Tell me about your gayming PC, Yea Forums.
"Why the fuck are all the modern cases either boring as hell or meme-tier RGB shit" edition.
>Showing off your expensive shit?
>Plans for a build?
>Plans for upgrades?
>Need help with something?
Tell me about your gayming PC, Yea Forums
cry more bitch baby. go make your own case if you care so much
Fractal design
I'm actually hunting for one of these Gateway cases for a late 2000's """sleeper""", but I can't fucking find the model.
Fuck you RGBfaggot.
I have define r3 without side window and I have 2018 guts inside.
>Why the fuck are all the modern cases either boring as hell or meme-tier RGB shit
I like my case being fucking big so I have enough space when I have to move pieces around.
Pic related is my case.
>Showing off your expensive shit?
>Plans for a build?
None atm
>Plans for upgrades?
Ryzen 2 or Sunny Cove, we'll see
>Need help with something
I want to buy a 4k screen, at least 32'' and VA, not sure if it's the time yet.
Finished Metro, Sekiro on Friday boyos
enjoy your shit space and airflow.
What the fuck do you need so much space for anyways
>Shit colored fans
I don't care how low your temperatures are with those things, this should be illegal.
He fell for /g/ memes
easier to wrench on my rig
Noctua covers their gold bars in shit
Meshify s2.
go post this trash on r/pcmasterrace you brony fuck
I built my PC from scratch for $1200 in early 2012. I have ever upgrade my graphics card, and bought more ram for modded Minecraft.
It has been running fine.
Noctua has black fans but they are more expensive
>meme-tier RGB shit
Hahaha You Will son realize why glass pc cases are the shit now
>they are more practical for literally EVERYTHING + they look cool, what more do you want
neck yourselfs grandpas
meshify c mini. going to put one LED strip on the front and see if I like it, but other than that its just the mobo. I have a light behind my desk though for ambience which I enjoy
Because all the components are cubes, and are assembled into larger cubes.
Is that an RX 590?
RGB lights are fucking stupid
assmad poorfag
580 8gb. Got it for cheap second hand as a placeholder until navi comes out
no you are.
Dusty carpet boys. Need to get a plank
I've recently rebuilt my whole PC from scratch replacing like 90% of the parts, basically only my HDD remained with PSU because I've replaced it earlier for a decent one already.
Got myself a new case, RTX580 8gig, New motherboard with Ryzen 5 2600X, new RAM 16gigs clocked at 3000 MHz and slapped an SSD on it.
Pic related is my case, it's simple and nice inside(has silencing padding inside with sufficent cooling that doesn't sound like a harrier jet, which is nice).
I went for the "simple and clean tower box" look on purpose
>until navi comes out
But Radeon VII just came out, I doubt they're releasing anything new soon.
thinking about upgrading to a water cooler meme
still need to get a mobo that will actually OC my i7-4790k
Can't help myslef but stuff like this in the 90's was peak of the PC case design.
navi coming out near the end of year supposedly
I spent the end of last year giving my PC some upgrades. Went from a 1070 to a 2080, and got a 1TB SSD, and now I have two 2TB HDDs as extra storage. I'm still running an i5-4690K, so I'm definitely needing an upgrade on the CPU front. I'm leaning toward a 9600k.
Dell Gaming S2716DGR 24.0"
>inb4 TN panel meme
you like wasting money dont you
>navi coming out near the end of year supposedly
Why would they release RVII if they had something that big waiting just a couple months later?
Doing a rebuild right now.
Going from a 4790k with 16GB of DDR3 to a 9700k with 32GB of DDR4. Picking a PSU up today (old one is good, just don't feel like moving it over), and will be moving my 1080ti into it.
RGB meme shit needs to die and so does writing EBIC GAYMER lingo all over components.
eh at the time the 27" was $100 more and i was being cheap, been a good monitor other than that. though they do make a 27" variant
AMD is weird. RVII is a marketing tool more than anything
yeah and ive got a 12" dick, supposedly
The Evolv X is pretty much the perfect case. I can take or leave the RGB or glass side panels, but nothing comes close in terms of internal design. The cable management solution is the best anyone's come up with so far, as is the vertical GPU mount, as are the SSD trays. Even the airflow is good once you replace the shitty stock fans with NF-A14s.
The entire point of Radeon VII was to be a stopgap product just to get SOMETHING on the market because Navi wasn't ready yet. They're literally just repurposed workstation chips.
Reposting from /pcbg/ for answers.
So let's say I want to build a Hackintosh and hypothetically I have unlimited budget (because I'm aware this whole concept is stupid and a waste of money), I want a machine that can:
>Boot OS X for video editing
>AMD Vega 64 because compatibility with mac
>Dual 1080p monitors
Then turn it off and:
>Boot Windows 10 for games
>2080Ti because retard speed
>Single 144hz 1440p Monitor
All without unplugging anything.
My logic is that you plug the gayming monitor to the 2080 and the dual monitors to the Vega 64, then you turn on/off each monitor as you need when you change OS so that it doesn't recognize the others and get tangled up.
Is this possible or am I just retarded?
I have no fucking idea what's their problem or why they thought it's a good idea to make them like that
It's like they don't want my money
I'd love to build a PC but I'm graduating from uni soon. Not feeling like building one only to disassemble and sell it after a few months.
