Remember how everyone started using Steam because it was such good service?
Yeah, me neither.
Remember how everyone started using Steam because it was such good service?
Yeah, me neither.
Other urls found in this thread:
that picture looks like it was taken in the early 90s, pretty crazy
>what was acceptable 15 years ago is acceptable today
Why are chinks incapable of thinking?
How is everything going to be localized then?
Ok but do we really need a thousand different of these fucking platforms?
Nigger Steam was revolutionary back in the day.
>Remember how everyone started using Steam because it was such good service?
Yep that's true, but no one is willing to do that without destroying their service.
Remember when 90% of Yea Forums's catalog wasn't just lazy reposts and template threads?
Yeah, me neither.
Tired of seeing this Jefferey Dahmer looking faggot.
It would also help if the launcher for your game store wasn't chinese malware.
Dahmer at least was a pretty cool guy. Well outside trying to make human fuck zombies. Actually that's pretty cool too.
Why are there only ever repeats on television.
he was really nice too, a lifelong democrat, donated to gay charities and was very open minded, there was no racial bigotry in his victims
Please let your manager know that this astroturfing has most definitely turned away at least one customer from your store and that you need to explain why you're damaging your clients profile.
Remember when Yea Forums wasn't infested with Chinese shills spamming copypasta?
I do, actually.
Cry more, bitch
Fall down an escalator, chink.
People initially used steam because it was required for their amazing games. Then it turned into a convenient platform and they didn't want to fragment their games library. Over the years they also added in plenty of scams to allow players to exploit morons and make money.
I'd hope Epic attempts to do so to actually complete instead of buying second rate timed exclusives. The industry has been taken over by shitty executives who know that gaming is a huge money maker, so they deliver shitty services that players keep paying for. That's why I stick to my autism simulators half the time because not many mainstream games are worth playing.
That's my blogpost thanks for reading.
I wonder if Epic knows their shillers are just making their company look worse each day
>People initially used steam because it was required for their amazing games.
You mean exclusives
Fucking Zoomer that don't remember, and contrarians forgetting how god awful Gamespy and the other services of the day used to be. Steam took off for a reason other then Valve games.
This is coming from the same guy who thinks gamers are retards and proclaims that he's saving them from themselves
so we should start using this bad service because... uh... wait...
Sure I will give Epic 15 years to become good so I can use it. Alternatively Epic can start focusing on making good exclusive pc games.
>Sure I will give Epic 15 years to become good so I can use it.
Steam has gotten worse lately, if that continutes maybe I'll make my switch to epic in 10-15 years.
Hope you're at least getting paid for this daily shilling.
Also this guy looks like a serial killer.
Worse, he compared the average gamer to a kind of cancer, and then expects everyone to be cool with their anti-consumer store.
I'll give it a 20. I'm dropping Steam if it keeps up.
>great changes in the industry in the next five years
great for people who want to make money
terrible for people who want to play games
>Sure I will give Epic 15 years to become good
>Been with Steam for 14 years
>giving up my 300+ games
Yeah, i'm a Steam drone for life.
Doesn't matter much as i rarely play anything anyway.
Sonic Mania was good
Great, come back and shill again when those things are actualized and not a wishlist of things that might be.
>went from tfw no gf spam to twitter screencaps spam
Theres no saving this shitty board
>>Sure I will give Epic 15 years to become good
Fifteen years is a good estimate of how long it will take Epic to gain back the trust of consumers, long after Tencent writes them off as a loss and sells all of their stock with the company.
Who cares, google is going to kill gaming
I remember how i started using GOG because it is the best service currently.
>DRM free
Stay mad Epic shill.
It triggers Yea Forums that Sweeney is right and a good businessman. It is a good laugh watching faggots here lash out.
Reminder that today is the last day to get Slime Rancher for free. It is actually a pretty comfortable game, even if you have a constant feeling of the gameplay loop being meanginless until you eventually get bored of it. Still was like 12-15 of me just aimlessly farming plorts.
At least the no gf posting allowed us to have some human moments together, this is just irredeemable.
I started using Steam because Gamestop never had the games I wanted.
>installin ebin.
Instead of coming up with a perfectly sound and logical rebuttal, this is what you post.
you do you user.
We can easily go back to it.
ES is also DRM free you retard.
>he believes he likes steam for ""good service"" and hasn't been psychologically manipulated by valve jews
wew. valve uses just despicable and dishonest practices, that even chinese creators of mobile scinner boxes can't surpass them.
Remember how everyone started using Epic Store because it was such good service?
Yeah, me neither.
I don't care if either die but as a customer i like it when they throw free games at me to stroke my cock so win/win.
I never even heard of Steam until I bought HL2, and wondered what the fuck this thing demanding an account and other software to be installed was needed for yo play a game on a disc I had in my hand.
Same here. Console fags killed PC for me if not for Gaben creating a digital distro--I never used Steam before then because the only exclusive it had were rooty tooty shooty BOOMHEADSHOT games aka who gives a shit? counterstrike was always shit and infested with russian hackers. just like fortnite is and infested with chinese hackers. boomers and zoomers have a lot in common
you mean games you could buy outside of steam
>the client is not optional
Go away shill.
same. Feels fucking good.
