Virtual Reality

Ready for the announcement of Oculus Rift S in a couple hours?

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Other urls found in this thread:

wake me up when valve announces knuckles are for sale

My guess is that it'll be a Rift with the optics and screens of the Quest and it'll be wireless.

>optics and screens of the Quest
You mean with the same 6DOF tracking?

The lenses and displays on the Quest (and Go too for that matter) are better than the Rift's, so I assume they're putting those in the Rift S. But yeah it'll most likely also have the same tracking as the Quest.

I bet it'll be wired but they'll sell you a $250 wireless addon.

I guess I can watch it while I wait for Thursday

Attached: valve-headset.jpg (1000x563, 79K)

>Those cameras
Oh great, it's gonna be 6DOF.


I hope they release this year

6DOF just means it's tracking position too instead of just rotation right?
Don't you mean inside out?
Either way there's no way Valve will drop lighthouses entirely, the tracking is perfect

Why the fuck are people elsewhere happy about the camera tracking? It's SHIT for dark interior spaces, aka where a VR faggot would actually use them. It's like the equivalent of making your game pander to SJWs. They don't even buy their games so they're making them for people who aren't actually in their market. I'm legit mad about it. Bring back the Lighthouse tracking, it's fucking perfect. I can play in the dark light whatever it doesn't matter. I also don't feel creeped out at the thought of these companies getting constant video data logging of my home's interior either. Fuck this shit.

Boneworks does which is a big Hmm

6DOF is the same tracking that WMR and Cosmos uses

Attached: hero-hmd.png (1298x705, 1.56M)

6dof is Rotational and Positional, yeah.

Cosmos seems like it'll work in dark spaces

Attached: controller-light-left.png (800x891, 446K)

Bro, 6DOF literally just means 6 degrees of freedom. It's existed since the Oculus DK2, which uses little LEDs and a camera to track those LEDs. What these new headsets with no basestation tracking are doing, is they use a bunch of cameras to draw out a depth map of your environment and then figure out where you are in that environment, and that's how they do positional tracking. It's shit compared to Lighthouse tracking and the only reason it's getting pushed is for the lazy who whined about having to setup a play area.


And Rift and Vive. 6dof is 6 degrees of freedom, referring to three Rotational axes and three Positional axes. Rift uses an outside-in tracking setup to achieve this, with smart cameras watching for an LED pattern on a dumb object. Vive uses a marker-based inside-out system, with a smart object looking for light patterns sent out by dumb "sensors" (lighthouses).

The Quest, Rift S, and WMR use markerless inside-out, using computer vision to interpret the environment and track position without the aid of a marker.


You can say that after Thursday if (when) they haven't announced anything

Try and stop me punk.


I bought a Rift over a year ago and haven't used it in almost six months, anything new or interesting worth playing?

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lol this guy

You don't have a light bulb in your bedroom?

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worth playing only a handful

almost everything is indie shit

My eyes' evolved to not require light

Wait they need lights on to track?

Attached: pikaBRUH.png (495x424, 380K)

Main features
- Eye tracking
- Foveated rendering, ambilight-like effects
- No more IR cameras
No idea about resolution

Other stuff
- Optional wireless conversion accessory
- Partnership with Rodenstock to order prescription lenses
- Teaser for their own game

The future
- teaser about depth focus tech
- teaser about new interaction interface

>Eye tracking

It's literally just a bunch of smartphone cameras mapping out your environment with video feed and tracking your movement through that. Try taking your phone, turning the lights down in your room, and seeing what happens to the video feed. And when your headset starts tracking like shit even with the lights on because cameras do awful in artificial lighting, then you can come online and complain about it and this is the kind of fucking response you'll get.

Or we could just stick to infrared LEDs and lasers and shit that work in pitch black with 0 tracking errors.

I haven't seen anyone complaining about the WMR tracking other than the limited FOV for the controllers, sounds like a lot of suppositions from you.

>It's literally just a bunch of smartphone cameras
fitting, considering VR is just strapping a monitor to your face.

I don't get how they defend it, I've never heard of lighthouse users needing to buy more lighthouses to stop drift

Valve will be announcing things today, as well. They have actual expo space, possibly quite a lot of it (it's unclear if they have actually rented a whole ballroom or just a quarter of it).

o shittu I thought it was tomorrow

>Bring back the Lighthouse tracking
electromagnetic tracking died for this meme

Are you talking about WMR? It doesn't seem to have drift.

Source? I only heard about the "Steam Business Update" talk.

shut up tesla

Electromagnetic tracking was utter SHIT. Better have that reset home position button bound because you're gonna need to spam it every 30 seconds. Garbage.

Oculus is dead.

Attached: hp-reverb-vr-headset-with-controllers-1024x682.png (1024x682, 743K)

>Better have that reset home position button bound because you're gonna need to spam it every 30 seconds
when? how?

