What was the first time you got truly impressed by graphics vs times you got impressed by graphics today

What was the first time you got truly impressed by graphics vs times you got impressed by graphics today

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can't remember the first time. Last time would be vid related, although the rest of the game didn't look that good

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I remember reading about Doom 3 in a gaming magazine, thinking that the graphics were impossibly good, and that game graphics had reached their peak.

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>11 years
still looks better than 99% of all AAA now

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The first time I played through Twilight Princess I remember being really impressed with how much better it looked than Ocarina of Time. A lot of enemies and locations in TP were re-imagined versions of enemies and locations from OOT so I had a direct comparison to go off of

Killzone 2 in the ps3 really got my attention

Right now probably AC:Unity, The Witcher 3 and Batman Arkham Knight and even those have a few years

serioulsy, read dead 2

the first memory I have of going "oh wow" was, embarrassingly enough, Perfect Dark Zero on the 360, right when it just had come out. The sun glinting off the guns, the HD resolution, not sure what it was that impressed me. It's utter dogshit. Before that, game graphics never really stood out to me. I was maybe too young to appreciate specific qualities.

MGS3 is an amazingly good looking game that came out 15 years ago

Metro 2033. Walked in on my brother playing it, got literally spooked by one of the large rats moving on screen

First time I loaded up timesplitters on my ps2 I remember shitting myself.

unironically Halo Reach, first time I got my hands on a HDTV and booted up the space level, was blown away after years of CRT gaming

Chaos Theory still has textures like in vents and shit that put other games to shame, too

Building a new computer just to play Supreme Commander on decent settings and more than 15 fps, was an orgasmic feeling.

Nowadays, DMC5. Just the faces, they look fucking real, the hair and lipsync is meh, but goddamn those faces and expressions are photo real.

I couldn't believe this shit was real rendered graphics, not even a cutscene. It blew my child brain at the time.

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I thought the original dirt racing game was fucking amazing. I played it’s demo at a supermarket before release. Also COD4.

>first time you got truly impressed by graphics
I went from the N64 to the Xbox so Halo and the water effects from Bloodwake blew my mind.
> you got impressed by graphics today
This is not necessarily about fidelity but the optimization on Doom 2016 impressed me.

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Man, chaos theory was way ahead of its time, the game still looks good.
>first time you got truly impressed by graphics
Thief 2 demo, just the way the city looked combined with how dark and realistic it felt at the time, like stepping inside a real world
>impressed by graphics today
Deus ex: MD had a pretty nice looking hub area.
Also Hitman 2 becuase of the large crowds

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>impressed then
Watching my friend play MGS 3

>impressed now
seeing somebody get sideways god ray lighting to work in a Doom 2 map

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Mafia 2 that ran very well on my toaster laptop at the time
RDR2 on xbox one, the art in that game is amazing, best outdoors i've seen in a game so far

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metroid prime
I think the last time i was really impressed with a game's graphics without any mods was Paragon.

>First time
Homeworld 1 & 2. There was something magical about watching the Mothership split open and bring out a fucking capital ship after building for X amount of time. Fighters like Defenders had tiny gun compartments which could open up which was neat too.
>Recent time
Unironically Star Citizen. There's a fucking stupid amount of fidelity in the world. If you walk out onto the landing pads of Port Olisar you can literally see the texture of the material and all of the uneven imperfections that you might find on real pavement. The cockpits, engineering bays, server rooms etc found inside ships also have an autistic amount of eye candy.

Mirror's Edge absolutely blows my mind to this day

Still can't find a game I find more graphically impressive on a technical and texture level than Arkham Knight

ARK surprised me until I realized everything looks like shit

UT99, the reflections everywhere coupled with the particle effects and vivid colors and fast pace in both single- and multiplayer blew my mind. The following years were even more insane.

I remember seeing GTA4 on my friend’s PC, his rig ran it well with a good framerate and having only played GTA VC and Just Cause 1, i was just blown away. Every npc was a ragdoll with great animations. We would go in a hospital killing everybody and it was great, same with running pedestrians over. Everything felt like real life.So much technology for its time.

I remember being impressed by Little Big Planet's graphics, it had a lot of really nice textures

The only times recently I think were some of the environment shots in RDR2 and some moments in Insurgency Sandstorm were the lighting made the action look really good.

Those early screenshots of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in like 2003. It was the first time I saw a video game world that looked so real.

Recently I'd say The Witcher 3 unironically, love the vegetation in this game. I also was impressed by Kingdom Come Deliverance but I still haven't played it.

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Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2 and Metroid Prime on the Gamecube were truly next level graphics for the time. Rogue Squadron 2 still looks great. Wind Waker also looked great and is in fact timeless.

Nowadays, the EA Star Wars Battlefront games, RDR2, and every PS4 exclusive are unparalleled.

