Why.do you people buy new games that you'll hate and stop playing after 2 hours of gameplay?

Why.do you people buy new games that you'll hate and stop playing after 2 hours of gameplay?

Why can't you simply be happy with one emulator, a collection of nes/snes games and be done with it?

Do you think you'll get more enjoyment out of the last asscreeds instead of playing super mario world 3? Do you think you'll get a bigger dopamine rush out of a 70$ game?

Why are gamers such cretinous little consumers machine?

Why can't you have fun with what was considered the top of entertainment 20 years ago?

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Other urls found in this thread:


People are spoiled with the rush of things nowadays. They want things on demand, yet complain about having it incomplete or not as expected. Consumers like to hoard shit, buy things with the intention of finishing them in the far future, and complain about being bored or disasisfied with shit that isn't like such.

technology used to make games is advancing
there's hope that the ideas for the games themselves would be as well.

I don't know if they realized this yet, but consumption itself isn't going to make them happy, if they're unsatisfied with the games they already have right now, they still will be unsatisfied with whatever product they're going to buy in the future.

They usually won't notice it right away. Tunnel vision is troublesome for sure. I just miss playing games that innovate or test the limitations of hardware. Pixelated games were cool because they had set rules for pixels like color schemes and number of pixels. You simply couldn't unga bunga colors together. iirc, nintendo never had the color red. It was always close, but never a true red.


>Why can't you have fun with what was considered the top of entertainment 20 years ago?
First of all, Super Mario World 3 was not top of the entertainment 20 years ago.
Second of all: The main reason is because I'm not 4 years old anymore. I do have plenty of fun with 20 years old games, but not fucking console trash LITERALLY ENTIRELY DESIGNED FOR VERY LITTLE CHILDREN.

So, what kind of "adult" game justifying your 2500$ rig are you playing right now user?
You won't ever be able to go back to genuine excitement and good times if you're always chasing the last "new modern thing" the jews are selling.

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this is a dumb argument

I'm not sure. I find enjoyment from a lot of things. Whether it be looking through second hand shops for old games or playing new stuff. Every part of my "gaming experience" I derive enjoyment from. I try not to hop on every new fad and if I do it's usually something free where the only thing I spend on it is my time.
Sometimes it is just nice to sit down and play a new game, being able to shitpost and discuss it on Yea Forums brings a sense of friendship in all honesty, as I usually feel very isolated when I play an older game.
I think that at the core I just like gaming, and always want to see it progress in a positive way. Every once in a while I'll find something new that I'll think will be the next hot thing and get some fun out of it.

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I buy all my games secondhand. Recently bought 5 games for 25€ (Infamous 2, Brutal Legend, Wolf Among Us, A Crack in Time, Prince of Persia 08) and bought Mass Effect trilogy yesterday for 10€. All of these games, except for the last one, i played for a few mins then stopped since i got nothing out of it other than being repeatedly reminded that games can't help me with my problems, the emotions and facts of my life that im not facing by desperately trying to consume something (in this case, games) which just ends up eating me up.
And yet i keep on buying all these games i never play simply for the shortlived thrill of buying them "for a rainy day" and the sake of just having them.

>So, what kind of "adult" game justifying your 2500$ rig are you playing right now user?
I have a fairly old computer cost about 500 bucks those five years ago and still can run most contemporary games, though honestly, the last game that put any kind of strain on it was Kingdom Come, Total War games and Prey. Which were pretty good. I recently, I mostly played games like Factorio, Rimworld, Dusk, Amid Evil, Kerbal, Into the Breach, StarSector, I'm planning to revisit the last X game too.

>You won't ever be able to go back to genuine excitement and good times
I might not relive the experience of my childhood but that is because, again, I'm not a child. But there are dozens of great new games, some of them more and some of them less hardware taxing, coming out today. Complex, clever, thrilling or beautiful titles. Games like Factorio, game we could have even dreamed about twenty years ago.
But yeah, keep blaming the fucking jews while you are sucking cock of the most corporare, mindless console trash from long time ago. You are literally no different from the kids who are now praising Halo as the pinnacle of gaming.

>as I usually feel very isolated when I play an older game.

I hope some terrorist group shut down the internet one day, that kind of statement isn't normal. You shouldn't feel isolated when playing something that isn't brand new and talked all over the internet.