>occlusion free tracking is shit

enough buzzwords

>t. loses tracking when looking down while crouching

I dunno I just hear it from rift users

I don't even own a headset

so you're just a lighthouse shill

So I bought lighthouses without owning a headset?

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Stream starting soon
>lip tracking module
What the fuck is HTC even thinking? Why are they so fucking bad at making what people actually want instead of this gimmicky bullshit?

The Valve HMD uses SteamVR Lighthouse tracking. It's a bit harder to see at lower resolution, but in the original full 4k leaked images the circular IR filters over the IR sensors are very apparent. The cameras are probably meant primarily for hand tracking. Note the IR LEDs on the board above the cameras, in pic related.

Attached: meT0Ibs.jpg (4032x1960, 453K)

>kikebook shit

kill yourself.

Also UploadVR is gonna have updates.

Any stream link that isn't some fag vlogger?

>The cameras are probably meant primarily for hand tracking
Ah, that explains the hand tracking SDK they released a couple days ago.

>Some faggot streamer
No official stream?

Nothing on Oculus' channel


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Then there's no stream and you linked a fag vlogger that won't know anything that we can't find out for ourselves.

i know, i just don't like the lighthouse tracking, it is still lengths better than shitty camera tracking though

Then find it for yourselves

are you the streamer?

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I'm the dreamer

The panel happened on Monday. Today the embargo is lifting. Therefore, no stream

Virtual Reality is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.

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>Inside out Tracking
reveal vid

doubled in 2018

>black guy punching white guy
Dislike this if you have fair skin, also because VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.

why would anyone play these indie garbage

>those controllers

Attached: 1531598646663.png (560x403, 504K)

>single LCD panel with a resolution of 2560×1440

>The refresh rate is down to 80Hz compared to the 90 Hz of the original
>The refresh rate is down to 80Hz compared to the 90 Hz of the original
>The refresh rate is down to 80Hz compared to the 90 Hz of the original

>The refresh rate is down to 80Hz compared to the 90 Hz of the original.
hahaha holy fuck it's literally a fucking downgrade

>No Physical IPD Adjustment
Valve and fucking Microsoft will have to save us now.

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Someone should tell /pol/ about this

When will they learn?

you got to be memeing me kek

What a fucking disappointment.
>No physical IPD adjustment
>Move to LCD instead of OLED
>Shitty new headband design.
>No headphones

God dammit

whoever is financing these soulless low budget garbage should be shot

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Looks like I'll have to look elsewhere or wait a bit more to replace my Rift. No point in going from the Rift to the Rift S.

I'd go to the Reverb, but WMR tracking/controllers are kind of shit. I'd go for Pimax, but I've been hearing problems with comfort and drivers. Goddamn.

>LED instead of OLED
>"Inside-Out" Tracking
>No Physical IPD Adjustment
>No headphones

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apt name

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What would be the best VR to get if I just wanted to play racing, space sims and shooting games?
Don't need controllers or any of that but would like to have High res for the space ones.

Attached: 53541724_1354849244668932_5561697612815400960_n.jpg (500x522, 30K)
>Instead of new information, Oculus just solidified my excitement even more instead by showing off a new Rift S headset alongside the Quest that mostly underwhelmed. In fact, the Rift S has worse resolution, it has an LCD display instead of OLED, and it’s still got a tether to a cumbersome PC all for the same exact price of the full Quest setup. You’re getting a lot more fidelity due to the need for a powerful gaming PC, but for two unreleased products only one really has me excited for the future of this medium.
>Let me put it this way: Oculus announced a new PC VR device in the Rift S headset that people have been buzzing about online for months and even after trying it I’m still more excited about a standalone device officially announced 6 months ago, aka Quest.
>The prospect of being able to pack up and take a Quest with me, wherever I go, is extremely exciting and I can’t wait to introduce roomscale VR to a whole new category of people in my life. Comparing that type of paradigm shift to a marginal upgrade over a three-year old HMD is just no contest.

Guess what buddy? Vive Cosmos doesn't have physical IPD adjustment either. Devolution of VR confirmed. Tech is dead.

>getting excited over mobileshit

Vive Pro and buy basestations. Don't need controllers but do need the tracking.

Where the fuck are the knuckles

>Vive Cosmos doesn't have physical IPD adjustment either
Did HTC make an announcement at GDC too?

>Vive Pro and buy basestations
but you can't buy the 2.0 basestations separately.

Wake me up when Facebook stop being faggots and release Rift 2

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>release a downgraded version of a 3 years old device for the same price
How the fuck does that even happen? How was this greenlit?

2.0 basestations are fucking worthless. 1.0 are perfectly fine for seated gaming. 2.0 are only necessary for huge play spaces with multiple headsets.