First time I've seen Resident Evil 2 on PS. I couldn't belive it was actual game and not some cutscene. Shit felt so real and so fucking scary. Before that the best I'd seen were games on Sega Genesis so RE was unbelievable.

I've never been that impressed by graphics since.

>What was the first time you got truly impressed by graphics
turbo jurassic dinosaur gramps here
first time was colored lighting in quake 2
then unreal
then half life 1
then curved surfaces, portals, and fog in quake 3

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I still remember playing Halo 3 on a Mono TV from 1990 through RF with a possible resolution of 480i and thinking it was the most realistic looking game I've ever played back in 2007 or so. Funnily enough, that TV made Half Life 2 look like real life when I played it via the Orange Box in 2009.

These days, I think it's mostly FPS games where I've taken a step back to marvel at the world. Alien Isolation, Doom 2016, Prey (when V-sync was turned off), Titanfall 2. They were really amazing looking games and I'm still amazed at them. Isolation and Titanfall 2 especially.

Kinda wish we had a Terminator game these days made by the same people as Isolation. It'd look fantastic and be a great homage to the movies.

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Whoever did this level must have known how to do color and lighting properly

Far Cry 1, Half-Life 2, then Mirror's Edge, nothing ever really gave the 'Wow' or 'Fascinating' reaction like those games and their associated titles. Maybe Shaders for Minecraft, lol.

half life 2
Graphic jump after that was miniscule so I dont get impressed anymore. Thats not to say there are no amazing looking games

>Whoever did this level
You mean the whole game

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Black for Xbox

Graphics are really boring nowadays and advancements have plateaued pretty hard. Everything has that samey look to it. Its hard not to find a triple A game that doesnt use the standard PBR shaders, deferred rendering with your standard crappy post processing SSAO/HBAO and SSR crap.

HL2 water

I remember seeing thew screenshots for TES: Oblivion back in the day and thinking how amazingly detailed everything was.

Most recent one to impress me would be Resident Evil 2

This but I bought the game without seeing reviews and saw the graphics for the first time in actual gameplay.


Top tier immersion.

other notable mentions are Tomb Raider 1 when I made the leap from genesis to playstation, GTA 3, Half Life 2, FEAR and Metal Gear Solid 2 all played at their respective first release dates.

I havn't been blown away by a game graphically in over 15 years or so.

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I forgot Oblivion. That game was also ludicrous at the time. All the grass, man.


I was visiting my cousin when he just got a PS2 and being amazed at The Bouncer. We were both kids and were like, "Holy shit, we'll never get past this. This is the best graphics ever."

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I remember seeing one screenshot that showed the player weapon as was amazed at how detailed the sword looked.

Ocarina of Time was the first
Today I'm soulless and just say "wow this game looks really good for how well it's running" at best

Metal gear solid

TRULY impressed by graphics?

Doom, fucking texture mapped ceilings and lighting and atmosphere.

Most recently Metro Last light. That scene where the cover is pulled off the train cart. I don't care if it was just an animation.

If the waves crashed against the walls and rocks rather than just going through them, this would beat Black Flag's ocean physics.

How did Catalyst get it so wrong?

1995-2005 was a fucking magical time.

>low res dynamic lighting
>everything has SSRs because "mirrors" get it
>muh future
>muh lens flares
>muh floating orbs

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later far cry, half life, doom 3, oblivion, stalker and crysis in that order
nothing impresses these days not matter how accurate the lighting or high poly the models are

Such a disappointing sequel. The fucking iOS game and the flash one was better.

I don't think anything will ever top the feeling of witnessing the mainstream 2D > 3D shift. Everything post PS2/Xbox era feels iterative rather than truly revolutionary.

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I'm impressed by graphics fairly often, because I keep track of developments across the board.
Every once in a while games jump out; usually when they perform really well with great graphics.

Just providing a pretty image at shit framerates is no great feat.

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The first time was definitely Doom. Before that I have played Wolfenstein 3D (and some other games with similar graphics). If you compare screenshots, you can imagine a fraction of my shock: dark atmosphere, better lighting (even though it was pseudo-dynamic), more complex levels, better sound, detailed textures, demons, satanic imagery, that soundtrack: it just felt really immersive, almost like real life.
Another time I was impressed when I saw Final Fantasy: Advent Children. I thought this was a peak of animation, and nothing can surpass it for decades to come.
But today I'm not very amused. Some games today have worse graphics than 2007 games. Only thing that is impressive is that in-game CG of today completely overthrows CG of cutscenes of the past. Even FF:AC, that awestruck me before, looks outdated.

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1999-2004 was clearly the biggest leap

Seeing the sky at sunset or dusk looks like looking at an art drawing, it looks comfy enough to fall asleep in front of the PS4 to