This is worse than Bugiverse

This is worse than Bugiverse.

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Other urls found in this thread:

it's just smash bros

why did they make peach look like a knock-off repunzel

I don't want Mario's characters to talk

why is peach tangled

>Open world

Attached: Sakurai.jpg (343x343, 16K)

Why does Princess Peach look like Tangled?

>pan-nintendo open world game
>it's just mario and zelda
fuck that, I could whip up something better in my sleep.

I was about to say the same thing.

Zelda already has an open world. Mario needs one. They don't really need to team them at this point.

Has taking mister Mario seriously ever worked?

Because Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks and Illumination are the faces of 3D animation and that's how they draw faces.


Does Mario really need an open world game, tho?

I can tell an american drew this garbage.

>I'll just take Disney 3D models and redo them with new clothes
>I'm an "artist"

Attached: hotdogdan.gif (72x103, 2K)

Isn't Odyssey open world?

It could be good if it actually included more than just the main Ninty franchises.

Just take the approach of "what if Smash Bros was an RPG?" and I doubt it will come out as anything mediocre. Please, for the love of all things holy, though, change that name. That's got to be one of the most generic names I've seen in a while. "Super Smash Brothers" was pretty iconic -- Nintendo can do that again, and carve out an identity for it if they want.

Ahfucking christ

Attached: 1540114508030.gif (600x600, 1.66M)

>Has taking mister Mario seriously ever worked?
When have they ever tried? The only thing I can think of is Rosalina.


Why not just make Captain Rainbow 2?

Attached: captain_rainbow_by_doctorwalui_d5wy93i-fullview.jpg (1024x804, 234K)

Just going to be a BoTW cash in

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Oh man are we posting big brained idea guys

Attached: Purple link.jpg (800x1325, 298K)

my ideas are superior, hire me nintendo

Attached: Purple link 2.jpg (800x1325, 309K)

Because Captain Rainbow 1 flopped.

He does.

No. It uses a hub mechanism to move between levels.


Smash bros if it wasnt a boring button masher party game

It's a nice piece of art.

But it's an autistic idea.


>lesbian-ified female characters
>mario in a trench coat
Lol this is why people laugh at twitter snowflakes

yo ain't that the bitch from tangled

Attached: 1537175080044.gif (304x305, 449K)

Turning Zelda into a female Link sucks. I want a Zelda game where she uses all her magic powers and ninja skills.

there's always the musou

But this Zelda is smart, she uses swords AND Magic, totally unlike Link!

Attached: Purple Link 3.png (800x1325, 966K)

Since we're already at this point, time to put on your big brain hats, Yea Forums:

Say that Nintendo did decide to do more games like Smash Bros that span every series they have. What genre/playstyle/ect. would you take things next to keep people excited and interested in playing?

What happened to Bugiverse guy? I haven't seen him in a while. He was my favorite poster here unironically

In what way, shape, or form could Odyssey possibly be considered open world? It has multiple distinct subareas, none of which are particularly large.

Put in Midna and Squids and let me mod some skins in and we're good.


What the fuck, he is seriously referencing the fucking CDi games?

>strong independant peach
>zelda with bow and arrow
why do I see these concepts for female characters all the fucking time, its all so boring
let Zelda use cool magic like in smash or some of her games
let Peach be the same famine princess type that she is in the mario games but still capable like in super mario 3d world
stop making female characters boring

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There is merit in mixing up the formula, who gets what piece of the triforce and thus has to be the good guy/bad guy, and what not. A game with a Ganondorf reincarnation as the MC would be fucking awesome for one, but I dont see the same thing for Zelda, it would be too similar to link.
Maybe as a bad guy, she would be more unique

every female character needs to take the traditional role of a man or use a bow
otherwise it's sexism

I was never really out.

Platformers and SRPGs are the obvious choice but a Tell tale game is up there too.

Because it's cute

>famine princess
Peach is one of the four princesses of the apocalypse I see

it's just funny that he basically just turns Zelda into purple Link while establishing that Link in Zelda's shoes is an incompetent buffoon when she's a vital driving force in many zelda games, not some hoity toity princess sitting naively on her throne.

>Disney/Pixar art.

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SJW are devoid of creativity and sense of humor. NPCs aren't advanced enough yet.

This actually reminds me of pic related

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>males are shrunken in the back

Yep, that's Nintensoy alright.

>not just making an all Nintendo musou

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Is this Nintendo does Fortnite?

Its for self insert purposes. Any other kind of character would be too independent to self insert into, so basically having a clone of the girl from Brave is the perfect cop out. Its also basically the template for "Inoffensive girl characters" that dude artists with no spines or chick artists with no creativity usually have to follow.

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>tfw sexy warrior Momo triggered them so hard they go after the creator

why is all might just cloud

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I still remember seeing some concept art for breath of the wild where Link and Ganondorf were standing around an alien corpse together trying to figure it out, and all I could imagine was a sci-fi zelda where thet two of them were buddies who had to save the world, only to get caught up in the whole recurring link vs ganondorf thing the zelda series has canonized cause destiny sucks.

In my head, it ends with link sacrificing himself to end the chain while ganondorf goes out to try and find a way to save his pal.

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That's Guts' sword from Berserk you troll.

>implying open world games aren't boring

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>apparently creative
>doesn't just write a book with zher own characters

Attached: trans zelda.png (1280x960, 452K)

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why does mario have a longcoat
why is the art style so blatantly aping Tangled that I honestly thought this was a photoshop from the thumbnail
why is this guy trying to pitch a crossover game when Smash Bros. already exists
why'd he use the lame TP Zelda design instead of literally any other one
why did he only draw mario and zelda characters
why would a crossover game be some shitty open world title

I posit that anyone who creates redesigns for established media that deviate from the origin is highly likely to be creatively bankrupt and completely unaware of it. If they were to use these designs for original characters, it would become even more apparent how much creativity they lack.


>concept art
There is no fucking concept there besides "uhh I played BotW and I know who Mario is and everything needs to be open world, what even is that Smosh game you are talking about", it's just a shitty art. Post it on dA or whatever for your 10 likes and a comment from your mom, why would you tweet that embarrassment at Nintendo?

I can feel my brain expanding already

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>implying all you faggots wouldnt play the fuck out of this game

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I would so fucking watch this.

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Not going to lie, I'd like a samurai-themed LoZ.

>Nintendo Legends
>No Samus.

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Super Paper Mario

why would zelda use a bow and not magic

Honestly longcoat mario is kind of sick.

Zelda has always been a magic archer.

>there will never be a proper subspace emissary sequel
I don't give a shit if it was a "mediocre kirby game", it was still absolute kino


Make zelda a boy and the game ending with link and him having hot gay sex and I will buy your game

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Gonna give it the same condition I give smash in that only if I can play Corrin.

Yet people applauded when they applied it to Zelda

>BING BING Wahoo but openworld

No thanks

>muh linear games
Fuck off autist

I would rather had a super crossover SRPG like Super Robot Wars but smash character, SE was cool for that but it would much better if the actual stories also get throw into the cross over

Why do liberals want men to be like women and women to be like men...and no one to have (white) children?

What is the masterplan?

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>concept art for an idea for an open world game
Doesn't that basically translate to "an idea for an idea for an open world game?"

If anything I could see Nintendo's scifi frnachises getting mixed together

There's nothing preventing Star Fox, Metroid, and F-Zero from taking place in the same galaxy

>Western """"game"""" concepts

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I'd like it if there were easter eggs and "lore" that connected them, but no actual serious crossover.

Five bucks says that Ubisoft toy space game includes Samus somewhere down the line.

Wtf happened to Peach?

Attached: All Nintendo Games are Connected.png (1300x1000, 70K)

>Hey, what if Zelda was the hero of time instead of Link?
>>Oh you mean she would be like this sneaky Shiekah assassin and master archer, focusing on her recon and stealth with long range firepower?
>Lol nah, just fem up Link
>Gosh i'm so creative! I sure hope Reddit upvotes me!