>seated gaming

I'm pretty happy with my Acer WMR set. Controllers are good enough for Super Hot VR, and gen1 are on clearout prices at some places. Can handle all SteamVR games if you get the free Windows Mixed Reality program on Steam. Apparently can do Oculus stuff with ReVive, but I haven't bothered trying it yet.

Best set? No, but probably best value

>"hey bro let me play my racing and space sims with goofy ass controllers while standing up."

>On the 80Hz display, Oculus says that one reason for making it lower than the Rift’s 90Hz display was to ensure they could maintain the same recommended PC specifications as the original headset (to avoid fragmentation)
Wow, it's not like we need tech to advance or anything, just keep specs exactly the same for all eternity.

But why not have the option for 90hz?

Odyssey+ probably if you can still find it on sale.

Huh looks like this is going to be easier than I thought

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No such thing as user autonomy in the Facebook world, sweatie.
Did you know that Oculus has always-on DRM?

I'm still annoyed they haven't brought that to Europe yet.

Uh yes nigger
Just been playing House of the Dying Sun
I have better than Gen 1 though

If they can keep the price below $500 they'll dominate the competision

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Cheap is for Oculus
Could be 599 at the cheapest

I'd be happier if they announced some actual games for once.

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So far the vive pro seems to be the best out of the 3 but its like 800 bucks alone without basestations.
The other 2 seem to have more reasonable prices but I dont want to end up regretting getting a subpar VR when I can go all in.
what a hard choice.

O+ has the best screen.

Attached: rEaKUT2.jpg (1920x1080, 261K)

Literally my predicament. Honestly all you need to do is look at the VR software library and realize your best investment is putting your cash back in your pocket and walking away.

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>Basically, when it comes down to it, ultimately what we decided to do is go with this LCD panel, single LCD panel
literally 2DS

5k is on par
Not really viable for nonbackers though

inside out tracking is and always will be shit, change my mind


>Rift S has 5 cameras
>Vive Cosmos only has 4
How can they hope to compete?

Attached: made-for-all-new-fit.png (1416x836, 1.15M)

Nothing wrong with it except the limited controller FOV which can be fixed with moar cameras in the HMD.

Are these all O+? looks pretty sharp, which is what I'm looking for.

if you mean games I'm not really looking for vr games since they are already there, I'm looking to play normal racing and space games with the VR.

Vive lighthouse base stations v1 were the best tracking system until v2 came along. That guy was retarded for suggesting they were only good for seated. They strait up blow away camera tracking of windows vr and oculus sets.

Is oculus going to sell something like this? I'd like to get full body tracking and dance like an anime slut, otherwise why bother?

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I'm a rift user that bought and returned an odyssey+. The screen was great and the inside out tracking was fine but the ergonmics of it sucked for me. I have a big head and narrow ipd. It was just uncomfortable and I could only get one eye in focus at a time.

>inside out tracking
>not even the res bump of the new HP headset
Can I use it with my current lighthouses? Inside out tracking is shit. Otherwise I'll stick with my rift.

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>Samsung Anti-SDE AMOLED Display solves SDE by applying a grid that diffuses light coming from each pixel and replicating the picture to areas around each pixel. This makes the spaces between pixels near impossible to see. In result, your eyes perceive the diffused light as part of the visual content
It's basically lens-based blurring, I heard sharpness can be hit and miss depending on the game.

>Can I use it with my current lighthouses?

Literally wouldnt work with inside out tracking

You could do the same for cheaper by using those AR tag things if the cameras are decent enough.

Attached: da.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

Inside out tracking is fine in concept. It's all about where the cameras are placed.

The WMR ones are pretty awful but the Vive Cosmos already looks like they are working to make that better

But then I realize user wants to be the little girl with body tracking so that wouldn't work out.

Even Valve is moving to LCD. There's been tremendous R&D done to make LCD work for VR, after the first gens reliance on OLED revealed its own unique problems (eg. wonky subpixel arrangements which worsen SDE).


Is this it bros? Is it finally time to get into VR? I mean we have eye tracking, no more cameras, and that price seems reasonable. Is the only thing we're waiting for now is wireless?

>Is the only thing we're waiting for now is wireless?
and games

inside out tracking sucks dick

Wait until Quest.

Unironically yes

stop recommending this garbage

is there a livestream

No, the stream was earlier this week but under embargo.

source you fuck

is there a livestream?

did the original ever catch on? no. ok then, not really

That stream is releasing today?

No, the info from the stream is releasing

We had wireless for a year?

Fad's over.

