Baba is OK

Baba is OK

Is it possible to make Level is Flag in this level? It's bothering me a lot.

Attached: flagger.png (1920x1080, 44K)

If you place absolutely anything on that spot, it becomes Weak and is destroyed.

The only way you could possible make Level Flag is if you placed yourself in the spot just right of the empty death space with a Flag below you and a Flag to your right.
But I'm fairly sure that Level is Weak would override Level is Flag in that scenario.

I think I'm finally done with this game... not sure if I missed a level, but I have 217 done. It bothers me that there's no way to know... Anyone have anymore levels than that complete? I still have no idea what lava is hot on the mountain level is for. Must just be to fuck with you...

Level 15 has a ton of empty space you'd never go to and I thought maybe they would have some hidden text, but nope.

Someone did it the other day but I don't think it's intentional.

>It bothers me that there's no way to know...

>some hidden text
To be fair, I don't think there's a way to make Text Hidden without hiding all Text. And if Text isn't Hidden, then you'd be able to see the keywords to indicate there's a surprise.

You could do text near is hidden and is hidden

user is brainlet

This level sucks dick. The worst level in the game by far.

Attached: baba3.jpg (711x64, 27K)

>not the one where you have to get 3 babas to shove your keke corpse and the rule that will revive you across a death wall

That one isn't even that bad. Baba on wall and text and baba and rock and flag is win is fucking annoying. It's harder to execute than it is to figure out

Have I entered true hell yet?

Attached: AAAAAAAAAA.png (1920x1080, 28K)

Crushers is a fucking mind boggler. Here's your only hint.

>stuck on like five levels before going to bed
>dream the fucking solutions
>can't remember them now

I could set it up easily like this.
217 is the level cap for any copy that's not receiving patches. Since Bottleneck and Prison got split into two levels, the Steam total is 219.
Plus any fully cleared areas turn into flowers.

Attached: metaextra3.png (360x375, 14K)

Please...My Baba. Is Sick.

>no level where you have to get a letter onto an "is level" level object to create a level that you select by creating a "cursor" you spell out of letters

Disappointed, desu. Should have had all the letters to do that in the image room

what would happen if you made Not Level is Level?

Anything that is not a level would become a level.
Two overlapping things that are SHIFT will SHIFT each other and push anything in its path out of the way.

I barely managed to finish some level with the TEXT statement I'm scared for the future boys

this is going completely over my head even though i've finished every other lake level

Attached: dBkQoPP.png (1920x1080, 105K)

jesus christ how deep does this game get?

if BABA IS WIN/BABA IS YOU works, think about what happens when you apply contradicting properties to one object.


You can use the IS for both sentences at the same time to open the door. After that, you only have so many possible combinations to deal with the second door.

>beat tiny pond and a harder version unlocks
>beat wireless connection and a harder version unlocks
Please make it stip

I wish I could figure prison out.

anything that isn't PUSH or STOP doesn't have collision. This includes YOU

Seeing that image as someone who's still on the early levels is absolutely horrifying.

I doubt I'll ever figure it out. It feels like I need to somehow get into that wall is stop but I don't know how

You can push text onto the character you aren't controlling without collision, which might allow you to get into positions you otherwise wouldn't be able to.

>figured out further fields on my own
I'm a genius

It's hopeless

I'm not looking for answers to any specific stages. But is there anyway to change the orientation of things while they're in the middle of the move designator? There's been like 3 separate stages now where I'm sure I can make a solution if I just had a way to switch them from moving horizontal to vertical or vice-versa without directly touching them with the players current character.

i dun gehtuh

Attached: Uc6b3BF.png (1920x1080, 75K)

Option A: Add IS+Direction text (Up, Down, Left, Right)
Option B: Aim it at an Object with Is+Shift as a modifier (I don't know if you've played a lot of ice or conveyor puzzles from RPGs, but it's literally that)
Option C: Just fucking stop it, change it's direction with a push/pull/shift/whatever, and then start it again
Option D: Bounce it off a stop/screen edge, but that only gets you a reverse

That's all off the top of my head, but I'm not that far into the game.

Further fields has at least 3 completely separate solutions. That feel when I galaxy brained my way into the most complicated solution I know of.

you already fucked up. Use the text to push the rock in and then you'll get it

become rock before pushing top right words

was it rotating the YOU sentence 90 degrees and making yourself win?

I guess to give a bit more context. This is the latest level I'm talking about. There's no directionals or shifts or pulls or anything else to change direction once they're past the line of skulls.
And trying to use one to push the other doesn't seem to do anything. They just overlap and continue on...

Attached: FJtjPYA.png (854x480, 20K)

>be brainlet
>have problems with the earlier worlds
>see screens of later ones

The ghosts can move text to help you get past the skulls Skull is push

Well I feel dumb... super over thinking things. Thanks, user.

>gf is watching me get stuck on a level for 10 minutes
>"user why don't you push that over there and..."
>"No that won't work you're supposed to do this."
>Instantly solve level while correcting her
Why am I like this?

No, it was staggering Keke Is You while forming Baba Is Move and Keke Is Push and having all 3 Babas spaced properly to push everything as a unit until they hit the back wall which realigns Keke Is You

I don't even fucking know how you'd do what you said or how it would help you get across the Grass Is Defeat.

