Hard to swallow redpill

Rare was never a good developer, DKC and Banjo Kazooie were the very definition of style over substance souless western shit, people only have good memories about it because they are biased by nostalgia

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I never liked Donkey Kong Country.
There, I said it.

DKC1 was a simple platformer but style is as much part of a game as anything else. And DKC2 is amazing. Plus there's GoldenEye.

I don't know if they were completely shit, but DKC looks ugly as fuck compared to most SNES games, and their N64 output is very spotty. Fucking Conker sucks massive dick, half the game is barely playable garbage.

Nah, Banjo Kazooie is pretty good, and I liked Battletoads and Battletoads Double dragon. Tooie was pretty good, not perfect. DK 64's alright. Not a huge fan of the old DKC series. It's a decent platformer series, can't say I'd put myself out there for it, though. Good memories of Goldeneye, though not for it's multiplayer, which really wasn't all that great.

Hey guy if i post my shitty opinion and call it a hard to swallow truth anybody who calls it a shitty opinion is just mad

it's foolproof!

DKC is good but Retro DKC is better. During the N64 era the MP they made was great, but shit like BK, BT and the singleplayer of Conker are overrated.

>Yea Forums doesn’t like DKC
I expect nothing and I’m still disappointed

>half the game is barely playable garbage

What the fuck does that even mean? I've never had one problem with conker.

Just say you don't play video games, makes it a bit more believable

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Camera sucks dick. Platforming sucks dick. Entire levels are horrible gimmicks. You had no problems with it because you have 0 (zero) standards.

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Rare is better after the buyout. Make more Viva Pinata, please

Banjo, Conker and DK64 are terribly overrated games.

Ok user, i'll take a bite.
What games do you enjoy over Rare's? What to you is the superior dev that deserves the limelight more than Rare?

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There was plenty of substance in old Donkey Kong Country games for an SNES game. Really I'm not sure what else you would except from a 2D platformer.

i don't get all the rare hype i see online. all their games are boring.

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Perfect Dark is probably the game I played most as a child. I remember doing combat simulator with perfect and dark sims, along with some friends. Great times. Goldeneye and Conkers Bad Friday we’re cool too.
Never played Banjo Kazooie

>implying n64 isn't the most zoomer retro console in existence
Hating Rare is the redpilled boomer opinion.

I feel totally opposite; DKC1/2 are a couple of the few old games I can play and not feel like they're outdated. They look nice and control nice.

unlike most 3D games from the mid 90s, the platforming of Rare's 3D platformers didn't make me want to die.
That's got to count for something.

DKC Returns and Tropical Freeze shits all over the old archaic DKC games. Rareware faggolas can't cope so they resort to making cherry picmed SOUL vs SOULLESS images.

I had hope that even under the thumb of Microsoft, Rare would bring out the golden touch with the next Banjo-Kazooie game when we entered the 360 era. Then Nuts & Bolts happened, we find out both the team's plans and how soulless and FUCK YOU GIB PROFITS NOW TO SHAREHOLDERS Microsoft's big suits truly were, and I ended up feeling gutted for the next decade because it showed Microsoft's true colors at that moment. Add to that the city of what Rare became afterward via kinnect and cosmetics hell, and it was all ogre for any hopes I had of any Rare series escaping hell ever again.

What about Perfect Dark?

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How has no one mentioned Jet Force Gemini?
I like it but it’s hard as fuck. Maybe I was just a retarded kid since I haven’t put that cartridge in since middle school (I still have my n64 with almost every game)

Sea of Thieves is great.

I completely agree

Stopped reading here.
Terrible bait.

"I'm not the one with shit taste, it's everyone else" - the thread.

Here's a redpill for you. Old games are legitimately better a lot of the time and it has nothing to do with nostalgia. Gaming has been going downhill for a long time.

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Sea of Thieves is pretty good, but the Rare making it today isn't the same as who made any good Rare games.

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Nah, DKC2 is still my favorite platformer, its not as deep as mario is, but while mario never makes use of all of their mechanics proper, DKC does it just fine.

They made the N64 graphics not look like shit and embarrassed nintendo on their own platform. That's something only a few japanese devs could claim to have done before.
Respect where it's due, and find better ways to seek attention, you oversized shotbus kid.

Now this is based

Rare was basically like three english companies taped together. If you hate Free Radical then get out of my face.

hey, just don't

I'd be interested to see a percentage of common employees between Banjo Kazooie and Sea of Thieves

DKC games are solid platformers with good music. Banjo Kazoie and Tooie are shit because you don't have your full moveset available from the start, so you have to backtrack. I would rather play literally any 3d Mario platformer than the Banjo games because they're just pure platforming and none of this metroidvania bullshit.

DKC is fucking amazing, are you guys retarded? N64 era is also extremely extremely varied and strong for one dev.

PD and Goldeneye ran at fucking 15FPS with drops as well.
They should not be over 60 on Metacritic even by 90's standards.

Banjo-Kazooie is great, but you wanna know what the real hard to swallow pill is?

Tooie was better.

If the N64 was anything to go off, Rareware actually had many good developers. For the volume of games they made for it, they were of mostly a fairly good standard and we're talking about a console that was intentionally made difficult to make games on.

A game that really wanted to be on stronger hardware, but stands out for being on the N64.

>you only really have to go to one world and backtrack to another in the first game
>calling it Metroidvania

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