It never started

I want to say that I'm disappointed but I'd have to be expecting something to say that.
My main problem is that I just don't get it, I fixed my sensors about 3 times in the entire two years that I had my Rift, is a digital IPD, 80hz and no behind the back tracking worth it?
What were these people thinking? I sold my rift at the end of last year anticipating something new.
Fuck Facebook and fuck everybody, Valve better save us.
This has a 2% chance of happening, but god I hope so.

I just don't understand. The quest is better than this in every way. Why couldn't they have included a way to connect the quest to your computer and just sell one product? At the price of the S you might as well by a quest. Fucking stupid

>Facebook telling devs to make games for both their mobileshit and the PC sets

thanks for ruining everything fucking zuckerberg

Spec wise it is sure, but the closed ecosystem and the midrange ARM processor from 2017 is the real dealbreaker.
The best times I had in VR people hacking shit together like the DOOM3VR mod.
Not to mention H3VR which the dev said that the physics interactions alone wouldn't have a chance in all hell of running on it, and that's the VR game I have the most hours in by far.

I heard you fag say this since day 1 yet here we are with VR still being a thing with new HMDs an other shit coming out.

>riftbabbies will be forced to play made-for-mobile games now even with the PC sets

Same. I don't even consider trying out PSVR when I get the chance because customizing your experience is so much more interesting than corprorate made shit.


Attached: Typical Occulus Owners.webm (400x224, 2.57M)

Yeah I agree. Maybe this will push me towards that HP headset as long as I can make it work for my narrow ass IPD.

How much of the current VR library could feasably be ported to Quest without being duck taped like Arizona Sunshine PS4?

Attached: Arizona-Sunshine_20170628152213.jpg (960x720, 127K)

>not having a vive pro
>not having the official wireless adapter
>supporting Oculus at all anymore
Fuck Oculus they're the AMD of VR.

Zero because a phone will never be as powerful as a desktop or even console.

We already know that Desktop VR games like Robo Recall, Moss, The Climb, Superhot VR and Beat Saber are getting ports.

Yes, downgraded crap.

>buying a pro with next major headsets coming up soonTM
bro this just aint a sound choice

this is the main remaining benefit of lighthouse over CV, which makes their lack of utilization of it pretty disappointing. the computation required is so cheap that adding more tracked objects is no problem at all with lighthouse, the total limit isn't really known and is basically an arbitrary matter of wifi/bluetooth signal congestion at this time. In contrast with CV based tracking adding any additional tracked objects at all is basically impossible.

Valve absolutely should have continued developing the Vive Tracker concept, eg. making point-trackers like pic related and API support for defining tracked object axis rotation by relations between multiple fixed point-trackers.

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The WMR controllers are a problem there too, there's really no answer until gabriel gets off his fat ass and tries to compete.
I know his autism is powerful enough to make it happen too.
Probably most of it, if they strip and rape everything to it's bare components, and considering a lot of PCVR games don't look great as is it would be a nightmare.

We don't know any details about them apart from Beat Saber.

The term used was "having" implying that you should already own one implying that it was and is the best choice still. Rift is normie tier trash that wants to turn it in to a service. They are cancer. All the normie faggots love Rift since it's shit but they're programmed to give their data to Facebook.

Last time I checked they didn't even bother making a texture for the trackers in SteamVR and a software update broke their LEDs changing to white when charged for a good year,

Faceberg fairy dust won't fix physical impossibilities, it's not possible for a mid-tier ARM machine to deliver what PC can at the same level of fidelity.

The Quest ad tells you everything you need to know about their target audience.

I tried the odyssey+, I felt like the controller tracking was surprisingly good. Obviously it could be better but inside out tracking is good enough for me. Relying on Gabe to do anything is a bad idea.

neger bitte already own a pro but its not a sound investment and never was but i wanted more comfort and improved screens now
and yes fuck the whole rift bullshit not to mention their attempts at locking it down rather than going the open route

If the Vive pro is so god damn expensive though when you factor in controllers and lighthouses.

anyone have fbi loli headpat gif?

Yeah Vive Trackers are an HTC product and Valve and HTC don't even seem to be talking at all any more. It's still a good idea, which Valve had interest in at some point.

>le ebin vr chat animay ecks dee

Attached: Loilcon_and_FBI_team_up.gif (400x221, 2.65M)


>moves controller backwards
Ebin, simply ebin
Not to mention how shit it is at traxking roomscale vs actual lighthouses tracking you

The bigger issue isn't even the graphics but rather the weakass CPU, the H3VR dev said it can't handle the physics sandbox.

I think I'm going to miss the blurry fuzz from these early headsets as much as I miss it from CRTs.

>Rift has mechanical IPD
>Quest has mechanical IPD
>Rift S doesn't have mechanical IPD


Can't say I'm missing it tbqh

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Please tell me they learned from WMR devices and put an onboard chip on the Rift S to alleviate camera sensor processing, especially since they're sticking fucking five of them on there.

