Three copies of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, please

>Three copies of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, please
>on second thought, make it four

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Legit question, do people on Yea Forums actually wish they were Chads? I personally wouldn't even if I had the chance. Be happy with who you are.

I wish I had a good height like 195cm
Pure blond hair and blue eyes with well defined face structure.
Looking like that is an advantage.

I wouldn't mind being better looking, more physically fit, taller, richer and better with woman, to be completely honest with you.

I'm chad enough for myself.

If you're happy with yourself, you're already a Chad.

>just be confident bro

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i wish i was fat

this is america, you find girls who look like that easily enough

>confidence fixes everything

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Memes aside, these are probably due to the type of lens used desu

Except I didn't say that. I said that you should accept who you are.

Nah, I'm basically already Chad and it ain't that great. But you will never know because Chad would never announce his Chadness on Yea Forums or even be here in the first place, but it depends on how your define Chad imo. I have a ton of women to sleep with on the regular, but only about 120k to my name and I'm already 23, but I feel really alone and hate myself constantly.

That's not confidence, that's just bad camera angle.

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this kills the incel

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chad's a silly cariacture and i'm happy with being myself

70-100mm is best for video and still

[nasally voice behind counter] uhh, it's 2 units max per customer

Wouldn't hurt to have good looks

Legit question, why do you fall for internet memes?

>if i just pretend chad doesn't exist he'll go away
yeah okay dork

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Does anyone have first boss fight leaks? There was a video of it up before, gone now though.

oh lawd he comin

this guy looks okay though.

He looks like a randomized Dark Souls character

remember when dudebro was an insult on Yea Forums?

what happened that it became the biggest praise?


Chad is an insult, you clods. Quit getting the meme wrong. It's about hyping up someone who is all style and no substance. The reason the name Chad was chosen to describe this phenomenon is that it's the de facto douchy sounding name.
Pay special attention to the accentuation he puts on the word "do"
That sums up the faggotry better than an image ever could.

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Are you buying three copies because the first two die?

t. virgin

>you can't use the term in its self-degrading form
too much ego autist?

I am an autistic chad hybrid.

As in im quite chad on the outside but spaghetti is spilling on the inside, mostly when it comes to girls.

Become funny.


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What, you think those were jokes?

I legitimately wish I was a chad. Or at least was friends with a chad to get pussy shrapnel. The easy life in the USA is mentally brutal. I could go on but none here gives a fuck.

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If being Chad meant I didn't have scoliosis and straight teeth, then yes

>I could go on but none here gives a fuck.
Hold on
>I could go on but I'm explaining this like a complete tard.
That's better.

Meh I’m having a drink sorry if I’m incoherent

Become funny.

I only just realized chad isn't even using a chair to sit down, he's just squatting.

Look guys another commercial made by Chads for Chads.

Doesn't that make you wanna go out and fucking get it?

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You laughed a little bit, gimme a smile

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The disconnected mouse really sells this

reminder that if you're a chad you wouldn't be playing sekiro tomorrow, instead you have a normal life, how boring is that?

Yea chads only play online games

This faggot is genuenlly correcting people on how to use a meme.
Get a life nerd.

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>be a shallow success
>or a deep wreck
decisions decisions...

Become funny.

Chad memes are funny, you are not.

I'm pretty sure it's just repressed homos being tsundere on men they'd fuck.

Chads love sekiro

Sorry mate, not even on 4channel™ does anyone care about your worthless opnion.

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Why would chads play offline games sad and alone?

>Four copies, Jeremy? Four? That's insane.

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>Oops, wrong store

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They play whatever they want because they don't need any game to make their life meaningful.

And here I thought you would've linked a video of Rammstein's Du hast.


i-i-it's just a camera angle you incels! nobody could possibly be irredeemably ugly or unwanted!

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>One copy of DOA6 Happy Wedding Costume Vol.1 Set please!

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