Only on PlayStation, thank god.
Only on PlayStation, thank god
Uncharted was never good. Nobody that owns a PlayStation gets obsessed over trivial garbage. I skipped that shit — and my backlog's endless.
Get fucked, retard.
The absolute state of Uncharted
they just don't want to hit her.
>Male Power Fantasy
>Super sayians splitting planets in half
>Female Power Fantasy
>beating a man
>Still looks less realistic than super sayians
Difference is Nintendo makes fun of trannies and Link looks and is supposed to look like a goofball in that outfit, especially when tarversing fucking Gerudo town with all the high heel goddesses around you.
Retarded snoy faggot lol
>in game can beat up giant brutes twice your weight
>skinny woman beats the shit out of 2 of you guys at the same time
Looks like garbage. Im glad I've never bought an Uncharted game
I don't get what people see in Naughty Dog. The only good Uncharted was 2 and Last of Us was a boring slog.
Why are men children so offended by this?
>Nathan is shown about to over power her twice in that webm
>she lands body shots to keep him from doing
It's perfectly realistic that a woman of a similar weight with more combat expertise beats an out of practice man who relies more on guns. So it can't be "muh realism".
So why is it that it triggers you? is it because a man not tanking a woman's fist and dodging her knees using ultra instinct reflexes that all men have hurts your pride and reminds you that there are women out there who are your superiors? cry about it.