I find myself trying to become proficient in genres. I've always played arcade fighters and sometimes i want to take a break from fighting games, so i tried to play some SHMUP's. I'm getting better in some, but i'm still pretty bad. I'm always going to live in poverty, so my gaming experience is always a gen or two behind what is current, but i feel that i'm not missing much since a lot of games are remakes/remasters of games i've enjoyed with all the bugs and problems still present.

>But yeah, keep blaming the fucking jews while you are sucking cock of the most corporare, mindless console trash from long time ago. You are literally no different from the kids who are now praising Halo as the pinnacle of gaming.

I gave nes/snes as an example because it's so easy to find nintendo rompacks in ten seconds and the ratio of good/bad games is excellent , not because I'm attached to nintendo or anything

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I mean even among my friends as well. I don't know how to explain it other than some existential thing. Like the thought that I could very well be, with some accuracy, the only person playing that game at that time. I'm not saying I feel lonely, it's more of a cubicle feel if anything. At least with new-ish games I can bet that there's someone playing them.

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Pc gaming will never be in my budget... I resort to poverty fighters and emulation or modded systems i had to mod; through the generosity of friends that have donor systems that still somewhat function.

A better question is why does it matter to you? The fact that you're so invested into the fact that people enjoy playing and talking about new games rather than games that are two decades old is fucking astounding.

You're projecting, and it shows.

Get a job and stop justifying your lack of current gen hardware as being "enlightened" because you only play old games.

I don't really understand. I'm pretty sure I spend less on my PC than vast majority of people do on consoles.

But i do work. My money goes to adult things like rent, food, car related expenses and savings. I never know when i might need to pay for a family member being sick or something. That would be selfish of me just to spend it on a computer for my own pleasure or current gem stuff.

Because I browse Yea Forums daily and only see sad people complaining about the industry fucking them raw.
The other half of the board are shills.

Try to focus on the game itself, I'm too busy trying to get good and being excited about discovering a new, hard to unlock level to care about the number of people playing said game on twitch.

I probably have to do my homework on parts and buy at the right time, but as of now: I have more important things to spend my money on. I can't be selfish even if i wanted to lol.

> I never know when i might need to pay for a family member being sick or something.
lmao at americucks AHAHAHAHAHA

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Games are pretty much infinitely better now than snes. NES was almost entirely bad and is in most cases unplayable today.

Indie games are at their highest point ever

I genuinely don't get your argument. We should just give up on the modern industry entirely? Why? The industry, at it's worst, can pump out an amazing game or two every few years. It's not worth killing it because of that. I feel like you're on the wrong board to complaining about people complaining about the industry. is that way. You might enjoy it more over there.

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Our health care system is in the top 5% of effectiveness. Most European countries do not remotely compete.

The graph is showing efficiency, not effectiveness.

Then why am I having so much fun on rad racer and og castlekino?

Sure, but i'm some japanese-american kid in the US. I love my parents and they spoiled me rotten to make sure that i can grow up with no real struggle. I don't think americans will ever understand the kind of tribute a child could want to offer to two people who were my literal caretakers until i knew what i needed to do.

no one is happy with their life, they strive to improve it whenever the can

some people have replaced their life with video games, and no matter how much they try, they cannot improve it

>universal healthcare
Good joke.

You would be suprised how many canadians come into the states just for specialized doctors. The US might be a mess, but i have a little bit of hope.

>he dosent own a classic games collection
Fucking casual

Because you're telling yourself you are. People like you don't even research properly and just go after fantasy. You should be playing jaguar xj 220 on Sega cd.

Original Castlevania games are and always were bad. In their day they were bad. 3 was a technical achievement at least.

Maybe OP would like to save space and not hoard so much. You probably have a steam collection of 100+ Games, but only play CS:GO and league of legends...

People fly from everywhere in the world for our specialists because we have the world's best. This includes extremely rich people and heads of state.

The US has the highest rate of child cancer clearance and the average parental expenditure is $0.

>not just playing spyro 1 and 3 over and over

I thought they were not that bad. I could be wrong, though. People on Yea Forums just try to find flaws and complaints in everything :c

>brother suddenly got appendicitis
>$20k bill
>healthcare plan didn't cover it and too poor to cough up 20 grand just like that
>hospital not accepting monthly payment plan
>has to pay all upfront pretty soon or collections is coming for his ass

God bless this country

um, we have some of the worst outcomes in the western world given the average person. what're you talking about?

And how can you possibly say we're even remotely 'effective' when we spend the most in healthcare period and the next one down spends half and has way better health outcomes?