Attached: TheFirstZelda.jpg (299x289, 11K)

>Arcane, Twilight, Divine
>Magic schools
>Divergent style naming scheme
I hate these shitty nu-novels with all my being, and i despise these shitty artist for perpetuating their bullshit concepts.

Thats not how that works. Even if Link was a "Sheltered prince" he would still be the only one to be able to use the Master Sword. Unless Links lineage started calling their kids Zelda, and Zelda's lineage started calling their kids Link.

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Fuck open world memes.

Give me Super Sanrio Sisters or Sanrio Kart.

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It's just female Link.

>female protagonists are always epic and badass
>male progagonists can start out silly and childish before developing

>female damsels are always cunning strategists while male royalty is naive and weak

Diaz is a hack.


>Referencing the CDI games.
If there is anything that truly unites Zelda fans its disdain for the CDI games.

I don't get why everyone has to immediately assume Zelda has to be either Shiek or FemLink.
She's traditionally been portrayed as a sorceress and an archer. Let her be that. Shiek was a one time disguise for ONE Zelda. Just because one of them hid as a ninja doesn't mean they all have to have super ninja skills.

There are several games that aren't like that and we both know it m80

Rythmn game, give me my 10000000000 dollars plus tip thanks

Schools of magic means types of magic not literal schools you chimp

Every game does it, because how else are you going to differentiate types of magic? By color?

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It's funny because Nintendo almost did this with BotW and you guys ate it up when the concept art was revealed with Ganondorf in a t-shirt, but scream about how bad and soi it is here.....nintendres.....not even once


Some games surprisingly color code.

The most famous division is arcane vs divine and then small division dile necromancy vs evocation or invocation by type of spell.

Thr problem is that FFF and Tumblr tier writers use big names without any fucking sense to their schools or type of magic wich is a terrible thing to do for your reader.

Attached: tenor.gif (220x302, 191K)

Tetra was a pirate and somewhat sneaky too, so thats 2 for sneaky, also, she didn't just simply dress up as Shiek, she WAS a stealthy figure at best, and assassin at worst

Not defending it but you don't have to be smart about something if your readers aren't going to be smart about it either

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Zelda has been a lot of things over the years. I think the best way to go would be to let the player pick RPG style

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I think part of it is her attendant is Impa, who is a Sheikah that she learns a thing or two from, depending on what kind of Impa she is.

It just show how much they care about pandering and having big words rather than making sense.

In the end we have a bunch of fireballs and magic missiles with the only difference being the author telling us it is twilight or light and divine shit rather than trying to make sense out of their own world.

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This is unironically really cool, but no way will Nintendo gamble on a female protag for one of their flagship franchises. Japan doesn't like women protagonists unless for fanservice.

It's not cool dude, it's just dumb Tumblr garbage mate.

For the record Touhou has an all female cast and it's fucking great, the fanbase is doing the lewding but the games are played straight.

Because a woman can't go on an adventure in a skirt right

gotta wear pants to show how independent and strong she is

Based daddy sakurai poster

I don't know much about world-building or literary logic but separating spells like this makes sense for games. Take Dark Souls for example, each of the different kinds of magic have different purposes and properties, to the point where you have a decent idea of what the spell will do just by the color of its icon

That's just good UX

>not intelligent enough to come up with their own ideas
>just mutilate other's
It's sad when adult's never grow past the "Original the Character Donut Steel" phase of childhood.

I don't know about skirts but you gotta show that bellybutton for extra dexterity.
If you have a limited skillset instead of pure spell casting creating one spell for each thing is good game design, however it isn't much different from learning a skill to solve a world puzzle or Pokémon and its HMs.

If you want some good speel casting you create several spells for different schools of spellcraft and even divide between miracles and pure spellcrafting if you want different mechanics.

Having a very specific spell to perform a task is no different than a skill being renamed as spell for flavor.

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I actually sorta like this

what art?

I'd rather have more Tokyo Jungle for my post apocalyptic feel.

I had hopes in Kemono friends but Kadokawa ruined it.

>pants on princesses
fuck OFF
skirts for life

After seeing this thread I am once again very glad Tumblr is dying off due to censorship.

We can only hope more leftist shitpeople implode and stop irraditating the internet with gamma emitting fecal matter.

>pro wrestler
technically both these happened in Spirit Tracks at the same time, sort of

>how else are you going to differentiate types of magic? By color?
Have you ever heard of Divergent? Have you ever seen those faggots who go everywhere talking about how they're from "Erudite" or "Candor" some other teenage literature faction?
That's what i mean by the post, and that's the kind of person who made this concept just because how similar both naming schemes are.

The damage is already done, many young artist still think red tumors for noses are "cute".

I just love SS, this is how you make Zelda useful and cute at the same time.

Im still waiting for Toon Zelda in smash goddammit.

Open wide for the spoon, you search engine-less brainlet:

Attached: Zelda-Breath-Concept-Art-Shot-03.jpg (1635x685, 179K)

Drawing is a lot easier when you do fan art so I can forgive them. I think it’s a good way to practice for making your own shit and besides that it’s really fun.

>Japan doesn't like women protagonists unless for fanservice.
Are you a zoomer or a real boomer?

I wish we had this in some way or other in BotW as like a fierce-deity form.

I'm more pissed that they didn't go with nightmare enemies

Attached: botw monsters.jpg (1000x611, 127K)

>no kirby

Attached: u know what it is.jpg (408x378, 15K)

not the nintendo party i'd pick, i'd go with Mario, Link, DK, Samus, and Kirby as the core party.
plenty of variety in abilities and characteristics, not too much overlap, and more than enough enemies to play with.

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Mario Party but it's SMASH PARTY
The minigames would be replaced by playing levels from/inspired by games from participating IPs. You might enter a minigame and the first person to complete level 1-1 in SMB would win, or you'd be thrown into the ganon fight in Link to the Past, orrrr you'd enter a 1-stock game in Smash 64.

>There's an alternate universe where BOTW has horrifying mounstrocities roaming hyrule while you play as an old robot-armed Link
>We got the one where the Zelda is really thicc
I'm not sure how i feel about this.

Attached: 512x512bb.jpg (512x512, 50K)

either he's somewhere in the metroid era, or Samus is a time traveller/immortal.

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so another KH esentially

fuck no

Besides Peach being pants-wearin' Rapunzel the most offensive thing about this image to me is that you'd ever change Mario's design for a crossover.
Looks like he's wearing a dang bathrobe, and more than that he's standing passively in the back, even in Smash Bros, where he's two-thirds the height of most of the cast he's still at the forefront, the big cheese, Mr. Video Games.
He's a silly pudgy italian man but he's a born leader and no amount of grrl power will ever upset that.

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Kirby is simultaneously at the very end and the very beginning

Couldn't be any worse than the Mario x Raving Rabbits Xcom game.

how about making something new instead of rehashing zelda and mario over and over and over again

I'm surprised to this day that they've never made a Pokemon Party, especially after the minigames in Stadium 1 and 2 were by far the best part of those titles.

>draws fanart of a game some faggot wished existed
>calls it 'concept art'
Stop being retarded nuChan.

Attached: 1548906899783.png (850x758, 1.36M)

>Mario x Rabbids
>at all bad

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I was assigned a project about a year ago for a class to redesign Legend of Zelda. We never got very far into it, and at the time I hated it because the big challenge was to redesign something that's mega-iconic and still make it unmistakable.

This was a sketch I did for an alien bug-dude Ganondorf I was working on. I didn't really care for it then, but I've been thinking about revisiting it.

Attached: ganondorf.jpg (2880x1620, 1.34M)

Attached: Nintendo Legends thing.jpg (1782x1333, 365K)

I’d play a BOTW sequel where Zelda learns to be less of a fuck up and trains in ninja and magic skills while Link is missing or something. Female protagonists usually suck because they’re Mary Sues from the get-go but Zelda earning it is welcome. Even Nips won’t have a problem with an established character.

Attached: Button smasher.jpg (800x570, 180K)

Besides them having no face I could see these being Ganondorfs

I just want a LoZ that’s basically an open world Trine where Link, Zelda and a begrudging Ganondorf have to work together to stop some greater evil

And here's a quick Ganon.

