
The day Capcom rallied Yea Forums, reddit, twitter, and tumblr to work together as an unlikely alliance to fight against ResetEra.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Me on the right.

Me on the left

Me on the left

Me on the left

can I be the gun?


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Today also marks Super Metroids 25th anniversary. Reuben was absolutely correct. Aliens and Demons unite for this one day

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Don't you fucking dare say it

How the FUCK do we keep winning Capbros?

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Fuck ResterEra.


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I'm gonna say the T word

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Can anyone explain to me how a forum with about 4K people online can be this talked about in the community? Like, why the fuck do the journalists even give a fuck? I get it, they need to make articles about something, but still

>tfw Yea Forums is invading resetera

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>journos trying to convince people DmC was better
>people trying to start a shitstorm because of the suicide silence lead singer was a degenerate
>youtubers trying to start shit about the micotransactions
>Resetera faggots failed at ending reuben career
>yfw none of them stopped the DMC 5 hype train
This is our time dmc bros

What a fucking timeline

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im the gun

4. You will not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids"). Inciting or participating in cross-board (intra-Yea Forums) raids is also not permitted.

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Many of the members were from Neogaf, which was a popular place for big game developers and also a common place for leaks to happen, which is why its somewhat important

How much did it sell? Did they release the numbers?

not even a link posting a link, eat shit

what happened

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Game journalists are the ones that should scum


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>implying mods even follow the rules themselves

Ok this shit has gone on long enough. How do we take down ResetEra. Nornally, I'm against censorship, but these freaks are actually ruining people's lives

>get into DMC proper around a month before 5, already gone through 4
>beat DMC3 and love it
>Yea Forums threads have been unironically uplifting
>steam doesn't stop after game releases, everyone loves it so more threads
>El Donte mod gets revived, Vergil and Dante finally make up, Bloody Palace will have coop, etc.
>now Resetera gets shot in the foot

It doesn't get any better than this, my only regret is that I haven't drawfagged for you guys yet

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Keep your politics out of my Devil May Cry, this means both "for" and "against". Thanks in advance!

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you canot do this niger

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I want to make a tiny indie game with a gunslinger style inspired character, what in your opinions would make for the most interesting/viable moves for it? honestly what'd make for the most fun?

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neck yourself tranny

wasn't resetera made by the scraps of some other website?
if anything it's a containment site

Get dabbed on trannies!
Tranny, are you ok?
So, Tranny are you ok
Are you ok, Tranny
Tranny, are you ok?
So, Tranny are you ok
Are you ok, Tranny
Tranny, are you ok?
So, Tranny are you ok
Are you ok, Tranny
So, Tranny are you ok, are you ok, Tranny?

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A bunch of those gaming websites like kotaku etc are connected to Vox Media, which is breitbart of the left without comments enabled. Obviously they frequent their version of /pol/ which is resetera. Newsweek fits into this because they are natural allies to these journos.

It wasn't even Capcom, it's the fact Reuben is just that much of a charismatic, genuine, lovable guy. Anyone who's actually listened to him speak knows how much he cares, even if he believes in some wild stuff. What's absolutely fucking hilarious is if they just went after the Morrison VA like they originally intended it wouldn't have blown up in their faces at all, but they thought, "Since we're here might as well throw a fanny fit over this other dude too," without having any clue just who the fuck that dude was. And Reuben didn't have to do a damn thing but be himself, and everyone took them down for him.


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You have ten (10) seconds to name a better scene

Blame Resetera, i just wanted to play Videogames.

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yikes guys, can we not do the whole "Yea Forums rallied the interwebs to take down the ebul sjws" a second time? this is seriously cringe

I know I should really lurk the fuck more but I missed this one. Not my fight but I do love trannies getting BTFO

well rainstorms a good start

I’m not sure exactly what OP is referring too but I imagine it has to do with ResetEra freaking out about the voice actor for Danta doing an interview where he talked about the problems with Black Lives Matter and the #MeToo movement, as well as defended the voice actor of Broly from Dragon Ball who was accused of being a pervert.

Someone spoonfeed me, what the fuck is going on

We find dirt on the mods so the go nuclear.

Look up their names, find their twitter, find some dirt.

neck yourself tranny

What personal information? And don't give me that shit, you people literally are calling for Reuben to lose his entire livelihood, and for what? Him having an OPINION?
Pot? Meet Kettle!

Looks like they failed to nail pewdiepie, so they are trying to get someone else. lmao. It’s hilarious that they care more about Dante believing in aliens and q user then the actor who did blackface.


You need something movement based like gunstinger to close distance quick.

I'm the subtitles

Just have to out the owner as supporting pedophiles or whatever it was that killed Neogaf

I'll bite.