Meme solution is Skull is Ghost

Can anyone please post that gif of Baba giving (You)? I really need it right now.

No, but I have the next best thing

Attached: snip.png (165x58, 1K)

So close, yet so far...
Any hints that isn't outright solution?

Attached: SWAP.png (1920x1080, 75K)

>not having "HOMO" spelled in one tile
You had one job.

You'll need to get the rock out of the corridor, just after you get the key out of its starting corner

maybe actually play the game

Fuck you, support these fuckers. Game Is Cheap. Game Is Good.

I thought that it'd be impossible for the key to get on the rock while ROCK IS PUSH, guess I'm wrong. Thanks, user.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 74K)

Levels like prison and concrete goals really make me see that I must not know some techniques or something

i got really angry when i discovered this

Attached: Prison Solution Spoiler.webm (1686x910, 1.76M)

Can beat the level by making it into a flag, but I need to make it baba, sadly I've given up after getting to this point, I lack the text to block the lava off.

Attached: so close yet so far.png (1920x1080, 66K)

>want to ask if there's anything tricky to do in this level
>OP of a thread right as I search for one
Guess not huh. Is there any significance to the fact you're allowed to move the flag if you're on it? As far as I can tell it's completely unnecessary for solving the level.

Attached: 20190320030221_1.jpg (1920x1018, 213K)

text is shift, flag is shift to block the right side. You can shift the lava on the left side and then block it off with the remaining text.

It's the exception for Lonely Text is You.

Yeah prison is the first real bullshit level that relies on a mechanic that a player might not know. Steam river might be the same, but that's only because I deactivated the water is sink and then never found out that sink also effects text.

Oh fuck me I made it needlessly complicated, solution was much simpler than I expected.

Attached: baba need hug.png (192x132, 2K)

Huh well alright but I guess concrete goals is still a mystery to me.

Can someone give me a tiny isle hint? I've been at it for like an hour now

Attached: 1518291837005.png (500x464, 116K)

1:the and is extremely important
2:try controlling something else
3:you can be two things at once

Oh, that explains that. This game is definitely one of those types of games where you have to keep track of increasing amounts of rules and interactions. I'm missing simpler Sokobon type games at this point like Sausage Roll and Sokobond where the rules stayed simple. Figuring out what you need to do is simple. Figuring out what you can do is hard.

Fuck off with your r*ddit garbage game

Stop trying to solve it like how you solved Tiny Pond.

That's actually a possible solution? That only gives you 1 move to actually push the skulls though, and you need at least 3 to clear them.

You don't have to move the WIN to beat the level.

>never found out that sink effects text
Don't you need that to beat the intro level with the flag surrounded by SINK jellyfish?

>That only gives you 1 move to actually push the skulls though

What if you were to turn off Ghost is Move?

Fuck, I'm retarded. I was sending the IS MOVES along with them too horizontally so I couldn't stop it halfway. I got it anyway with the IS GHOST solution though.

Wait, that level had a LEVEL in it?

Goddamnit. So fucking close.

Attached: crushers.png (1366x768, 46K)

does this game have a level edit/creation feature?

Text On Ice Is Hidden
Ice On Text Is Hidden
Then shove some text on ice off in a corner

How do you even do Prison?
Please don't give me the solution or hints, I just want to know if there's a mechanic I might have missed on learning elsewhere.
Even on a purely theoric "What if I could place any panel anywhere" basis, I have no idea how this could even be possible.

Attached: 1476083309581.jpg (647x604, 52K)

What happens if two objects with SHIFT are on the same tile?

>concrete goals is still a mystery to me.

Why is this game so praised? It stops being fun after the 10th level.

Attached: 1545511124627.png (619x593, 317K)

The mechanic is the solution.
it's a property of you, which has only collision for pushing

>t. brainlet

Translator's note: "It stop being fun" means "I got stuck"

You can do it any time there's something pushable (like chain of text) with empty spaces on both sides, and two pushing things like [you]s.

Oh hey I would've never thought of doing that
The level is now both a flag and a belt.
Shouldn't be too long before I figure out how to make it baba.

Attached: level is Flagbelt.png (870x519, 28K)

I did it, although I have no idea what the fuck happened.

It's used elsewhere so you better understand it.
You push PUSH stuff when walking, but do not stop them from being pushed onto you. You are then both on the same tile, and you can break the statement by walking into IS.

I figure that, since I've been given a Flag to work with, it must be useful for something. I've used it to shift text over to block the lava on the right.
This might not be what it's used for though.
I'm puzzling out how to block the lava flow from both sides.

Attached: shift stack.png (870x519, 19K)

>yfw you made LEVEL is BABA for the first time

Attached: 1540781093775.gif (220x258, 195K)

Now do it with only 2 babas like I did

How do you pronounce keke?

>tfw going back to a level that completely mindfucked you then realizing the solution and new mechanic in moments upon returning to it later
This text overlap gimmick is going to be a real bitch later isn't it.

Attached: 20190320043231_1.jpg (1920x1018, 188K)

Like Pepe but with a hard k instead of p

like "key-key"

Is Cool modifier still in the game? It was in beta.


Did anyone else have as hard a time as Northernlion is? I was say faster than him, he's fuckin silly especially with constantly thinking actual objects can work as text.

