of Denuvo games will be cracked. That is greater than 4 out of 5 times. What happened to Denuvo being the ultimate anti-piracy software?

Attached: denuvo eteranally btfo.png (1016x1043, 471K)

Oh, this garbage is on PC? I thought it was gonna be yet another glorious Sony exclusive, given the design.

Thankfully it isn't, seeing how Souls games on Niggerstation 4 barely work.