What happened?

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DMCfags being fags, as usual. Remember Project Cuhrazy? God what a pathetic bunch of idiots.

And what if we are, faggot?

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ResetERA tried to get news orgainzations to run a hit piece on a couple VAs from DMC5 except the entire thing backfired and now Yea Forums, reddit, twitter, and tumblr are all defending those VAs

Currently they're being mocked by like every other major social media site, even fucking twitter and tumblr. At this rate I think they're discrediting themselves and exposing themselves as idiots, which is more damage than we can do by spamming guro or whatever. Just screencap the choicest bits of their retardation and spread it around for others.
Besides, if we got caught doing a raid it would be very easy for them to play the victim card and win back sympathy points.

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You will never be normal human beings, trannies

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Dante’s VA said this. A monster I know

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It's considered the most "prestigious" gaming forum mainly due to 3 reasons:

1) Requires a paid email address to sign up so this deters a lot of people making multiple burner accounts to shitpost
2) The moderation is very strict, talk about video games or get fucked (sounds good on paper but in practice its just turned the site into a hyper-progressive social groupthink that bans anyone disagreeing with the current circlejerk against a moderate/conservative industry member)
3) Lots of people working in the industry frequent the site due to the above 2 points

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Reseterafags like this one are seething


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Take a look at this tranny.

You might even say the time has come

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Resetera is trying to get reuben fired and thrown out of the industry for some comments he made. Literally every place on the internet is shitting on them for it. Here, Reddit, Tumblr, Gamefaqs, Twitter, even the comment sections of places like eurogamer that already put out hit pieces on him.

>Reuben does interview
>Politely says that movements like BLM and M2 need to chillax before they lose sight of what really matters
>Says he doesn't think Vic Milkeggnog is guilty
>Twatter and Retarderror are up in arms because he isn't agreeing with them

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I'm the letterboxing

Face it resetard, you picked a fight with CUHRAYZEE and lost.

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That and he's an insane Quoomer, but I don't expect much from English VAs

>it is another "/pol pretends to like video games and turns /v into shit with meaningless political threads for a week or so" episode

>kill yourself later, I'll help

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>Resetera don't like Reuben's opinions so they started a witch hunt
>gets the entire internet against resetera instead
>including tumblr, twitter and reddit

>Remember Project Cuhrazy? God what a pathetic bunch of idiots.
You mean the thing that actually worked?

so which version is the most based version of this game? I'm hesitant to buy the PS4 one considering recent basedny


>Reuben responds to an email this jackass gives him
>Gives him a reasonable polite response
>guy says pic related, that he shouldn’t give him the benefit of the doubt
Never engage with this fuckheads. They’ve done themselves in

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It feels like it was made for base PS4.

Are there any screen caps of those reactions? I'm not going to any of those fucking places.


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go suck a pussy, tranny.

PC. Better performance if you got the hardware and mods out the ass already.

No amount of false flagging will salvage your failed attempt to destroy Based Reuben.

The DMC trilogy remake never outsold DmC, so actually you retards lost.

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A what?

Yeah, I remember.

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That song was pure magic, needs to be in the game

jesus fucking christ

Literally child-like behaviour, holy shit.
>I'm gonna tell mom you said something bad!

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>weve never had this much trouble

resetera needs to go

Fuck niggers, gays and especially TrannyEra.

>insane Quoomer
What the hell is a Quoomer?

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100% correct


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>Reset shitter realizing hes about to be deprogrammed
>The thought fucking scares him and he backs off and washes his hands clean and stops being an idiot.

This is what I'am seeing here.

I'm cis, and I'm too busy contrarianposting to suck any pussies.

Which game got the sequel again? Imagine being this assblasted that your shit Donte has to do dental commercials and gay anal to pay the bills now.

Oh look its gamergate all over again where Yea Forums called reddit their ally.

When will you people learn?

did he bend the knee yet? if not he definitely will, they always do


>b-b-b-bbut muh narrative!
God, these people are fucking jokes of human beings. It's not like Reuben said BLM and M2 are wrong, just that they're getting out of control, which is entirely true.


emulate lady from dmc4 SE but take from DMC5 where the gunslinger style is always charged. Loved that aspect to the point used it as much as trickster

I'm the file size

>DMC4 came out 2008
>It was an 11 not a peace sign

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You should just leave and never come back. Maybe you should give ResetEra a try, it seems to be more your speed


at some point there won't be anyone left

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>Nornally, I'm against censorship, but these freaks are actually ruining people's lives

You are not against censorship. If you don't oppose the censoring of your greatest enemies, you aren't against censorship.