So near. But yet, so far.
If only there was something I could do with the belt, but turning the belt to text or adding a verb modifier to it consumes two text items and will at most give me one free usable.

Attached: not quite.png (870x519, 21K)

>thinking actual objects can work as text.
They can if you have the "IS WORD" modifier

it's a bit annoying but it's used for a few of the crossroads levels. usually it's for gatekeeping you away from more levels

I just realised I can block the lava at its source.
Progress is being made.

he's always been a bit scrambled when he plays puzzle games
probably hard to do while trying to be entertaining at the same time though

I can't wrap my head around Solitary Island - 6/7
Any tips?

what the actual fuck

Attached: 20190320141123_1.jpg (1390x750, 184K)

Why does me look so sad

Empty is Baba

This level has a bug - presumably "wall is stop" is meant to be "cliff is stop" because that cliff doesn't stop you.
Cliff Is Baba would fix it even if it were, so it's not a challenging level. I can't see what the "On" would be for in any situation.

Attached: meta 5 avalanche.png (870x519, 10K)

it got patched, it's because you're playing on the non steam version

Ah, I see. I'll go check if Humble has an updated download.
Fuck Steam btw

I cant do it. I cant win supermarket. I am too brainlet for this.

so what exactly am I meant to form Meta 13 into? still trying to get the proper win solution, just thinking about how it applies to the map
>Rock doesn't do anything
>Flag can be made, but needs pushing and isn't really useful in the area it's locked to, unless I run around the entire fucking map and turn Flag into something else to push
>14 is nowhere to be fucking seen, so either 13 WIN leads to 14, or it requires more fuckery
>15 is unbeatable bullshit that supposedly is affected by the Meta Overworld

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 94K)

Win it anyway. I'm not up to 13 yet but winning is never a bad thing.

true, winning is never really a bad thing user. this level just looks to be a pain in the ass
here's the starting layout for it if you want to see

also I just realized that I can't remember if I played META 14 or not, since I don't remember what the fucking BABA near level 15 was

Attached: meta 13.png (1330x996, 39K)

My first instinct is that you use the flag (object) to make Text Has Flag and with two flags you can do all sorts of crazy bullshit like making the flag have itself or have more than one thing.

Yeah, that was my thinking too, especially since most levels in Meta require infinite item fuckery. The main issue that I'm having is trying to figure out how to get FLAG IS WIN, since the only modifiers I have are IS, HAS, and PUSH

levels where the WIN is wedged in a tight corner and ___ IS WIN is hard to form are annoying as fuck. I might have to restart from this point too, since I might need a word that I sacrificed to get to the area in the first place like ROCK

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 65K)

Push the objects into their final positions in this order:

Attached: solve.png (1920x1080, 32K)

I did it in a slightly different manner a bit after posting Strange how often that happens desu but thanks for the help
I used the bottom flag for it since the top one was stuck and was there for opening the doors. after that it was just a lot of back and forth fuckery on the top loop

also I think I figured out what I need "LEVEL IS" to be
it might be a stacking situation like META 8 was, and I'll need "LEVEL IS TEXT' with "LEVEL IS FLAG"

time for tedious back and forth thanks to multiple BABAs having to push flags, and alternating between being a ghost and a cursor

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 94K)

>nothing happens, just kicked back to DEPTHS with an extra dandelion
little disappointed desu, but then again I still have a couple of META levels to go, and I know that there's another area after

Attached: baba KEKE is MELT.jpg (162x175, 11K)

I knew there was some fuckery going on with the teleport! After what I can only call "Dicking with it until it miraculously works" I managed to get Flag and Baba overlapping.

Attached: meta 8.png (870x519, 7K)

Now I have two sink tiles, but only the two babas. Do I need to make this level into Flag and Baba simultaneously? I'm not sure that is possible, but I'll try.

Attached: meta progress.png (870x519, 29K)

Nope, don't bother with doing that for 3, it's not possible
What else can you push in the overworld user?

15 hours and I've only solved 90 puzzles, what's my brainlet rating?

I can push:
Ghost (though there's nothing to turn into ghost)
Text but it floats
Cursor but it's always carried on something else that sinks
Hol up do I make Level is Push and sink levels?

I am too dumb. I wasted 2 hours on this level because all this time I thought the text should go on the belt. I've beaten levels way harder than this, yet I fell for the tunnel vision situation.

Attached: 1552776537971.jpg (645x576, 67K)

This game is bullshit and amazing.

Attached: level is push.png (870x519, 27K)

>Level is PUSH
Yup, that's the idea
Speaking of which, meta 15 is absolute fucking bullshit
I'm worried I might have to go back to another BABA level and turn one of them back into a flag

Attached: meta 15 full map.png (1920x1080, 168K)

There seems to be a flag in the same room. If you can push level 11 out of the way you could use that flag.
You'd have to make Level is push anyway if you wanted to smuggle something past the water.

>spend minutes trying to think on how to solve a level before even moving
>as I move, accidentally run over a wall
>WALL was not STOP

Attached: BABA IS CONSTIPATED.jpg (634x435, 79K)

Yeah, but that's what I meant about the flag count being a potential issue.
Might be missing something else, but to make LEVEL IS PUSH, the FLAG IS PUSH needs to be moved there, and after doing everything, I'd be left with an IS on the left side that needs to be moved back over to the right side to reform FLAG IS PUSH. That door is blocked and I can't corral the IS over there without another FLAG to open that door.