Attached: ganon.jpg (2880x1620, 822K)

What about Super Mario x Cartoon Network?

Attached: as.png (793x493, 160K)

But where's luigi?

Attached: Luigi+Redesign+Comparison+by+Bonny+John.png (750x922, 407K)

I could see these as Ganondorfs if there were some kind of regal designs in their . . . uhh, skin? Armor?
Yep. Looks like an Alien Ganon to me. Good job.

This looks like nintendo does kingdom hearts.


What is this even going for?
Melted clay figurines?

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Peach really looking like Disney's foot wife here

Attached: Rapunzel_pose.png (744x978, 938K)

That concept sounds as much as Kingdom Hearts as Super Robot Wars does.

I too want to be school shooter mario


I'd play it but that art style is shit.
Also no thank you to making Peach and Zelda into "JUZT ONE OF THE BOYZZZ"
...Keep them in their fucking dresses, you don't have to change them physically to make them into viable characters.

That would actually be a really interesting story with lots of potential for cool scenarios to unfold.
So totally unsuitable for something made by Miyamoto.

>Feminist-friendly princesses
And spotted the tumblrina

Are you retards aware that Mauricio Abril has absolutely no direct connection to Nintendo right? He is a freelancer artists from Los angels that apprently did some odd jobs for Hasbro and Disney.

Or am I missing something? This is a random post of a random artist. A concept art for HIS PERSONAL "IDEA" of a game.

So... why the ever loving FUCK would anyone give a fuck about this?

social media was a mistake

I'm a Nintendo fan since NES era and I can't understand why Nintendo attracts so many SJWs.

Something about these cats man...


i didn't even know that was peach it thought it was tangled

>peach in cute adventuring clothes
>playable zelda



>redesigning all the characters to match an isekai setting
>not keeping all the characters like how they usually look like and allowing the clashing art designs be the charm of the game

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>open world smash with wahmen and pixar art style

No thank you.

What on Earth makes you think it would be comparable to KH

yeah because everything you guys say is so original. For fuck's sake, you just spout the same bullshit buzzwords over and over to fit in with the people on this site. Look at this post. It could have been made by any user. You're nothing special.

But you can always win against a masher by just blocking and punishing. I don't understand

>Retard makes shitty concept art or video for their ideal Nintendo fanfiction game
Every. Fucking. Time.

Attached: King_Dedede__s_Dream_Course_by_E_122_Psi.jpg (300x349, 28K)

Why Blue Bowser looking like that?

We have to move Link's sheath to his hip because this is more realistic

The better question is why doesn't All Might have some gay medieval outfit like the rest. Seems lazy on Horikoshi's part.

>Nintendo characters in the Disney style

Attached: madotsuki.jpg (740x740, 111K)


Actually, lore wise they all do.
I'm not making it up either.

Top left is utterly horrifying.

At first glance it looks like a Disney inspired, crossover game with alternatively designed characters (Sure its not belts and zippers but still). It looks like an adventure game but its likely open world because of the success of botw.

>Imagine Skinny boi running at you like he just saw the booty

Attached: 1552896963135.jpg (722x620, 215K)

Honestly, a big adventure game involving the major nintendo IPs could be pretty cool.

I imagine him just slowly walking towards you.

i've seen the connection between Starfox and F-zero, but not between those and Metroid.
which one connects?

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A post apocalyptic Zelda could be interesting... until you realize that Breath of the Wild is already a post apocalyptic Zelda. As is Wind Waker.

this is literally every fighting game

Ehhh F-Zero and Star Fox sort of kind of do, Metroid doesn't really connect with either of thembut it should

Was this a real project or is this another one of those Zelda and the steam lands bullshit by that bendis guy?

As is the original Zelda.


>Zelda is Link but a girl
>Link is basically just Peach
Did this dude just forget that Zelda was the one that figured out that Ganondorf was evil when she was like 12?

no idea, i got it from this

Attached: 1546879315325.jpg (478x635, 42K)

I just kind of assume that since theyre all hired guns, its fun to assume that theyre all out there doing their own things in the same universe

imagine being such a casual fan of a series that you actually hate the gameplay of the games and want it to be like more easily consumable games

even though the core games are actually made with being also playable for kids in mind

Calling Zelda "Link but a girl" is giving too much lip service to Link, Link's almost always depicted as some sort of rando townie bum who gets guided along by his companions or Zelda. Link is the hired gun but Zelda is almost always the driving force behind the narrative.

That's why I specifically hate this Desden Codak shit of Prince Link being "sheltered, unaware to the evil around him" makes him seem like some kind of air head that Zelda really never has been in the first place. In an attempt to subvert gender roles and be a progressive "girl power" writer, Codak literally undermines the positives Zelda alreadt had to her character.

But Zelda never gets to swing a sword. Now she can. Checkmate

i assume they share too, but it's far from confirmed.
i just assume that the "Galactic Federation" that Jody Summers represents in F-Zero is the same one Samus works for.
it's also fun to think that the lightning bolt on Summers' race suit is somehow related to the screw attack insignia.
as far as confirmed Metroid connections go, i know Samus shows up in Dreamland, the Mushroom Kingdom, and her ship is found on the DK isles.

Attached: 1550610612302.gif (250x250, 193K)

Every retard who makes this argument probably did this one time with friends who had no idea what they were doing either

It's even gayer without the text.

That’s literally what I was thinking

Wtf is up with that

No, and although
is somewhat correct it's not really hub-based in the same way that SM64 and Sunshine are, it's more hub-based like how SMG2's level select was.

In terms of the locations themselves, yeah to a degree although most were significantly smaller than anything in the previous four games so calling them open-world levels would be generous, at best you could argue that Odyssey has ~5-8 Open World Levels.

I spotted the faggot that didn't play spirit tracks.

Fuck you, not only does she get to wrestle Phantoms but also use a sword bigger than link as well as walk on lava.

In the final fight it isnt link that delivers the final blow to Malladus but both that hammer that sword deep into Malladus head.

Fuck you, Toon Zelda gets to have fun.

A giant Nintendo crossover RPG like Project X Zone (except way less tedious and braindead) is something I've wanted for a very long time but also something I know will never happen

>I don't want Mario's characters to talk
But they'll all had numerous speaking roles over the years

was an obvious joke. You alright?

>Mario needs one
Sand Kingdom in Odyssey being about 60% empty space tells you exactly why we don't need open world Mario

>we'll never get not-GTA with a racing emphasis F Zero

oh shit this is official

Mario x Rabbids XCOM clone happened, I wouldn't say its out of the question

Open world platforming games only work if they're small (see: Spider-Man) and 3D Mario doesn't work if the game space isn't diverse
Mario absolutely does not need an open world game

When did button mashing start getting called button smashing, wtf?

What's up with normies and their boner for open world games? Why do they love them so much?

They think video games are about doing what you want, not about mastering mechanics and systems.

Because retards think bigger game space = better game, no matter how tedious the world is to traverse or how unsatisfying the quest objectives become.

Yeah, just got reminded of a conversation with a Zelda "fan" that tried to be woke without fucking playing any other game than Majoras Mask, Smash and technically Mario Kart.

Some people just think Zelda is a damsel in distress on the year of the lord 2019 and that link gotta be knocked down a peg for equality(equity as in reparations for apparently having too many games) and let Zelda be the Heroine that needs no man.

I really wish I was joking but people like this exist, she didn't had blue hair but I guess yellow stripes count.
No fucking idea, I know women that sneak and kill everything in skyrim without doing anything other than sneak and kill stuff for the pleasure of doing so, I guess normies have a lot of pent up frustrations.

Honestly that Zelda doesn't look too bad. Fuck Mario and not-Tangled though.

A truly good Mario level in a 3D Game should be like a labyrinth of platforming challenges that weave on top of one another so that you are always being tested on your skill but it's not a straight line from start to end, to this day the 64 Worlds have stood as some of the best designed ideas using this basis with little in the way of competition from Sunshine or Odyssey.

