I am trillions of years old and I've been dating my current girlfriend for hundreds of years...

I am trillions of years old and I've been dating my current girlfriend for hundreds of years. Before that she was the leader of my team of interdimensional spies, I was a spy for about 800 billion years. She is currently in charge of this current universe's pain and pleasure department, she is responsible for almost all the pain and pleasure felt by all humans and probably animals too. She does not choose to torture or hurt and in fact she is nice and she is currently working to decrease violence in the world and that's good. She is ordered by God to do these things and she carries it out with some leniency of her own, especially with time. Her department can affect people in the afterlife as well and that's where the crazy stuff happens so be careful. Currently Alex the gameshow host of "Jeopardy!" is scheduled by her supernatural department to die of cancer on March 21st in the morning. But she may change the date to a later date... Looking into my girlfriend's eyes makes one immune to torture or depression or fever permanently. She has not allowed me to see them in my current bodies and such I do not have this cure. But you have to look completely at the eyes, although I've seen small sections of them but the effects are not permanent or completely effective as far as I think.

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your gay

Did you even read what I posted?

very cool

wtf dies a interdimensional spy do

We saved the (current, at the time) world from somebody evil.

Well, something, well a large community of evil people.

Why didn't your gf let you look into her eyes

Because it wasn't the right time yet I guess...
Being within a close range of her causes euphoria, I've experienced that though.

Fascinating, but I don't feel like you're operating at a high enough stage to fully grasp the truth of what's going on - that's totally ok though, most people barely even achieve 1% of the sort of understanding we hold. Keep working on this and eventually you'll grasp it. Will keep you in mind tonight, good luck!

Cool, now do something about the kikes.

Cool man. BTW your gf is unfaithful. Sorry you had to find out like this.

Based schizoid poster.

What was the old universe like?

The one I'm referring to was very good, and it was so good that the relatively small number of evil people were able to cause big damage because of how peaceful the rest were.

don't you have more important things to do than post here?

In the grand scope of trillions of years, this is not time wasting.

Wait a sec you say you were a spy.
Whay do you do now?

Let's just say "research" for now. Don't worry too much about what I'm doing.


I want to swallow you both whole and alive and shit you out into a public toilet.

Hey buddy, I think you took a wrong turn.
is two boards down.

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I bet that large evil community is actually the good guys, while you're just a naive cuck.

I mean large and small was kind of subjective here. Not sure what to call the size. I guess more on the small side.

They were absolutely not the good guys but they had their purpose. You don't know what they were.

And i think you took a wrong turn, this is Yea Forums for video games. If i don't see that then i have the right to swallow you and shit you out.

>Yea Forums for video games

And you are a part of the problem. You'd be better off as nothing but stomach filler if your this stupid.

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