I'm thinking that I should try getting to the extra levels, since there might be something useful over there

If you could yoink an AND out you could make LEVEL IS LEVEL AND PUSH. Doesn't seem viable tho.

this jaywalkers level is really weird and I have no clue on how to tackle it

First, you need all those words at the side intact - find a way to keep Flag On Rock Is Win or whatever they are intact.
Then, you need to push the rock onto the flag, obviously.
But now there is an object on the flag so you can't step on it. You need to make that object un-pushable.
Don't try pushing the entire "Rock is Push" through the hedges. You'll never make it. Instead you'll have to find another way to break it apart remotely.

I can't even seem to keep those words combined without getting trapped by tiles

I turned the cursor into a flag. You can change it back too.

Attached: cursor is flag.png (870x519, 26K)

So how far into the game is everyone?

Attached: BABA gives YOU.webm (240x200, 137K)

Meta. Busy fucking around trying to turn everything into flags and baba.

Fall and forest. The letter levels ar fucking me up, but I'm glad I was able to figure out that level where you make baba is shift on my own.

Shit I don't think I should've done that

Attached: all is done.png (870x519, 42K)

the only area I've fully beaten is lake and I'm currently trying to earn the flower for garden because I just need one more level done there. fall and space are really kicking my butt

I fucking hate the MOVE panel

fall was the hardest for me so far, but garden might take that crown if this "on" nonsense continues

Attached: 1541425274694.jpg (400x400, 23K)

MOVE is nothing compared to the evils that are SWAP and SHIFT

garden started off super easy for me but got really tricky later on, that fall forest however I've only completed a grand total of two levels on. I hate this tele stuff

I highly prefer SHIFT to MOVE
SWAP I don't know, I have yet to encounter it

Is it possible to turn this level into Baba?
I can turn it into Flag, but that doesn't really help me.

Attached: meta 14 tangle.png (870x519, 17K)

Stuck on Fall-D and E. Not moving on until I beat them.

Found the trick. On we go.

Attached: lava is float.png (870x519, 16K)


I didn't like that

Attached: Untitled.png (1326x801, 46K)

[ROCK] HAS [ROCK] would've been easier

There's a teleporter in the top right that I'm eager to head to, but I still have more stuff to do here.
Oh shit it's pond revisit

Attached: return of pond.png (870x519, 28K)

186 clears, currently on Depths 3

Can't believe I never thought of pushing text onto myself before.

Attached: Baba and keke overlap.png (870x519, 19K)

>mfw all these people posting high level puzzles and i can't get past grass yard, pillar yard, or sunken ruins
kill me and my peabrain

Attached: deep mental pain.png (725x795, 596K)

Well what's giving you trouble? There's probably something you aren't trying or understanding about the way the game mechanics work.

And that's a win.
Tearing through Depths.

Attached: win.png (870x519, 19K)

god damn i'm a brainlet

Attached: Baba_Is_You_2019-03-20_12-34-14.png (854x480, 14K)

Don't try to teleport the flag.

I'm supposed to put the heart above the flag then switch back to tele right?

That works, yes.

Kay-kay. Stress on the first kay.

I made some of his mistakes, albeit for less time than he did. Other shit was just him being blind as fuck and needing to walk away and come back. It happens.

Obviously something has to move onto the water.
It can't be you because you die.
It can't be text because they don't interact.
What other options are there?

Can I get a hint on Skull House? The only way I can think of to generate an extra piece is to move a key onto the door and convert it at the same time. However, creating [Key is X] on the same move that puts the key on the door doesn't work, and I don't think I can create a situation where [Rock is Key is Baba] works with two pushes since I only have one PUSH.

14:23 in
91 exits
5 complete subworlds
1 ending

love is win

hint 1: You need to generate a second object somehow.
hint 2: You probably haven't used this mechanic yet

Swap is trolly as fuck and can go fuck itself. Tele is the Baba Is equivalent to Hammer Is You, Not Hammer Is Nail. I swear to fuck I beat one of the teleport levels by just shoving shit into a teleporter until I won.

I just now solved it. I actually had this idea earlier, but for some reason thought I needed a fourth IS.
Now to suffer in the factory.

It really bothers me that the gridlines are rendered in front of the floating text.

>Tunnel Vision
>First level to have Baba Is Move and Keke Is You as default conditions

que que

>just when you thought you got the hang of it, the game shits new mechanics like SHIFT/SWAP/FACING WALL/TELE
just fucking kill me

Attached: 1524827809642.jpg (960x640, 202K)

Attached: solving each.png (3840x2160, 1.55M)

You know what would be fun? If this game had screen wrap levels.

>Level is Wrap
Please god no.

What if it had extra-large levels? Like triple the current biggest.

>I'm missing simpler Sokobon type games at this point like Sausage Roll and Sokobond where the rules stayed simple.
The rules do. The fucking setups don't. Open Space and The Monster can get fucked and I swear I beat Square by randomly flailing around.

Baba is Hot.

>just picked this game up

I wanna love this but I've got too much of a retard brain to finish even some of these first-stage levels

Attached: square-peg-round-hole-smash.jpg (420x480, 79K)

This took way too long to set up.
Still, I think I'm nearing the end of the game. You said it had 217 levels, right?
How many bonuses and flowers am I looking for? I have 3 bonuses and 11 flowers so far

Attached: meta final level.png (870x519, 28K)

I had more issues with the first world than the rest I've played so far, because I wasn't giving the game enough credit.