There artists literally switched the characters, though.
What I don't get is making Link looking so old.
He looks like he is in his forties.

>believes Zelda is just a damsel in distress and serves no other story purpose
>Only Zelda game they actually played is the one where Zelda herself is intentionally removed far away from the story
Kek I can see it

Attached: 17f837ef-a777-4010-b18c-e6aa3520ec4f.png (900x506, 840K)

Most people are fucking terrible at videogames and open world shit is typically bottom of the barrel in terms of difficulty while providing the player with arbitrary quests, map points or collectibles to gather if whatever semblance of combat proves too stressful for immediate immersion

> tfw people didn't play Spirit Tracks
No one knows about best Zelda

>Women are stealth archers
Oh god, everything in the world makes so much sense now. The secrets of women are truly known to

I actually still want to see a modern/sci-fi Zelda game

>Sci-fi Zelda dealing with a possible alien invasion
Anyone happen to have some concept art of that? I remember really liking it. Shame the concept got scrapped.

Attached: 1549813565778.png (285x248, 123K)

Fuck this open world meme

Mario Strikers

Are you talking about botw? How do you even get the idea that she is a damsel for the game? She is litterally trying to restrain Ganon the entire game.

My gf and my best friend´s gf love to pick archers in every game they can (and play it the worst optimal posible) girls realy love to attack the most far away posible

Oh, hold on. Did a biiiiit of digging and found this. I feel like there was a bit more to this idea than just this (concept art?) comic. Like an actual design sheet for Ganon, at the very least. Probably just misremembering.

Attached: fef51b51b13d30080938ad78a2ab7547.jpg (625x852, 103K)

In 1986

Attached: 001.png (768x504, 3K)

Was responding to what other user was talking about, some girl he knew who thought zelda was always a damsel despite only playing one game.
Pictures are just pictures

Attached: Zelda.(Breath.of.the.Wild).full.2294027.jpg (600x1000, 304K)

> Adventure Game
> Open-World
Things that meld well together, some genres take some real craft to make work together, a Crossover Fighting Game and Open-World is one such combination.

Aah, the "i dont know how to whiff punish" comic

Odyssey is as close to open world as Mario should get. Wide open levels that you can explore in a mostly freeform way.

Full open world worked for Zelda because that series has a consistent, somewhat realistic style. Mario level design jumps all over the place, and an open world would limit that creativity.

Wait, hold up
So if Ganondorf is the Archduke and link is the Prince, that means they're related? Or was this just some seppo giving everyone titles not realizing what they mean

BOTW Zelda is what I think of as a support damsel. That is, the ultimate intent is to save her, but her existence is in some way aiding the hero.

Personally I'd like a Zelda who more actively knows how to fight, but that doesn't evoke the "need to protect" feeling from waifufags so it probably won't ever happen again.

This. I don't mind the idea of Link being the prince and Zelda being the adventurer, but stick to Zelda using magic and Link using the Master Sword. Just have him only use it as a minor assist attack, like Zelda often does with the Bow of Light.

Heck, Link can even give Zelda the Master Sword (again, like Zelda often does with the Bow of Light) but it should still originally be his.

I thought it worked alright in Sunshine, besides Bowser's casting

>11+ nintendo hire this man posts
never change Yea Forums

Attached: I won't ever forget.jpg (724x7228, 739K)

>Apocalypse comes and goes
>Everything looks the same

Medieval Stasis is the most retarded trope of all time

Sorry then. Got confused.

Agree to disagree I guess. I like her as a more supportive character. Plus I like the idea of her being more scientifically minded.

Spirit Tracks Zelda was the best Zelda, I wish we got a third DS game because the progression from Tetra who was a more unique personality from the average Zelda to ST Zelda who was a brilliantly executed companion and character from the average Zelda tells me the team behind those games could've really hit the ball out of the park with a third game.

Good god yes.

I know they could never market it without calling it a Zelda game, but I would love to see this concept explored in a game where you don't even realize it's set in the Zelda universe until 1/2-3/4 through, when you figure out the character you've been playing as is the latest reincarnation of Ganon.

Look at the originality of this guy whining about the unoriginality of two opposing political views. How original of you, bruh.

>Ganondorf Dragmire
>Literally just WW Ganon with a monocle

>master sword
>"a sword"


That looks super cool, if a bit too MegaMan

The phrasing "taking up a sword" makes it seem like she just had the master sword lying around

I thought it was Zelda at first.
Until I saw actual Zelda in the corner down there.

> Mask gives the player access to different equipment compared to when without the mask
Hmm, where have I heard that before.

This makes me think of FFXII

After recent games have played up the "must protect" thing so much, I just want a more mature, sorta warrior-princess Zelda. That probably wouldn't be a popular idea and won't happen but I can dream.

I'm inclined to agree actually. ST Zelda was I suppose still a supportive character, but she was actively engaged. Rather than, say, passively erecting a barrier that bides time for Link to save the day before she uses a big magic thing to seal Ganon, she's engaging with and physically aiding Link. She's not simply an objective that's separate from your own adventure. You see her doing things, rather than being told that she's doing 'something'.

Also helps that she can still be cute and endearing but without that being her primary identity. That is, she isn't those things just for the sake of appealing to waifufags.

>why would zelda use a bow

But the real answer is so that Peach and Mario can be the casters.

Attached: link_and_zelda_screenshot__twilight_princess__by_hayato_01-d8keacy.png (849x467, 585K)

Based Smashtard.

It was Malladus not Ganon (although given the former is a reincarnation of the latter whom are both reincarnations of Demise, semantics).

I was also referring to her role as a Phantom, being able to give Zelda strengths over Link that weren't simply, being able to use magic, was a massive boon for ST imo. Link was still this powerful and courageous swordsman who was legitimately powerful in his own right but Zelda through access to the Phantoms was able to bring brute strength or special abilities where needed.

>feminism is all about female empowerment
>destroy femininity and attack any females that display such a thing

really makes you think

> Mario a Caster
> Mario not a Brawler

its literally not its just some shitty art i've seen posted a while ago the fuck

That looks rad.
>aliens invade hyrule, forcing a a team-up.
Such a basic concept, it'd be amusing to see a puzzle thats just solved by ganondorf smashing the mechanism.
>play as link or dorf
>whoever you play as the most determines who you play in the inevitable final battle between them.
>if you play them both somewhat equally you unlock the true ending and their fight is interrupted by zelda, who helps you kill the alien big boss or whatever.

>Americans design their own version of Peach/Zelda
>She's a masculine warrior

Do westerners even know what a princess is?

Attached: 1436852992972.png (230x230, 72K)

There are many Western countries that still have a monarchy system, so yes.

>concept art of gannondorf with a tshirt
>what art?

That aside I dig this art, could have link "transform" into it mid game kind of like in price of persia (warrior within I think?) and then try to look for a way to turn back and later on make it a "toggle" ability that you can use at any time

Malladus isn't technically Ganon, it's a completely different demon.

Malladus feats are a bit more extreme to boot, he fought two gods to a stalemate and then was sealed using the tracks.

Malladus being part of the new hyrule mythology does set him apart from Ganon and some could argue that the spirit sword is different from the master given its origins as a tool from those two goddesses vs the Master and Hero sword we know.
>I'm inclined to agree actually. ST Zelda was I suppose still a supportive character, but she was actively engaged.

ST Zelda allowed you to surf lava on her shield and fought on her own provided you gave her an opening, Phantom Zelda even wrestles Byrne and pulls his claw in that boss fight.

Zelda in SS is just as adventurous as you by the end of the game.
Basically Sandbox games were you can be an asshole appeal to women in my experience, they seem to enjoy not getting caught and doing wathever they want.

>tumblr refugees being tacky as fuck
stop giving this attention

Malladus is definitely a reincarnation of Demise though, there is confusion due to an NPC in the game who mistakenly believes Malladus is ancient, in actuality, Malladus appeared shortly after the first voyage and was sealed by the Lokomo, while Malladus doesn't appear to have had the brought up to become satan that Ganondorf did, he does fit more closely with a curse, literally appearing after the death of the previous incarnation to plague the land.

