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I get it. It's only sightly amusing though


Attached: axel laughing.jpg (447x297, 54K)

CoM axel was fucking weird when it came to dialogue. like the writing makes him sound poetic. and re:com has much different voice direction than 2

Got it Memorized is a really dorky thing to say
but Commit it to memory is something an edgelord would way
how can you say this line so it actually sounds good/cool?

Probably something short like As if
Get it!?
Ya got it?!

A simple "Don't forget (it)" would be good, but it's probably too common for a cool catchphrase. Maybe something like "Think you can remember that?"
But that still sounds like cheesy anime dialogue to me. Fuck Axel.

I can't tell which one is worse, his catchfrase in 3 was pretty bad, I don't remember it being so cringey in 358 or even in 2

CoM on the gameboy was pure kino and the 3d Remake honestly ruined it for a generation who only played that.

CoM on GBA unrionically has the best writing in the series, I'm sure much of that stems from the fact that no one has to voice the fucking characters.
I'd much rather have "Commit it to memory," but I'm sure whatever alteration they used would include the word memory or some conjugation of it because of KH autism writing.
"It's gonna be one HELL of a show!" is still a personal favorite.