Mika Nanakawa is my wife
Mika Nanakawa is my wife
more like milker nanakawa
Why must she cuck me like this with you..
>hurr durr hot anime character is my wife
Tell me, do you know anything about your "wife"? Her birthday, her favorite color, her favorite song, her morals, her values? Or is she your wife because you think she's hot? Well let me tell you, that's not real love. That's just childish shit.
Pic related. My literal wife.
I love Reisen!
great taste
>this is a japanese japanese woman
now i want a bionicle x FF crossover.
fuck this shit.
But user, shes my wife. I claimed her in a waifu thread the second she came out. Sorry but you need to let go. She doesnt love you.
I love Fuuka!
>blue eyed, blonde hair Japanese woman
Why are they like this
This is more like it
they realize that white people genes are superior
Black isn't a color in the rainbow so she probably dyed it
Because it's a cartoon, dumbass.
Arc is my wife.
I love my gorgeous wife!
This is my waifu. What I wouldnt do to her.
This bitch was probably the biggest turnaround in opinion I had in the series once I did her FTEs and understood her deal. She's really cute and just wants you to do your best, but is doomed to be niche because she makes an awful first impression, dies early, and lacks features to attract the porn
More like what she wouldn't do to me. Alchemy research assistant by day, sex toy by night.
I love my cute bully wife!
Find anothe r waifu faggot. Im the only one she can torture in experiments and sex
Anybody watch their wife take bbc?
your wife is a slut tho
No. Dogs on the other hand...
Astolfo is my wife!
Post the rest though.
Only for Zangief
>Say hi to my tranny wife, guys!