Attached: 1470430585721.jpg (600x606, 43K)

Is it possible to miss completing 09 on the world map permanently? I first turned it into key and could go back into it, but then I turned it into another thing and now I can't go back in.

No. You can always fix your bullshit.

you can reenter any level as long as you get the cursor on it
there are other things that can help
>resetting restores the world to how it was before just like in levels
>entering a level and then exiting also resets, so you can travel the world map in segments if necessary

>beat Temple Ruins world
>enter new worlds
>stop having fun
Am I the only one?
These new puzzles are too complex and getting stuck for hours on multiple puzzles in a row gets boring fast

Attached: 1500495273611.png (265x234, 70K)

forgot to mention but if you are stuck in a map like ???, Depths, or Meta, then you can also use "Exit to Map" to reset the map, and then you can reenter the map so that you start from the beginning of it

there are a few roadblock sections in the map, try taking a short break or posting the level and asking for hints/tips, or even an answer if you get sick of it enough
i've often found that there are levels which are really fucking hard, and then every level after it is braindead easy
the biggest example of this is Volcanic Cavern 1 being a pain in the ass because SWAP is fucking evil, but everything else in volcano was easy, and everything in snowy mountain area after that was easy too

Can I accurately infer from the world map having rules that there will be fuckery?

Attached: angry cat.png (210x253, 9K)

Yes. Get to the gated section of the map, which has map levels 8-10 and you'll begin your way down the rabbit hole.

Words exist to grant you pain.

maritime adventure was fucking weird, dude

Attached: 1549458667769.jpg (384x255, 26K)

Right. What am I missing?
I -thought- I got everything but there's clearly stuff I don't have yet.

I've got the leaf out but I can't figure how to move the IS to make the win

Attached: Baba_Is_You_2019-03-20_13-27-52.png (854x480, 17K)

3 orbs and 11 flowers are the maximums. Assuming you got all 3 of those orbs from different levels.

Also if ??? and Depths are anything like Meta, then there should be a "Level Complete" message when you solve all the levels in them, which should help you know if you missed any secrets. That might only be due to the recent Steam patches though so you may be out of luck on other platforms.

It says 214 / 11 / 3
I must be missing something but I don't know where.
In Meta, I've completed the 15 main maps, 2 extra levels, and Meta itself.
In Depths, I've completed... ah heck I'll just post a screenshot

Attached: baba is you saves.png (853x477, 9K)

No, 2 of the orbs came from the same level. I may have missed a level with orbs.
Here's my Depths. I don't think I've missed anything.

Attached: depths.png (870x519, 23K)

Been stuck on this puzzle for almost an hour, and the only guide I find has a slightly different layout that makes the strategy it gives not work.

Any advice on where I should at least be starting? This and the level after it are the only levels I have left except Overworld 9 and 10

Attached: 20190320123218_1.jpg (1920x1080, 200K)

I simply don't understand what can even possibly be done here.

Attached: 20190320093223_1.jpg (1920x1018, 149K)

Meta has 3 bonus levels.
Have you completed both secret levels in ????
Have you completed Depths and Meta themselves?

Also while I'm at it: any hints for Buried Treasure (Depths bonus 4)? It's the last one I need, and it's driving me mad.

hint: You can't bring the is to the ghost, but you might be able to do the opposite

You have to protect the flag user.

What isn't be affected by the lava?

Meta has 3 secret levels? I guess I didn't find the 3rd. I'll go look.

Here's my ???. I've got 4 extras and the portal to depths, but depths is NOT showing up as flowery so I think I missed something.

Attached: question mark island.png (870x519, 26K)

Stuck on Secret Garden. Ended up sleeping on it. Taking care of a few things and catching up on the thread before I muddle with stacking objects and [on] statements.

Well, now I feel dumb. I was trying to surround the flag and failed to realize it didn't have any collision traits.

Buried Treasure?
Ah here we go
Lemme think

Attached: buried treasure.png (870x519, 18K)

Yep, looks like you've found your three missing levels -- two secret levels in ???, and one in Meta.

shift the belt away so you can move freely between the two rooms

>only having 3 orbs
Though the extra orb on the main map has probably been patched out.

Attached: imagine.png (1920x1068, 50K)

but I can't push the ghost into (over?) the text

Huh. How do I find the two secret levels in ??? then?
I guess I need to change Depths into something.

If you mean getting 2 orbs from the island in the bottom right of the main map, I did that. Also got one from Orb. Where's the 4th?

Yeah, you're missing 2 in depths and the one in meta.
As for Depths, if you want a hint, Look closely at your BABA. As you learned in Depths and Meta, objects that are levels have a pink outline if you've completed them.

There's one in ???
and another in depths

You see, ghost isn't always push, but text is

I havent been able to find a way to dfo that, Getting Baba is Shift means I cant use the teleporters, and I can't get all the words back to the first room to safely combine them.

I'm pretty sure that was one of my "let's do something else for a bit and let my brain reset" levels.

Sometimes you just tunnel vision hard

Nevermind, figured it out.

The most annoying thing about that level is you have no fucking space to work with.

