This game was fucking garbage, why did Yea Forums ever like it...

This game was fucking garbage, why did Yea Forums ever like it? I came in wanting a good Doom game and got a shittier version of Serious Sam with a hellish theme instead.
Also fuck this cover, it made me think I was gonna fight giant armies of enemies, meanwhile you are lucky to encounter even 6 enemies at the same time in the game.

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>a shittier version of Serious Sam
Actually D44M is a better version of Painkiller.

I don't care, it's still shit.

Please name the levels where you fight armies of demons in the original Doom.

New Doom 2016 was okay though. Slower than older Doom games and therefore better due to being more methodical. But it's still relatively mindless and easy when compared to Halo 4 for example. Where you have to worry about positioning and current weapons loadout.

First of all, I didn't say you fought armies of enemies in the original Doom. I said the cover of D44M made you believe that you were going to.
Secondly: MAP16, MAP18 and MAP30 just to name a couple examples.

>This game was fucking garbage, why did Yea Forums ever like it?
It's not absolute garbage, but it has serious issues. Only people who are so god damn young, or so god damn detached from reality that they don't remember or acknowledge how bad the genre has gotten in the last generation would not understand why people were fairly happy with it.

And there still aren't many high-profile shooters on the same level out there. I guess we can eventually move away from it, as the newly formed indie and mid-range development may eventually just fill in the market niche better, but still.

I did not like it personally, but I can see why it was seen like a good step for the genre.

It was good. Doom babies didn't like it because the enemies were actually threating and had fast moviement, and you couldn't win every fight by standing in one place and holding down mouse 1.

It gets a lot better once you don't have to use the shotgun, holy shit I almost uninstalled.

Still has a ton of problems though.

Actually most "Doom babies" liked it enough. People who hated it were mostly kids who claim to be Doom fans online to look "oldschool and bad-ass", the same people who also end up shitting on fucking Dusk because admitting something isn't terrible makes them feel weak.

Yeah it does. It's bizare that if fails most in areas that Shadow Warrior 2 got really well, but at the same time, Shadow Warrior 2 gets fuckton of things wrong that nu-Doom did well. I guess a great shooter is hidden somewhere between those two games.

it is scientifically impossible for anything to be shittier than series sam

This but unironically.

glory kills are cancer

Yea Forums's contrarianism at it's absolute finest. I remember when shit like this used to be an over-exaggerated joking carricature of the board and not the sad reality.

>if fails most in areas that Shadow Warrior 2

SW2 did something well? I ignored it after the first one sucked and the second one tried to be borderlands

>Yea Forums's contrarianism at it's absolute finest
you talking about this thread? yeah i agree

you're a fag

>an elaborate amount of kill cutscenes
>varied by monster type and where you grab them from
>game essentially just rewards you for watching fatalities
It is legit a bit weird

Honestly, if you don't like Doom 2016, I have trouble believing you're capable of having fun.

>SW2 did something well?
Yep, plenty of things. Though while I can fully understand why a lot of people did not even give it a chance, and most people that did give it a chance still ended up hating it.
It's a completely weird hybrid of a game with very strange and niche appeal, and on top of that, it's absolutely FUCKING TERRIBLE at explaining itself to players.

That said, SW2 is one of the fastest, most mobile and most colorful shooters I've ever played. The way it handles melee (particularly fucking chain saws, oh my god the chainsaws!), combat pacing, speed and player mobility is amazing and it's precisely the kind of things that Doom 4 desperately needs. The variety and volumes of action is also something that nu-Doom would also benefit from a lot.

>Yea Forums is one person

There is no redeeming feature of classic doom games if you're not old as fuck and didn't grow up with them. Doom 3 and 2016 are both better than classic doom

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Can you give me some actual real arguments for why it's shit?
I'm not talking about "waa it didn't meet my expectations", but some actual, well formed arguments.

Based and redpilled

>I'm not talking about "waa it didn't meet my expectations", but some actual, well formed arguments.
Enemy count of any individual encounter is too low.
Pre-canned finishers massively break the flow of the combat, which would be irrelevant but the game straight up encourages and rewards them as an optional play.
Many of the weapon upgrade paths are poorly ballanced, with one option being drastically more useful to the other.
A lot of the levels still lock you in a small arena while they spawn in in waves - both resulting in the issue of limited amount of enemies on screen at any given time, but also removing the option to lead the enemies around too much and frankly, just reducing your options.
Movement speed is still fairly sluggish compared to many other, even concurent titles.

Oh yeah,and this might be a very subjective issue, but I just find the game terribly visually bland and boring.

I'm a huge fan of new Doom and you're a fucking retard. Both eras of Doom are great and have their own upsides. Except for Doom 3.
I'm a zoomer though, so whatever.

>western game BAD
>nippon game GOOD

>western characters UGLY
>nippon characters PRETTY

>old game GOOD
>new game BAD

At least 80% of this board share these opinions. It's pretty fucking close to a hivemind if you ask me.

Objectively correct.

>I'm a zoomer

>more people agree with things that are true

>There is no redeeming feature of classic doom games if you're not old as fuck
Actually, speed, level design and enemy placement are amazing in those games, regardless of how old you are.
Doom 3 is ABSOLUTE FUCKING TRASH and if you seriously don't think that it's worse than any other main-line Doom title, you have so insanely poor taste that nothing that you'll say will ever matter to anyone.

>unironic frogposting
I grew up with classic Doom but Doom 2016 is a better game. Doom 3 was... okay, but not better than the other two. Eternal is going to take the crown, I just feel it in my bones.

