what... what the fuck happened to shooters? like wtf.
i am currently playing orignal Quake and im having a blast. its genuinely very good game. it doesnt feel clunky, its very fast paced and pacing of the encounters itself is great. It encourages exploration during "slower" moments, but when shit hits the fan, you have to just shoot, run and strafe
among these slow-paced, hand-holding fps(-rpg) games it feels LIKE GAME FROM A FUCKING FUTURE. it makes THEM look outdated, by how poorly design they are.
its mind blowing how much we regressed.
What... what the fuck happened to shooters? like wtf
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yeah. and now the same faggots are celbrating halo coming to pcs. fuck this hobby. i hope google kills it with this awful streaming shit.
Consoles is a main market now and they don't even have proper input devices.
Quake also doesn't lock you in a fucking box while waves of enemies spawn in, unlike most of these 'throwback' FPS games.
Exactly. Many blame Halo and CoD, but the real culprit for this console shit is Golden Eye on the N64.
The fact is that until Nintendo made this game, with all of its shitty casual friendly, controller friendly "features", the FPS genre was considered impossible on consoles.
Auto Aim is the biggest thing they added, but other aspects like slower gameplay and pacing all created the foundation by which future console fps games would be measured by.
The truth remains that traditional arena shooters cannot be played with a controller, at least not without a serious determination to do so, and even then you're purposefully handicapping yourself.
Halo and CoD merely perfected the console fps model.
And it's success has ultimately made even the average pc fps gamer into spoiled little babies who prefer shit like Overwatch, to classic Arena fps games. Add in the f2p bullshit as the cherry on top and you get the tragic mess that is the fps genre.
Yea Forums is full ok kids who think halo is the pinnacle of fps
That's not even the worst part of goldeneye, it runs at 10-15fps. I don't know how anyone tolerated that game at all.
It's always bu-gged me how Quake's grenade launcher was crooked.
Half Life and Halo, more like. Halo proved you can make an acceptable FPS for consoles and we are where we are. Play Call of Duty: United Offensive and then play the new Black Ops or whatever and see the difference.