Will they add pvp later?

Will they add pvp later?

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hopefully not

What a dumb question.

yeah they'll be releasing a seperate battle DLC where you pick a side and basically do a team vs team objectives game mode similar to for honor

it looks unlikely, and i'm praying it stays that way.

So there will be no PvP or summons for easy mode?

atleast one npc summon for one boss has been confirmed, but no pvp or anything online.

>So there will be no PvP or summons for fun mode?
No, its widely known there is no fun in Japan. All the fun was exported when the colonial empires left in the great Unfun of Japan-UK relations.

>imagine being this salty over getting invaded

we invaders live in your head RENT FREE

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No, pvp shitters cried hard enough and they slowly butchered (and eventually removed) one of the key features of the souls games to appeal to casuals.

it's got nothing to do with being salty about it, souls pvp is just objectively terrible due to huge connection issues. and summons are for shitters

From are stupid.

Should have done NPC based invasions, where players get to control the NPCs instead of their character.

Such a basic mechanic would be amazing fun desu.

Sekiro isn't a souls game.

It's a Shinobi/Ninja Gaiden game.

They said they're going to do another souls style game after Sekiro in an interview so you're gonna have to wait around 2 years.

yeah but it wouldn't though, the character has way too many little things they can do. stripping all of your skills and prosthetics away to make you play as an NPC s anti-fun

Controlled PvP like popular PvP spots and arenas added a huge amount of sustainability and replayability to the game. You're right in invasions being dickish though.

And there is literally NOTHING wrong with coop. It doesn't fucking affect you if you dont want to use it holy shit stop bitching about it being casual.

>Players can become bosses


>imagine being this salty over getting invaded
I'm not mad, it's a dumb question to ask if they are going to waste time programming in online + pvp after the game is released.

Also I like invasions but the "organized pvp" that become popular made them try so hard to balance everything that it ruined the games.

Have you SEEN the monks? They are far fucking cooler than the MC.

I would trade to play as them any day. Plus you would allow multiple invasions so an entire area could suddenly just become players.


and I bet the pvp will be EXTREMELY limited, one sided or completely removed.

If there's DLC, it's very possible they release a battle arena type thing. Likely? Hell no. But it's possible. I don't think it would work too hot though, with the way the game plays, and how forgiving the parry window is versus even dark souls which is already forgiven. It's like 10 frame window on xbonx

>Fighting Boss
>It can summon other NPCs which can be taken over by players

you are pretty dense, as expected from a frogshitter

also there won't be any pvp you souls imbeciles

Uh, no. It'll have PvP just like previous souls games no doubt.

Sekiro didn't have it because it was always meant to be a single player game. It's an action game, period.

You realize more than one person posts here right, dumbass.

Also sorry you got dabbed on by invaders, maybe get good or play offline fuckwit. Souls is better with PvP, this game would have been better as well. Get over it.

when can I preload this shit?

Okay now that would just be the most hilarious bullshit to subject a human being to

Someone BETTER fucking do this one day.

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Why do you guys care so much about PvP? It's not a souls game. Do you care that Ninja Gaiden or DMC doesn't have PvP?

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The only thing I'll miss from the online are the gestures

I can't remember the last time I was invaded in one of these games. It's always just one on one pvp shit, you can't get invaded unless you're asking for it.

>all these seething carebears

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But I like killing people trespassing in my woods too?

>this game would have been better as well.
nah man.

Back to R*ddit with you


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based and redorb'd

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nope. we can only hope and pray for a proper title announcement at e3

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lmao get fucked pvpfags