Oculus Rift already suffered a lot of cpu time wastage with a 3 sensor setup.

>8K looks worse than 5K and O+
so this is the power of chinkshit®

yeah it's upscaled instead of native, they basically begged 8k backers to switch to the 5k
some fucking retards stuck with it though

HTC has six HMDs announced currently. They're in a death spiral and using new product announcements to try convincing their investors of their stability.

Honestly the wireless oculus seems like a good deal here, while the S seems total shit. I never bother with my normal rift because of all the fucking wires and the need to clear space to setup cameras (boy how I enjoy wires hanging from corners of my room).

With the quest go I can just go to a bigger room in the living room and play there.

Sure graphics are reduced due to it being built for mobile shit but who the fuck cares with current resolution anyway, the clarity of simpler graphics are better.

None of the newer PC sets have cameras or lighthouses, it's all inside out tracking.
The only problem now is the cable from the HMD itself

I can live with inside-out tracking as nobody wants to set up sensors in his room, but no IPD adjustment kills it

Vive Lighthouses are a good compromise for me.

>enjoy losing tracking putting my hands anywhere than infront of my face, or in the dark.

wake me up when they have a holo deck

>I don't understand how tracking works

*epically lets you die in your sleep*

>go to mediamarkt with a friend
>go past the phone section
>get stopped by some samsung employe
>"test this vr headset"
>it's a shitty phone headset, already assume it is complete dogshit
>it is
>have to lie and say it's really cool and stand akwardly looking around like I'm amazed
Why the fuck are they making mobile VR headsets? They suck dick and who the fuck wants to play vidya on a fucking phone?
New game from ubishit going into beta tomorrow, arcade multiplayer shooter.

I just want it to watch porn and play lewd games, hope they make it sub 200 with mechanical ipd adjustment

Attached: Pol vr fantasy.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

>Cross-Play between PSVR and Rift/Vive
That's gonna be a massacre

it has to see your hands retard, with lighthouses it ALWAYS sees your hands unless you huddle into a ball.

Inside out tracking only sees infront of you

is there a stream up?

>Inside out tracking only sees infront of you
>I still don't under stand how tracking works


Attached: 1466635173951.jpg (1044x770, 239K)

Inside out tracking is far, far better on the Quest. Covers a higher FOV, better algorithms and tracking than WMR.
The rift S with 5 cameras covers even more areas except for right behind you. Any additional setup is a hinderance for VR becoming mainstream and this is a good compromise.
If it's good enough for beat saber on extreme, it's good enough for anything.

The real issue here is that the quest can justify it's 400$ pricepoint with two higher resolution OLED screens and IPD adjustment, while the cheaper to produce LCD Rift S with no internal processors, batteries or storage costs the same.
Completely unreasonable, it should at most have been 300$.

Attached: dh566leza9rz.png (1353x960, 606K)

>hope they make it sub 200 with mechanical ipd adjustment
you better not read the news then

you can get wmr's for 129 but they have static ipd's not exactly that far off

I'm more curious why they didn't put a camera on the back trap pointed downards as pictured here. It'd at least solve the issue of doing anything that involves reaching behind yourself.

Attached: shit-tracking.jpg (637x724, 96K)

its literally how it works idiot.

because that could be covered by hair and stuff.
>even still doesn't understand

Because a cable running through that soft strap won't last a day.

>your waifu's brap
>my waifu's brap

Still looks like archery would suck

It's almost like the Quest and Rift S have more than two front facing cameras

Attached: cameras.png (777x551, 869K)

It already runs a cable on the existing Rift for the constellation pattern on the rear.

what about behind you idiot.

What are you going to track behind you?

I know this guy in particular won't be buying a Rift S.

Attached: WagglingExtreme.webm (800x450, 2.83M)

>know somethings behind you
>grab it
>nothing because it didnt track

it also removes the ability for devs to make toolbelts, back mounted weapons, shooting behind you, ect.

I don't see any reason for current owners of the rift to upgrad, which is a massive loss of potential revenue. WMR sets are cheaper and the Vive still offers better outside-in tracking.
Who will buy this?

I'm unironically more excited for the Quest than the Rift S now, they fucked up.

Attached: 1550420241220.png (697x420, 719K)

>being excited for either of them
you fucked up

Is there any real incentive to get S if I'm already fine with my CV1 setup? So far the only real upgrade I'm seeing is the increased resolution, which is significant but not without compromise. The main thing that always annoyed me with the CV1 was the cable, and that seems to have stuck around. This seems more like an incremental upgrade to sweeten the pot for those that haven't already bought an HMD, which is fine, but I think I'm gonna wait until a significant price cut to even consider "upgrading".



