Thoughts on stadia

Thoughts on stadia

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Why lol?


looks cool but it will be shitposted nonstop because every other console and steam fanboy needs to hate it on principle for now.

What have I done to deserve this

Streaming games is cancer and google cultists will defend it by saying its the future mindlessly

Honestly I would rather stick my dick in a toaster then voluntarily give google money


I lold too. Ive always tried to shut down the idea of "suits" running the market behind the devs, and that the devs were just incompetent.

But the evidence just keeps stacking up. Why do these retards keeping throwing away so much money without consulting the consumer base they intend to sell to.

I hope it gets good exclusives.

I would much rather just buy the games than stream the games to my browser. Devs are gonna get cucked out by deals with google, at least the ones at square and bethesda

internet speeds in the west aren't there yet. It's getting ever closer to being at a point you could ignore it, but it's still not there. That showpiece they did for odyssey where the character kept walking a full second after the guy took his hands off the keys is horrific. Anybody would notice that, and would immediately be turned off.

I made the decision years ago to stop using all google services/products except for 1. At the moment, that 1 is youtube.

But even if I wanted it, I sincerely doubt I have the bandwidth required to actually use it. I'm not paying an extra monthly charge just to play video games, especially when I won't even own the games. If I were to do that, I'd be paying for PS+. My slower speed still allows 4k HDR movies with 7.1 surround sound, so any increase in price would be purely for vidya, which just isn't worth it to me.

I’m not buying into it and I’m lucky to live in a state where 4g LTE is everywhere. I’ve been to Virginia and I know that at least there if your not in a city your cucked.

Cant wait to become a junior dev for a company that gets bought out by google for the sake of exlusives and get a huge bonus

I've heard that the minimum requirements would be about 50mbps. According to Verizon (the biggest provider of 4g in the US), you'll be topping out at about 12mbps. LTE isn't going to let you use that console. Not even close.

You mean being put in your wage cage to make mediocre games for little Timmy

>the absolute state of Google thinking this was worth hyping up
>a whole second delay in input
>you can visibly see the game quality drop when the stream got choppy
>that fucking pricetag when you can buy a console and game(s) of choice for less in better quality

Attached: 1552632900457.jpg (1157x772, 142K)

satellite internet, the kind that gives you 3g/4g/5g isn't the same as traditional infrastructure. That requires new wiring to be laid throughout the city. It's a very difficult thing, but it CAN be done over time. google did it in like 20 cities, of varying sizes, as proof of concept with google fiber.

Speak for yourself I can get up to 72 mbp/s on my downloads on my Xbox.

We had about 6 threads on this yesterday that hit bump limit. Fuck off, underage phoneposter retard

>also forgetting you need to download TWENTY (20) GIGABYTES PER HOUR TO STREAM IT

Imagine if smash gets put onto the service, streamers will be getting bodied by natives.
>According to a report by Open Signal, the average LTE download speed in the US is 9.9 Mbps while the global average is 13.5 Mbps. That’s far off the ideal 100 Mbps 4G standard, but a marked improvement over old 3G speeds. In a race between the big four US wireless carriers, even the highest average speed (Verizon) was just over 12 Mbps.
Good for you, I guess. But that's still not gonna do it for the vast majority of people.

Salty because you probably posted a thread on this and no one noticed

Paid a lot of shekels to get to my level of internet speed.

Right. I'd have to pay an extra $60 per month to get the speeds necessary to hit 44+ mbps. And considering I can already stream movies at 4k HDR with 7.1 surround sound with my current speeds, I can't see any real justification to pay for the increase. It's just not worth paying for the increase to be able to stream games.

I'll switch to another hobby if it succeeds. I will never support streaming.

Seems like cool tech, though I personally have no use for it, Not sure how big the market is for it. It certainly exists, just can't be that large. Will likely fade into obscurity like most of googles sideprojects. It just got blown out of proportion by Yea Forums and the gaming press.
pretty much this.
well yeah, they are a for profit company not a charity. You shouldn't give them money. Only exchange it for goods and services.


more like gaydia

I do not see a reason for me to use it, and I have doubts that most people will be able to use it due to america's terrible internet.

I'm thinking that Google is writing a check its ass can't cash.

^This. It's relying on infrastructure that isn't present at the moment. The bandwidth requirements will require the console to be extremely niche, playable only in select locales and/or at exorbitant prices.

While this isn't necessarily a problem in and of itself, it's gonna be a rough sell to get anything exclusive that isn't made by google themselves. And, looking at the shit google produces, I think 1st party games from them would be an extremely mixed bag at best, meaning you're essentially buying a port machine, which seems pointless to me.