Why is it ok when Japan has strong woman main characters in their games but not ok when they're made by western devs?

Why is it ok when Japan has strong woman main characters in their games but not ok when they're made by western devs?

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because lonely people can fap when japs do it

Cuz western devs make gross looking females.

Because they arent cute in the west

western devs don't create strong women characters, they create tomboys that act like pricks.

It's good because they're attractive. When the west makes them attractive, I'll allow it.

because western devs make women protagonists to earn the SJW croud, virtue signaling or 'muh stronk weemen'. Whereas Jap devs make female protags cause they have a really cool or unique design for a character that they want to show
also this

Because alt-right incels truly believe Japan is some alt-right paradise when they're way more degenerate than the west.

gee do I want to play as fapbait like bayonetta and 2b or a disgusting pizzafaced dyke like elle hmmn

Because not only they are strong but they are also sex symbols, and they play with these characters on both ends. Western strong woman aren't allowed to feel proud of their body anymore, unless they are 'plus sized' of course, then it's courageous.

how are you kids not get tired of these same threads every day

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Because western devs doesn't have many strong woman as the main character, they're either always complaining about how weak they are crying.
Take a look at old Tomb Raider, compare to the new one. Old Tomb Raider was a cool female protagonist, she didn't start crying because something hurt her.

Aside from Mass Effect and Dragon Age, it's really rare to find a female protagonist who doesn't sound like a sobbing mess.

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because when japanese devs make strong female characters, they allow the girls to maintain their femininity. western shiteating devs are brainwashed by jewish cultural engineering to believe women should become like men.

Western devs make strong women characters, Japs make strong characters that happen to be women. There's a massive difference.

Soul Soulless

because jap games are based and western games are cringe

She looked much better before, fucking Koreans.

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Left would look better with some eye shadow and lipstick. Right looks generic

she looked so much better before. asian beauty standards make me sad.

Because the west thinks a strong female = a masculine female.


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how do you meet anyone you know irl again with surgery like that...


Jap ones are hot

Both look cute 2bh

Because the western developers that people point at do it to make a statement.

There are good western females, but the issue is that their devs aren’t SJW’s putting them on a pedastal for brownie points

Jeanne > Bayo

who's the cutie on the right ?

Because Yea Forums is, at its core, an anime website. As a result, the people here have a very strong bias towards Japanese media, even if they don't necessarily like anime.

Outside of Yea Forums, nobody really cares either way.

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Because the perfect woman has sex appeal. This is fantasy after all.

A little bit of everything said here but, more than that, because they're not men haters.

In the west, in order to be the strong independant type, the women must constantly shit on the men. They are not strong because of their qualities, they are strong because they are constantly shown being abusive or condescending or even masculine. They aren't considered strong until they demene someone strong. Why do you think gringo public school sabotage boys so that girls can appear to prosper? Because they don't know how to make someone strong by the content of their characters but by constantly saying so and aggressively demonstrating it.

That and the west seems to think that strong women are only so if they are masculine. Seriously, why are so many of these 'strong women' constantly dressed like men and fucking women?

Easy, because those two japan icons you just mentioned glorify the sensuality and perks of a woman. They're not hiding away or trying to look like men but are rather embracing it and showing it off. On the other hand, a western strong female lead is just a watered down man, which is pathetic

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Neither are good characters. Being fapbait doesn't make your character a strong female, especially if there's no depth to the character like what OP posted. Fuck off nips

It has to do with engaging, responsive core gameplay vs hamfisted story beats with banal attempts at
It always comes off as someone writing a character to impress the girl who makes green juice at whole foods.
Nips tend to let females be strong through gameplay.

2B from NiEr Automata. Both her and Bayonetta are Platinum Characters and are known for their fantastic asses and fighting skills. Seriously.

West has been sucking at it.

Unironically soul vs soulless

This thread is daily at this point, who cares? Everything they release is mediocre to bad.

We've been through this so many times...

>Japs bring out the best feminine qualities in their heroines
>West's makes theirs manly as fuck, pushes garbage politics

Why do they hate chins? I like left better.


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Just like men like to be handsome, women like to be pretty too. In terms of western games, the devs just don’t like it when they’re “too” pretty, which is a pretty bullshit standard

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You think any of the beauties will be just as good?

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Western females are usually boring as shit.

I also blame how nowadays its not enough to have a female main protagonist, they must show everyone how amazing she is all the time. You can't have a female character who is flawed unless its to show how much she'll develop to overcome it.

Sometimes its nice to have a character who is over the top as Bayo or somewhat attractive like 2b since the west Fem protagonists are soulless, either marketed in a way to appeal to some group or are made as safe as they can be.

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Who's the top?

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I love beauty marks.

because they tend to make them pretty and with a fun or cute personality.

She looks good on both, but both are a little extreme. She was at borderline manjaw and went for borderline jawless. Should have gone for a middle of the road, just like Budha says, moderation is key.

For some stupid fucking reason western people think a women being a women is offensive

Mostly because of sexuality. Bayonetta is actually one of the few exceptions to the rule akin to Samus. While Samus is divorced from sexuality Bayonetta owns it.

Yeah, but not everyone is here 24/7 so not everyone gets to participate in the discussions.

>Japanese female protag
>Shes a badass
>This is treated like its normal by everyone else in the game
>Designs embrace feminine traits

>Western female protag
>Shes a badass
>Constantly reminded every 10 seconds that she is a female and as such shouldnt be a badass (“I didnt expect you to be a women”, “How could I lose to a girl?”)
>Design plays down feminine characteristics, outfits are gender neutral at best

Defined jaw and cheekbones Chad to pea skulled Incel. So sad.


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