So this is it? 3 great games and nothing else for the rest of the year? There is literally nothing interesting on the horizon unless you like walking simulators like Last of Us.
2019 kinda sucks.

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stop being a weeb incel and play the division 2 aka GOTY


Not all that interested in yet another Souls game with different coat of paint, sorry.

Summer is filled with games on Switch. You do have a Switch user, right?

Astral Chain and?

>another Souls game with different coat of paint, sorry.
the ironic part is the 3 games you listed are like part 10 in their respective series.
I have bad news for people who consume games like you, always looking for the next best thing. There is no next best thing, you been playing repainted versions of the same game for years. Hype is a lie, creativity is a rarity. Stop being a consumer whore and get some taste.

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Mario Maker 2
Deamon X Machina
Fire Emblem
And for me I'd add Bloodstained, but it's not exclusive to the system.

>those games are shit!
>Sekiro good!
Did I really trigger you this much because I said I wasn't intrested in a Souls rehash? Geez, calm down.

>fire emblem

I've got around 15 games I'm looking forward to.

nope not even a fan boy, haven't bought a new game in years, because it's retarded. I'm tired of seeing you faggots whine about not have games when there are more games now then at any point in history. You just have to have the next newest thing even if it's compete trash.

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souls 6 bad
ac7 good

Last AC game came out 13 years ago.
Last Souls game came out 3 years ago.


>Inb4 based retard brings up Ass Horizon and goes full "Ackshually" about it being 8 years instead of 13

I can't stop replaying fleet destruction. Send help.

Don't be a corporate husk, sempai! Play indie vidya.
>Baba Is You
>Hypnospace Outlaw


stop being a complete brainlet and play baba

Let me guess: You're too stupid for Baba, too young for Hypnospace, too triggered for Indivisible, and too casual for Noita.

Nah, I just fon't care about samey indiepixelshit.


Well shiet if original concepts like Baba and Noita are "samey" then I guess you can't enjoy high budget games at all unless they're the rare specimen like Katamari or Shadow of the Colossus.

To add more stuff:

>Code Vein
>Astral Chain

all of the games he mentioned are completely different genres

>Baba is you

This whole thread is bait

>Yea Forums now defends indieshit
Actual shills or just plain retarded? Don't forget to slurp some soi.

Ok now I know I don't have to reply anymore.

Give me 3 reasons why indie is inherently bad
go on, I'll wait

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Because 99% of indie games are bad? Any more questions?

don't sniff paint thinner, kids. You'll end up like user here

So why is the 1% of good indieshit bad, nigger?

Stop replying to obvious bait

no, I like to see how far a troll can take his act

>Fucking name AC7... Fucking 7 in the OP
>Don't like seikiro because it dark soul with a different "coat of paint"
Jesus christ, OP is a fucking brainlet

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