steam keys dump thread
Grid 2
How to survive 2
Warframe DLC Booster
Max Payne 2
steam keys dump thread
Grid 2
How to survive 2
Warframe DLC Booster
Max Payne 2
also, post what you got, if you're looking for trades or whatev
don't all these get instantly redeemed by a bot
they do get redeemed instantly but not just by bots. Some people are just very fast to redeem codes
I claimed Dead Rising 2: Off the Record from a thread like this once.
I've still never played it.
what's the point of bots? i don't think anyone buys steam accounts that have shitty bundle leftovers
One day I redeemded a key for Stardew Valley from a thread like this
It was a wonderful game for sure, so however thanks to that user
where are the games retards
Check your mom's butt yet user?
check your inbox
where are the gams??
I don't want games, I just wish I could transfer my shit to another account. I wanna get rid of my identity.
I feel you
I got Legends of Grimrock 2 from a thread like this 2 years ago and I've never touched it. Only downloaded it a few days ago.
Why? You can hide almost everything now on steam, including games and hours, if that's your issue.
I just don't want certain people to follow where I'm going.
Use family sharing, idiot.
If Valve leak some serious shit one day, you basically fucked. Your possible stalkers and internet "enemies" get your ass. This might not happen if you delete account and Valve really deletes most of important info after this...but who knows, anyway, having a fresh new account is the best option.
>Internet enemies
fucking lmao
t. sad loner with zero to no social interaction
Consider seeing a psychiatrist
stop erping on steam faggot
>Gets owned by internet enemies
"internet enemies"
you need help
I was hoping to get some new games but There you go. Here's this fucking paranoid derailing the thread
>t. sent the tranny discord pics of his lacy dick sock and now they'll ruin his life if they ever work out his real name
You're right. Gamers are the most gullible demographic.
Install this real life pokemon dragon sim! Remember to disable driver signature first!
Here's another grid 2:
Thanks man, if you ever come to italy I'll offer you arrosticini
great man, thanks
sent ;)
What kind of a faggot are you when what you do on Steam could be used by "internet enemies" against you?
Just imagine one day Steam leaks data base of all your chit chats or your phone/credit card numbers whatever, it'd be big.
Hurr sure imposibru, oh sweet summer childs, you all don't even know how bad it is to trust corps your info you literally have short memory, psn taught you nothing
Here derp durp why do you even have someone who hates you, shit are you all from normie peacevill or something? Like obsessed mentally ill faggots not exist for all of you, ones who can ruin your life, and you can meet these people on internet unintentionally
uhm, guys
any of you has an available key for Plague Inc. Evolved please?
I dunno man it sounds like you have to be pretty retarded to let your real life bleed into your internet use to the point where you have fucking enemies.
while you guys are at it, send me ace combat 7 so i can play with buddies
it's 60$
go neck yourself jew
Who the fuck has internet enemies? You sperges do nothing but stir shit up all day and you really believe the random fucking idiots you talk to online are your actual enemies?
Kill yourself.
Pls gib fear and hunger key, it's only 6 bucks
>tfw got phantom pain, pubg and both portals here
what you got niggas?
Then buy it you faggot
You and all others above are just clueless nu-v normies, it's not a surprise considering most of you came from reddit, and size of your knowledge about real world, especially internet, is same as your little penis
fuck u
can anyone send factorio? never ever seen it on sale goddamn I want to play
[email protected]
KOTOR I + II, Nier
Hi guys
hurr durr what is swatting, as an obvious and simple example of a shit ton other cases
If you dumb faggots can't get a clue, at least take a shower
Fine, ill go get a key for you in a minute, but dont leave it in your library forever, atleast actually play the game
also dont quit too fast, it takes time to get used to
PSN stored credit card numbers in a plain text NOT ENCRYPTED file, so that's how they fucked up.
Doubt (X)
C-can I ask for a Plague Inc. key? ; ;
[email protected], please
There is no guarantees even with encryption when humans make mistakes or someone with luck and right intention gets access, it's a matter of chances and possibilities
Is there a trade goin' on?
does anyone have a key for Atom RPG?
I doubt that, thread is pretty slow.
Ok show boipussy you fag.
Am I too late for the giveaways? fug
Sheeeeit seems so
oh shit ok
Pls gib Under night in birth exe latest