What is the best mega man series and why is it X
Mega Man
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>half the games are shit
> lame RPG
sure x is the best
fight me faggots
X1 > MHX > X4 > X5 > X2 > X8 > X3 > X6 > X7
I only like Classic Megaman and Legends.
tell me whats so great about x5
Nah m8. X honestly only got shittier with subsequent entires (With the occasional outlier) while I'd argue Classic and Zero genuinely improved over time. All the best games in those series are late entries while X peaked with the very first game.
>X vs Zero
>Wily references
That's it.
>Mega Man X9 soon
I mean, I'm as happy as everyone else, but
I sure liked Command Mission's boss music.
ZX sold like shit. X, on the other hand, has proven it can sell no matter how shitty it gets.
Your top 3 is objectively correct and I don't really care about the rest, no reason for hostilities.
> X vs zero
thats cool, too bad ether way it sucks
> willy references
everybody knows this shit
X1>X2>MHX>X5>X8=Command Mission>>>X3=X4>>>X6>>>>X7
>>Wily references
I thought it was half-assed and forced, that whole "HEY, WILY IS SOMEHOW ALIVE BUT WE WON'T EXPLORE THAT DESPITE THE FACT THAT THIS IS OUR (SUPPOSEDLY) LAST GAME" came out as even-worse-than-average writing for a Mega Man game. Was inafune in charge of the story? He really can't write for shit.
why do you fight
Waifuposting >>>>>>>>>>>> Ranking
I never said it was good. It's just why people like that shit game.
>ZX sold like shit.
Yeah, unfortunately. It was still fun though.
>tfw no reploid gf to racemix with
What fucking stupid posts
Shut up
Delete them
im still waiting for we are rock-men 3
ZX I guess. From Classic I only beat 1-6, cause I got really bored with 7 and just dropped it. Same goes for X, except with that one I only beat X and X2 before getting bored.
Which Megaman X Game should I stream bros? Gotta be from the second collection however.
Do it you fucking pussy
>You can play every classic Megaman game on a modern console/handheld
>Except the best one
My fellow big-brained negro
Unironically why haven't they bothered re-releasing it though?
I just don't enjoy X4 that much. The only real joy I get from it is watching the cutscenes with the terrible voice acting. The only boss from X4 I liked fighting was Colonel, but everything else didn't really click with me in terms of enjoyment.
I was initially going to put X3>X4, but thinking about it a bit more, while I'd probably pick up X3 over X4 again, I'd pick up any of the games I liked better in the series over either of them, and I'd certainly pick up either of them over X6 or X7.
Search for ZylpheRenuis on Twitch and it will be on @ 4 PM EST.
M&B is a very fun game and it doesn't deserve the hate it gets. Once you get used to the patterns and obstacles, it's a smooth yet challenging experience. Besides, it has Burner Man.
My only guess is that there's no English ver of the SFC release. They'd have to port over the GBA version, screen crunch, limited controls and all.
>telecaster with a strat headstock
Battle Network was fun
So was Starforce aside from the lme 1x3 layout for battles
X is the worst megaman series actually.
X1 is the only masterpiece. X2 and X4 are great, X3 is okay, the rest are meh.
I've just started the first Battle Network and it's pretty neat. Kind of annoyed I never played them back in the day on my GBA.
>X3 is okay
>have a passionate team that gave us the very great X and X2
>decide to use a different team whose greatest achievements were the mediocre GB MM games for the next game
what the fuck where they thinking?
There are some hiccups about that game, but it gets better in 2 and 3.
they probably weren't expecting an imageboard hivemind to unanimously decide that every game other than 1, 2, and 4 is trash
The user that replied to you is correct, 2, 3 and 6 are considered to be the top ones, 5 is average, 1 aged poorly (though you may enjoy it if it's your very first one) and we don't talk about 4.
I prefer Zero series over X series.
Makes sense, I'll just move on if I feel too much like I'm bashing my head against a wall.
Same here. I like all the series though.
In terms of consistency it has to go to legends though
I liked it.
Do the music becomes shit after X2? X3, X4 and X5 so far had shitty music.
X and X2 have wonderful songs. In X3 almost all of them are laughably bad. I can´t remember a single song from X4 and I finished that game twice yesterday. I´ve just started X5 and it sounds as forgivable as X4...
Does this happens with the rest of X saga songs?
I'm going to guess it's because you went into everything after X2 expecting/wanting to hate it
No? I mean, X3 feels cheaper and shittier than the first 2 games, but is an enjoyable game. X4 has poor level design but the bosses are really good (Magma Dragoon and Slash Beast are really fun fights) but the music is really bad/fogivable in both games...
X3 is notorious for a very weak soundtrack
X4 is kind of underwhelming too but 5 and 6 are the good shit
Then I guess you just have bad taste if you consider Toxic Seahorse, Gravity Beetle, Blast Hornet, Doppler 1 "forgivable" (the word is forgettable)
Both X Legacy Collections really made me appreciate the good things X games has to offer, even X7, the "worst one". I liked every one of them, and I think each one, particularly X7 and X8, have a good set of ideas and intentions that could very well be refined and tuned up in X9.
I'm happy and hyped as hell :)
Megaman Legends, tragically cut down before it could really see its true potential
>8 mainline titles but only 3 of them are actually good
>best mega man series
What did he mean by this?
It's hard to be inconsistent when there are only 2 games. Battle Network is consistently good, 4 is enjoyable even if its not as good as the rest.
X vs. Zero if you have extremely shitty luck
The armors
Great soundtrack
You can play as X or Zero and not be locked to either character the entire game
Zero is really fucking fun to play due to the moves he gets in this one and not having to worry about the roboAIDS virus
The rest of the game? Yeah it's shit. I can't defend Tidal or Squid's stages.
BN > SF > ZX > Zero > Classic > X > Legends
bait, real x fans hate every game that isn't 1, 2, or 4
>ZX above Zero
I like the form-switching and light Metroidvania elements. Plus, Prairie is a cutie, the Masters and Serpent are better villains than Weil, and Trap Phantasm is a great song.
Falling Down and Esperanto are the best MM songs in general, though.
>Prairie is a cutie
*Atlas is a cutie
Nah, too manly.
Tomboys are for marriage
Serpent was a jobber. Pretty lame, in my opinion.
Because on the large cast of waifus and husbandos.