Would filing for bankruptcy help? Idk how that shit works, but it's like a hard reset or something to your credit, nah?

>you're just pretending to have fun, its not actual fun

Don't worry, here's how im having fun when I'm not playing video games anyway.

Is this nu-fun?

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I could tell you many better side scrolling nes games. There were plenty. People seem to obsess over CV here because or difficulty. CV is bad hard. Design good. Random bad.

So your brother was cured of his appendicitis by surgery correct? Do you not understand that this thing that happened cost vast skill and resources to do?

Did he sign up for the need based program at the hospital? No, or course you didn't ask. If he is very broke it could likely be free

Damn son they made a SMW3?

Why do people need to watch movies and play games. Why can't they just read books on their phones. Do you the you'll get more enjoyment out of watching Robot Cop or Uno instead of them reading the Great Gatsby or Lord of the Flies.

Outcomes linked to prior patient health yes

Objective outcomes based on quality of care given, hard no. We are a world leader.

I suspect he means cure rate success rates. Which are indeed higher in US than in most of the world. Those who do get treated, usually get treated very effectively. It's just that it either financially ruins them, or they simply won't get the proper treatment to begin with.

But it is true that efficiency of the treatment in US, they do have some of the best specialists and most advanced treatment techniques in the world.

>do you not understand that this surgery or diagnosis requires a lot of skill and professional workers?

Of course. Do you think that's a reasonable cost that the average individual can afford when most americans can't afford a random 500$ unexpectedly? Of course not.

>did you sign up for a needs based program?

As someone who's been at the hospital several times at least in my state, there's no such thing. There's 'medicare', but that covers a very small group of individuals; most low-middle class people aren't going to qualify. And, hospitals aren't to just going to let you go 'free', they sometimes will do that at like christian hospitals if they feel you're too poor to make any payments, but that usually requires proof and extensive paperwork after the fact.

And again, this is completely at the hospitals discretion, they don't have to give anything free and you're going to be fucked if not.

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Why don't you read the same books over and over
Why don't you listen to the same music over and over
Why don't watch the same movies over and over

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>As someone who's been at the hospital several times at least in my state, there's no such thing. There's 'medicare', but that covers a very small group of individuals; most low-middle class people aren't going to qualify. And, hospitals aren't to just going to let you go 'free', they sometimes will do that at like christian hospitals if they feel you're too poor to make any payments, but that usually requires proof and extensive paperwork after the fact.

Yes, there is. Go ask the business office at the hospital he went to. Literally 100% of hospitals have need programs. This is not related to state or federal the hospital is not a socialized entity.

Rich people get good treatment
Poor people don't even bother as they don't have money for it, dying outside of the hospitals grasps
In the end it looks good in success rates. Poor people aren't people in statistics, middle-class can cough up few grands and get treatment as well.
So all is well that ends well

You played the thousands of thousands of games available on older platforms already?

This. What a stupid fucking thread. An the Super Mario 3 thing makes you sound like Movie Blob.

Ok no, we have horrible outcomes for things like cancer, infant mortality rates, and medical bankruptcy. This 'top tier' medical facilities are exclusively for people that can actually afford it. If we have the best healthcare system, which we don't, but lets assume we do and no one can actually participate in it, then is it actually good?

cure rate in what?

We suck ass at cancer for example.


See, the fact that you're fighting tooth and nail to defend a fucked up system in a civilized 1st world country makes me think you people have no fucking souls. People meme all time that 3rd worlders or chinks are soulless bugmen that don't care about others, but seeing you fucking scum makes me sick.

If someone has to choose to die because he can't pay for medical services, that's not a fucking """"civilized""" nation. You're a bunch of goddamn hypocritical assholes.

Ok, you need to actually clarify what you're talking about. Like obviously a business is going to have payment plans... cause thats what a hospital is, but if that's what you mean by 'need programs' or some subsidiary then you're just wrong.

If this was the case why is medical aid so unaffordable to the average american? Wouldn't this never be the case?

>make a shitpost thread on Yea Forums because I'm bored and because that's fun
>slowly drift into the topic of healthcare and burgers vs the world

I love this dumb stupid place

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The link you posted counters what you said retard.

I am not defending it ehatsoever, I am dispelling your illusional reality of it. Our medical system is high tech and our professionals world leading. New hospitals are constantly built.

It's not where it should be, but neither is it as your fantasy based in internet rumors

Poor people aren't people in US
They are trash and not needed
At least that is what I hear from most of the Muricans

Was wondering this myself. So Murica has a healthcare system afterall or...?