I don't know what I'm doing in this game

Attached: babaisyou.png (500x282, 62K)

Buried treasure:
Keke is Baba
Baba Is Keke Is Move (turns your babas into moving kekes)
have your moving kekes set up Keke is You
Solution is spoilered

Attached: buried treasure.png (870x519, 18K)

but if ghost isn't push then I can't push it with text, I don't get it


Attached: the_neverending_dreamer_by_parablev-d303yfo1[1].jpg (1600x900, 449K)



Push ghost, turn off Push, push Text onto Ghost, Tele.

Attached: baba you stop it.png (238x237, 2K)


>tfw i manage to clear levels
>tfw i can't even wrap my head around clearing the level that contains them
I'm stuck, what do i do here? I barely managed to turn level 03 from a flag to a belt...

My brain is so fried i forgot pic

Attached: too meta for me.png (1920x1080, 128K)

Is there a way to beat Fragile Existence or is it just there for Level Is Baba?


Attached: BABA IS STRONG.jpg (960x720, 148K)

this game made me realize i'm a fucking brainlet

Attached: 1526600709047.jpg (1200x675, 108K)

Y- you're not supposed to do that
Try turning it into Baba instead

Every level can be solved. Except for the true ending one maybe. And ??? and Center I guess.
...most levels can be solved, including that one. Is what I mean.

Alright, finished Hostile Environment, so all I have left to do is Fragile Existence and Level is X memes and see what happens.

>tfw solved it in a way different and harder way with having baba and keke push around x is you to line up switching from one character to the other and then pushing the wall is stop into him
I feel stupidnow

But i already did, i couldn't have progressed if i didn't already do that :)
I think i need to make the level both a flag and a belt at the same time...

Well I feel dumb. I can't see either of the secret levels in question mark island.
I can turn Depths into grass or a rock, but neither open anything new.

Attached: question mark island.png (870x519, 26K)


Oh shit, figured out out Fragile Existence. Good shit. Ok, let's see what this level nonsense is about.

why is green thingy insta death?

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 75K)

How the fuck did you turn it into a belt?
The only intended solutions are winning it, and turning it into Baba or Flag

I got stuck on the first level to introduce the PULL mechanic

>Lonely LOVE is YOU
that's why user. The LOVE isn't lonely anymore if it is on GRASS

>first thing I did on pre-patch prison was that just to fuck around
>beat the level in a minute flat and didn't even understand how

There we go, I just..finished the overworl-oh fuck there am I now?

That level was terrifying holy fuck.
I don't need this kind of existential dread.

Turning it only into a belt is quite convoluted, it requires pushing belt up, then trying to align belt is shift and text is shift together while having a text on the belt, facing the corridor and having perfect placement so that you manage to break text is shift by the time the belt is below level. Then belt is text and push leve is down to make level is belt.
I already made level is baba though.

Tell my brainlet brain how pull works

Walking away from an object pulls it with you, if you go along the way it wont stick tho.

if you can't start comprehending this shit wait until cavern's S W A P M E C H A N I C S. They will blow you fuck mind into dust.

>binging through levels for three days straight
>take a break for a couple
>completely lose momentum and game now just feels like a chore to play
Fuck my brain

Guess I'm me now.

Attached: file.png (165x58, 1K)

Bought it late last night, somewhere on the Solitary Island.

Yeah but how do I get something out with pull if the level doesn't allow me to walk away from the object I need in the first place

post cuck baba level

What do i do now, how do i get to that juicy level 09?

Attached: send help.png (1920x1080, 128K)

no, YOU is YOU user
ME is nowhere to be found in this level

Attached: BABA has FRIEND.png (918x2812, 30K)

Level 08 (under 7) can be turned into Flag and Baba at the same time.
You need to push something into the water to clear the way. You won't have enough babas or flags though, so what other things can you push? Is there any word lying around you can slap "And Push" onto the end of?

On the flip side, I've found meta's secret level rather easily.
I also notice that Center doesn't have the flower, so there might be some levels hidden there too.

Attached: meta secret.png (870x519, 29K)

Think harder and git gud.

all levels in this game are doable, remember, its a logic game, don't take anything for granted unless its a rule you can't change.

objects with pull can be pulled

I'll just tell you now to save you some agony, objects with pull can pull other objects with pull so a lot of the pull mechanic is building a chain without breaking it and using it to reach something out of reach.

you will even build the chain out of reach in some levels.

I'm not super far into the game (I think?) but I love the fact that literally every level breaks the rules you thought you knew from the level before

Attached: 1550600547125.jpg (324x407, 22K)

>empty is pull
>text is pull

that was a kino jojo reference

Attached: file.png (400x400, 322K)

>basic hint
Level 9 is on the left side, and you need to cross the gap. How can you do this using your available tools?
>intermediate hint
You cannot get there with the current amount of BABAs and FLAGs that you have. You're 1 short, and should have 1 BABA and 1 FLAG on each side of the middle door
>Obvious hint
What else can you manipulate in the META overworld?
>Spoonfeeding hint
Drown the fucking levels. BABA requires blood.