Maybe if I'm staying in a place permanently or something.
>The Evolv X is pretty much the perfect case
>Full ATX
Fuck anything that isn't mATX
The "waiting for a better PC" tab in my game library may be steadily growing, but I still never run out of lower spec stuff to play daily.
I have lots of money just lying around, but this makes me reluctant to upgrade, seems frivolous.
I have a full tower Corsair also, I think it's the 750T. I got it on sale, it's my favorite case I've ever had.
I really wish I could have waited on getting a new GPU, but this was my best opportunity to upgrade so I had to take it or else wait for potentially years. 2080 is a meme card but it's far from a bad one, tough to really complain.
Also really wondering if I made the right choice going with the nh-d15 instead of an aio, but everything I could find on the subject basically said that it would match all but the most expensive aios, and the only real replacement would be custom watercooling.
America isn't the only market. Chinks probably love the RGB
based and mATXpilled
i am going to buy this 1160 ti
try to stop me faggots
>try to stop me faggots
You will die in your sleep tonight if you buy it.
RX 580 and 590 have a great deal right now (RE2 + DMC5 codes) but they're kind of weak these days, I don't want to update my hardware only to be disappointed a year later.
so you buy a budget card but pay for the rgb meme?
I was thinking about getting a gaming PC but then I realized that I'm not really interested in recent offerings, so I plan to use the money to get a PS4 Pro and Switch.
suprisingly this costs around 300 and 1160 ti cards start at 290 so i dont even pay for rgb but i would pay for rgb more yes
btw i didnt thought much of the 111x series but the ti version is on paar with a 1070 and has newer hardware so its actually quite nice
updating from 1060 3gb
I dont mind lights, just not autistic rainbow bullshit
>so I plan to use the money to get a PS4 Pro
>Paying S*ny to censor your games
You're worse than scum.
I'm still using the same PC I built in 2010 due to being unemployed. I want to update it, but the thought of spending around 500€ and not getting it back in a month always stops me.
I like white and orange together.
I use my lights as a cpu temp gauge, only have 1 vertical strip on mobo and the front of case
(and msi logo on the gfx)
>white and orange
Always reminds me of these orange and lime flavored popsicles.
I use a Lian li t-60 because I like having easy access to components and it looks rad as hell
While it's true dust builds up a little faster than a closed case, I also don't have to open anything up to clean it off so de-dusting becomes a 14 second job every few months
The main plate the motherboard sits on pivots on the thumbscrews, which is great
What about air pressure etc?
I don't really care about the censorship. I just wanna play catch-up with the stuff I missed the past ten years like Bloodborne or whatever the Switch has
>I don't really care about the censorship
You're even worse than "worse than scum".
Should I get i7-9700k or ryzen 7 2700x?
oh shit i'm sorry that the only interesting games I find on PC are shit I download off of /weg/
what about it? all the components that need cooling already have their own coolers on them, even chipsets and mosfets have their own passive cooling fins these days
There is a big plate that sits at a 45 degree angle to the motherboard Plate (pic related) that fits two 140mm fans if I need additional cooling, but I haven't needed any yet
I made it in 2014. Since I'm poor I recently upgraded it with a 1050.
my corsair aio died, what's a good cpu fan? I'm sick of water shit.
I'm my home had more space, I would enjoy something like that.
As it stands, I just got a modest space saving box. Gonna paint it white and put a TEAC FD-505 in it to read old disks.
Yeah my current place is a bit cramped and it can be a bit of a pain right now, I'm moving soon and gonna have a proper desk space to put it on
Still, my previous case was an nzxt h440, which I thought would be great but it turned out to be a nightmare to work with
Unironically one of the reasons I like it so much.
Yes, that's why i bought a local-made case with a simple yet likeable design for $35
Looks like shit
A regular 120mm cooler from Thermaltake
>Meme csgo knives
>Showing off your expensive shit?
Rate my shitheap.
>Plans for a build?
Nah not really. Just bought a new Ryzen CPU and RAM
>Plans for upgrades
Maybe a Vega 56 to push my 144Hz monitor in new games. Need an additional 8GB of RAM too.
>Need help?
Vega 56 or wait for Navi?
DMC5, RS2 Vietnam, Metro Exodus, Kingdom Come Deliverance
Why do people use stock coolers...?
Ryzen has great heatsinks so I didn't feel the need to buy an aftermarket one.
How do you figure?
Pic related
Currently waiting on a sound blaster ae-5 since the rog dsp sucks
Looks boring tho
I like giant towers. But I can't find a replacement for my dead side fans.
Who gives a shit how it looks unless you're 12 years old or a faggot? It's a closed case anyway.
All I care about is functionality.
Not all cases have to be RGBshit. Corsair made the greatest cube case ever, pic related
>Not just building your PC inside a box fan.
How loud is this?
Why, are you planning on becoming a hobo?
It's relatively quiet on minimum speed, but if you put big fans and the CPU fan on maximum speed, it is as loud as an industrial fan. Also, fan blades can hit and get stuck inside hard parts of the case, and you will hear loud creaking.
What color should I plan my next build around?
Dark green
Beige is the only correct color for a PC.
Light blue