>have to install a client in order to play your games
Any other way to buy PC games than Epic or Steam are outside the narrative construct spun by Tim, the shills and the media.
>you mean games you could buy outside of steam
Yeah and I bought Mass Effect 3 at bestbuy. It was still an Origin exclusive. Nice try revisionist/underager. But steam was some dumbshit I had to use to play CS, not some dumbshit I chose to use to play CS.
cs existed before steam was a thing you chink zoomer
>exsclusive to cuck platforme
>you are a pirate
The be fair, this seriously restricts GoGs potential as a business.
GoG is a great idea that serves a niche, it is not an actual replacement or really competitor with Steam, even if some of their games overlap.
>cs existed before steam was a thing you chink zoomer
WoW you sure showed me you underage moron.
Google Counterstrike Source.
I create my own narrative.
>Remember how everyone started using Steam because it was such good service?
>Yeah, me neither.
yeah me neither, remember when it only took off when they started with the discount models?
cope harder
You are delusional. For me they've replaced Steam a long time ago. Epic is simply trying to be a steam clone. They don't try to be better. They are DOA and i'll be using GOG and having a laugh about Epic/Steam.
Why do you make this same thread multiple times a day? Is it because Epic is paying you? Tiananmen Square Massacre btw
the same thread every fucking day.
The same fucking pic that was debunked few threads ago.
Go back to plebbit.
How much did winnie the pooh pay you?
How could GoG replace Steam when it only has ancient games?
>cope harder
I did cope, I installed that stupid fucking program, despite buying CS source at bestbuy.
woops meant for
I use GoG whenever I can. That is still at best like 20-25% of the time. It is great that you do that, but you are a very, very small minority. Most people wouldn't artificially limit their ability to purchase games like that.
cs existed before steam, but zoomer chink like you would never know this
compared to gfwl or securom; yeah it was dope
This is embarassing. Both CS Source ( yes there were several games between 1.6 and Go) and Half life 2, REQUIRED you use steam.even physical copies.
>ancient games
Stay mad Epic shill. Everything comes to GOG eventually(Blizzard is not putting games on GOG) and i can wait. There are more games for me to play than ever. Exclusivity doesn't work. If it did i'd be owning a console right now.
>Stay mad Epic shill
Nah I got over it eventually. Now I actually use steam quite a bit.
>Everything comes to GOG eventually
Half life is still not on GoG.
> Exclusivity doesn't work.
It does. you are just more into your ideology and moral grandstanding than video games as a hobby.
nothing was debunked. CEO literally confirmed it himself. epic is a spyware
I installed it for half life 2 and tf2
OP you made this exact thread 2 days ago
why did you repost it?
Why is this thread remade every day?
Yeah Epic is fucking terrible and a blight upon the industry, but what's with spamming the idea that Steam was supposedly such a good """""service"""""?
Is this just another Epic falseflag considering how damn hard theyr'e pushing the Epic vs Steam in particular, narrative?
If you can't control yourself you are giving control to someone else. I am sorry for you. You are so weak that you'd rather get fucked in the ass by Epic and Steam.
You couldn't be more wrong. I am highly invested into the future of gaming since this is my hobby and it is people like you that don't care about it who say that Epic and Steam are OK. You don't care about gaming.
You say that. Yet this week I played Slime Rancher for free, got to play one of my favourite games of all time Catherine, on PC finally. and Clocked a few hours into MHW. I don't know why you would feel sorry for me for enjoying vidya?
>no I care about gaming so much I only give myself access to like 1% of gaming.
Stop lying gook, it never was. It never has been. Here's your fucking (((YOU))), now go home and die.
Tiananmen Square
reminder that literally all the
>muhh tencent
>muhh china
posters didn't even know who Sweeney was like a month ago.
Remember when we could go a day without seeing this retarded thread? Yeah, me neither.
>it's a weeb shitposter episode
The Great Leap Forward
I guess CS Go is available on Origin, Ubiplay, Epic st.... Oh wait. It's exclusive to Steam
None of what I stated is weeb.
But I guess you would have no idea, since the most recent game you have ever played is probably from 2003.
Piracy is a thing user. You can play whatever you like from Steam and Epic while at the same time giving money only to GOG.
>None of what I stated is weeb.
Go away weeb.
B-but Tim said Epic Store is fine the way it is?
>it's perfect and we don't need all that toxicity!
>h-here's a roadmap for our early access store
Memory loss is a terrible thing at a relatively young age.
CEO also confirmed that nothing sends to anywhere without agreement.
>Stop lying
You full of shit faggots constantly preaching about the lack of regional prices when they are there.
Some guy from /d/ did say that those dll's are from the fiddler itself. It goes to IE because it uses the same fucking libraries, it uses read only access like your fucking steam. etc etc.
>Piracy is a thing user.
Oh so you are full of shit. When you said you only use GoG. and GoG is fine as a steam replacement. You just meant you steal 90% of your games?
Fucking lmao.
>yeah dude Amazon Go is a full replacement for grocery stores, I never use them and imagine no one else does to?
>hmm oh no you cant get most of my groceries from Amazon Go, but I just shoplift from other stores so they are basically useless.
I bet this is the part where you tell me you do it for bullshit moral reasons, and it is publishers fault you are a cheap jew