Even with the 80hz compromise I'd take Rift S over the current WMRs just because it has better tracking than that. As things stand it's back to the old "Wait on Knuckles and then buy a Vive" for me.

It's an incremental downgrade, they made it worse on purpose to force the mobileshit meme, they really want to phase out PC in favor of their closed garden system.

>Rift S
>better lens - But no IPD adjustment
>better resolution - but it's 80hz now

All I bloody want is for them to do a limited run of improved optics for existing Rift owners to install into their headsets. Something to rid of the godrays. Not much can be done about the SDE though.

kek, and people say VR isnt the future.

The Original rift will be phased out.

The only argument for the S is the higher resolution and better lenses reducing god rays.
It's also 400$ for higher resolution unlike the Vive Pro which costs you atleast 1k, so it definitely has upsides too.

Playstation VR doesn't have IPD adjustment either so many people don't seem to care. Still display wise it is worse than the Quest in every way and should have been cheaper to get more people into VR.

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>Pol vr fantasy
But /pol/ unironically gets triggered by girls kissing

>not getting drunk on vrchat everyday
dude alcoholism lmao

The Moondust project (Knuckles tech demo collection published by Valve) just got an update yesterday so a Knuckles announcement might be coming in the next few days.

Don’t be retarded.

only if they're ugly or fucking kangz

Attached: POl watches porn.webm (1920x816, 2.99M)

We already know that Valve have expo space at GDC so they're doing something.

>Valve have expo space at GDC

>grenades and little guys that fly when you explode them

This whole video talks optimizations for quest when porting.

Attached: quest.jpg (1973x1001, 120K)

It doesn't say anything about expo space, just the talks about Steam and brain computer interfaces.

>from 6917 to 33 polygons and it even lost the emissive texture
jesus, shills will defend this

There's no way that's fucking 33 polygons unless Quest supports tessellation somehow.

looks fine to me

Attached: d&b.webm (1066x600, 2.7M)

Doesn't Robo Recall expect you to grab guns from behind your back?

>from 6917 to 33 polygons
Well yeah that's the point

Anything stylized/cartoony. I'm actually very curious to see how Robo Recall ends up looking on the Quest given that utilized a lot of baked-in lighting and high polygon environments that need to get dumped down a lot to fit into memory.

I'm more concerned about all the physics in Robo

The biggest loss for that game on the Quest is the lack of hundreds of objects that interact with your bullets.

Setting myself up for even more disappointment tomorrow.
Valve, please.

Your waist and shoulders. It should have no issue with the Rift S. The only real game that'll actively suffer from Rift S from what I've played (that isn't just blind-firing behind yourself) is Lone Echo/Echo Arena, and art programs if you like working close to your face.

Looks like shit to me even in this horribly low res video, it's far bigger than the difference between PC and consoles which are already shit.

i actually ask myself how the fuck they manage to convince themselves to work on that shit

>If it's good enough for beat saber on extreme, it's good enough for anything.

This is an incredibly idiotic statement.

Attached: onward.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>Valve finally announces their headset
>"We've got 6 cameras on it!"

Attached: 1491287715784.jpg (500x565, 16K)

You can do all of that on the rift S or Quest too.

One is made to run on GTX 1060, the other on 2 year old phone GPU

I had accepted that it was gonna be a cheaper, thethered Quest without the mobile SoC.
Ends up so much fucking worse.

He literally mimics the motions commonly used in Onward as well as archery games.

>on the Quest
Imagine thinking this is possible

Stop defending their cheap outs, Exterior tracking is required for a proper home-vr setup.

External is for portable devices.

The cylinder alone is 30 polygons. It's bullshit marketing lies, like those fake videos of Kinect guy pretending to play the prerecorded video. The idiot masses will believe it when it's a lie.

facebook money

Reminder that this will only encourage devs to make even more dumbed down garbage so it fits in the mobileshit set.

Norm from Tested was hands-on with the RiftS and he said "Ning Nong Ching Ching Chong" so I'm not that perturbed.

I told you fuckheads that vr is garbage tech. Gj setting games back to waggle era

If you drastically reduce level geometry absolutely

Attached: tracking.webm (1280x500, 2.66M)

>seething poorfag

I have vr app on my phone it's shit

This channel has been a good sign of how dead VR has been the past six months, since they've barely done any VR-specific recordings in that time due to lack of software releases.

is the vr porn good?

jesus fuck you're retarded


Pretty bummed. I own an Oculus and would love a model without the sensors, but downgrading to an LCD panel and doing the eye placement thibg digitally is disappointing. Is it really 80hz?

Very. No comparison to even the 2D version of the actresses.

Attached: 1518498714964.jpg (1880x935, 363K)

Software has been pretty slow, but I think we're going to get a new wave of hardware soon. Everyone's looking toward Quest's launch sometime this year. Sony's getting PSVR for PS5 ready.