I think in general New Hyrule caused a major effect on the gods and lore for the world, the Triforce and the Goddess' Power turned into the Light Force Gems whilst instead of beings like the Light Spirits in TP existing you now have the Lokomos who serve a similar function.

Overall you could probably say that ST's god lore is an evolution of OoT's much like how WW evolved the Zora into Rito.

jeez nintendo has become pure onions and autism lately... I cant wait to see all the mindless babbies eat this generic open world barely interesting version of charactors game that it'll be.
and look more of that pathetic future is female shit with zelda being the one standing tall. lets ignore links 30yr history of being a hero no some ho that gets kidnapped and fucked is now empowered and cool. feminism and pushing females anywhere but the kitchen was a mistake

>play as link
find and complete a sliding block puzzle to open a door.
>play as dorf
fuck sliding, just pick up the blocks or smash down the door.

Attached: 1550062404195.jpg (680x542, 139K)

>Zelda in SS is just as adventurous as you by the end of the game.
SS Zelda needed to be escorted around by Impa.

By the end of the game she and Link were prepared to go out and begin leading the path towards the construction of the Kingdom of Hyrule, I wouldn't call that being adventurous but by the end Link and Zelda share the same drive of building Hyrule.

good thing these people would never touch a game I care

Open world what?
The most info here is the crossover.

Uh, you know, game. But look, the characters!

Yeah, however I think Nintendo went out of its way with the powercreep on the DS games.
Bellum was immune to anything except a weapon crafted by humans and it was feeding on Tetra triforce of Wisdom.
Malladus was the king of no fucks given, don't get me wrong Ganon in some games has some intense feats but Malladus having to be sealed by Gods given that it couldn't be defeated and the Gods had to go back to their realm to rest afterwards is some intense powercreep by Zelda standards, we also have to consider we are fighting a botched revival (reminds me of the oracle games Ganon in this sense and recently Yuga Ganon in being more successful in it's revival).

Anyways, the DS games really powercrept their villains to a point the master sword felt weak.
6:07 not only you fight together but you two deliver the final blow, this is peak Zelda.
Well you can get three endings, machinist, guard and open.
Anyways the fact is that both move forward after killing(not sealing) Malladus wich makes me wish we had more games from the Toon side of the franchise.

The Dragonslayer isn't single-edged and doesn't have a chain.

Ganon was drowned by the gods to be fair, also Bellum is an ancient demon, he likely possesses power on par or approaching Demise. It's also kinda funny to think of PH and ST as the games with powerful villains given they in general toned down the enemy ferocity, neither game have Moblins or Darknuts, hell a Tektite got promoted to Mini-Boss and an Octorok to a boss, both PH and ST honestly feel rather peaceful like a vacation in comparison to the rest of the series.

Three decades ago.

You literally have to stop time to harm Bellum. The guy was ridiculous.

To be fair he was possessing Linebeck the most powerful man who ever existed, descendant of our lord, Groose.

Technically parellel world descendant

That's just Fujibayashi fanfiction at work as usual. Bellum steals "sand" aka life force from people, when it absorbs Tetra it becomes super powerful. Take a guess why.

Same thing happens in Minish Cap but at least back then Light Force was considered a Minish thing.

Why? SS takes place before PH in a quite linear fashion.

>That's just Fujibayashi fanfiction at work as usual.
Makes sense, the power creep was real though. A part of me was thinking that they wanted to make a bigger and better Ganon with Vaati and Bellum just to renew the franchise or see what sticks.
This, they are chronologically sequels to WW, PH was advertised as such if I recall.

Wasn’t the main setting of PH itself in an alternate world that Link/Tetra travel to, and when they come back, Linebeck does as well?

>A part of me was thinking that they wanted to make a bigger and better Ganon with Vaati and Bellum just to renew the franchise or see what sticks.
That's silly. Nintendo comes up with a gameplay element first, then comes up with a narrative reason for it second. I highly doubt they care at all about "power creep" or some greater cosmological order when they create a bossfight with a timestop gimmick.

Oh fuck, you are right, I completely forgot about the LA-style ending. It's been 10 years since I played it...

They encounter the Fog and are sucked into it by the ship.

Then we meet Oshus the ocean king who asks for help and we go into a quest where we find the ancient Minerals that allow us to harm Phantoms and Bellum.

The Metals are indeed from another world just as those ancient civilizations but the ocean king does bring us back to our world by the end.

Many people rile on it being gimmicky but I did love the quest for treasures in PH and the ancient islands did feel amazing so I have some bias towards a game that most people consider bad, if you have time try emulating PH, it's good.

SS is at the start of the timeline, PH is a few generations off the end
is correct
Almost, I currently suspect that the World of the Ocean King is a realm similar to the Twili Realm and Sacred Realm, the Anouki originate from there and later appear in ST and the Cobble seem to be what happened to the Gerudo after WW.

I'm sure like Mario there's an unwritten rule that Ganon has to be the head honcho and "most" other evil threats have to either be linked to him or pale in comparison to his power. Of course there's exceptions, like Majora or Bellum who come from a different world (The HMS is pretty much confirmed to be know of and travel to other worlds) and there's no reason why a villain can be "weaker" than Ganon but still put the world in danger somehow through manipulation or whatnot.

i remember this one picture of like an old mario with mario jr who was orange and had no mustache and looked bad as fuck
anyone have it

Why aren't females allowed to be females anymore?

fuck off sakurai
your game is shit

take my money nintendo

wow thats gay

>who gets what piece of the triforce and thus has to be the good guy/bad guy, and what not
I've hoping for something about the triforce and the various details that connect the pieces and whole to the gods to be expanded upon. It's such a pain to care about something that's given over so much exposition, and basically means nothing.

Fuck me this is some gay ass shit right here.

Linebeck comes back with you, the ocean king restores his Ship and you see the ship and all the modifications you did to it at the post credit.
Linebeck crosses over and the entire adventure takes over 10 minutes in the other world.
I don't even think they know what to do with it anymore, I liked the new takes on the Gods so I welcome potential retcons or explanations.

If I cared about your lame Twitter bullshit, I would be on Twitter.

>The Dragonslayer isn't single-edged
Neither is the sword in this picture, it's just that shading makes the lower part look the same as base of the sword.
>doesn't have a chain.
Artistic liberty.
Why do you have to go into this thread and act like an insufferable snob, you motherfucker?

piss off retard

>i want my games well designed and have actual substance
linear fags am i right

Of all the garbage concepts made by these tumblr cucks this looks actually good and I've had enough of the japanese aesthetic.

>we want the metroid audience

Pikmin OpenWorld rpg where you play a Pikmin that does missions for an explorer that crashed on your planet WHEN


Attached: 225px-Takamaru.png (225x420, 69K)

>I don't even think they know what to do with it
People have made up fake religions aplently for their fictions and one and the concepts are broad enough to do anything the next game devs want with it.

It's not like coming up with some ethos for each of the three aspects of the triforce would really conflict with anything the games established. The whole of why the triforces act the way they do is "People need to be worthy" and "Ganon covets power" and "Zelda is smart... but...". Adding to that and not contradicting earlier games would be pretty easy.

Attached: Ultima 4 diagram virtue.png (800x800, 98K)

It isn’t a fucking concept Jesus Christ it’s just some fan art get over your over inflated ego damnit


>actively putting your kingdom in danger by choosing the name Zelda
Just kidding, that only happens to princesses.

>the mysterious hyrule castle

why does peach have retrognathism

I like that chart, although it bothers me they excluded 'Pride' as a counterpoint to humility.

Attached: 1551480893163m.jpg (768x1024, 62K)

>girls taking center stage with hero poses
>guys in the back acting as support
This is the future you chose.
Why didn't you stop it?

Attached: 1407689428264.png (258x248, 5K)

There are no "counterpoints" in this, what are you talking about? Humility is just the universal concept that everything should be in accordance to.

>This is the future you chose.
>Why didn't you stop it?