You're going to argue instead of calling tomorrow, hilariously. 20k on the line but start an internet argument with a nurse instead. You utter genius. Did you ever consider that these attitudes are what have made you poor?

I guess the talking about the cure rate for saneness, because the usa is the world leader in that category

>link posted countered what you said retard

Okay, i'm retarded. Can you make a specific claim and we can run down why you're wrong?
I'd be glad to show you.

Wait, so you're not actually going to say anything? I barely even understood your sentence. You need to stop shaking and be coherent.

Oh yeah and by th way nobody fucking dies because they can't pay. Any person can go to ant hospital at any time for treatment and CAN NOT BE TURNED DOWN.

The government does not owe you fucking 20 million dollars in cancer treatment because you're an unemployed 76 year old man. People have value. Tough reality baby

>We suck ass at cancer for example.
You really don't, actually. US is in top 10 rates in most of those lists, and given that US also has some of the absolute fucking worst lifestyle qualities, some of the absolute worst food in the world, and generally makes life harder for people in most respects, and there is treatment availability issues all across the board, it's actually really damn good.
People from all around the world turn to cancer treatments to US if they have the money to pay for high-quality care. Or they at least look to US for treatment strategies and tech.

So, because america is so ass in every way that we're likely to get cancer and we're so cancerous; then it's okay to suck at cancer.

And again, you're referring to something literally only rich people can explore. That's not really a good comparison for healthcare to the individual on a nation level.

All he asked was clarity and how the system works
You wouldn't lie on internet about money stuff, would you? There is 20k on line so of course he wants clarity on this issue before making calls that could possibly make his chances lower for using wrong words and arguments. Do no harm my friend, do not break it

>Have highest clearance rate of almost all childhood cancers
>Meaning lifestyle factors are not part of the equation
>Be top 10, top 25, #1 etc in various adult cancers
>This means we "suck at curing cancer"

You are possibly the dumbest person using Yea Forums right now. Arguing purely out of personal frustration and serving up numbers that defeat yourself without even looking at them.

5 year survival rates for adults do not equal cancer clearance btw. Those rates are extremely reliant on preexisting health status. Of course we're going to lose to fucking Denmark.

oh. i'm not the guy who needs 20k for his brother; i'm just a guy who's know basic shit about us healthcare and that what you're saying is just complete bullshit. I mean, you're completely making up what you're saying.

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You don't suck at it. Two people already informed you: the link you provide actually shows US to have 5th best in the world in average cancer survival rates, and usually ranks in the top ten in most of the particular cancer survival rates.

And again: considering everything that is stacked against you, this actually proves that the actual medical care and treatment is really, really damn effective.

I don't like american healthcare and the philosophy behind it seems short-sighted, but I am pretty sure if I had cancer and the money, I'd bank I'd have better chances in US than anywhere else.

Some are worth going back to, but to be quite frank, most older games are quite outdated and shit.

I mean, you brought up how america is so bad at all of these things as a means of justifying why we're bad at cancer. I mean if it wasn't apart of your argument just don't bring it up next time.

>arguing out of frustation

I mean, you're calling me dumb and getting mad that I'm acknowledging what you're saying. I mean if you can't handle it, that's okay. Have a nice day.

>M-my internal narrative built from disparate unverified and largely hateful/abusive internet sources can't POSSIBLY BE WRONG!!!

you are literally acting EXACTLY like a purple hair feminist.

Cannot be turned down for treatment =/= not having to pay

Holy fuck you're retarded. I really hope you get ass cancer or a crippling disease and an hero because you can't afford your payments

>if i had cancer and infinite money; then going to best facility in the world would be amazing

no shit, we're talking about people not having access to these. US has the best cancer facilities in the world. This is true. You can't access them as an average person though.

If you were a regular brokeass on Yea Forums, like you are, then you're going to not wanna be in America if you have cancer. America is in fact, the last place you want to be in the first world.

You can't argue against that.

Poverty fighters are the most fun though. What do you play?

well if you wanna talk about something specifically instead of literally 'reeing' we can, kiddo.

you're so lost it would take an hour just to strip the molding retardation on your brain

>playing on an emulator and not original hardware

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You are a horrible nurse if you are ready to let someone die to poorness just because you want to be smug on internet. Looks like Hippocratic oath means nothing in Murica. baka


But it happens like non-stop all day though. To normal people.