We're getting Stormlands soon, I'm looking forward to that.

Yeah it's 80hz. I'm not worried about the refresh, since it comes with a pixel count increase, vastly improved lenses, and better subpixel arrangement, but the LCD panel is a bummer. If it weren't for that, I'd be on board.

It really really depends, the best I've tried has full head tracking, but has scripted movement. So you basically have to do what the script is doing for it to feel real. The screen door is offputting as is on everything. Is it arousing? Yes. Its decently fun, but none of the games take full advantage of what vr is currently capable of right now. On average it's way clunkier than other vr games.

80Hz is a non-problem
I doubt anyone could even tell the difference over 90Hz

Sadly the resolution increase alone means I'll probably pick it up. Id be 100% down with the Quest if it wasnt tied down to facebook approved software

fuck the games. im only interested in the videos

All oculus had to do was bring out a 300$ headset and bundle them with one of their AAA funded releases coming this year.
But no, they are fucking retarded

Attached: gayms.jpg (2556x1440, 1.11M)

Quest pricing feels like it's subsidized by the software sales they expect to get a cut from, while Rift S is them trying to make it as cheaply as possible (Outsourcing designs/manufacturing to Lenovo? Really?) so they can have a replacement for the regular Rift, since they're likely diverting all of 'their' manufacturing resources into the Quest.

>you have to redraw guardian in passthrough every time you put on the headset


Attached: 1536326451819.jpg (824x579, 85K)

Don't use the lords name in vain

>90hz? What do you need 80hz for? 70hz is more than enough, 60hz is perfectly fine

This, they don't want PC autists revolting and loudly shitting all over them online so they have to throw them a bone to make them forget that Facebook was the one who raped Oculus into the ground. But it's an extremely shitty bone that makes the closed-platform Quest look appealing.
Faceberg spends lots of money on researching how to manipulate retards, it's practically the central tenet of his business strategy and you can even see it working in this thread.

>WMR tracking
>no IPD adjustment

Holy shit how could you fuck up this hard.

Fuck Zuck. They fired the guy with the real vision.

Attached: and fuck palmer.jpg (1153x855, 71K)

Uploadvr has some gifs of Dead and Buried 2 running on the Quest, and honestly if most games end up looking like this I might just stop bothering with PC VR. Wireless VR is the future

Attached: Dead-and-Buried-2-4.webm (500x282, 1.23M)

Attached: palmer-luckey.jpg (298x247, 49K)

>I have vr app on my phone
nice meme

Attached: images.jpg (281x179, 6K)

Attached: Dead-and-Buried-2-2.webm (500x282, 2.23M)

I could see flicker on my DK2 that was 76hz. This is probably even worse being a brighter and likely slower LCD.

Attached: Dead-and-Buried-2-3.webm (500x282, 2.67M)

this is better than the teleporting garbage that originally shipped with the vive but shit still desu

Seems like it has canned death animations like Arizona PSVR

Luckey was the real real genius of it all and Zuck fired his ass so long ago. Iribe should've seen the writing on the wall the second that happened.

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.jpg (3200x1800, 713K)

Attached: Dead-and-Buried-2-1.webm (500x282, 2.7M)

There it is. The shit that makes anime insufferable.

>Luckey was the real real genius of it all

No he wasn't. All the issues of VR were basically fixed by other people. Carmack did the heavy lifting early on and the rest they literally stole from Valve before he sold out to Cuckerberg. He was the garage to riches story PR guy and he failed at that simple task too.

Attached: m5nalPR.jpg (750x974, 128K)

Co-founder probably got told "We can't do what you want any year soon with the current production costs associated for a consumer model" and he fucked off.

This desu. Their first party games are stupid expensive, nobody is gonna pay for them after dropping $400 on the headset.

Here is Turtle Rock Studios VR RPG for the Oculus Quest

Attached: Journey-of-the-Gods-GIF-3.webm (506x284, 1.3M)

Attached: Journey-of-the-Gods-GIF-4.webm (506x284, 1.03M)

Friendly reminder that once Facebook is comfortably in the lead, they'll roll out all the nasty nickle and dimeing anti-consumer shit that they're currently too scared to try. Remember when Sony celebrated their free online and backwards compatibility? These companies are only nice when they're on the ropes and Facebook can barely contain themselves even now.

The only thing Luckey did right is getting out of VR to chase mexican invaders.

Just finished watching some stuff on the that new Rift S model.
what a fucking downgrade and they are discontinuing their previous model as well.

Attached: Journey-of-the-Gods-GIF-1.webm (506x284, 1.31M)

>The only thing Luckey did right is getting out of VR

Attached: Rucky San.jpg (1180x651, 60K)

lol even the fanboys are pissed

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This would be the perfect time to announce but of course Valve will wait 2 years and then just forget about the project altogether.