Never bought a game like that, I got the last of us as a gift though.

Anyways the TUMBLR cancer is fucking real.

Well that's because this is for the Ultima virtues. While their principles give rise to them; they can conflict they are not designed to oppose one another.

There are codified "anti-virtues" that are similarly created with the mixing of principles for Deceit, Despise, and Dastard, with the overlaps giving rise to Covetous, Hyloth(eium), Shame, Pride and Wrong. But I don't have a chart for that.

Attached: U5.jpg (1000x1000, 507K)

It's just some shitty tumblr art, stop trying to get mad at everything.

Did you just assume his, their gender?

why the fuck is mario wearing that coat thing and why does he travel with a potted plant
it's like they were TRYING to make the males look as beta and gay as possible

Imagine being able to draw better than most people and still being an ideas guy.

Attached: 1548123125331.jpg (464x464, 156K)

>woman draws fanart
>turns out it has the woman as protagonists
Kinda makes sense, I guess?

I would play a Zelda jrpg where you have Link, Zelda, Dorf and some Zora/Goron/Korok/Rito in your party.
Just make tales of Hyrulia or something

>imagine being able to draw better than most people and being BAD at being an ideas guy

Attached: 1422708946966.jpg (471x850, 182K)

I perfer they’re cartoony gibberish
Spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti
“We need to cross this Mountain range”
Hyet hupp yeaaa!
“Good idea let’s buy some warm clothes 1st”

Not in Japan.
Either they self insert as the squishiest loli getting hardcore handholding action with their teachers, tutors or brothers.

Or they go full Rance, they like to go full Rance.
Then you got the mangakas doing loads of Shota and a special place of fat old men/orcs rapping anything that moves, most notably the author self insert.

Attached: Wx00xcA_d.jpg (640x515, 51K)

These people are not creative. They think they are, but they truly are not. Spics are the worst when it comes to that, they'll buy and eat crossovers with mario, trump and the ninja turtles. They don't give a shit.

Mario and Zelda have been paired up several times
Don’t forget the goat OOT is a SM64 rom hack

They have talked several times before

Hey, some were clever but that only happens in the book market, internet artists are absolute fucking garbage I will give you that.

Literally who?

user, I was not trying to make a comment about womanity at large or anything. I was just saying that some chick making shitty fanart and portraying other chicks as heroic isn't anything out of the ordinary. No need to open a can of worms about it.

>hipster ganondorf and link
>zelda is just tv show zelda

>Tales of Hyrule
that would honestly be fucking dope.

Literally just make Disney Infinity/Lego Dimensions but with amiibos.
Each amiibo unlocks a level and content you can play through and use to build your own levels.
Mario amiibos unlock platforming levels. Zelda amiibos unlock adventure levels. Captain Falcon unlocks F-Zero levels. etc, etc. You can play as Mario in Zelda levels, Samus in Kirby levels, you can make new Zelda dungeon with the Zelda assets, you can combine everything and make something new.

It would make Nintendo infinite money and give every single amiibo a use. It would provide unique gameplay that isn't the same as Smash Bros while also serving as moddable snapshots of each series. Nintendo laments that people just collect amiibo and don't use them? Give us a fucking worthwhile game for them then. Yea Forums likes to shit on amiibo but almost nothing uses them in a noteworthy manner.

Same. Also the "brave woman" look when your shitty character revolves aboug being a kidnaped bimbo in need of a man to do basic stuff (Toad/Mario/Bowser) is pathetic

Sorry, I'm just a fan of Rance.
Its hard to believe that the game was mostly done by an all female team.

Or the fact that some of the best loli related works I read were written by women, they are so vanilla you can't fap to them.
Then we get into the belly of the beast and full Shota happens, the Shota market is almost entirely dominated by women self inserting and lewding little boys, I'm impressed at how much money they make from a female only doujin market.

We don't need to discuss the Orc rape fantasies, let's just say that it's 75% female artists doing it with some dudes jumping into it because it sells like hell to women.

You forgot Kirby

Attached: KirbysDreamland3Samus.jpg (400x309, 46K)

that faggot has always been a man. He also sold a "tribute to moebius" literally the day after his death.

>we almost got the beetle again
Fuck Aonuma.

Rank the persisting Zelda Items from best to worst; Boomerang, Bow, Hookshot/Clawshot, Mirror Shield, Magical Rod, Hammer, Lantern, Bombs

>because how else are you going to differentiate types of magic? By color?

Wheel of Time did that and it was great.

Based on toad i would say this

Attached: R43BZlhiI7e_28Q0_yz9JeuKZZvJthyQzCWPAdCTikE.jpg?width=574&auto=webp&s=a35ba901cceb25fabfca8e (574x681, 81K)

>No Zelda game where Metal Head Ganondorf seeks out the Triforce of Rock to rule the world with his sweet riffs.
Unironically Kingdom Hearts, just don't fall into the pitfall that that series fell into (Disney elements on the backburner, OCs overtaking everything and just generally being an outlet for Nomura to do whatever he wants). Basically, Kingdom Hearts I with more possibility for the worlds crossing over with each other.
Either that or what said.

Attached: Metal Head Dorf.jpg (983x1200, 90K)

>top taking from several decades and about a dozen different cartoons
>bottom is taken from four cartoons all from the same five years or so
Oh wow trends exist.

>open world game
Can't even say MMO right fucking dweeb.

What about Punished Link?
>play as a link who failed to defeat ganon and save hyrule
>Link is now old and don't have the courage to save hyrule
>you see your spirits of other players (ala Dark Souls) deaths of past generations in the open world

Attached: DEDNZgZXoAAA7Eq.jpg large.jpg (650x543, 30K)

Zelda Games tend to throw out characters as quickly as they're added, the only character in recent years that's stuck around outside of Zelda, Link & Ganondorf is Beedle, and even then only in the more cartoony games since he was absent from TP.

Nintendo is one of the last video game makers that hasn't become part of their agenda, that's why.
They see them and feel threatened. "How can this be? A company we somehow haven't permeated?" And so they latch on to them, desperately trying to change them. "Peach is sexist!" "Make Zelda into female Link!" "Make Samus transgender!"

But Nintendo doesn't care. They make games for fun, not agendas.

> Link doesn't have the courage
Link always has the courage, courage is inherent to his character, Link is the reincarnation of Hylia's Chosen Hero, similar to Zelda and Demise's incarnations they are always destined to in some manner fulfill the roles their progenitors need for them.

Also I might be reading this wrong but it sounds like you're also implying without the Triforce of Courage Link wouldn't be courageous, if that's the case that's not true at all, several Links most notably Wind Waker Link lacked their piece of the Triforce but already possessed the qualities that would have them earn that piece of the Triforce. Ocarina of Time Link gained the Triforce of Courage only after Ganon had accessed the Sacred Realm and wished for ultimate power.

Also that design looks pretty bad ngl, the eye covering looks unnecessarily dark and edgy and the missing arm is really dumb, Links have lost arms (in the manga) before but they have ways around that. Also the design of the tunic is very basic compared to most and is seems the artist is using the cloak to cover a lack of detail around the collar. There's also a lack of chainmail at least from what's indicated, and the sword he's wielding looks more like a 2H Sword and given this Link seems to have a similar frame to TP and SS Links I can't see him wielding such a weapon one-handed, also the fact it's not the Master Sword is kinda dumb.

okay show the trends from other cartoons pre 2000's.

"legends" and the artstyle reminds me of this

Attached: angry_birds_stella.jpg (1000x754, 131K)

WW Link probably isn't a very good example, considering he's not a reincarnation of Link

Or, you know, they tend to make games that are very bright and colorful and welcoming to casuals, which make up the majority of SJWs.

70s had Hanna Barbera
80s had action figure commercials
90s had goss-out humour

Your evidence? Fucker could wield the Master Sword, and was recognized to possess great courage, the Master Sword has Fi's consciousness in it, I don't think she would allow the full power of the Master Sword to be utilized by some random kid.

This one please. Torch the rest of the thread like a face hugger nest.

