

Attached: 1549431463428.png (601x582, 167K)

I don’t want one.

I just jerk off and dont think about females past that point

Because the last 3 didn't go well and I'm taking a fucking break OP. For fucks sake.

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Unironically never found the right one. Women are boring.

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>”because I love you rin....”

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I'm a 29yo virgin that never learned how to approach women and at this point I don't think I can learn.

she left in 2012 after 4 years.
Haven't bothered since. One broke me and I will never trust another.

Women are garbage, i wish i was gay


Can't afford one.

My little sister made me promise I won't get one so we remain together

Females are atm not worth it

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I don't deserve one yet.

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I can't get over someone

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I'm old enough to want a wife not a gf

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these threads trigger me

im gay

I'm a gamer, so I have several

Why don't you have one?

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What you looking at, slut?

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I'm gay and I'm only attracted to straight dudes

All the qts I know are already married or are even more awkward than me.

Become a girlfriend then

god i wish that were me

I'm usually too shy to approach them and the only one I did says she isn't really sure about me.

I dont even have a woman I have a crush on anymore.

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Nothing wrong with that.
Watching movies while snuggling with my sister is comfy af.

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Traps get me hard as fuck, Gay men don't.

I'm poor

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>Not in your life time.

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I know that feel my brother.
Its easy to get someone to fuck but a relationship is something you need to be prepared for.


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I burned myself out on one person and can't get attached to anything anymore.

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i suck weewee

>she isn't really sure

I have a bf

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I have a hasubando. We play vidya together. It's great.

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>be gay
>every potential partner has actual mental issues and is incapable of staying together for long
>even then, 99% of the men you find attractive are a no go because they aren't gay

So ... how's the wife, user?

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Because I'm an overweight, unemployed, friendless, virgin manlet who still lives at home.

Thanks user, she will definitely change in the future, but I'll enjoy her as much as I can, I'll worry about a gf later

VR version maybe

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why live?

because im ugly

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*blushes, then looks away smiling*
I was kind if hoping you'd be my girlfriend. That'd be super sweet.

post spread hole faggot

Unironically this

At my current age it's either about starting a family and shit which I'm not in for.
Or fucking like rabbits which are often damaged goods. And getting my dick wet ain't worth it if it means dealing with that

got one currently, still thinking about that one rejected me back in august. ill never be happy if its not her

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I don't want a girlfriend, I want a mother for my children. Used up roasties need not apply (so 99% of females in my country).

That's got potential to be really cute, and also really bad.

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I don't want one but even if I did I wouldn't be able to get one
Out of shape
Can't be touched
Can't look at eyes
No job
Always in a foul mood

I like video games.

I have one. 5 years now.

A string of bad relationships after losing my first and so far only love left me fucked up. Over time I learned how to be content with myself and am working to fix my mind and body but don't feel like it'd be good for me or whoever I'm with until then. Probably a bad excuse but I'm trying to work on it.

Just don't get "incesty" unless she wants to.
Your sister trusts and loves you, don't make her think you are taking advantage of her.

Yep... that's a "based"

Because I'm fat and ugly and was too lazy to do anything about it. Also, my sister and mother were pieces of shit who left me not wanting THAT in my life.

Because I'm married user

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Because I have a wife.

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women have become unattractive garbage.
They're all trashy and tattooed these days, I wish I could get infatuated by them anymore.

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Give that to me!

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Hope you have a long happy life together, user.

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I'm 23 and haven't had a gf yet.
If I even one landed on my door, I wouldn't know what to do to make it work and make her happy.

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I've had girlfriends before and didn't like the experience, one was as close to a soulmate as I believe is realistically possible and I still felt incredibly relieved when I broke up with her

Last one tried to get me fired from work so I'm good living on my own right now. I'll wait until this feminism shit dies off

>They're all trashy and tattooed these days
Only the liberals, user.

I do, I’m going to see her today. She made me promise not to cum for a whole week so I can bust every saved up nut inside of her.

>I'll wait until this feminism shit dies off

So never?

How old are you?

Because I'm married. I'm not gonna cheat on my wife.

I just broke up with her after 10 years because I fell in love with other girl.

I'm not proud of myself.

My condolences.
How is it? My ex gf broke up with because i didn't want to marry

She probably doesn't love me but I still love the fuck out of her
I try to forget about her and get with other girls but it's not working
Is this what it's like to have a oneitis?

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Because I'm asexual, I've actually had to remind people that I'm not interested in their advances or romance at all.

the "conservative" ones usually just parrot what the guy they're fucking believes in.
Women have no agency of their own.

Because I'm in the process of unlocking power few will ever achieve

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It's okay, user. I dream too

Yes, if you ever fall in love, you better get the first one you fall for, because that's the one.
Even if you "move on" and get another girlfriend or something, that first one will come back every now and then to haunt your mind and dreams.

Move on

It’s an obvious “no” but she was trying to let him down easy. Fucking spergs.

How do I go about falling in love and getting a girlfriend? Do I need to have a prior friendship with her, or should I just ask out a woman that I think is attractive and hope she's worth the effort? All the women I know are either unattractive or set off major red flags and I'm not sure how do go about getting close to someone I might be able to love.

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My interests are so esoteric that I have a hard enough time finding regular friends that go anywhere past generic work buddies. I'm also very particular with how I live (I have my own place and live by myself) and I don't think I could adapt to having someone else here

Basically autism

>The reason I'm not interested in women is feminism!!!!!

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>80 posts in 12 minutes
Why can't you faggots actually talk about video games at this pace?

I never got over my first reciprocated love.
Stupid whore.

Because even with all his flaws life is still really comfy
I have never been attacked by a wild animal or enemy soldier
I have never starved besides self imposed fasts
I have never lacked access to entertainment
I have never had to suffer medical issues without treatment (UH)

This is really good regardless of some pesky hormones telling me to breed all the time

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I’m a married man in his 30’s with one kid and another on the way soon. Ask me anything.

Me, too. Wife and I having been living at my parents place but we are finally signing lease on our own place today.

why can't you stop thought policing people, faggot?

It's so weird being older and seeing these kind of posts, as if 23 isn't still young
You think girls your age have their shit perfectly together either?

I'm not sure.

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>conveniently ignoring the rest of the post
Only a woman would have such shitty reading comprehension

You never will, nobody does.
It's as a virus gets in your computer, you format and there's still remains.


Literally kill yourself you shitposting scum

She says she had a bad experience with someone else she met online and dont want to make the same mistake.
Doesn't stop me thinking how she would just find someone irl and stop bothering with me.
I'm about to start drinking from the stress anons
Send help!

whose kid is it?

>only 38
that's nothing, some faggots literally make the same shitty threads thousands of times and still pick up replies, and I ain't referring to /vg/ here

Because I have a husband.

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I do!

I want to die.

I’m 27 and I haven’t met any girls that are ready to settle down and have kids yet, anons

This is retarded. Don't listen to it.

You can get over your first love if that's what you want to do. Your love is never the exact same thing but that doesn't mean it's less intense or less real. It's just different. You learn this when you fall in love more than once.

Do you feel like you don't have enough time to do the things you'd like? Ever feel like you don't get enough alone time anymore?

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Nice, congrats! We’re about to fully pay off our tiny starter house and start looking for a newer/bigger house closer to where we work. I fucking HATE shopping for houses so I’m pretty jelly you’re basically done with it today.

No girl ever asks me that.

>Yea Forums - Video Games

go back to red dit with your confirmation bias horseshit, loser.

Because I have a wife.

Post wedding certificates

I'm 5 months away from wizardry. I don't want to achieve it, but going to a whore would be far too shameful for me.