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Fake news, they are lying

US confirmed shittest taste.

>article just a couple days ago saying they need 6mil sold before mid-year
>'Anthem Sales Open Strong In The US, Second-Biggest BioWare Release Ever For First Month'
seems suspicious

>normalfags hype up shitty game
>normalfags buy it and realize it's shit
>game gets decent sales but low scores
bravo gamespot

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ea wants 6 mil sold by end of march, that isnt happening, their biggest opening ever was 1.2mil, so this is less.

>Biggest release of February
Whoa stiff competition.

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>Opens strong

Hasnt this shit been out for weeks? I remember reading that it only solf half of what andromeda sold

>It's doing great t. EA
>No we won't give actual numbers t. EA
>Also doesn't include digital
Sounds legit.

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And the cycle never stops since the money has already been made.

This is damage control and Yea Forums remains BTFO

This. Bioware has had a habit of *interpreting* sales numbers to look good to EA. They did it with Inquisition and Andromeda.

What the article doesn't say, they have to reach 9mil copies sold (and not shipped) just to recover the money wasted on the marketing

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>money has already been made
You don't realize how corporations work, do you? Destiny 2 and Blops 4 individually pulled in billions each and Activision each regarded them as failures. Money is still going into Anthem and EA will have to stick with it for a year or two to really see profitable results and I doubt they're patient enough. Destiny and The Division got away with it because they were the first two on the market but now both of those games plus Warframe have been in stride and Anthem released stumbling hard.


This but unironically

Wow, quite amazing journalism there.
EA as not released the numbers, and saying the second biggest opening still means it could be less than one million.

Wait, Three Kingdoms is out?

that's shipped numbers an you know it.

>it was a seriously packed month!
>that fucking list
>includes deltarune demo

We all know that burgers are retarded, what else is new?

>EA said the game sold better than any game that ever excisted
Wow what a shocker. Remember when they said exactly the same about Mass Effect Androme a few months before shuttering the studio and franchise?

That article was probably made before the delay

>Anthem was the best-selling game in the United States in February 2019, according to the latest report from NPD, and it is behind only Kingdom Hearts III in the list of best-selling games of the year so far.


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It's down to $29 Aus (Less than $20 US) already, barely a month after launch. Absolutely fucking dead.

Was anyone really looking forward to New Dawn? Literally just a reskin of far Cry 5 and not even a good one like Blood Dragon was.

>For first month
>sales drop after that

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>2d in a 2 person race
>frebruary at that, a month with nothing

>best selling game of the year
>not RE2
sounds like fake news to me bucko

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I actually heard people talking about anthem yesterday

Normals actually are buying it. Surprising at first but then not so much. Yea Forums is contrarian

Literally fake data

Normalfags are retarded, they saw pretty graphics and ironman gameplay and bought it.
But then they saw it's shit, and even their interest went away.
The game might sale well in the opening, but the long term sales, the money from microtransactions, the subscription money, it's all going to be terrible.

The game has had a middling to poor reception since the beta. It's not unpopular to say it's shit.

>most anticipated game of the year
Sounds like mad to me, friendo

Well it's going to take a while for real data to come out because devs for whatever reason, some in particular, don't easily put out all their sales info.

Right now there is a lot of differing information out on games that can be hard to beleive without anything to base it on. This NPD statistic I think only uses US sales so I can beleive the stat

that's true


It’s surprising given how badly it’s sold throughout Europe and Japan, and ongoing sales as well as user engagement/player retention are going to be far more important to EA and BioWare long term, but if Americans like it, they like it.

Different cultures have different tastes basically.

>s surprising given how badly it’s sold throughout Europe and Japan
That shit is flying off the shelf in Japan stop lying. The Japanese fucking LOVE their mech games.


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Isn't anthem just destiny light ... but worse?

That's kind of sad.