Hello little worker bee :^)

It's a worse version of Hard Reset which by itself is a poor copy of Painkiller.

>tend to be true*
There you go snowflake

>MUH Hivemind
>Yea Forums is one person
Lay off the kool Aid

Why isn't there physical media for Shadow Warriors 2 on ps4

hard reset was way worse than d4om

>Also fuck this cover, it made me think I was gonna fight giant armies of enemies, meanwhile you are lucky to encounter even 6 enemies at the same time in the game
Based, thought the exact same thing.

I wouldn't call the game garbage but holy fuck people pretend like Doom 2016 is the second coming of Christ. Old Doom is superior, and Brutal Doom just blows it out of the water.

>got a shittier version of Serious Sam
>it made me think I was gonna fight giant armies of enemies
So it wasn't serious sam enough?

Zoomers pretend Doom was a fun arena shooter for some reason. In reality it was a horror game with a complex level design but everyone somehow forgot that. Doom 3 is more of a Doom than nu-Doom, but zoomers don't realize it, the history was rewritten somehow.

>Enemy count of any individual encounter is too low.
You can't fight a hundred enemies unless you make them absolute braindead, you already have to move and use the enviroment in Doom, that is how it works in SS or L4D
>Pre-canned finishers massively break the flow of the combat, which would be irrelevant but the game straight up encourages and rewards them as an optional play.
The glory kill system is there to force players to be on the move and act aggressively, you have to time when you are gonna stagger an enemy to close the gap and finish him if you want to survive, without them you would be running away from the demons instead of running to them, I agree they could have been handled better like letting the player move while doing it somehow so it wont feel that "canned"
>Many of the weapon upgrade paths are poorly balanced, with one option being drastically more useful to the other.
Yeah agreed
>A lot of the levels still lock you in a small arena while they spawn in in waves - both resulting in the issue of limited amount of enemies on screen at any given time, but also removing the option to lead the enemies around too much and frankly, just reducing your options.
I guess you could have some more enemies but there is no way you could fight 20 or so demons at the same time without getting overwhelmed or making a fuckhuge area like in SS and having the player backpedal for 10 minutes while mowing down brandead AI
>Movement speed is still fairly sluggish compared to many other, even concurent titles.
I don't think it is slow, it could be faster but not slow.
>Oh yeah,and this might be a very subjective issue, but I just find the game terribly visually bland and boring.
I liked it, but yeah, is not the most varied thing ever, looks like this is getting fixed in the sequel tho. Anyway you have to forgive the stylistic choices because of just how fucking amazingly well it runs and looks.

suck my fucking dick, dude

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Is it worth getting Borderlands if i've slept on fps for the last 10 years

Depends on if you like to min Max ridiculous builds in end game
Otherwise the game is enjoyable for its classes and Unique weapons


In FPS genre only Duke 3D better than classic Doom.

What an absolute shit opinion
>Slower than older Doom games
Stop it with this fucking shit again. Play the old fucking games, no brutal doom. See if its actually faster. Sick and tired of this fucking meme. Old Doom is fast, but not that fast

Doom 3 at least had some more threatening map exploration; you could explore its haunted house/Mars base and end up facing a few bad guys that pose somewhat of a threat to you. NuDoom has to throw a handful of demons at you and then pad the fight out further by spawning in reinforcements because Nudoomguy is “so cool”.

if you're easily addicted to numbers going up, sure
if you want actually interesting gameplay then no


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>actually liking fucking brutal doom
really fucking bad taste dude

He’s saying NuDoom is slower than Classic Doom. It is if he’s purely talking about movement but not so much for the gameplay. Quake could be faster than both, though.

This is one of my fav games of the gen.

Doom wasn't a fucking horror game, what the hell are you talking about
Look any of the promotional material for the original game, they definitely designed it as an action shooter with a demonic aesthetic

Its a mediocre game for sure, but with how shitty the average FPS is anymore for the past 12 years or so, even a mediocre one is a triumph. People just don't know how fucking garbage the genre is anymore.

>Another thread making a claim where the OP will never change his mind regardless of the facts
I hate these. I mean I kind of agree with you on the small amounts of enemies at any given moment, would have been more fun with more, but it was still fun.

Nobody cares /vr/

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I have observed that most people who liked the game aren't that much into the FPS genre, whereas the people who hate it are FPS enthusiasts.

"Yea Forums" didnt like it.
Zenimax shills just made it seem like it, and some zoom zooms bit the b8.
The game itself was a boring ass slog, and died a mere month later.

I have observed that people who like it are chads and people who hate it are virgins.

Sorry, but Halo kids cannot be chads.

That's pretty much the same as saying that you're an ADHD autist who likes doing the exact same, unsatisfying shit, over and over again.

Who said anything about Halo?

It’s fine a solid 7/10 if you think this is a bad game you should go play fantastic four on the ps1.

Doom was scary AF at the time, and its action was more akin to the Evil Dead and Aliens, than this "Press X for kool!! :^)" garbage.

can confirm. Some things could be better but overall doom 2016 is a fantastic game.
t. chad

>mediocre gunplay
>game lasts 6 hours
>hardest difficulty only unlocked after you beat the game once
>shitty after thought multiplayer

i wholeheartedly agree, OP

Just because your 10 year old ass was scared of it doesn't mean it was a horror game. If I was 10 and played Dark Souls, I would be scared too. That doesn't make it horror.

episode 1 was kinda spooky though

Can't recall the precise levels but there are tons of areas where a switch, a key or even just walking to a certain part of the room unleashes a flood of enemies. 6 is a very low number.

That's wierd, I fucking love it tho. Multiplayer is kino.