>Fucker could wield the Master Sword
He had to make his own Master Sword, remember?

Nah, it's mostly nostalgia. People like the stuff they grew up with, and what do you know, the people who complain about inclusivity and token blacks today are in the age range to grow up with the Super Nintendo.

>Link is old, very old
>he failed multiple times before
>he still haunted by the failures of his past and his past generations
>he just lost all hope and about to breaking bad

If you play the game on second quest you find out what KoRL and Jabun were actually talking about, which reveals that Link has no connection to the legendary hero.

That's the reason why you had to prove yourself in the Tower of the Gods.

Attached: not the hero.png (1079x600, 636K)

Link didn't exist in that timeline, he was sent back to another and couldn't reincarnate. That's the whole reason Ganondorf had to be sealed by the flood.

It least make it fair
Make everyone a native retard who slowly but surely figures out something is rotten
Don’t make the women Mary Sues
Don’t make the guys edgelords

>that Zelda
>that ..peach?
>Link is alright
>numale mario
Peach look lile that bitch from Tangled

No he didn't, he literally took the sword out of the pedestal, the Master Sword in Wind Waker only had its energy drained and needed sages to restore its lost power, are you getting WW confused with PH, cause in PH he had to search for metals to create the Phantom Sword so he could defeat the Phantoms and Bellum.

>come into thread to post this
>2nd post
thanks user, fucking same

It's not dogma, it's just the structure of the story. You don't tell a classic myth where Sigmund is suddenly the bad guy and Fafnir was good all along. Yeah, stories shift and warp over time, but some corner stones stay intact by virtue of being so universal. And the corner stones of Zelda are that Link is good and Ganondorf is bad.

>lesbian-ified female characters
I really don't see how either of them look "lesbian-ified" there. Peach looks like a disney princess. Or is it because Zelda isn't a moeblob?

Overpowered Splatoon matches
Basically Nintendo Overwatch but not for faggots
I trust them more since they’ve literally made Splatoon a game for 10 year olds become one of the highest skill ceiling games out there right now when a complete retard fucking off in a corner can still be the MVP

Have some fucking flare
Make them Glass canons that are easily injured but shit out massive damage

>they’ve literally made Splatoon a game for 10 year olds become one of the highest skill ceiling games out there right now when a complete retard fucking off in a corner can still be the MVP
I don't exactly follow this sentence. Are you saying Splatoon has a high skill ceiling, or that a retard in a corner can be MVP?

I like that idea better than SRTONG WOMYN

>implying Splatoon isn't just a kid-friendly arena shooter for pedos


Is this like one of those DBZ games where you get 6 different versions of Goku?

I hate it.

I could have sworn there was a game where Link had to make his own, maybe I'm just confusing it with something from some dumb lore video I watched a long time ago

Skyward Sword maybe?

That’s literally BOTW
As much as we give him shit for being fujo bait he is still the darkest Link which is saying a lot considering how light hearted the series is

Link technically "makes" the Master Sword in SS but it was basically just him taking an existing sword and sticking it into three different flames

> Link is old, very old
Link's physically are never older than their early 20s, BotW Link may be over 100 years but he was in stasis for that time which means he didn't actually age at all.
> He failed multiple times before
Link has fallen in battle canonically twice, the first Link the one that fought alongside Hylia before the Hero of the Sky died in battle and thus began the reincarnation cycle, the second Link was the OoT Link in the Downfall Timeline, after that no other Link has really failed, they've had setbacks like WW Link being unable to defeat Ganondorf with the unawakened Master Sword or Skyward Sword Link needing to reset the seal on The Imprisoned but aside from those two no Link has actually failed their quest.
> He's still haunted by failures of his past
Hero's Shade might've been given the war that lead to the exile of the Gerudo but that doesn't pass on between Links, they're mentally different people but spiritually the same, they have the same drive but not the same memories.
> He lost all hope
Which Link lost hope, none, every single one of them kept fighting in spite of the odds being stacked against them, Hero of Legends defeated Ganon at the height of his power, New Hero of Legends defeated Yuga-Ganon whom had control of the Triforces of Power and Wisdom, Hero of New Hyrule was able to vanquish the Demon King, Malladus and conquered a full traversal of Hyrule, OoT Link in the Child Timeline saved an entire foreign land and helped all the people of that land in their misery and woes.

If you're referring to BotW Link only, fun fact, Link never fought Ganon, that's his only failure was being overwhelmed by the sheer power of the Guardians, although again that ends up being a setback rather than a failure, Link comes back from stasis, rescues Zelda and defeats Ganon fulfilling his duty, he overcame his failure.

>women in foreground in badass positions
Nothing to see here, just your usual bugman faggotry

What makes you think that a new game can't try new things and subvert old concepts?

Like that game where you jump, has an openworld, hearts don't drop anymore, you already start with all key tools and can fight ganon just after finished the tutorial... I can't remenber what game did that...

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (465x700, 42K)

I interpreted that as referring to blood connection not spiritual connection, the Kings aren't exactly the most spiritual people in the Zelda Games and given how the characters who speak in Ancient Hylian discuss with one another it seems more like they were expecting the Hero of Time himself to return and thus think that the Hero of Winds is a blood descendant because they put all their faith into the Hero of Time one day returning in some direct form and would assume that anyone who is not of blood kin would be incapable of defeating Ganondorf.

>dozens of different concept art versions of Link exist
>Nintendo ALMOST did this
Have you heard of brainstorming

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That is the most reasonable counter argument I've gotten, I can definitely see why that would work out with the reincarnation of Link ceasing after that point.


I can't think of a Zelda game where Zelda is "naive and weak".

>SJW are devoid of creativity and sense of humor.
So are conservatives/alt-retards. I can't think of any entertainment made by a *conservative in recent years that I genuinely give a fuck about.

* = American conservative. Not Asian or European.

Yeah, have fun interpreting it like that. It says "has no connection" though. If he meant something else he would have said something else.

it is if you're absolute ass at a fighting game. people who mash are unpredictable but either hit you with low reward attacks or you end up blocking to punishable attacks.
just goes to show you're shit, user.

this faggot makes money with his "original" ideas?

What makes you think that?

They mean the hero of time.

Source: My ass

> The game where you jump
that's every game, if you mean the ones with a button to perform the action freely, Adventure of Link sure does fly under the radar
> has an Open World
The first game's world was pretty open, free-roaming, encouraged exploration, was a solid start, that's probably why Breath of the Wild went back to its roots
> Hearts don't drop anymore
oof, ya got me there, such a critical thing as hearts not dropping, oh wait, Skyward Sword, Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD already did that with Hero Mode
> You already start with all key tools
I mean you don't, you have to complete the entire Great Plateau to get the Paraglider and you have mini-dungeons to complete for the four Runes, also Link Between Worlds more or less does this as well, with the exception of the Lantern and the Titan's Mitt the other dungeon items can be obtained shortly after the first dungeon which should be about equal in terms of puzzles and difficulty to the Great Plateau as a whole.
> Can Fight Ganon just after finishing the Tutorial
This is the only point where Breath of the Wild is genuinely the first game to do this, and credit where it's due it's a novel concept.
Some things I'd consider more so as being innovative from BotW;
- The best Physics Engine of the Series
- The best Chemistry Engine of the Series
- Attention to Detail with regards to movement and Stealth
- Significant Weapon Degradation

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I hate these no-talent artists with no style of their own

monkey see monkey do

I'd like to see a Nintendo crossover game that isn't Smash Bros but not like this.

I don't know, he makes money or not?

>Crossover shit
>open world

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Why do you think he does?

We have Super Mario Maker for that

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Jabun is a deity and he can see that Link has no connection to the hero, he spends the whole conversation questioning KoRL bringing this kid to him. Even if KoRl was wrong about him having no connection I would think Jabun would know better than him if Link was the real deal.

The hero's spirit is physically removed from the adult timeline after Zelda sends Link back at the end of OoT, effectively erasing him from the timeline. The hero's spirit always reincarnates right before times of crisis, that's why one didn't show up to prevent Ganon's return. The goddesses flooded Hyrule because they had no other option.