>TFW got 2080TI and can run everything at 150+ fps on ultra and this game came packaged with it as a gift.
So ... it's just gonna gather dust in a shelf based on the reviews and gameplay I've seen of it. But hey, it's free ... maybe I'll try it in a year, you never know, they might pull a no man's sky on us and make it better.

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Meanwhile in urop

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Japan confirmed for no taste

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>second biggest opening
uhhh with that budget and marketing shouldn't it be the biggest by far?

Considering fallout 76 sold 3 million copies I can believe this sold well too.

fake news

Yea Forums Wrong again

A lot of games sell well at launch and then fall off when people realize theyre garbage.

Is someone using bioware to conduct corporate money laundering? cuz i'm starting to think there's a certain niche of game dev who is just involved in that since they seem to have no actual audience.

Sales don't count for shit in looter shooters. What matters is retention. And Anthem's (just like Destiny before it) is absolute dogshit.

Also, if Anthem actually had done well, EA and Bioware would be shouting it from the rooftops to reassure their investors.

>hey, did Anthem sales open strong?

>haha of course they opened strong
>for a Bioware game
>but only in second place for a Bioware
>well only for the first month
So it sold like shit, got it

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user if there's anything asians love, its mindless grinding.

Americans confirmed for shiteaters

They're probably starved for Mech games.

Gaymers are retarded holy shit

Mutts do like to eat shit so this is no surprise.

nice catto

>in Japan
>for AAA
even cod gets 100k in Japan, this is a disaster

>no actual numbers, just ranks
>in dead months
>against old games and indie games

Ever notice how specific they have to get for these to make them sound good?

>if you advertise something it starts selling
WHOA...wait till I tell /biz/ about this!


>literally 3 hours ago

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>b-but b-but
Yea Forums having a little taste of cognitive dissonance it seems

And /v failed to predict sales again.
Anybody surprised?

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i think you mean, social critics who are using marxism cannot tell the truth, because their ideological framework has been proven wrong repeatedly since the fall of the USSR, so they have to rely on lies to get people to listen to them

these aren't 'social justice warriors' they are leninist ideologues who think they are vanguards for a communist revolution

they don't give you the actual numbers for a reason. relativity indoctrinate the slaves. absolute is the only truth.

is this an ea shill

>9 million sales to break even
That does not seem like a smart buisness decision

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Just Give Money To Abusive Corporations Because Theres Nothing You Can Really Do About It

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beautiful game


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Its what happens when you spend like 7 years making a video game

People in the UK are too busy being blown up by nail pipebombs and don't have time to play games.

>normies and little shits with their dads CCs will buy anything

who would have thought

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They have a record on these bullishit pratices. I rember, back in the BF3 days, EA was worried because the game wasn't profitable yet despite 13mil of copies sold

>he cant conceive an idea of ability to switch chat off

top tier normie denial

But it doesn't mean that the game is good. All it proves is that the sales and marketing department were successful at doing their jobs.
The games has very serious issues, and is bleeding players like crazy.

why is this faggot so scared of chat?

Reminds me of ME:A and FFXV.


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>80k first week sales according to media create
That's absolute trash.

>>Opens strong
>>precise data not given
Dumbfuck, an EA game can sell millions of copies and not make up production costs.

Piss off niggerfaggot, take your retarded meme buzzword and jam it up your ass.

It also means devs can keep being shit, because apparently lack of quality doesn't hinder sales.

They were banking on the “games as a service” model

Whenever I see a shitty game selling so much I can only think about the idiots who bought it and wasted their money and time with this shit.

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Again when will Yea Forums stop being so wrong?

>ever thinking of pussy and ass

there is no hype press release from ea regarding sales which means it underperformed. same as division 2.

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I’m not surprised people are buying it, it looks cool. I’m surprised people are playing it, it’s boring as shit. I played the 8 hour demo and got bored as fuck around the 5 hour mark

> the money has already been made
you seem completely unable to comprehend what "live service game" means for the business model.