>abusive hateful sources

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>US has the best cancer facilities in the world. This is true. You can't access them as an average person though.
Yeah. But that was the whole point. Difference between efficiency and effectivity. American health care has low efficiency rates (you on average have to spend much more money to be treated), but very high effectivity rates (meaning that if you are treated, the likelihood of the treatment being successful is very high).

So you don't suck at curing cancer: you suck at making the care available.

How do you pay for it as a normal person? A single ER trip is around 5k. A single pill for HIV can be upwards of 1k. This is the base level expenses for someone without healthcare and you're talking literally cancer. How do you pay for it?

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I'm not surprised an autist missed the point. Why the fuck do you think people always make gofundmes or donation shit to pay for cancer treatnments? Because it's expensive as shit.

No shit that people can be cured, but if you're rich you won't be placed in crippling debt which could be worse than cancer itself for some families

Okay, but people aren't getting treated cause they can't afford it. You keep bringing it back to, "well if given infinite money, then of course you'll be fine', but if you're poor, which most people are, they're not going to have access to it. This isn't effective.

If you're poor or middle class with cancer, you'd want to be in pretty much any other fuckin' western country. Period. Argue against that.

Hiv medicine is paid for 100% of the time by the federal government how do you not know this

Emergency room bills? I have like 40k in them. I ignore them. In 10 years they never happened.

Because they don't have insurance because they're unemployed leeches, dumbass.

>hiv medicine is paid for 100%
>i don't ever pay emergency room bills
>people without insurance are leeches

okay it's wayyyyyyy past your bedtime, kiddo. get to bed, now.

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>Argue against that.
Why would I? Though it is a bit dishonest to claim middle class can't afford it: if you are financially responsible, then you'll be fine (again, it's a matter of priorities, you'll just need to think ahead and cut back on other luxuries you might have available if you'd live in a different country, but it's not true that you are screwed out of healthcare unless you really are in the lower and lowest income groups).

But again: I'm not defending american healthcare. I live in a country that has actually a surprisingly good healthcare all things considered and I'm gratful for it, I think our model works better in the long run (though it will need reforms, it's currently not sustainable).

My entire point was to clear out differences between individual terms and different individual problems that were mention in this thread.


It's like a fucking broken record with you cucks. Imagine thinking that everyone without decent healthcare is unemployed. This is the fucking state of Americans that suck kike dick. You're so fucking brainwashed that even if you were in the same situation, you'd blame someone else. You're a fucking waste of space

I used to buy a ton of games that I never played.
These days I'm just satisfied with the amount of video games I have to play.

Let the teen rage out it's ok type that rage up into that little white box just as hard as you want

>individual problems
I mean it's not dishonesty when I say the average american can't afford healthcare and it's not about financial priorities.

Here's two stats.

63% of Americans can't afford an emergency 500$ drop


The average cost of an ER visit (and this doesn't include any days staying at hospital or xrays) is about 1,917 per visit on outpatient.


I guess Americans are just so financially irresponsible that literally no one can afford healthcare? Dumb fucking Americans at it again, I tell ya.

>why would I

Cause then you'd never argue to have cancer and be in America. You literally only defended this notion in the case that you're rich which was his entire point.

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"Poor people aren't people" once again from Murican's mouth.
Makes me worried for unemployed people from US

i refuse to believe that's the national standard
i want to see state-by-state maps

>You shouldn't feel isolated when playing something that isn't brand new and talked all over the internet.
Well, this hobby can be lonely as fuck and humans are inherently social creatures. That's why we waste so much time discussing shit on Yea Forums instead of playing games, when the average poster often isn't even exactly a pleasant person to talk with.

I was more happy as a kid in the 90 playing video games alone in my room isolated from the world, and I didn't had any friends too.

Internet, mobile phones and social media intoxicated everyone, now when you're "offline" for more than 20 minutes you feel that need, you need that "fix", it's the new drug. It's even worse than porn, I don't know how to stop.

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I have 3000 games on my steam account. Its too far gone to go back. Could have bought a new car or something with the amount of new releases I buy.

Jesus that pic. Over protective mothers are a plague to society, they should be put in their place.

I play whatever I want, fag.
Last weekend I was playing Castlevania IV on SNES
Next day I was playing EDF on PS4.
Sometimes I build shitty factory in Factorio on PC.
And I also got preorder on SRW T for 75$ rolling.
So stop being a faggot, OP.

Make me

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