>imagine Resetera getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of >her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates girls becuase >she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled EvilLore's big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over >her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up >her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with >her last whoreish, skanky, breaths >she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out >her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving >her dark soul unfilled, yet >her ass stuffed to the brim

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I got you bro

This is where it all began. Reserera tried to witch-hunt Reuben for thisThey wanted him fired and called him a bigot, racist, every name you can think of and demanded Capcom to remove him. Every site banded together to defend Reuben with facts, zero exaggeration. Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr, etc all banded together. Resetera proceeded to have a meltdown.


What happened?

somebody on twitter and tumblr send this shit there please

A living legend

Would’ve been perfect for Dante and Vergil’s fight.

Maybe this will finally be the time devs start telling those fags to fuck off. They cry and whine, they get people fired, but the game studios keep listening to them. Something's got to give, and I think it may as well start with Capcom going "yeah, nah, Reuben's based".

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We're talking about the events of the now. Also I wish I saved my earlier image for your post.

unfortunately, Capcom covered the ejection port on Yea Forums's pistol, causing a jam at a critical moment. none survived

That seems to be the case with all Capcom games and most Japanese games in general. It really sucks considering Sony went full retard.
I really don't want to support them.

but making accounts on websites is gay, and my posts usually get deleted anyway

Why do you mutilate yourself?


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>drive-by posting

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I'm no shrink but this guy feels like a sociopath


The sequel that's underperformed far below Capcom's expectations? Way to go champ.


>HD rereleases of decades old games of which only one is worth really playing didnt outsell an entirely new game

Boy thats some faint praise.

Not to mention that DMC5 has already sold well over 3 million units which puts DmC in its fuckin shadow, its probbably already beaten DMC4 and is the highest selling of the franchise by now.

>TrannyERA gets btfo'd by everyone and Based Reuben remains safe
>Morrison's VA literally escaped the spotlight and probably won't even be recasted.

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>be liberal but don't drink the kool-aid and mindlessly praise garbage like BLM
>far left loses their shit and calls you alt-right
As a liberal I fucking hate liberals

Still that was some fancy shooting. You're pretty good

Thread mood

>I shouldn’t give him the benefit of the doubt

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>he seems to just not realize the gravity...
Fuck this faggot. Fuck his family. Fuck everything he loves. Fuck him for having his head shoved far up his own ass. Good god there's nothing more I hate than unreasonable pieces of shit that want you to take a knee and cater to their demands despite you as a person acknowledging you've fucked up and want to move pass it even if you're not in the wrong. Fuck them. I hope that fucker gets hit by a fucking bus in the very near future and I hope that bus continues going and rides right over him then proceeds to back up after realizing it. You're damn right I'm mad. Fuck him. Reuben shouldn't have to put up this fucking virgins shit. Fuck.

>tfw we dont need to raid them

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Shut the everloving fuck up you post-Gamergate /pol/tard, this place is for video games and video game related discussion. Go somewhere else to obsess over a forum full of delusion nutjobs

You mean DmC, right? Where Capcom had to adjust sales expectations twice? Has Barry woken up?

What the fuck are you people talking about? Whats going on?

You got sauce for that, or are you going to make up some excuse so you can go dilate and not have to back up your claims?


Literally nothing he said here was wrong. You'd have to be the biggest fucking retard in the world to find fault with any of this.


>ignore and prop up actual rapists, child molestors, and sex fiends like Anthony Burch and Randy Pitchford
>Attack saint and peace advocate Reuben Langdon

When do they realize they're the baddies?


seethe harder barry, didn't know you transitioned

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Resetera is trying to get Reuben, dante’s vA, fired for thinking me too has gone too far and believing in aliens.

also new VA next game right? since he's gonna get fired after speaking the truth

>Reuben Langdon, Dante's VA said "I agree with the sentiment of metoo and BLM, but I don't appreciate how they turn into lynch mobs and harm innocent people"
>Resetera interprets this as racial bigotry and sexism and attempts to tank his career
>Yea Forums and every social media site collectively rush to Reuben's aid; Resetera is further discredited among the general populace as slanderers and liars
tl;dr Dante just fucking Royal Released

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As a liberal myself, if there's one thing liberals hate more than conservatives, its other liberals

>trannies try to shit on DMCfags
>immediately BTFO and ended up having the entire internet against them
That's actually pretty based. What game should I start with? I heard 2 is dogshit but the rest is good.

They’ve crossed the line, and they can’t go back now.


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>people defending this
A long with the michael jacks incident and capcom still hiring this fool, this is not a good outlook for capcom.

> Resetera tries to paint Reuben as nazi killing racist because he reads 8ch
> When in reality he probably goes there to read up on aliens and irl hamon energy

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Who do you think you're fooling?


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Pretty much. DMC2's only good bits were the moves they'd reuse in DMC3.