Oculus is trying to be the Nintendo of VR. Sad, I really liked CV1.

>this man is worth hundreds of millions

Attached: R1FxXJY.jpg (580x1032, 68K)

In lighter VR news, Blood Trail has started closed beta testing and Into the Radius announced a 2020 release with periodic beta key giveaways. Next version of VAM should be soon.

Attached: 1533613045892.jpg (450x643, 127K)

That doesn't happen

unf look at that thicc daddy belly

The reason Valve has been so quiet for the past 5-10 years is precisely because they were going all in on VR, this is what Valve's vast fortune has been funding.
They love Lighthouse and PC gaming, they will be VR's hope now that Oculus is confirmed slain by Facebook and mobile-obsessed Dark Carmack.

Inside-Out has its problems but you're clearly a retard. Lighthouse is wonderful but Inside-Out is an extremely good compromise and it's no wonder everyone is adopting it over external tracking.

Valve dragged their feet even back when they were collab'ing with Oculus before the FB buyout. The buyout forced them to get off their ass and actually do something.

A better compromise would be to have inside-out with an option to do outside-in for higher end users that want it or already have it so you don't have to pick one or the other

That doesn't make sense for cost. They should have made the Quest have the option for PC input which would be very easy through USB-C and then let Iribe have his vision for Rift 2 on the high end.

>HTC going for the business meme
>Oculus going for mobileshitters
>HP is the one that actually did a proper incremental upgrade set now
how did it come to this

Certainly, but that would require a company to care about the consumer experience above all else.
I'm hoping that Valve, wanting Knuckles adoptation (and therefore Knuckles support) to be high and fitting in with their known design principles will make Lighthouse a universal option so long as the HMD manufacturer opts in. People have already jury rigged knuckles to work with WMR so it's possible unless it's specifically blocked.


Attached: Screenshot_20190320-145219_Chrome.jpg (1439x1212, 376K)

Microsoft itself did the WMR -> SteamVR compatibility layer so I doubt they will block it and might even support the Knuckles too while they're at it, funny how now it's MS that is about openness.

HTC was always bad and coasting off Valve (who only partnered with them because Oculus forced them to the marketplace early)
Oculus sold their soul to Faceberg and it has gone even worse than the doomsayers predicted, the true horror is yet to be seen.
Microsoft and Valve are the only hope for PCVR since they're both lazy and disconnected enough to not throw everything away chasing short term profit and are strangely obsessed with openness.

>Quest users
Do they mean the moms that used Go purely for Netflix? What is even their target audience here?

It's possible to use the Vive wands on WMR but the only problem is that you need the lighthouses
I fear the knuckles will have the same limitation when it comes to using them on WMR

>What is even their target audience here?
Dumb fucks

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I don't care about VAM it's too ugly I need an update on Illusion's

lads i want an oculus quest so fucking bad

I doubt they will do it but they could put the WMR lights in the knuckles so they're cross-compatible, the ring shape of the controllers could support it.

Microsoft will probably give up on WMR

Attached: wmr.png (1047x1039, 396K)


Call me back in 10 years when they have 4k, 244Hz, OLED displays for their VR goggles.

What's your email, user? I'll buy you one.

They already walked that back didn't they?

>expecting things to sell when they didn't even bother marketing it the least bit
Most people still think they're AR sets.

The prototypes have been around for a long time, if they don't have those lights by now, I don't see a reason to add them it would be expensive

Uhh of course they will need Lighthouse. They're controllers made for that tracking. It would make zero sense to put LEDs and there's zero chance they'll add it now when they have near consumer ready versions already in the hands of devs.
Something is happening here, looks VR related.

HP is coming out with the Reverb
Not quite the gen 2 WMR we were hoping for but at least it's an actual upgrade and a sign of life.

gay art shit
nice arts degree libtards

>the ring shape of the controllers could support it.

Probably not very well though. The ring is to the side and you'll notice the ring for inside out tracking is usually at the top so the cameras can see them better. I could possibly see an LED addon made by a third party but it's far more likely someone just copies something like the Knuckles design in a WMR controller.

It's MM's Dreams, which has PSVR support

they less than 10% of already small market. Kinda weird since they are dirt cheap and use pretty much same tech Oculus and HTC going for

Attached: Screenshot_42.png (366x266, 29K)

It's literally the Wii U problem.

To be fair they did a shit job advertising it, the only reason I even knew they were doing VR was from word of mouth from other VR users

yo nigger just made an armadillo

>10 minutes of this tilt brush clone

it's not even VR wtf

It's the LBP devs

I'm buying one entirely to fuck Marie Rose in Honey Select

>relying on Illusion

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That's dumb

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