Link has to spend the whole game proving himself because he's just a random kid.

That doesn't change anything. No connection to the hero of time means no connection to hero. A reincarnation would have a connection.

>Don’t make the women Mary Sues
>Don’t make the guys edgelords
Why is this concept so fucking hard for people to grasp? It’s honestly 3rd grade tier stuff. It’s getting cliche to the point of parody.

True, I haven't played Mario Kart in a minute. Maybe I'll buy that after Splatoon 2.

So after PH does that mean that Link somehow started a new reincarnation cycle or is Link, Hero of New Hyrule just some random train engineer who's so good with a sword he can vanquish Demon Kings?


I still don't get it, what point are you trying to make?
>you can't make new because old game
>now you can make new
>even talks about fucking adventure of link to validade his "point" (yeah because a fucking plataformer jump botton and contextualized jump from all the others 3D titles is THE SAME THING)

Or you just gonna list a bunch of garbage from older games to make yourself look smart. It's fucking video games, mate.

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>wizard Mario with cloak
Insta buy

He's either another random kid, Link's blood descendant (considering Niko's still alive, but this has incest implications with Zelda), or the goddesses chose him to be the new hero after he became the Hero of Winds.

>Studio ghibil LOZ
I’d be 1st in line to watch that

Your initial argument was that Old Link should be a protagonist as some point, I stated why I thought that was a dumb idea and then you went on a tirade about how I somehow think every game should be like the old games, surely you see how those two things aren't the same right, there's more to a game than one character's design, I thought you were just asking for an argument for the sake of arguing, don't really know where you expecting things to go.

This is worse than Panic At the Disco

are nintendo finally gonna kill fortnite?

>you went on a tirade about how I somehow think every game should be like the old games
>Link always has the courage, courage is inherent to his character
>Link's physically are never older than their early 20s
>Link has fallen in battle canonically twice
Like he can't fail again
>Which Link lost hope, none
Like he can't lost hope for the sake of a new plot

Are you really this dense? And i'm not even quoting everything.

The fuck am I even looking at? Some shitty deviant art idea?

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>What if Zelda was the hero?
>but she needs a penis

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and then they demand mounts be added to the game

not him Hanna Barbera is a studio not a trend
and gross out humor is a genre of humor, so no shit it's a trend

that's just fan art why are people so stupid

they just can't stop themselves from injecting this shit into everything uh

yeah zelda needs my penis

> Princes in the Zelda series are always failures or literally evil
They played themselves like a fiddle with that one

>Metallica t-shirt
>Ganondorf is Beavis
so who is Butthead?

Yeah, but back in the day Hanna Barbera was so huge that a lion share of the cartoons on the market were theirs, and they all looked the bloody same.
And what even is your point about gross out humour? Yes, it is a trend. It was really big in the 90s. That is the point why I listed it.

Alien invasion stealing cattle was actually an idea they tossed around

well, he makes money

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So is this like Nintendo kingdom hearts? If Mario was the equivalent of Mickey then who are Donald and Goofy? Luigi and Toad?

Luigi and Yoshi

there was no market, that's why they dominated it.
Disney didn't get into television cartoons until the 80's, everything HB did was a damn gamble so everything needed to be cheap and see if it could stick, otherwise they would be wasting money, and most of their cartoons failed so they did the right choice.

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>kingdom hearts ripoff with Nintendo characters
Yeah, I'm good on that. The deviant art cringe will be through the roof

Yes, and? That explains why it's a trend, but it doesn't mean it isn't a trend.

Hey he has my name.


Because lots of artists these days only know how to copy, not create, instead of creating a completely different style and look they just copied things that you all immediately recognized.

Yoshi can’t really talk though. He’d be more like Pluto

Ah, fair enough. Maybe it is Toad then.

She’d be a good unexpected DLC character

Fuck you Mario XCOM was the unexpected gold bar of 2017

In Link's Awakening, Link is lost at sea and builds a new life on an island that he learns is a dream and he destroys. That's dark as fuck.

Toad actually would be pretty well for Donald. They both have painful voices

He does not "build a new life" there, everything he does is for the purpose of escaping the island.

If it was a RPG with class options:
Zelda could be a caster (Smash/Zelda), archer (Zelda), or ninja/rogue (as Sheik)
Peach could be a brawler (Smash) or caster (Super Princess Peach)
Mario could be a brawler (Smash/2D Mario) or an acrobat/rogue (Smash/3D Mario)
But Link is pretty much always a martial/bow kind of guy. He doesn't do fisticuffs or much magic that isn't buffing a weapon, unless you were to stretch his musical talents (Ocarina, wand, etc.) into a support-type class.

To be fair, his instruments could make him pass for a semi-bard.

to me It looked like it says "Metroid" in the style of metallica

fuck I want a shirt like that now


what if we do smash, but on mario kart?
what if we do smash, but on mario party?
what if we do smash, but on mario tennis?
what if we do smash, but on mario golf?
what if we do smash, but on mario at the olympics?

BASED game making women taller than men pushing inevitable reverse dimorphism for future humans


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Glad you're not a game dev or this industry would be fucked even more.

>This art
>Those ripped off ideas
Don't be a developer, you're ideas are unoriginal.

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If there was an actual Nintendo Legends game they wouldn't needlessly change the designs of characters.

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If they did try turning Zelda in a different direction, this one wouldn't be bad.

After looking at it for a while, it kinda grows on you. Yeah, I'd watch it.

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>inb4 ghibli dick suc-
too late

>Mmo nintendo shit
>Its just the concept of subspace emmissary with hylians/earthlings/chozo-raised etc etc races that define subclasses

Came here to say yep thats Tangled up

Just make Link a full on sissy trap next game.

This is one of the most retarded comments on this board at this moment.
Congrats on being a huge fucking faggot user.

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Well, Ghibli is pretty damn great, and it would take a massive contrarian to disl-
Too late.

Imagine actually being so weak minded you fall for the "genderqueer / non-conforming" programming they've been tested on humans this decade lmao literally anything other than the "normal" is just programming and you are showing your weakness by actually falling for it.

I'll be over here enjoying putting my hard cock into a wet vagina like intended.

>Its just the concept of subspace emmissary
So, a platformer? How would that work as an MMO?

Um Link has used magic before on multiple occasions Din's Fire, Nayru's Love and Falore Wind was used in OoT and LttP also the Magic Rod and Rod of Seasons

>I'll be over here enjoying putting my hard cock into a wet vagina

No you won't.

I think user means the whole "worlds dragged into another space" thing.

Not the gameplay but the idea the universes are connected in such a way that you can traverse them in an open world fashion. Think like an mmo with different continents where you can go anywhere on popstar or the mushroom kingdom on foot but to go between the two you have a designated point to make the jump between them

>Still no Nintendo crossover RPG
Fuck this gay world

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That just sounds like every other MMO. I don't see how this is "the concept of Subspace Emissary".

Alright, alright, I know I am being facetious here. It just annoys the crap out of me when people say the concept of a game is its story.

Because that's not how Nintendo operates. They come up with a gameplay idea first, then develop the story and setting around it. Nintendo wouldn't just "make an RPG" and then make it a crossover just because.

>490 replies
>for some tweet of fanart of an idea from a fan
the fuck is wrong with you Yea Forums


That game was actually good though to literally everyones surprise it was more

Middle and right look good, left seems a little too thin to Ganondorf. Maybe Vaati, Yuga, or Veran for the left.

>every single reply to this thread is adressing the shitty OP
Is this the first long thread you are in? Do you know what a discussion is?

>le female le archer even though it would take immense strenght to pull a bow may may

This is worse than an episode of Family Guy

dude trust me this game is gonna be epikk look at this concept art of it you can tell it will be epikk and not a shitshow -

Attached: file.png (236x338, 165K)

Zelda has used bows in the past, so atleast it's consistent with her character. Though I think she should be more of a soceress.

Now this one takes me back. I remember very early youtube analysis videos deducing that the blue girl is a personification of the master sword.