Alright, just got to level 10 in the Splatoon 2 demo, and I feel I've got most of my fun out of this game, should I buy the full game, because it is on sale, but again, I feel like I've had my fill of the multiplayer, is the main story worth the full game? What makes you keep coming back?

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I also want to mention that there is a free 7 day Nintendo Online trial that comes with the demo.

Why are you asking us? Make your own decisions.

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Splatoon 2 is a game you keep coming back to
How can you be done with it already WTF

playing at a higher rank give you more challenge and Salmon Run is always fun.

It's a fun game if you have a group of people to play with.

But I've gotten burned out on it, the glaring issues with lag, hit detection and awful matchmaking just make every match unfun.
I'd still recommend you play it though
t. 1400 hours

>Been kinda fond of Splatoon's style since the first game's reveal but never too interested
>Sequel announced, happy for the Splatfags but still don't really care
>Play a couple matches of the Splatoon 2 demo
>Instantly hooked and wanting to buy the whole game
I swear Nintendo has to have a group of phsycologists in every dev team, cause this is not normal.

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After 1200 hours I’m just burnt out
I hope they drop another big update to keep the game fresh

This game made me quit drinking because I need to focus to win.
I’m back to drinking now but for about 2 months this game dominated my life.

who cares? The game is full of sharks now and people ewith such good upgrades any newbies at this point would get crushed and single player is still a fucking bore to get through why are they even bothering to try and get new blood into a dying game when this year is the final splatfest?