>Level 08 (under 7) can be turned into Flag and Baba at the same time.
Oh, now i see what i'm missing.
>You need to push something into the water to clear the way.
That i managed to figure out, but somehow i am too brainlet to notice tele in level 08

Yeah but I'm on the level where the fungus has the flag but is stuck in a corner next to defeat leaves, give me hint

Wait, now i'm confused, you need to stack the BABA and FLAG texts on top of each other to form level is flag and level is win at the same time, right?

Factory was honestly easy once you paid attention to the number of the doors that the level has. This makes you think about the boxes.

post image or tell me the fucking name of the level so I can spoonfed you brainlet bababro

>finally get good at SHIFT
>suddenly SWAP
He can't keep getting away with it

Attached: 1467497573073.png (500x678, 505K)

Text stacking is top tier.

You are going to have to be more specific.

If you're talking about Leaf Chamber I literally gave you the exact fucking hint for that level.

I wanna watch an user play this.
please stream somebody, I like the music.

>Is Shift on Is Shift

Attached: s3-news-tmp-77017-1352344909_3--2x1--940.jpg (940x470, 117K)

ok what the fuck

Attached: file.png (1684x1079, 77K)

Your menu cursor is baba.
I'm genuinely surprised they didn't hide something in the menu that I could find

Baba can't go back to any other level

Attached: baba is stuck.jpg (1920x1080, 329K)

I feel like I brute forced through this. Is this really how it was supposed to be played out, or did I go unga?

Attached: 20190320143910_1.jpg (1920x1080, 161K)

Please send help

Attached: file.png (1919x1079, 61K)

I finally managed to reach level 09, thanks!
>it's another episode of "let's get stuck yet another hour on a level"

that's the correct solution.
generally if you can make X is YOU and X has X, that's the intended solution.

how the fuck do I do this, I don't even know how I would begin to get past the text to get to the flag
is this like prison where the solution some obscure gimmick?

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 68K)

What do I do? All I can think of is pushing stuff across the lava...

Attached: wat do.png (481x477, 8K)

Mess around with the NOT for a bit and you'll probably get it.

there are two ways to solve that puzzle user
one is the easy way, the other is the tedious way

the easy method involves taking a VERY close look at the rules of the level
the tedious method involves just abusing the positionings of the BABAs

if you need another hint, how can you make BABA not be lonely?

this level is all about the NOT word user. Try fucking around some more.

The easy method is worth keeping in mind since the bonus level version requires it

got it, thanks
for some reason putting it in front seemed really unintuitive to me

Maybe fusing both babas? idk

Fuck I figured it out, it was leaf chamber but I didn't realize I could have the leaves move over the foliage to let me then pull them down.

Nevermind, figured it out.

Attached: spidermanvsthewall2.jpg (400x392, 63K)

If the BABAs are on the same tile, are they lonely?

Attached: bunny face.png (1043x689, 81K)

All right. that's the meta secrets done.
I have 3 orbs. There are apparently 4.
I got 2 from an island in the bottom right of the first map
I got 1 from the ??? island, in the Orb level.
Where's the last one?

Also, I found one of the secrets on ??? island - the rock you push around. Any clue on where the last one is?

Attached: meta secret.png (870x519, 30K)

>scenic pond
I don't get it

Attached: MikaBongo.gif (456x404, 326K)

no? but I don't get how am I supposed to get both babas in the same platform.

I don't know if it helps but...
On the level where there's only baba and a flag, if you move around the top of the center and somehow manage to randomly push stuff where it should be, an orb appears at some point, in the level. I couldn't interact with it though.

I got those. The red dot in the bottom right of the first map.
Thanks for the info.
You can get 2 Orbs on that level.
Heck, you can get 6 orbs, but the game only gives you credit for two of them.

I can genuinely say this is probably the first level where having any background in formal logic is super useful.

Not knowing how nots would been not fun.

Me neither. I managed to stack KEKE and BABA and got rid of the pond but I just can't figure out how to deal with the skull turning into a wall.

Not sure if you're still here OP but yeah, I don't remember exactly the steps I took but it involved pushing the flag into the left hand side just right.
Since there's no flag word in the overworld, it's probably unintentional.

Attached: flag.jpg (840x628, 116K)

god this level is trash

Attached: file.png (1919x1079, 63K)

Wait what? You can turn Depths into a Flag? How the heck?

>you will even build the chain out of reach

There's a harder version of it later where the door doesn't move.

Floating things don't sink.

user you've been given the easy answer already for this level
it's pretty hard to spoonfeed you any more than we already have aside from literally giving you the answer

I know right
I don't even know how to get anything to that stupid float in the corner but I'll try

Attached: 20190320190045_1.jpg (2560x1440, 274K)

Can Someone give me a hint for out at sea? What kind of black magic do I need to push ice and lava.

The other ??? secret level is very, very similar to the rock, in terms of how you access it.
You can lock yourself out of it, so you might have to restart ??? to try again

Have a stacked KEKE+BABA and a BABA by itself which is not stacked.
Get two BABA running around the main area.
BABA IS YOU is one phrase you're using, BABA HAS [KEKE+BABA] is the other.
Ram one baba in to the skull, it makes a Keke and a Baba. You control the Baba but not the Keke.
Push Flag downwards.
Change to [BABA+KEKE] is you, using the Baba you still control in the main area.
You now also control the Keke that is on the skull.
Sit your Baba on it. gg.

Also, let me just say that I love that because this is a logic game, any hint you can give a person sounds like you're trying to fuck with them.

