I'm the kill master.
I'm the kill master
Hello paid pajeet marketer. No, no one will ever find this character sexy. This character will never be a sex icon. No one wants to fuck niggers.
why is my dick hard.
'Fraid I find her sexy, what now?
25% of black American genes are European, and most of it is paternal. Seems like they do.
If this girl said she wanted to fuck you and you say no you are either so painfully retarded it hurts or just a straight up fag.
this called being subconsciously anxious of your 3 incher and taking it out on black women because they have higher standards when it comes to penis size
where can i find nigger/master porn? whats the category called
I'm sure that will happen infinitely when someone with 300+ kills is paired against people with 2.
No we must presever the white race we need realize that it's the JE-OOOOOHHHH HOLLY SHITTTTTH OHOH NUUHHHHH UHHHHHHHHHMMMMM MY DIIIICKKKKKK
Cuckold (Fetish)
Race mixing might be alright after all
no bro don't be fooled...
fuck n*ggers! (not literally)
Yall are some faggots lmao imagine letting statistics keep you from quenching your carnal desires, cmon man. Statistically I shouldn't be a attracted to her but I am, you can't stop human nature.
>Started working out and eating right for the first time in my life
>Drastically changed my lifestyle
>My sex drive felt like it has tripled and now I can't go on Yea Forums without beating my dick
I don't think I can do it anymore bros, I think I gotta get off Yea Forums, its too much.
Literally same, so much fap bait here I can't catch a break. I think I masturbated like 4 times yesterday.