Feelings Zoomers will never know: >Getting a finished game at launch >Actually having to unlock customes ingame, instead of paying >Local coop sleepover with friends >Blowing the cartridge to make it work >Games that were good & made with real passion, not just moneygrubbing zoomer-bait
How do Zoomers feel being stuck in the worst vidya generation of all time? Any 18-20 year olds on Yea Forums wanna explain?
blowing into cartridges does not remove dust, and introduces moisture into the pins. learn how to take care of your games correctly.
Isaiah Russell
And is most likely a placebo in first place, as removing and entering again is what really is working it.
Colton Martin
>Reading the manual for lore and cool illustrations >Playing a game without knowing anything about it >Starting a console and game within 5 seconds instead of a minute
The DS is older than people who browse Yea Forums right now.
Adam Garcia
The irony of the most braindead console generation of kids now talking about how zoomers are the worst... If you genuinely believe it, then you clearly haven't been around to see what gaming looked like between 2007-2014. Either you have been too young, or you were already trained by just as abusive and shitty market to eat shit as the zoomers are.
Blake Sullivan
zoomers love their shit vidya and will defend it to death. If you call them faggots they hit you with that Twitter nu-speak
They unironically enjoy this timeline because they have no frame of reference beyond acting like retarded faggots
>drawing your own maps on gridpaper >best graphics ever because they're in your head >getting full blown game addons >early mmorpgs when the concept of playing online was new and everyone just assumed rping is the normal way to play