If I hadn't played this game before so i knew how complicated it was and was asked to solve that puzzle as my first and got that hint, I'd legitimately be like pic related.

Attached: 7b2.jpg (569x571, 172K)

Region + Number of this level?

No, ultimate maze.
I'm trying to recreate it now with no luck - it might have been patched out.

217 Levels
11 Regions, though Depths, Meta and Center aren't showing up as flowers.
I also have no idea how to make Depths a flag, only rock or grass.
4 Orbs
We done?

That sounds interesting. I'm gonna try it.

Attached: Baba is done.png (870x519, 27K)

if you haven't updated the game, depths meta and center are bugged to not show 100% flower completion

wtf is this

If you're playing on an older patch, then yeah, that's 100%. Depths / Meta are flowering on current patch, so I'd guess you are.

overlapping text

how in the fuck

Attached: 20190320191728_1.jpg (2560x1440, 276K)

Maybe my brain is just fried or maybe it's low IQ but I've been stumped on Skull House for the last two hours. Can someone give me a hint, please

does TEXT IS PUSH accomplish anything?

you need more than 2 objects to get out

mass produce kekes and go allahu akbar in the water

This Is Baba Is You.

I can't

Baba is Float + Baba is You at the same time.
That's the easy version btw
There's a harder one later where you can't undo the float.

This game is making me feel like an idiot, I've been stuck on Lake - 2 for about 30 minutes, fuck.
Also is there any word on this game having a level creator or something? Player made levels for a game like this seems it would fit.

>Deep pool
what the fuck

Attached: 60309986.jpg (445x503, 111K)

There is a level creator's that mostly complete already -- the dev used it to make the levels.
Apparently he's working on making it more user-friendly before releasing it, but the files are already there and people have figured out how to get it working already.

It's the first level to introduce a new mechanic so I'll just say...that's a curious amount of Ises isn't it?

>META 15
am I at least close?

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 91K)

If you turn level 14 into a flag, then that means level 15 is LEVEL NEAR FLAG.

oh, I forgot that 14 had a FLAG solution
I was unironically running around on a goose chase pushing text across the fucking meta overworld and duplicating my cursor. didn't realize it was that simple.

You should be able to solve this.

Attached: ice_sculpting.jpg (980x652, 102K)



How the fuck am I supposed to get anything in or out of the fence area to even make those lines then

Object Is Slide when? I want me some ice block puzzles.

Or what if, Small and Large to change block sizes.

Or Stick to glue blocks together.

>ONE through TEN
are there any other images to find?
>Image is ME does not work

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 302K)

twelve, sixteen?

no L to make it with
SIXTEEN was pic related though

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 249K)

local nums = {
one = {1, "a very early version of the game."},
two = {2, "mockups made while figuring out the artstyle."},
three = {3, "early tests for different palettes."},
four = {4, "a very early version of the map."},
five = {5, "how the map was supposed to be laid out."},
six = {6, "first iterations of a non-abstract world map."},
seven = {7, "trying to figure out the pulling mechanic."},
eight = {8, "watercolour - title"},
nine = {9, "watercolour - space"},
ten = {10, "watercolour - keke"},
fourteen = {11, "sudden inspiration led to a three-eyed baba."},
sixteen = {12, "the pushing system was very hard to construct."},
minusone = {13, "some to-do notes, in finnish!"},
minustwo = {14, "a mockup of the map."},
minusthree = {15, "trying to plot out the 'default' objects."},
minusten = {16, "a flowchart for seeing which levels are 'related'."},
win = {0, "win"}

>skull has wall

Attached: 20190320195436_1.jpg (2560x1440, 269K)

>tfw you remember why you don't play puzzle games

Attached: 1494254196795.jpg (398x381, 13K)

For the easy version of the level you're using, Baba is float.
There's a later version where you can't stop floating though.

One of the text overlapping levels is the only level I had to get a hint for. It uses a text stacking method that is only used in 1 level and it really fucked me up, I didn't even think about it.

but it's "literally" impossible to make baba is float and I don't get how I'm supposed to get anything in that shitty fence area

The 3rd version where the skull has a wall and you can't stop floating is shit

god I love when I break the game, makes all the times it made me feel like a retard worth it

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 86K)

Try harder please. You can easily make Baba is float in the fenced area.

So long, and thanks for all the cake.

Attached: done.png (870x519, 38K)

>try harder
>get it
>so close but so far away

Attached: 20190320200142_1.jpg (2560x1440, 278K)

Now you just need to stop floating.

you already have it, just break up BABA IS FLOAT

oh wait i'm an idiot

Burp, damn it

Zoomers will not understand Le Gene Wilder reference.

Does Is Float stack to create multiple layers?

No. But Shift does!

Why was the "harder" version easier to beat

Attached: 20190320201609_1.jpg (2560x1440, 270K)

Jesus... I just realized all of the logic/scripts/sprites are all unpacked files so you could write your own baba sequel pretty easily. The user made content for this game is gonna be nuts.

This game has convinced me I am retarded and I am only on the start of the lake.

>Baba is you too
oh no

Attached: 1472100721154.png (277x325, 123K)

Someone already made a janky baba platformer.

That is not the hard version.
The hard version is near the end of the game, and makes it so you can't break up "Baba is float" once it's been created.
You need to beat the level without floating at all.